Episode One: the RecrOoTTment (Main IC)


Weird Bunny Lurker
@arcaneSentinel @Talon @M-Night @Nobody @TripTripleTimes @Lilah Tunth @Jefferson @kenchin @LüSed @KuroNoKami39 @Mika9889 @Kane @Valefar @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai  @Ratatoskr @Sizniche @Colt556 @Kira Times @Aur0ra @F o o l i s h n e s s @Mitchs98 @Idea

  "There are heroes in evil as well as in good."

Francis de La Rochefoucauld 


Circus Circus Hotel and Casino. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, North America, Earth, Milky Way, Universe. Saturday, 24 June 2017. 10:30 AM. 

  If there's one thing people should know about Las Vegas in the summer, it's that the city is an oven during this time of year. However, tourists visit the city more frequently during the summer as it is also a good time to. Complaints about the weather were as frequent as always, thought IVA intern Doris Hewitt as she walked through Circus Circus Casino, past a clown juggling bowling pins as an audience applauded. Though it was true; 110 degrees was a bit extreme. The blonde stopped for a moment, as though thinking, then shook her head and kept going, straight towards the entrance of the casino's fun park, the Adventuredome. Each member of the organization that she had been promoted to lead had been given a season's pass for one purpose and one purpose only; to access the OOTT spaceship. Doris didn't know any of these new recruits to her Order of the Twisfed, but she assumed that they were at least smart enough not to use it to fuck around. 

  This was actually happening. Doris entered the theme park, almost feeling lightheaded at the thought that she had been promoted to run a whole part of IVA. The Order of the Twisted. As Mr. President had described them, they were the worst of the worst, which put a lot of pressure on Doris. These guys were probably really good at villain heists; the elitest of the elite. Wait. What if she'd been assigned to lead the Seven Sisters of Purgatory? Seven gorgeous girls, the very embodiments of the worst things on earth, all of them dressed so. Damn. SEXILY! She grinned dreamily as she thought of getting Mammon's autograph, receiving a kiss from Asmo, having Levithan be jealous of her sisters then at night, when they were all asleep—

 An even wider grin formed on Doris's face at the thought; she stopped walking once she spotted the carousel, waiting there to greet the worst of the worst, stupid grin plastered on her face. 


  Meanwhile, Stewart von Buch, Demon of Nails Scratching on Chalkboards and younger brother of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory, was experiencing his first roller coaster. He had an oblivious smile on his face as the coaster went up, higher and higher, even bouncing in his seat a little....

  And then it dropped. There was an immediate high-pitched, girlish scream as the roller coaster shot downward at a dangerously fast speed, going upside down and side to side, and it echoed throughout the entire theme park. 

  "THE BEEEEEAAAAASSSST DOOOOEEESSSS NOOOOOOT KNOOOOOWWWW SPEEEEEEEEEED CONTROOOOOLLL!" the 216-year-old, full-blooded, dangerous-once-you-get-him-near-chalk, demon bellowed, still able to be heard rather well. And then the ride returned to where it started. A traumatized Stewart stepped out, blue eyes wide, hair slightly frazzled. He looked back at the coaster, then raised his middle finger at it, sticking his tongue out. 

  "You know what, ginormous half-eaten son of a Xoiclog?" he sniffled loudly; a lot of tourists were looking at him funny. "I-I don't like you either! Go to heaven!" And with that, Stewart von Buch, son of the demon king and younger brother to the Seven Deadly Sins, stomped away, on the verge of tears because that gigantic snakelike creature that transported people across a winding path was a total jerk. 


  This was an honor. Sort of. Either way Feather didn't like the fact that her hotel room had to be on the 29th floor; she'd transformed into her grizzly form twice already in here and just looking down....

  Shuddering, Feather looked away from the window. Honestly, it was nice that she and Mike had been gifted with a vacation and a season's pass to the Adventuredome for their services, but she was gonna be sick. Maybe if she just focused on getting ready....

  Still trembling, Feather grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom to take her shower, only to just put on her clothes and rush down the halls towards the elevator. She furiously pummeled the button, sweating like crazy, waiting impatiently. 29th floor nope bad idea I'm going down to where I'm safe. I am not dying NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE. 

  Why was it taking so long? The teenager paced, trying to keep her emotions in check. She just needed to get down before her head exploded and maybe go on some rides that wouldn't trigger her into turning into a bear. Yesterday was awkward enough, seeing as her grizzly form randomly took over during a circus act and then, as a bear, she'd been hypnotized to dance. 

  That, Feather wanted to erase from her memory. She sighed, facepalming as she remembered waking up and quickly grabbing a change of clothes from the bag she always carried with her. You never know when the grizzly will randomly take control and destroy your favorite shirt....
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Samael Dene, or Snake Eyes as some call him, held the season pass in front of his eyes, wondering if it was real or just a figment of his imagination. He’d been trying to get a hold of one of these bad boys for years, but really, it was too expensive for him to even think about it seriously. However, it was in front of him now.. For free. That was a huge accomplishment. The snake-boy didn’t even remember what he had gotten into to receive the tickets. All he knew was to go to open up a specific mirror of the Circus Circus’s carousel, but it didn’t really help that he wasn’t paying attention to what mirror it was.

That could wait, though. Right now, all that was important was having fun, and being in an amusement park for the first time, he knew it would be a blast. He stood near the entrance currently, not sure where to go first. A kid crossed his path, however, and effectively stole his attention. The young girl was holding a hotdog on a stick, which Sam believed to be six dollars by itself.. Damn, circus food was expensive, and he was famished.

With a smirk growing on his face, the brown-haired man-child stepped in the girl’s path, and when given a perplexed look, he bent down to knock the kid down with an open palm. As the youngin fell to the ground, Sam’s hand swooped out to grab the hotdog before it became the five-second rule became invalid. “Thanks, kid! I’m going to enjoy this,” he taunted, taking a huge bite of the seized merchandise. Tears fell down the girl’s cheeks, and being the bastard he is, Sam had to fight back laughter. He rose from his position, beginning to walk away from the scene. There were multiple parents glaring at him as if he had crushed the child’s spirits, which he technically did.. But, hey! Some kids need to grow a pair.

In just a few seconds, he had managed to gulp down the entire hotdog, so he chucked the stick into the garbage can. “Woo~ Money shot!” He shouted out, highly pleased with the minor success. He plucked a map from one of many information desks, planning to find the way to the carousel. When his eyes scanned the paper, however, he snickered at what he read. Taking his phone out from his pocket, he snapped a picture of the map, sending it to most of the six-hundred contacts in his phone with the caption, ‘No Time for Nuts 4-D.. lololol, that’s gotta be a blast.’

