Enter Terryal: The First Age of Man

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate

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First, there were Elec and Neu, the Original Gods, also known as Father Sun and Mother Moon. the nurturers of life. They were merely gods of creation, nothing else. They only designed and created; they did not destroy, did not control, and in no way were they all knowing. They just created life and moved on. Once, they had decided to make two powerful Divinens, with enough power to send entire systems into oblivion, with a mere thought. Two, to present the two sides of life, polar opposites of one another. The only resemblance they would share is the sheer amount of power they maintained. Elec and Neu created the two; then left as they always did. The two Divinens grew to rival each other, competitive and in no way friendly towards their counterpart. Soon, the two Divinens began to war with each other, continuously, scouring and ripping galaxies as they went on. The realm of existence was affected by the power they exerted from their duel. One place in particular, a small planet, was the most affected. The small planet was known as Terryal, and it was set right in the middle of the battle between the two Divinens, and at times, would be the battlefield. From the battles, the lands of Terryal were shaped, configured and soon enough, Terryal grew ten times its size, becoming a massively large planet. As well as becoming the final battleground between the Divinens. The two challenged one another one last time, to declare one final living victor, and one dead failure. And so, the battle raged, for centuries they combated, each exerting as much as power as they possibly could. Many trillions of years later, both fell, too tired to continue the fight. They both faded into spirits and fell into the massive planet, Terryal. There they slept, rested, and waited for full power, to reawaken and show their power, but the universe could not let that happen. Almost like a living thinking creature, Terryal continued to force the two Divinens to exert power, even in slumber, leaving the exerted power to be absorbed by the planet or to rest and settle on the lands. As a byproduct, two Alati were created. The two knew nothing of what was before them, or rather knew nothing of anything that had to do with the Divinens before them. These two gods lived happily together, as brothers. Soon, other life began to grow on the lands, more byproducts of the slumbering Divinens. The new life was not as strong as the two Alati before them. The new life was deemed Divus Nati by the two gods, due to the childish power in comparison to the Alati.

But soon enough, along with the life giving powers of the two gods, were the life taking desires. There are always those who seek power, and strive to strip others of it. Once again, war emerged upon the lands of Terryal between the Divus Nati. Like children, the Divus Nati fought constantly, over foolish disagreements and arguments. The only who did not involve themselves with the conflicts were two gods before the Divus Nati, except over time, one that was very rash compared to his counterpart decided it would be best to become directly involved. The rash god wanted to show Divus Nati who had more power, but his plan backfired, as the Divus Nati sided against the rash one, forcing the wiser of the two gods to step in and end the conflict indefinitely. Once again, for a moment, things were peaceful. Later on, more creatures began to spring, these creatures were weak, young, extremely naive. They lacked the visible power that the Divus Nati or the Alati had. They were deemed humans, animals, the true inheritors of Terryal. What they did not show in raw power, they showed in perseverance, understanding, and pure will to push forward. A catastrophic event, where a hidden faction of gods appeared, caused the gods to create a law system that disallowed direct/divine interaction with large masses of humans, not much is known on the matter. But the Divus Nati and Alati had learned that if human souls were like token food for the gods, they would gain more power if the humans would give their life source to the them. But still, the hearts and souls of these creatures could not resist the desire for power. Once again, war would run the world red. Some fought for power, some fought simply to survive. Thus the world began to shape itself naturally.

The humans, though lacking raw power, had many traits that separated them from the other Alati and Divus Nati. The humans were capable of learning and growing, becoming stronger over time, and possibly surpassing the Divus Nati, and possibly even the Alati. For the humans were not only created by the remnant powers of the Alati that rested below the surface but in fact were partly created naturally by the planet, even if the Divinens hadn't been resting under the world’s surface, the humans would have been there. Some humans gained much power, being if it was given or earned, and they soon rose to the power that could rival the Divus Nati, the humans who reached this capability were deemed False Gods. The world began to continue as was intended, The gods, for the most part, kept from direct contact with the humans. Those gods that would directly interact with the humans were deemed demons by the other gods.


