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Multiple Settings EpiTome Would Like to RP


Hit Me!
Hey hey! I am interested in making friends and doing some fun rp together. I would love to start with more casual, one-off ideas. Then if we click we can get into more long term projects.

I have never done much fandom stuff personally. That said, I'm not entirely opposed to creating OCs to suit a few different worlds I am familiar with. I’m a big Marvel fan. I’m fairly familiar with the wizarding world of Harry Potter. I enjoy Star Wars as well as Star Trek. I like Pokemon but I don’t know how to go about roleplaying in that world. Dungeons and Dragons is cool as is Magic the Gathering. Again, keep in mind I only play OCs and prefer original worlds.

Much of my personal experience is tied up in fantasy. I also enjoy scifi though. While I prefer speculative settings I am also okay with modern or historical slice-of-life. Overall I tend to prefer lowkey plots. There may be big things happening in the world but characters are just trying to live their lives, if that makes sense.

Feel free to reach out here or in a private conversation.

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