He soon received multiple texts back, some from his parents asking what he meant by that and some from friends saying that they were dying of laughter. A single text stood out to him, though.. One from his best pal, Mikael. ‘lmao that squirrel's going to have the time of his life. But are you at an amusement park alone? You’re so lame.’

‘Psh, no. I have friends, jackass’

‘Mhm, prove it.’

Samael scrambled to go through his camera roll, trying to find something that looked like it was taken in the area, but he failed entirely. Therefore, he did what came to his mind second: take pictures of random people. Thinking he was being sly about it, the snake-boy took a photo of a couple standing a few feet away from him. The problem? His flash was on.

The two males glanced back at the man-child, one beginning to stomp closer to him. Despite this, he continued to take pictures, getting a nice shot of when the dude raised his fist to punch their ‘stalker.’  Apparently, Karma really did hate him because he ended up falling on his ass. He could feel a cut open above his eyebrow, the blood beginning to trickle down his face. “You wanna take a picture now, asshole?” His attacker spit, fury in his voice. Without missing a mark, the boy replied, “Oh, hell yeah!” Turning the camera on himself, he raised a peace sign, and after taking multiple selfies, he found one that he was satisfied with. Sam looked up, seeing the two males steaming from their ears. His hand raised up to his mouth, stifling a chuckle. God, he loved messing with these kinds of people.

“Thanks, boys~” He called out, returning to his feet without hesitation. His voice was eerily sweet, making it seem as if he was flirting with the two. “But, buy me dinner first next time, ok?” Sam’s back faced the two as he walked off, finally releasing the loud laughter. Although it didn't help his cause, he sent the shots to Mikael anyway, knowing he'd find them funny as well.

Crolusius Weckum. A name once highly respected between villains, the name of the great demon king's brother, now described an envious grumpy man who looked about thirty in human age numbers making his way through a circus, a circus that suited every lunatic he was about to have the misfortune of meeting. 
 A familiar rather annoying voice came to his ears as the mad Crow entered the Adventure dome bringing his mind back from the thought of silky soft wine that he now craved to have. He stood right in the middle of the Adventure dome, looking right and left, bored by the sight of roller coasters and the other meaningless toys.  All Crolusius wanted to do was to get this meeting over with and go drink himself away from reality, but that wasn't easy, he thought. For his brother, disgraced, and embarrassed by the very existence of the drunken crow needed to understand that he was the best, even so, better than the lazy ass king himself, who let his daughters do the dirty work 
Crow sighed in exasperation as his nephew flipped someone off in tears. He shadow teleported to Stewart's side meaning to startle him as he now stood right behind him linked with the young prince's shadow. ''very very scary kitten.'' Crow often gave his nephews nicknames that embarrassed them around people. There was once a time, when they were younger, and he was sane and sober, that he used to be a good uncle. Showing them the fun way to torture someone, snatching information from villains and heroes alike and then making his nephews compete in finding creative ways to dispose of the subject. 
Ahhh the good ol days! ''come on princess, let's go frighten some villains on a spaceship'' Crolusius unlinked himself from his nephew's shadow, patted him on the head and started walking in front of him, noticing on his way  a rather young man with strangely tiny yellowish eyes, he seamed undetatchable from his phone as the mad Crow passed by, heading towards a very interesting carousel

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Valefar
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[FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT]

[SIZE= 14px]Why was he here? He'd flown in from Manhattan to some sort of freak show in Las Vegas. Even if the proposal was profitable (like, that jet was hyper-reflective, though it distorted him a tad too much...), but it meant he had to have a [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]partner, or a team. The aspect was quite cringeworthy; though probably not as much as the gay carousel bobbing it's inanimate pack-animals situated in some sort of literal eye-rape casino where no was no such thing as too may flashing lights. He was almost surprised that there weren't more epileptics flailing about now. Jeremiah had to admit though, it had it's own thing going on. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Supposedly, Jeremiah was supposed to meet someone, and address them with the title "Madam Secretary" like some sort of sophisticated high-end academy teacher. Sullenly, the villain takes in the environment and sits down on a bench, waiting for some sort of sight - not that there weren't any with his chaotic surroundings. There was so much crazy though, it was hard to tell if it was some sort of freakshow event, costumed buffoons acting out scripts were trying to gain popularity, or a gathering of villains. It looked to be the former, gaging the behavior of some, but then again secret identities were quite "in" right now - wither that, or this was all a bit ruse to get him out here. Even at this moment, he had one, and it was the same one he used to get into the casino - well, actually, it was a false identity. But close enough - they were never as good as the real flesh and blood body he had been graced with though. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]The group that he had been so invited and called upon dubbed themselves "The Order of the Twisted" and focused on uniting lowly villains. Jeremiah huffs in contempt, fingering the lighter in his pocket. As much as he wanted a light, he couldn't get it hot enough in here without making a hobo blaze. No, it would instead smolder out and flag to everyone a disappointing trail of smoke. From his bench, he noted the fact people stepped towards him, the freezing aura around him similar to that of an icy blast of a late autumn day, not blazing summer like it was. He smirks slightly to himself as he watches faint frost creep up the bench seat with his prolonged presence. Jeremiah didn't want to admit that it made him angry at the people's presence -he wasn't a human air-conditioner! Though, the wrathful feeling recedes as he catches his reflection in the carousel. He winks and the boy in the mirror winks back.[/SIZE]


[open for interaction]
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Alexa Starr

For the dark angel the news of being accepted into the OOTT didn't really surprise her or excite her at all. So what, she was being accepted into a group of shitty villains that were shit at their jobs. She didn't need a group to torture people or anything like that at all. She always did things in secret and concealed her identity entirely for any kind of serious crimes, so really what was the point? Her goals were fairly simple. Find person, make persons life a living hell for a bit either through torture or in the case of a hero shaming them on the internet, and dispose of person. She never killed them...but still. Nevertheless she showed up and was here, looking around the random flashing lights and the majority of the other uninteresting fuckery going on around her. Just seeing how stupid the majority of the people around her were acting made her have no doubt in her mind that they deserve to be tortured...hell they were asking for it! Just looking at them made her regret coming out of her house.


Eventually she found some guy attempting to mimic and air conditioner with ice powers and people surrounding him. She shoved passed, muttering several 'fuck yous' and 'fuck offs' to the gathered crowd. "Yo Popsicle, you here for the meeting?" She asked, flashing the piece of paper.


