Episode 2: Dari of The Mist - Takeno's Past [The Lawgivers]


"All the gods be thanked!" Mahir mutters, letting out a sigh of relief. He turns to Takeno again. "Apparently the automaton does not speak Flametongue, but it recognizes your anima and has granted us authorization."

Translation duties done for now, the Zenith looks around at the changes his comrade's anima has wrought. "It looks as if that bar was a light switch of sorts... it simply needed you in order to fully kindle." He shivers slightly at the change in temperature. "I wonder what is in those rooms?"

Amethyst, curiously, does not ready her mace when the automaton draws itself together. She does, however, when the doors open.

"S-something's back there! Why couldn't you have just let us stick with the torches?"
Red Blossom swiftly turns around, readying her short blade with a unnatural speed and grace and faces the direction of the opening door.

Mahir, give Takeno the word for the "Defend" command for the automaton, I have a feeling that we're going to need its assistance !

Using Flashing Vengeance Draw for 3m

JB: 5 dices: 4 successes + 2 from FVD = total 6 suxx

I like using this roller : http://xxx.4orsi.it/nw/roller.html

"Yes, yes, you told me so, can we please concentrate on fighting now?" Drawing his Delzhan-style recurved bow, Mahir nocks a broadhead arrow to the string. "Takeno, this is how you say 'Automaton, defend us' in Old Realm." He speaks the words slowly and carefully, aware that Old Realm pronunciation can be tricky. "Hopefully the thing will know that you are addressing it if you call it 'automaton'."

Join Battle 2
"Automaton defend us", shouts Takeno, in Old Realm as instructed by Mahir. Then he cracks his knuckles, takes a step back and awaits, ready for whatever may come out of this door, according to Amethyst's notice.

After i join battle and when my time comes to act, i'll probably activate Solar Hero form.
14th Ascending Wood, Ruins: Round 1

With Amethyst's approach the door to the first room lights up with a golden glow. Strings of light come from strange carvings in the door that seem to mean nothing in Old Realm. The door slides down and recedes into the ground but stops half way as Amethyst hears a murderous grind. However, Amethyst could see into the room, he could climb over the small ledge that lay before her into it if she so desired. Inside there were many jars, all of them which seemed to be made of mundane items seemed be broken and blasted open. There was however, a single small blue jar the size of a watermelon that seemed to be un-phased by the cruel mistress of time. There were a few cobwebs on it, as was everything in the room, but it was untouched by cracks or dust. To the right and left were rows of shelves, the room itself resembling a room that was made to house food-stuffs. There were three bodies lying on the ground, strangely they did not decay after these thousand years. Stranger enough, all three of them began to move!

Almost immediately the other three doors lit up, but each with different and strange shapes. They too attempted to recede into the ground with a slide. The second door on the left did not budge however, the other two on the right opened up completely, again with a loud grind as if gears have not been well oiled for centuries, and indeed they have not.

Two bodies, rot with decay and time come shambling out of the two rooms. Each with the signet of the Unconquered Sun on their helmets, a very rusty and old sword, and a shield that also resembled a sun. Maggots slowly fell out of their eyes, ears, and other orifices that became exposed through the passage of time. They look straight at our four Solars and speak in unison, that is if they could speak without tongues "Theuaacghgh!!" they say inaudibly as they charge the group.

Seven zombies attack in a small chamber, what do you do? Map to come in a bit.

Tick 0: Amethyst, Takeno

Tick 1: Mahir, Red Blossom

Tick 2: Amaterasu, Zombies

Tick 3:

Tick 4:

Tick 5:

Tick 6:
Takeno becomes suddenly very serious, as those shambling creatures that could have been his faithful soldiers ceturies ago charge towards him and his companions.

He adopts a majestic stance, as golden essence crowns him and appears to cover his chest and his fists. He flexes his muscles, looking much more confident and as a returned hero of the old times, he readies himself to fight those monsters with his bare hands - now suffused with the power and strength of the Unconquered Sun.

Takeno activates Solar Hero Form.
Blossom frowns. The stench of those horror has no equal on Creation, yet the most troubling fact is that those soulless unholy creatures bear sigils of the most high.

She holds her breath for a minute then uses the wall to gain a small measure of height, pushing her upward with her right leg.

As she expires in mid air, her blade dives straight towards the chest of the undead and burries itself into the rotten bones and flesh.

With a horrible sound of broken bones, she twists the blade and pulls the sword back, letting a furious roar of mixed anger and digust out.

I took the liberty of editing my former post, there's no point in shooting bows in a room when you have friendlies around.

Using OWTB for 3m (= repeat attack with the same result, damage is rolled twice)

9 dices: 5 successes


Perso 6/12.