The gods rarely appear in a direct and obvious godly form. Unknown to humans, the gods are barely capable of maintaining a nonphysical forming. Often the gods simply pose themselves as normal or above average people amongst the human crowds. The gods recognize that they must not interact with the humans in a divine way, else the Alati and the gods that support them would eliminate the criminal god. The Alati keep the Divus Nati in check as to keep another catastrophic event from nearly destroying the continent or killing off half of the living races, although the laws are not extremely strict. Due to this, the Northern dead lands, the area where the first catastrophic event had taken place, has become a place where the gods can freely roam in a fully divine form. While most humans keep away from those lands, being as they were influenced to believe the lands cursed and inhabited by fowl demons, some humans, settlers, brave knights, and future land owners seek out the land and attempt to make their home there.


The land is quite bare, the most hospital place being set around the rivers the flow through. The settlers travel so far that they lose almost all contact with the towns and cities thy originated from. The people who aim to make the dead lands their home have no choice but to look to the gods for supplement, the gods answer. The gods there rarely interact directly with the human settlers, but on occasion deals, meetings, religious gatherings are made between the humans and the Divus Nati, in divine form. In the mainlands, the only information of these events that the humans can gather are that cults are forming around evil gods, or that is what the Alati allow them to know. The Northern settlements often are at war, as the gods are free to manipulate and use the humans as they please. The Northern gods have yet to be stopped as the Alati's support cannot out number them.


One actual Cult that has been garnering power under cover of shadow is the cult of

Znova. Information on the cult is sparse, being as they were very secretive while keeping an influential underground reputation. What is known by other gods is that the real cult is made up of only Divus Nati, and that they all make homes in the Northern dead lands but gather in the mainlands to experiment on humans. As well they often recruit humans into a fake branch of the cult, the purpose of the human branch is to throw the trail off of the gods as well as to retrieve needed items. Recently, the human branch was completely wiped, reportedly by a religious brigade that serve under gods such as Cosmos and Sultra. In actuality, the human branch was killed off by the gods that recruited them, as to rid themselves of loose ends, for their plot was soon to unfold. For sometime, the actual cult was left to work on their experiments, until one day they had reached success. Only a two cycles(years) later they were raided by another brigade, this one aided indirectly by the gods. The brigade consisted of the religious soldiers of Cosmos and the renowned cavalry unit, The Djinn Wolves.


The Djinn Wolves, the famed unit of Zephyr, the independent city state that resides on the south-western coast. At this time, all the nations were city states, but many of them relied on each other. Zephyr was one of the only states that stood on its own feet, as well they lacked a god that they solely worshiped. Religious practice was free in Zephyr, as long as confined to privacy. Zephyr's fame did not come its political stand, but rather the infamous cavalry brigade that served under it. While the rest of the world is often at war or in shambling states, Zephyr has been able to keep a steady economy and strong army to defend its walls. During these times, Zephyr was the safest place to live on the continent.


The conflicts of the mainlands was usually simple claims on land and arguments. It was rare that any of the city states would declare war on one another, but it was often that they would do battle with full armies. Due to the common unfriendliness between the human city states, the hume races(who control all the city states have most recently been losing ground, outpost towns, and many lives to the diuris tribes. The diuris are much more tribal in comparison to the humes, they seek more land and resources. The most suitable option, in comparison to fighting amongst one another, is to gather the tribes and declare war on the humes. Only the city states that border the eastern forests have been affected, but the diuris tribes strike further from the forests every day. Some of the hume city states consider joint offensives against the diuris, but none successful as of yet.


The main continent has come to be known as the Realm of Gods. There is only one other major continent, it has been deemed the Realm of Reaping. Near the Realm of Reaping, is a collection of large islands that had been formed by now dormant volcanoes. The Realm of Reaping is known to be home to beast men and barbarians, while the isles are inhabited solely by godless humes. While contact between the Realm of Gods and the isles as well as the Realm of Reaping is rare, on occasion ships travel to and from for trade.