Cupid... A completely unthreatening name, belonging to one of the least respectable villains. A villain who had once ruled a city, until her powers backfired and cursed her to never be able to focus again, being so utterly, hopelessly infatuated with her arch-nemesis to the point she daydreamed about him constantly. Because of her own powers. She sighed a bit as she thought of this, being extremely bored and, because of it, being able to focus for a moment as she wandered into the Adventuredome to search for the portal to the new lair, the lair of the team she had been assigned to.


Order of the Twisted, huh? Weeelll... At least the name sounds threatening! Maybe I'm finally getting my rank up again! Ever the optimist, the fallen angel perked up instantly at the thought, the bounce coming back to her step. However, with the optimism, her ability to focus left... So, she aimlessly wandered the Adventuredome for quite some time, daydreaming about the Twilight Knight and seeing him again, in all his hero glory, She giggled a bit at the thought, clapping her hands together momentarily before she shook her head to try to regain her focus. At least until she could find the lair entrance... And once she did that, then she could daydream all she wanted to. 


But, however, she did, eventually, find the carousel... But, instead of going into the lair instantly, she instead went around the carousel, again and again and again, since she liked the little tune it played.


(When you get distracted and forget what you were typing half-way through .-.)
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Lunaria Safira

Lunaria was a bit perplexed and confused a the same time. Apparently she'd been chosen for some villain group due to her repeated acts of theft in such a small time, well that and her seemingly inability to die from...well..anything at all really. It was true the Rutarian was 100% made out of slime and psuedo-immortal so she guessed that would draw a lot of attention. But still, she wasn't evil! She was just trying to get money to go home, nothing more and nothing less. She didn't belong in this group at all nor did she want to join it. However, the one thing that swayed her was the very real possibility of getting enough money to go home. And once she had it she'd ditch them, simple as that. She was still exceptionally nervous regardless there was no telling what the people she'd meet were like. Lots of them were probably murderers and psychopaths that killed, looted, and burned for funsies.


Just the sheer thought of it made her shake her head and continue walking through the Adventuredome. Of course, she'd been here for the past several hours...since the park itself opened really. She had been going on every single ride there and basically having the time of her life to get her mind off of everything. Hey she had a season pass, might as well use it right? Currently she was just walking down the various paths and looking at the different rides she could go on and trying to decide which one. There were so many and all so colorful so it was hard for her to choose.

(Open for interaction)
Sam's fingers slammed onto the touchscreen at an alarming speed, showing just how used he was to the keyboard, but when he felt a tingling down his spine, his eyes darted upwards, searching for the one responsible. Shoulder-length black hair, equally dark choice of clothing, unnaturally tall.. The man's appearance gave him flashbacks to Gerard Way, to be perfectly honest, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. He had noticed that they were going in the same direction, another questionable situation. Snake Eyes guessed that the man did look as if he was a villain, but then again, it was never smart to judge a book by it's cover. The possible-villain was accompanied by a child, though -- one that appeared to share not even a single gene with his companion. Perhaps they were distant relatives or partners-in-crime, but of course, he had already begun to question just how legit this Order of the Twisted was if they brought in people like this.

Putting his device back inside the front pocket of his jeans, Sam glanced over his surroundings once, twice. He hadn't halted his steps, so he was much closer to the carousel than he was before, the bright lights gathering his attention quickly. Samael wasn't entirely sure if he found the music blaring from the ride to be annoying or not, but as long as it wasn't audible in the lair, it wasn't anything to fret over. Others seemed to be fond of the noise, however, for a blonde teenager-looking female circled around the merry-go-round without a care in the world. His eyes went over her figure, trying to dissect whether she was here for the meeting too and then trying to gather ammo for any possible jokes in the future. 

Nothing came to mind, sadly. Samael believed it was his own lack of creativity, which may have encouraged plagiarization in the past, that made his jokers more stale as time passed. He had a twitter following who'd say otherwise, however, and to him, that was all that mattered. Not hoping to be in the crowd any longer, the snake-boy looked for an open seating, each taken. Sam let out a sigh, now losing all hope he had for amusement parks. He, instead, found an spot near a bench, and although there was a heavy amount of people around it, he stole the area before they could. It was cooler for a reason unknown to him, and while he wasn't fond of the temperature, he decided to plant his feet into the ground. He found the horde unbearable, of course, so it wasn't as if he'd through himself back inside the sea of humans.

Samael Dene was shoved to the side, though, and that infuriated him, for Sam was not one to be pushed around. No, he was the one who'd do the pushing, especially around here. The words of a meeting came to his ears, however, so he simmered down. These were his teammates, his future teammates? Regaining his position, he peeked at the pair. Plastering a grin over his features, the snake-boy took a similar piece of paper out of his own pocket. "Wow~ You two are here for the meeting as well?" He questioned, feigning innocence. "What a coincidence."

mentioned: @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Aur0ra @Mika9889

interactions with: @LüSed @Mitchs98
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[FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah 'Nikolai' Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT]

[SIZE= 14px]What did she just say? WAS DID SHE JUST SAY? Pfft. Popsicle. As if he hadn't heard that one a million times. Instead, he kindly goes to give her 'the bird' but flashes his own invitation back at her - friends, he needed some. He could always piss people off later though. At his irritation, the air grows a tad cooler, then maintains it's average 40 degrees fahrenheit. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]However, while his focus was upon the silver-haired [/SIZE]bitch[SIZE= 14px] before him, another 'villain' popped out of nowhere. They must breed like rabbits or something. The piece of paper waved by the pretty---ahem male failed to grab his attention save for a minor glance. Instead, Jeremiah was fixed upon the intruder-of-his-space's eyes: they were oddly golden. And slitted. Probably some sort of feline effigy. While they were interesting to look at, Jeremiah's own were far better in his opinion, the crimson color of blood ringed his pupil- and he had to say - on some people he had quite the menacing effect.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Hmm," the snowy haired albino muses to himself - and a smile reflecting that of the brunette's stretches unnaturally across his face eerily, his words cold as he gestures to the pair, "If we're going to be all buddy-buddy about it--"  [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Jeremiah, the middle man for the Italian cartel, leans back against his bench seat cockily," --- you can call me Nikolai. Now, who may I be addressing?" [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]It wasn't his given name to be certain, but his actual name just didn't have that oomph to it. Not to mention his Russian connections had dubbed him it - it was merely the time to embrace it he supposed. However, he had gained an advantage at this moment, by fully initiating this conversation, there was a chance he could find some sort of weakness while they were unguarded - and exploit it like the bastard he was and is.[/SIZE]



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@Aur0ra @Valefar @Mitchs98 @LüSed

  "Very very scary, kitten."