Periph: full

Health: full

soak 3B / 2L

Mahir chokes off a cry of horror at the sight of the undead warriors advancing on the group. The arrow nocked on his bow trembles slightly... until he sees the emblem of the Unconquered Sun upon the creatures' helms and shields.

Rage fills his veins at this desecration, an emotion that stems both from his training as a shaman and from a much older part of his soul, ancient memories awakened by the mockery of Sol Invictus. Blinding golden light flashes into existence, radiating from the enraged Zenith. The chamber is lit as brightly as if it were exposed to the desert sun at high noon.


He shouts in Old Realm as he fills the arrow on his string with holy power, loosing it at the second zombie.

Fear the wrath of the Zenith! Activating anima power for 10 motes of Peripheral Essence. The light extends for 20 yards, Mahir gets +2L/2B soak against the zombies, and he adds 2 dice to attack rolls against said zombies. I'm pretty sure activating one's anima is a free action, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Attack: Dex 3 + Archery 3 + Accuracy 2 + Anima 2 = 10 dice
14th Ascending Wood, Tomb

The zombies clamour out of their respective rooms. Their skin, which due to time should have fallen off and decayed by now, is slowly eroding off and hanging off the bone like cooked meat. Their eyesockets have shriveled up orbs in them, gross and soft pieces of puss spew out from them. Two of the zombies move to hit Mahir, however her shining light is to much for the powers of evil and repel their attacks easily.

Mahir returns the favor however and smashes one of the zombies readily in the body with an arrow. Pieces of bone and flesh fly across the room, making an echoing sound. The zombie falls to the ground in a husk of its former self, bits of dried blood and puss spew from its remains. The other zombies till stands toe to toe with Mahir.

The other two zombies move in on Blossom and Takeno but are not able to swing in time for them to retaliate. Blossom gives a mighty swing into the zombies chest, making it explode getting blood and dried guts all over her arms and face. Takeno attempts to get the tactical advantage at this points and performs Solar Hero Form. The warmth of the sun could be felt around him as a small golden mist starts to form around his hands, protecting them with ghost-like gauntlets. Rays of the sun shoot out from his fingertips only slightly and the tomb shakes from the power within his hands. Takeno brings a foot up and slams it down to finish the form and the ground cracks underneath the pressure, bringing tiles up flying around the room. Were he a regular mortal these tiles may have hurt or cut him from their velocity.

Sorry for such a long wait guys. I had the biggest certification test of my career yesterday. I passed it, but I wasn't able to post at all due to my busy level. Lets get this shit back on the road. I didn't put to much detail into this post in hopes of getting this thing moving again.

I am going to wait for Amaterasu and Amethyst to join battle before they join it. I know they are both busy with life stuff so its cool if they don't want to join battle.

Tick 3: Takeno

Tick 4:

Tick 5: Zombies (Takeno, Mahir), Red Blossom

Tick 6:

Tick 7: Mahir
Takeno takes a step back, his limbs still bathed in the light of the Unconquered Sun. His body lowers, as if he's gathering up his essence and his fists begin to harden, as steel tempered in the fire of the forge. Then, in the blink of an eye, he rushes forth, his fist moving in an ascending arch, intent to deliver a devastating uppercut on the zombie standing before him.

Using "Fists of Iron technique" (doesn't count as charm use), augmenting my unarmed assault, as per the improved statistics mentioned in detail on my character sheet. In addition to that, i'll take advantage of the Solar Hero form's ability, pay 1 mote and double the extra successes on the attack roll.

Motes spent: 2 from personal pool.
As soon as she pulls out her blade from the destroyed undead, Blossom continues her movement towards another of the creatures of darkness.

Without a sound she slashes the air in one single diagonal descending strike in the direction of the walking dead, using her essence to guide her hand and slash following the other diagonal from the right leg to the left shoulder.

A trail of golden essence cuts the undead with the shape of a perfect X, and it stands there a second screaming in pain before falling apart in four pieces.

using 3 more motes for OWTB, base attack 9, base damage 5L.

Next action on T9.
14th Ascending Wood, Tomb

Takeno utterly obliterates the zombie that was opposing him. With a strong smash of his fist, bones and dried organs fly across the room and splashes across the once ornate tapestries that stood there, waiting for them. Likewise, Red slashes through the zombie attacking Mahir and slices through it twice. The speed and accuracy of the blade left nothing of the body of the creature and it fell in a neat pile on the ground.

Takeno and Red finish off the final two zombies with no problem. The foes that presented themselves were gravely outnumbered, it can only be assumed that this place has be pilfered for years and those doors, three of them anyway, have only open until now, letting the residual threats out.