During this time, there were only two races that shared the Realm of Gods, besides the gods. The gods could take almost any form they wished, and were never classified as direct god any of the human races. The two human races were the diuris and the hume.


The humes, what is considered a basic human, dominates most of the lands in population and control. They are the most common race, they weren't some of the first human races that came upon Terryal, but they were definitely the first to begin mass organizing and domesticating the lands, as well as creating civilizations. Most kingdoms and governments are mainly controlled and governed by humes, giving them most of the control and influence over most of the lands. Due to their power, they've deemed themselves the most intelligent of races. They cover most, if not all, the lands making their language the most common spoken, thus all races were forced to learn hume tongue as their natural language, in this process actually erasing other races origin languages.

Being as they control a majority of the lands, they have become the most diverse and advanced of the races. On the Realm of Reaping they do not hold control over a large kingdom. Besides power and control, the hume kingdoms seem to focus on order and innovation, as they search to gain more order they find new and innovative things, adapt new ways from foreign lands, and spread diplomacy throughout Terryal. As they seek out the future, they tend to lean towards finding the newest most innovative ways to do things, as to always stay on top. While they tend not to excel in singular subjects, they have an amazing tendency to bring what all the other races excel in together and create greater things.


The long eared folk, these creatures share many similarities with the humes. The diuris's most noticeable difference is their long ears, they extend a slight further up and out with a tad bit more of a point. While the ears are the most noticeable, they actually have a large amount more of differences, such as their body frames, their body frames are somewhat longer, meaning most are a bit tall, and usually slimmer, but still looking much like a hume. A belief is that their bones spare strength for length, making them weaker than humes but much lighter. With lighter bones and the same amount of muscle, the long eared folk are capable of running faster and much more agile feats. But with lighter bones, they are prone to braking and fracturing bones much more often and easily. While they are more commonly known as soft skins or long eared folk, some like to call themselves diuris. The long eared folk, or the diuris, are capable of living for a long period of time, usually at least twice long as a normal hume. Due to their fragile bone structure, they have difficult times caring for young, while in the womb, most mothers die while giving birth. To avoid extinction, they isolate themselves and protect and shelter the females of their race.

The diuris life style is very caste based, they had their undesirables, their farmers, their artisans, and so on. While they were in no way advanced during the times they lived on their own culture, they had a considerable amount of fight, allowing them to be one of the first civilizations along side the first hume kingdoms.


Souls are a crucial part of Terryal, being as every human, Divus Nati, Alati, and Divinen own a Soul. Souls measure emotion, memory, feeling, and willpower as well as lifespan. Souls do not dwell in the exact plain of existence as all physical living creatures, but live quite close, and cannot exist without it, and as well as vice versa, but souls are affected by the acts of the living.

The anatomy of the soul is most easily compared to a flame, for that is the form most seen, rather a small ball of fire or a large candle. When someone is born, or rather their body is made, the soul becomes lit and fills the body and gives it life, personality, mindset, and goals, what makes a person a person. As the person grows so does the fire, and when the person ages and withers the fire dims, and finally when a person dies the fire goes out, this is the basics for life of the soul. But there is more than this, each soul is diverse and different, it is never simple and easy to explain.

As there is a difference between gods and humans, there is a difference between a god’s soul and a human’s. Where human souls can grow and burn brightly or dim and fade, god's souls cannot. Gods cannot grow their souls any larger nor can they dim, the reason for this is partly due to their origins, but anatomically, it is because their souls contain what is called Frozenflame; crystallized soul fire that becomes a storage for energy, immortally. The death of god; this can also be done. While a very difficult and cruel act, a god's soul can be eaten. Usually not spoken about amongst the gods, and usually unknown to the humans. A commonly shared belief is that souls can grow to massive sizes to proportion with the willpower of the vassal of the soul. Meaning that the more willful person would have the much larger soul.