  Stewart froze upon hearing the familiar voice of his uncle Crow, turning around. He looked at the much taller man, one with dark hair, then he grinned excitedly, using his powers to fly up and hug him. "Uncle Crow! Uncle Crow!" he chirped, smiling so much that he felt his jaw would detach itself from his skull. The demon would have spun the man around, then he remembered that humans weren't used to seeing tiny blue-haired boys fly, so he quickly lowered himself down. "I didn't know that you were gonna be here! I thought it was just Noir and Alex and I, but you're here! Oh, this is gonna be so much more fun with you around! Did you see me on the monster? It was so scary..." He glared at the roller coaster he was just on as Crow let go of him, walking ahead to where two people were. "Heyyyy, I wanna see!" the demon whined. 

  A carousel. Stewart's big blue eyes widened; he zipped towards this, landing himself on one of the seats, whiiiiich happened to be a pink, sparkly unicorn. And he was doing this as Doris checked her reflection in the compact mirror, leaning against the carousel wall. Then, rather casually, she put her compact down and leaned up against one of the mirrors, before melting in. Before she melted all the way through, she casually shouted, "Demonstration!" over her shoulder. And then she was gone. Stewart would have noticed, had he not been busy singing "la la la la" while going up and down and round and round on the carousel. His eyes were now wide and sparkly and he wore the stupidest smile in the universe. 

  "ONWARDS, MY VALIANT STEED!" he exclaimed cheerily. The guy running the carousel rolled his eyes. Weirdo.

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

Standing before the parks entrance was a rather unamused young woman. Her long golden hair flowed wildly and unkempt and her attire consisted of nothing but a simple white tank-top and shorts fit for little other than sleeping in. Indeed the only part of her that seemed fit for the outdoors were the pair of sneakers adorning her feet. The young woman held her half-closed emerald eyes on a small piece of paper within her hand. Despite the scrutiny her expression made it abundantly clear how miserable she was feeling. The various passer-by's gave her odd glances as they subconsciously avoided her. Such a gloomy and poorly dressed individual wasn't exactly someone people wanted to deal with at an amusement park. As she stood there her gaze was torn from the little card as the cries of a young girl filled her ears. The source of the commotion was easy enough to locate as some lanky man was standing over a crying girl before walking off into the park. Despite the glares nobody actually stepped in to do anything. She allowed her gaze to linger on the man as he walked off before shifting back to the little girl, her mother finally coming to her aid and consoling her. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the sight before she shoved the card in her short's pocket and made her way into the park.

The young woman made her way through the crowds, barely avoiding running into people as she plodded along. Amusement parks were never her forte and this was the first one she had ever even been to. If she had her way she would have gone her entire life without dealing with this hassle. Crowds were always a pain in the ass and when you throw in sweltering heat on top of it this was basically torture. She was being tortured. Punished for her evil deeds. There was no other explanation. The young woman came to a stop, her gaze shifting skyward as she let out a long tired sigh. The thought of simply returning home played through her mind. At least then she wouldn't have to stand there and melt away. Nevertheless she needed money if she was going to support her lifestyle and having someone simply tell her where to go and what to do seemed a lot simpler than finding work for herself. With another, even more exaggerated sigh, she lowered her head and resumed her plodding course through the park.

As the young woman trudged along there was something that had caught her eye. She came to a stop and looked off into the distance. Sure enough there was a blue-skinned beauty making her way along the path through the park. At first glance it seemed like the girl simply had blue skin, but someone of her caliber wasn't fooled so easily. No, that wasn't merely blue skin. The way the light reflected off it, the subtle distortions, the faintest hint of transparency. That wasn't skin at all. With her interest thoroughly captivated she picked up her pace and made her way over towards the blue beauty. She silently crept up behind the strange girl, her steps swift and silent as she used the general ruckus of the park to mask her approach. From any outside observation she appeared like a predator stalking it's prey. Her eyes were focused solely on her target, her entire demeanor seemingly tuning out the rest of the world. It wasn't until she was practically on top of the blue girl that she struck. With all the quickness she could muster she threw herself forward, her arms outstretched as she attempted to wrap her arms around the girl's waist and rest her chin upon the girl's shoulder.

Kuro looked around the overly colorful circus, shivering a bit. the area was far too crowded and hot for his taste, especially since he was still wearing an extremely large cloak that was extremely hot, but it wasn't like he could just change outfits especially since his cloak worked well to conceal most of the potions he'd brought which were made of illegal substances at best. swiftly making his way through the people, not stopping when a few stopped and pointed at him taking pictures, thinking he was just an insane cosplayer or something. that was fine, he thought, so long as they don't think to stop me, everything'll be fine. as soon as he made his way to the carousel he heard "ONWARDS MY VALIANT STEED" staring at the little blue haired child. admittedly he'd seen weirder creatures riding a carousel so this was kind of felt like a normal Tuesday, even though...

he dug through his inventory, currently consisting of potions and random potion materials, and pulled out the season pass staring at it fairly intensely, studying it. it wasn't like he hadn't had one of these before, he got it as a gift from fans once or twice granted he never used them and just gave them to Hinata. they had never been for personal use before, nor had they ever been for anything more then recreational uses, but now he supposed this small ticket was fairly important. sighing and putting the pass back in his inventory, he looked around the area, from what he remembered there was supposed to be a certain 'Madame Secretary' there to greet the villains. earlier, he had googled her to make sure everything was legit and he wasn't coming out of hiding for nothing. looking at the picture he had in his inventory, he hummed, it'd be easy to find someone with such a unique appearance, quickly taking out the picture and comparing it to everyone around the carousal. sadly, no one matched the appearance, he tried his best to remember if there were any previous hints until he realized it was most definitely the mirror, all mirrors lead to secret passages! even if you don't know it until it becomes convenient to the plot. 

staring at the mirror, he put his hand on it seeing it go through, his logic was of course correct. he went through the mirror portal and asked the lady whom of which he was sure the this 'Madame Secretary', "you're Madame Secretary, correct?"

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Cupid, the never aware angel she was, had happened to be passing directly in front of Doris as she demonstrated how to get in the lair, though the blonde hardly seemed to notice as she simply went around the carousel once again, quietly humming the tune herself... It literally took her a full another turn to even acknowledge the fact she had seen Doris at all, though she had, but Cupid simply chose not to react to it until she had gone around once more, just to make sure she memorized the tune. Because that was what she was concerned about at the current moment... Memorizing the tune of a carousel. Go figure... But, what could she say? She loved the sound of it. So cheery and energetic... It just made her feel happier, really, which she obviously really liked.