The area became quiet once again, but something strange happened. Two cylinder rose from the ground by the door, one on each side. They were made with a brilliant and clean silver metal, with golden handles inlaid in them at the top. It seems that these handles could be turned. The second door on the left still has not budged, but after some time it becomes free of whatever was blocking it and a cool breeze comes wafting out. It feels as though it is nearly 45 degrees in the room, ice cold for the region they were in.

To lazy to post the results, but the battle is over. Don't worry, this was supposed to be easy. ;)

It's quiet, all rooms are open, let me know what rooms you are going to, because it does matter. You can number them 1-4 from left to right. The cold room is number 2 for instance, while the pantry like room is number 1. The two cylinders that came from the ground are about 4 feet tall and are by the door.

Mahir steps back from the dead (deader?) zombie destroyed by Red Blossom before it can fall on him. "Thank you, Red Blossom." He keeps his bow and arrow in hand; who knows what else might be in here? Looking down at his robes, he sighs softly. Regular dirt and dust is fine in moderation. He's used to that. But zombie guts... ugh.

Still blazing like a miniature sun, the Delzhan looks at each of his colleagues in turn. "Do not worry, I have learned my lesson from the automaton. I shall not touch the handles over there-" He points to the silver cylinders and their golden handles- "unless we are agreed on doing so. Now, perhaps we should see what the undead were guarding."

With that, Mahir heads toward the room filled with containers, wary for traps or more zombies.

Sorry for the delay. Heading for Room #1.
Red Blossom frowns further while nodding to Mahir.

I don't like this, why would the walking dead be garding a solar's tomb ?!

Let's be careful around here, there are some powerful enchantments still working...
Takeno nods to Blossom and proceeds carefully into the same room as Mahir.

"Indeed. Nobody knows what other kind of trap my former self could have set up to guard this place".
Ascending Wood 14th, The Tomb

The group goes into the first room and instantly they could smell the stench of rotted food goods. Which, by itself was a curious smell as these tombs have been locked away for centuries. Through the wreckage they could see various boxes made of wood and other jars that looked otherwise unremarkable. However, they came across a large blue jade jar with some writing on it that could not be deciphered with First Age languages. It was cool to the touch, very cold indeed. Nothing else seemed to be in this room.

Sorry for the late update. You got a watermelon sized jar! Good job!

"Ugh." The stench of rot reaches even through Mahir's Delzhan veil. He pulls the cloth tighter against his face and tries not to breathe in through his nose. "This place has been locked for so long... one would think that anything that would rot would be dust by now. How odd."

Upon finding the jar, the shaman gingerly turns it around to see if there is any writing he can read on the opposite side. Nothing. He reaches for the lid, then remembers the automaton. "Do you think we should open it?"

Takeno, somewhat more relaxed - but still not off guard - approached Mahir and took a look at the large jar.

"Well, we can always try to open it and see what we can find it. I can't remember storing any lethal weapons in such a container but I didn't remember about the automaton either", he said with a smile.

"Go ahead, open it, so we can see what it contains and move to the next rooms".
Blue Jar - Revealed!

Mahir gingerly opens the jar with his fingers and pulls back on the soft, cork-like lid. There is an audible sound as the pressure from inside is released. The inside of this tomb is a current 80 degrees with its half-broken essence cooling system now operational. The jar however is nearly 40 degrees if it was anyones guess. There was nothing contained in the jar, but due to the blue jade exterior it was obvious that this large piece was something of an artifact to keep things cool. A god-send in these harsh Southern climates where the temperature could get, and currently is, above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Red Blossom smiles.

Such a simple design, and yet such an excellent concept.

Let's salvage this artifact, it will help us preserve water during our travels.

I wonder why someone would leave such a thing behind... it's almost as if we were expected to find it and pick it up... minus the zombies...

But perhaps they were just twisted defense mechanisms against tomb raiders.

"Indeed Blossom. And if I continue getting those throwback seizures, while in this area, some cooled water might prove invaluable", added Takeno, with a smile.

"Let's continue though, and explore the rest of the rooms, before we leave this place".

The nomad cradles the blue jar reverently, as he would a sacred relic. "What a wonderful thing this is!" He looks over at Red Blossom and Takeno. "Cooled water would be a great luxury to have, but this jar would also be most useful to store meat after a hunt. Somehow I doubt we will have the time to dry what we cannot eat immediately." Holding it out in front of him, Mahir's dark eyes narrow as he gauges the jar's capacity. "It will not hold everything from, say, a wild goat, but certainly enough for one more meal that we would not have otherwise had."

He tucks the jar under one arm and gestures to Takeno. "This place was yours, and still is. Lead the way."

Takeno nods to Mahir and leads the way to the next room, staying alert for any potential danger or unexpected encounter, still trying to calm his own feelings over his predecessor's failure in the eyes of the people and the Unconquered Sun, and remain calm and focused on the task at hand.

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