Dib Membrane
Although he was an accomplice in Ben’s plan, Dib still got off relatively free with Rosalina too busy yelling at Ben.
“Gees Ben. You’ve got to be more careful man.”
Dib shook his head in disappointment. He caught up with Karako and Marcus as the mushrooms shaped ship landed and the mushroom creatures poured out of it. Apparently they got all the power stars!? Alright then. The blue one was a little freaky and it should probably be put down like a dog as soon as possible. With all the power stars here the observatory began to glow and change into a much more lively place. It was really quite beautiful, but Dib was a man so he refused to let himself cry over such a sight. It appeared that their journey to the center of the universe was about to begin. Dib popped his collar up high to try and look dramatic as he stared into the void that is space.
thatguyinthestore Crow Birb ManyFaces