But, nonetheless, after that last trip around, she finally chose to acknowledge the fact she had seen Doris, even commenting on it out loud... As she always did, mostly because her mind didn't like to simmer down enough for her to notice ordinary thoughts, only her daydreams. "Hm? I guess that's how you get in..." She muttered to herself as she hopped off the sparkly, blue horse she had been riding on this whole time, not even waiting for the ride to stop, despite the fact she was shouted at and given a weird look by the man who was operating the ride. After all, she, the girl who looked around fifteen, was getting off in the middle of the... What was it, the thirteenth time she had gone around the carousel?


Yes, thirteen sounded about right, she thought as she carelessly let her little wings appear on her back as she casually fluttered over to the mirror, not even bothered by the very, very odd looks she was getting from those who saw her. For a moment, she sort of fluttered above the ground by the mirror and studied it, not even slightly brushing the floor. After a few seconds, she glanced around once to see if anyone was watching, before she casually entered the mirror, vanishing just as Doris had a few minutes before.


Upon appearing on the other side, Cupid merely glanced around at these new surroundings, a soft smile on her lips. "Nice place," she commented to herself before shifting part of her focus to Doris. "Hello! Is this the lair for the Order of the Twisted?"  The fallen angel asked, though her tone was distant as her mind once again drifted towards whatever far away land it usually lived in.


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A brief shift in temperature. That was.. unenjoyable. Like his animal counterpart, Samael couldn't handle the cold, at least not well. However, the moment was certainly seizable, for it gave him new information. When he had gained the human-snowman's favor, he'd remember popsicle. Perhaps he could do something more with the name, something more suitable for his style of teasing. If it weren't for the white-haired male's intervention, he may have burst out laughing, but instead, he glanced down at the man. 

"Nik-o-lai," he tested, a believable smile forming on his face. Simply, the snake-boy has always been a liar, so recognizing a false statement didn't take an ounce of effort. However, he'd work with it for now, and perhaps, he'd pin the trick on Nik later just for fun. He took his time to analyze the man, at least for now. It didn't take any time for the evaluation to work its way to his head. Nikolai took care of his appearance, that much was obvious, and with his cocky behavior, he either wanted to appear cool or really believed he was something special. Either way, the brunette would take advantage of it. Whining, he said, "You're too pretty. It's unfair~"

His head titled to the side just an inch, displaying as much aegyo as a snake could, but in doing so, he got a better glimpse at the red hue of Nikolai's eyes. They reminded him of his own, yet as each eye was a window to the soul, he wasn't sure if he liked what he was seeing. Speaking of looks, the snake-boy took a second to worry about his own. Some point earlier, the blood above his eyebrow had dried, becoming minuscule. He was unsure whether it was obvious or not, but perhaps it added an edge to his appearance. That's always something he could use, he guessed.

"Sam," he introduced, "I hope we can be friends, the both of you." His attention span wasn't the greatest, of course, and so, he had forgotten the silver-haired female who had pushed him earlier. The more people to irritate, however, the merrier! A single voice around him became too loud to ignore, so the snake-boy glanced over at the carousel, watching a woman vanish into the mirror. Stepping away from the pair, he inched closer to the ride, preparing to make his own journey to their lair. Not bothering to peep back, he muttered, "That's our cue."

@LüSed @Mitchs98
To say Caroline liked to make an entrance was an understatement. Whenever she enters a building, she wants EVERYONE to know she's here. She threw the front doors open with full force, almost slamming with a shockwave. Her purple hair blew in the breeze of the air conditioning, her arms spread like a statue of the savior, and the lights of the casino shined on her black leather jacket. When she entered the casino, she felt like a god.

Of course, to everyone else, she looked like a moron letting the heat in.

As she descended from her delusion of grandeur, she looked around the meeting place she was given by the IVA, a place called Circus Circus. It was a nifty little place, for sure, but she has no clue why she had to meet everyone else here of all places. But, a reassignment is a reassignment, and the IVA would probably have her hide is she didn't obey their instructions down to the letter.

She wondered what she was being reassigned to. When the IVA told her she was being reassigned, all she was given was this address and a name, "The Order of the Twisted." The reassignment was obviously a punishment, as it was in the wake of her third prison bailout, and her divisional manager was... displeased, to say the least. She wondered, though, With a name that awesome, how bad could it possibly be? Of course, the name isn't much to go on, but surely the IVA wouldn't waste such an awesome name on a lame division?

Well, Caroline was here, but she had no idea what to do or where to go. Then she saw the roulette tables...

(Open to interaction)
Flip-flip, flip-flop. The ever known sound of a pair of flip-flops slaps the air with ever step Gyonge takes towards the looming building known as the Circus Circus. The giant teen growls under his breath and glares down at a passing person gawking up at him. He is hot, he is sweating, he is far away from a fresh pool of water, and he had enough people staring up at him too many time to the point he wants to knock down the stupid miniature Eiffel Tower he past by a while ago. His hand twitch and the grip on his duffel bag tightens. He snarls at the person, reveling his fangs, and take a step foward. That is all he needs to do to get the person quickly walk away from him. 

"Stupid fucker," Gyonge grumbles and continues his way to the hotel casino.

The large door to Circus Circus swings wide open and being right behind the woman that opened the door for him, a rush of cool wind tussels his black hair in the air. He sighs at the sensation and walks right through the door behind the woman.

Circus Circus, here he is. This better be worth the swim down the Pacific Coast from Alaska, he thinks as he piers into the dark room with brilliant, blinding light, but before he walks any further into the casino, he slams onto the woman that seconds ago pushed the door wide open.

"Don't just suddenly stop like that, woman!" He shouts, surprised.

Jenna dazedly walked around the Adventuredome in full costume. All the bright lights and pretty colors had grabbed her attention as she adjusted the plastic rings on her fingers. Jenna languidly walked around the building with no intent of going anywhere. She didn't even know why she was in Vegas. Jenna did know that she had a ring pop and decided that was of more importance than watching where she was going. 

The cat lady walked into a bench only to leap backwards the moment she touched it. Jenna shivered due to the cold seeping out the man sitting on said bench. The thief let her eyes widen in wonder as she took in the three people in front of her.

"Hi! Who are you?" Jenna asked, oblivious to the fact that her invitation fell out of her pocket and drifted onto the bench in front of her, "I'm Jenna, what're you doing here? Where is here? It's so pretty! Look at all of the shiny things I got."

The thief spread her fingers in front her and awaited answers. Undettered by the passerby who began to give her weird looks, Jenna once again let her curiosity get the better of her as she decided strangers were the best people to talk to. She then noticed the random woman at the carousel.

@Valefar @Mitchs98 @LüSed

When you forget to tag people...
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@KuroNoKami39 @Mika9889 

  Doris had enough time to seat herself when one person arrived, asking her if she was Madam Secretary. The blonde nodded, shuffling through the many notes that she would read aloud at one point or another. "The one and only. I'm assuming you're here for the meeting and not some random-ass civilian then," she commented. "Obviously, we should wait for everyone else to get here." To the second one, she added with a nod, "Yep, welcome to the OOTT spaceship. I think we are currently floating around in Galaxy S-1 until the time is right. Feel free to sit down. There's food and drinks in the next room over, a whole buffet table, actually." Doris stretched, suppressing a yawn. "Come to think of it, I could use a cake right about now." She blinked, then turned to the others. "More people will be here soon; I advise that you make yourselves look nice. This is gonna be a damn large crowd."
A sigh escaped Colusius' mouth as his nephew jumped hugging him. The old man smiled though hugging him back. Though his father was too embarrased to even acknowledge him, Stewart was actually Crow's favorite nephew: ''Yes, yes, very fun indeed. As long as you secretly pass me wine wer'e good!'' he said light heartedly as he  walked reaching the carousel.

Annoying, the song was probably the most annoying thing the mad Crow had heard his entire life. At least his nephew was enjoying it, along with a very pretty girl. Crow saw the yellow eyed man again, who looked as if he was interrogating a kid who called himself Nickolai.

Raising an eyebrow at a familiar voice, Crolusius turned around only to see the ambitious Doris now furious as she screemed demonstration then disappeared. With a sigh and signs of withdrawl, Crow walked to his nephew and started dragging him by the hand walking after Doris to what seemed like a melted mirror, revieling behind it a very futuristic looking spaceship, he let go of Stewart and got inside noticing that a lot of people did too, sitting cross legged on a chair, his eyes fixed on Doris with a look that said he just wanted to go home to his whisky.

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit and @everyone really
Kuro looked around the room, after him a few more people had entered. a girl with wings whom he could swear looked exceedingly like his world's angels...those of which he needed to massacre and collect their wings as a side quest for a certain party member who ate those wings to stay young... he shivered at the thought. looking away from her he studied the others in the room, there was Madame Secretary of course, a man who had just recently got there that reminded him of one of those 'Men in Black' characters from that one movie Hinata had forced him to watch, they seemed to be the only people currently there. sighing out of defeat he took a seat, then began studying his own stats*, pathetic, he knew it was, but it was better then being so bored he causes a buffering fit for himself or trying to get high off of the health potion he kept on his person, though to do that he'd require a lighter but he did have a fire potion...could he possibly mix them and make a new potion?! it was worth a shot! exiting his stat 'screen' he took out the health potion and the fire potion then mixed them together and...


ending up covered in soot from the mini explosion and his hair standing up on end and even puffier then it usually is in the morning. blinking a few times to realize what just happened, he sighed putting the empty potion bottles back into his inventory. it didn't work and he was covered in soot. looking through his inventory, he found nothing at all to help with the current...'situation' of causing a small area around him to be covered in soot and possibly causing a few scorch marks on the floor, knowing his current luck stat he probably did, shaking the soot off his person and causing it to 'disappear' (AKA- just causing the soot on him to move to the floor) as it obviously would've, he went back to solemnly studying his stats* pretending he hadn't caused anything. 

(*note- 'studying his stats' or anything along those lines is like staring at a stat screen for him, but to the outside it looks like he's just staring blankly in front of him)

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Aur0ra @Mika9889 @anyone else who's at the OOTT spaceship headquarters thing...
Dr. Murphy was invited to join OOTT three week's ago so instead of waiting for the meeting Murphy found their headquarter's and decided to search the lab's in the main base he discovered that they were in space so he teleported himself into their base with the teleportinator that he invented just to teleport into bank's but it backfired and sent him next door to the police station. He arrived and he smiled and Yelled Excellent it finaly works now to find out what they have in this place " when suddenly there was a loud noise spoking him and almost set off a heart attack " WHO IS THE IDOIT THAT CAUSED THE EXPLOSION" while he suddenly started to kneel down and trying to calm down.

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Kuro exited out of his stat screen and looked down at the sooty floor beneath him in shame as a young looking steampunk man, who reminded him of an anti-hero he used to work with, screamed who was the idiot who caused the explosion. he probably would have kept his head down as he'd just been called an idiot and he didn't care much for the tag, were it not for the fact that he did cause the explosion in the first place, he may as well own up to it.  sighing and standing up, he spoke plainly "i'm not exactly an 'idiot' per se, but i ac-ac-acc-acci-" before he could finish his sentence he began going into a glitching fit, parts of his body were glitching to the side and back, he was also stuck repeating the beginning of 'accidently' over and over.

@kenchin @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit
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Dr. Murphy looked annoyed and started to hear the Person repeat himself over and over " ohhh great a android that is broken caused the the explosion " Murphy then walked slowly towards Kuro and simply said to him " look at me and tell me what kind of chemical's did you use by the smell of it you used a very flammable element in your experiment " Dr.Murphy and took out a small capsule and he throw it next to him and it turned into a small lab area " come on lay down ill fix you up in no time you idiotic robot i bet the idoit that build you didn't even make use to add water or fire recent materials like i usually add to my invention's 

Sam's fingers slammed onto the touchscreen at an alarming speed, showing just how used he was to the keyboard, but when he felt a tingling down his spine, his eyes darted upwards, searching for the one responsible. Shoulder-length black hair, equally dark choice of clothing, unnaturally tall.. The man's appearance gave him flashbacks to Gerard Way, to be perfectly honest, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. He had noticed that they were going in the same direction, another questionable situation. Snake Eyes guessed that the man did look as if he was a villain, but then again, it was never smart to judge a book by it's cover. The possible-villain was accompanied by a child, though -- one that appeared to share not even a single gene with his companion. Perhaps they were distant relatives or partners-in-crime, but of course, he had already begun to question just how legit this Order of the Twisted was if they brought in people like this.

Putting his device back inside the front pocket of his jeans, Sam glanced over his surroundings once, twice. He hadn't halted his steps, so he was much closer to the carousel than he was before, the bright lights gathering his attention quickly. Samael wasn't entirely sure if he found the music blaring from the ride to be annoying or not, but as long as it wasn't audible in the lair, it wasn't anything to fret over. Others seemed to be fond of the noise, however, for a blonde teenager-looking female circled around the merry-go-round without a care in the world. His eyes went over her figure, trying to dissect whether she was here for the meeting too and then trying to gather ammo for any possible jokes in the future. 

Nothing came to mind, sadly. Samael believed it was his own lack of creativity, which may have encouraged plagiarization in the past, that made his jokers more stale as time passed. He had a twitter following who'd say otherwise, however, and to him, that was all that mattered. Not hoping to be in the crowd any longer, the snake-boy looked for an open seating, each taken. Sam let out a sigh, now losing all hope he had for amusement parks. He, instead, found an spot near a bench, and although there was a heavy amount of people around it, he stole the area before they could. It was cooler for a reason unknown to him, and while he wasn't fond of the temperature, he decided to plant his feet into the ground. He found the horde unbearable, of course, so it wasn't as if he'd through himself back inside the sea of humans.

Samael Dene was shoved to the side, though, and that infuriated him, for Sam was not one to be pushed around. No, he was the one who'd do the pushing, especially around here. The words of a meeting came to his ears, however, so he simmered down. These were his teammates, his future teammates? Regaining his position, he peeked at the pair. Plastering a grin over his features, the snake-boy took a similar piece of paper out of his own pocket. "Wow~ You two are here for the meeting as well?" He questioned, feigning innocence. "What a coincidence."

mentioned: @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Aur0ra @Mika9889

interactions with: @LüSed @Mitchs98
  Reveal hidden contents

[FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah 'Nikolai' Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT]

[SIZE= 14px]What did she just say? WAS DID SHE JUST SAY? Pfft. Popsicle. As if he hadn't heard that one a million times. Instead, he kindly goes to give her 'the bird' but flashes his own invitation back at her - friends, he needed some. He could always piss people off later though. At his irritation, the air grows a tad cooler, then maintains it's average 40 degrees fahrenheit. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]However, while his focus was upon the silver-haired [/SIZE]bitch[SIZE= 14px] before him, another 'villain' popped out of nowhere. They must breed like rabbits or something. The piece of paper waved by the pretty---ahem male failed to grab his attention save for a minor glance. Instead, Jeremiah was fixed upon the intruder-of-his-space's eyes: they were oddly golden. And slitted. Probably some sort of feline effigy. While they were interesting to look at, Jeremiah's own were far better in his opinion, the crimson color of blood ringed his pupil- and he had to say - on some people he had quite the menacing effect.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Hmm," the snowy haired albino muses to himself - and a smile reflecting that of the brunette's stretches unnaturally across his face eerily, his words cold as he gestures to the pair, "If we're going to be all buddy-buddy about it--"  [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Jeremiah, the middle man for the Italian cartel, leans back against his bench seat cockily," --- you can call me Nikolai. Now, who may I be addressing?" [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]It wasn't his given name to be certain, but his actual name just didn't have that oomph to it. Not to mention his Russian connections had dubbed him it - it was merely the time to embrace it he supposed. However, he had gained an advantage at this moment, by fully initiating this conversation, there was a chance he could find some sort of weakness while they were unguarded - and exploit it like the bastard he was and is.[/SIZE]



@Aur0ra @Valefar @Mitchs98 @LüSed

  "Very very scary, kitten."

  Stewart froze upon hearing the familiar voice of his uncle Crow, turning around. He looked at the much taller man, one with dark hair, then he grinned excitedly, using his powers to fly up and hug him. "Uncle Crow! Uncle Crow!" he chirped, smiling so much that he felt his jaw would detach itself from his skull. The demon would have spun the man around, then he remembered that humans weren't used to seeing tiny blue-haired boys fly, so he quickly lowered himself down. "I didn't know that you were gonna be here! I thought it was just Noir and Alex and I, but you're here! Oh, this is gonna be so much more fun with you around! Did you see me on the monster? It was so scary..." He glared at the roller coaster he was just on as Crow let go of him, walking ahead to where two people were. "Heyyyy, I wanna see!" the demon whined. 

  A carousel. Stewart's big blue eyes widened; he zipped towards this, landing himself on one of the seats, whiiiiich happened to be a pink, sparkly unicorn. And he was doing this as Doris checked her reflection in the compact mirror, leaning against the carousel wall. Then, rather casually, she put her compact down and leaned up against one of the mirrors, before melting in. Before she melted all the way through, she casually shouted, "Demonstration!" over her shoulder. And then she was gone. Stewart would have noticed, had he not been busy singing "la la la la" while going up and down and round and round on the carousel. His eyes were now wide and sparkly and he wore the stupidest smile in the universe. 

  "ONWARDS, MY VALIANT STEED!" he exclaimed cheerily. The guy running the carousel rolled his eyes. Weirdo.
A brief shift in temperature. That was.. unenjoyable. Like his animal counterpart, Samael couldn't handle the cold, at least not well. However, the moment was certainly seizable, for it gave him new information. When he had gained the human-snowman's favor, he'd remember popsicle. Perhaps he could do something more with the name, something more suitable for his style of teasing. If it weren't for the white-haired male's intervention, he may have burst out laughing, but instead, he glanced down at the man. 

"Nik-o-lai," he tested, a believable smile forming on his face. Simply, the snake-boy has always been a liar, so recognizing a false statement didn't take an ounce of effort. However, he'd work with it for now, and perhaps, he'd pin the trick on Nik later just for fun. He took his time to analyze the man, at least for now. It didn't take any time for the evaluation to work its way to his head. Nikolai took care of his appearance, that much was obvious, and with his cocky behavior, he either wanted to appear cool or really believed he was something special. Either way, the brunette would take advantage of it. Whining, he said, "You're too pretty. It's unfair~"

His head titled to the side just an inch, displaying as much aegyo as a snake could, but in doing so, he got a better glimpse at the red hue of Nikolai's eyes. They reminded him of his own, yet as each eye was a window to the soul, he wasn't sure if he liked what he was seeing. Speaking of looks, the snake-boy took a second to worry about his own. Some point earlier, the blood above his eyebrow had dried, becoming minuscule. He was unsure whether it was obvious or not, but perhaps it added an edge to his appearance. That's always something he could use, he guessed.

"Sam," he introduced, "I hope we can be friends, the both of you." His attention span wasn't the greatest, of course, and so, he had forgotten the silver-haired female who had pushed him earlier. The more people to irritate, however, the merrier! A single voice around him became too loud to ignore, so the snake-boy glanced over at the carousel, watching a woman vanish into the mirror. Stepping away from the pair, he inched closer to the ride, preparing to make his own journey to their lair. Not bothering to peep back, he muttered, "That's our cue."

@LüSed @Mitchs98

Alexa Starr

Alexa glanced quickly to the snake boy that walked up speaking to him with her hand on the pommel of her blade. She noted the piece of paper but didn't remove her hand...not yet. She sighed heavily and focused on the human ice cube in front of her, noting he did in fact have the piece of paper. "Cool, cool." She said. Subtly she was mostly standing there for the free air conditioning, but hey it didn't hurt to check to see who she'd be forced to work with now did it? Once he and the lizard man had introduced himself Alexa nodded slightly, "Alexa." She replied simply. Both of them were quite something and Samael was quite clearly gay, bi, or being a massive fucking troll. Or maybe all three, who knew.


Her eyes gravitated to the carousel when the woman called out for them. "Mhm.." She muttered. "Cya there Popsicle stick." She said, turning on her heel and walking to the ride and through the mirror; ignoring the idiot going around it talking about valiant steeds. Once on the other side she stood off to the side and pretty much ignored everyone, preferring not to be spoken to as she looked around the room.

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

Standing before the parks entrance was a rather unamused young woman. Her long golden hair flowed wildly and unkempt and her attire consisted of nothing but a simple white tank-top and shorts fit for little other than sleeping in. Indeed the only part of her that seemed fit for the outdoors were the pair of sneakers adorning her feet. The young woman held her half-closed emerald eyes on a small piece of paper within her hand. Despite the scrutiny her expression made it abundantly clear how miserable she was feeling. The various passer-by's gave her odd glances as they subconsciously avoided her. Such a gloomy and poorly dressed individual wasn't exactly someone people wanted to deal with at an amusement park. As she stood there her gaze was torn from the little card as the cries of a young girl filled her ears. The source of the commotion was easy enough to locate as some lanky man was standing over a crying girl before walking off into the park. Despite the glares nobody actually stepped in to do anything. She allowed her gaze to linger on the man as he walked off before shifting back to the little girl, her mother finally coming to her aid and consoling her. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the sight before she shoved the card in her short's pocket and made her way into the park.

The young woman made her way through the crowds, barely avoiding running into people as she plodded along. Amusement parks were never her forte and this was the first one she had ever even been to. If she had her way she would have gone her entire life without dealing with this hassle. Crowds were always a pain in the ass and when you throw in sweltering heat on top of it this was basically torture. She was being tortured. Punished for her evil deeds. There was no other explanation. The young woman came to a stop, her gaze shifting skyward as she let out a long tired sigh. The thought of simply returning home played through her mind. At least then she wouldn't have to stand there and melt away. Nevertheless she needed money if she was going to support her lifestyle and having someone simply tell her where to go and what to do seemed a lot simpler than finding work for herself. With another, even more exaggerated sigh, she lowered her head and resumed her plodding course through the park.

As the young woman trudged along there was something that had caught her eye. She came to a stop and looked off into the distance. Sure enough there was a blue-skinned beauty making her way along the path through the park. At first glance it seemed like the girl simply had blue skin, but someone of her caliber wasn't fooled so easily. No, that wasn't merely blue skin. The way the light reflected off it, the subtle distortions, the faintest hint of transparency. That wasn't skin at all. With her interest thoroughly captivated she picked up her pace and made her way over towards the blue beauty. She silently crept up behind the strange girl, her steps swift and silent as she used the general ruckus of the park to mask her approach. From any outside observation she appeared like a predator stalking it's prey. Her eyes were focused solely on her target, her entire demeanor seemingly tuning out the rest of the world. It wasn't until she was practically on top of the blue girl that she struck. With all the quickness she could muster she threw herself forward, her arms outstretched as she attempted to wrap her arms around the girl's waist and rest her chin upon the girl's shoulder.


Lunaria Safira

Lunaria sighed. She was sure she was supposed to be going to the meeting by now...but the problem was she was pretty lost. Not to mention she was still very reluctant to even go. She wasn't an evil person and most certainly wasn't a villain of any kind. She was just lost and needed money. She checked a map she had to try and figure out her path stopping in the middle of the walkway she was on to do so. "Let's see go that way.." She mumbled, looking to the side and back to the map. Earth maps really confused her due to everything being so entirely different for the most part from her home planet. Everything about Earth was, really.


She was entirely lost in thought when Mikado basically tackle hugged her, the girl letting out a shocked scream and falling face first onto the ground from the sudden and unexpected impact. Mikado would easily be able to not the soft squishy texture her skin had, even more so depending on how hard she was hugging her. She made a small 'mmf' seeing as her face was directly on the concrete, rolling onto her side and groaning. "Ugh...if you're trying to mug me you're wasting your time.." She muttered. "Human weapons do nothing to me.." She said, as if she'd rehearsed it before. Which, she had.

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

As she wrapped herself around her prey it seemed she had either used too much force, or the girl was far weaker than expected, as she found the pair quickly falling towards the ground. A lazy and half-hearted yelp came from the young woman's mouth as the surprising turn of events did it's best to elicit some more energy from her. As the duo came crashing to the ground the impact was significantly less forceful than she had expected, her earlier assessments being proven correct. However, even though she was right she was still off. The texture and, more importantly, the temperature were not quite what she had hoped they'd be. As the girl rolled the two onto their sides and let out her little spiel Mikado couldn't help but let out a sigh as she rubbed her cheek against the girl's. A frown tugged at her lips as she squeezed the girl tighter. After a few moments of lingering silence she spoke up, her tone reflecting her disappointment in her newfound captive. "You're not cold. Slimes are suppose to be cold and feel good. You're not even that squishy. Why didn't you splat or absorb me when we fell? You're a failure as a slime. Not even worthy of being a level one field mob." Her long-winded, monologue ended with another sigh as she released her grasp on the girl and rolled over onto her back, this time letting out a lengthy groan. "Aaaah~ It's too damned hot. And I thought I hit the jackpot when I saw you." As she whined she brought her arms up to lay over her head, shielding her eyes from the lights of the park."I could be home right now, y'know. My nice air conditioned room. But nooo, I had to go out and try to join some after school-tier club for hopeless idiots." Her little tirade settled down as she lay there silently for a few seconds before lazily pulling herself up into a sitting position. The young woman seemed entirely drained, her lethargic demeanor reaching all new heights as she let out yet another sigh. "I wanna go home..."


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