Something not as well known and desperately kept quiet by most, soul eating, the devouring or the absorbing of another’s soul, a truly horrid and considerably cruel act. Soul eating is a rare and very unknown type of magic, or ability, that allows one to rip out the soul of another and feed to ones own soul. The act would increase the lifespan of the devourer’s soul without the need of extended effort. The problem is that it leaves the soul’s vassal an empty husk, without soul. Due to that, without mind and personality, a mindless husk, empty and cold. The only feeling it has is loneliness and yearning, yearning for a soul. The lack of a soul causes the empty husk to go about mindlessly attacking people in attempt to steal their soul, but usually owns no way of stealing a soul.

Another aspect of the soul, that only few believe and even less know of, is the ember factor. When someone dies by another with unnatural death such as by the sword or by an unnatural accident, the soul simply disappears, out of existence and into true death, never to burn or spark again. But when a soul withers away slowly and dims, by age or bye natural disease, one does not completely die. "Dimed" souls head into a type of hibernation stage, called an ember form. This form is the remnants of the past soul usually holding the mindset and personality of the person as well holding onto some memories. When their resident body withers away with age, the soul must move on to the its next vassal, but embers can not easily survive without a substance to feed off of. Usually this is done by attaching themselves to another soul and feeding off of the wasted energy left behind by the full soul. The living soul that is used is usually a close companion or more often a relative. When a new body is created from two living humans, the ember takes the chance to fill the newly created body before the two souls create a new flame. Thus reincarnation is achieved, if wanted or not. It would explain why so many great grand children look so similar to their long past relatives.

As well embers can do many other things to survive. Those few who are capable of manipulating the soul can contain within crystalline soul, and hold it in its form until the manipulator pleases, the same could happen if an ember is to close to a inanimate object, creating golem or homunculus. The golems and homunculus can be on the verge of actual humans at times. Some are almost exactly the same as humans.

Now onto the subject of souls that never found bodies, when some souls are created without a body to house it, the soul begins to wander and roam wherever, usually looking for a chance to fill a new body, which begins what is known as processions. Most of the time, the souls do not have a commonly visible physical form, but at times a faint glowing spirit can be seen, usually a bright light, sometimes with peculiar features like wings or miniature suns, from this the rumors of Wisps came into fruition. Some souls do not take such graceful forms, some souls do not burn bright but instead give off a cold essence of pain and anguish, these souls create a slightly physical form of a humanoid cloaked figure, thus being deemed ghosts, wraiths, and specters. Mostly all wandering souls are nonviolent and only cause trouble when they attempt to possess a body, but souls can still be manipulated like an element, people skilled in soul magiv can somewhat control the mindset of weaker souls.

Now onward to elemental magic. Magic separated into two strength categories both containing the same two subcategories, raw and filtered. Raw magic is the stronger more powerful magic, affecting large amounts of area without affecting the user by a large amount; as well Terryal, Divus Nati, and Alati are the only who can use raw magic. Filtered, almost the opposite of Raw, is the magic used by most humans and Divus Nati. The two subcategories that reside in both categories are pure and refined magic. Pure magic is magic in its most powerful form, elemental magic in its most powerful state. Magic that needs no external source to fuel it, creating fire out of air, water from earth, and earth from sky, but usually only Divus Nati and those stronger have access to pure magic. Refined magic being the weaker more commonly practiced elemental magic. Usually this type of magic requires the user to find a source to access first to control the element, only then can this type of magic be useful.

Elemental magic was only used by humans copying the Divus Nati. Terryal, being as it is almost like a living entity can use this elemental magic in multiple ways. Thanks to Pure magic, Terryal can change and shift the elements as is needed but rarely does so. And subconsciously, Terryal uses refined magic as natural disasters happening at very unnatural times. Terryal is mostly the only entity capable of magic without any physical recoil. Yes, when using elemental magic the body can be physically affected, mainly becoming strained, tired, or weakened by the large amount of use. But the more proficient mage could cast more magic more often with less recoil. The heat given off by the wielder’s soul, or the power from the soul energizes elemental magic. One could use pieces of ones own soul to supply the magic for much more powerful attacks, but it guarantees a shorter life span. Elemental magic does not simply direct towards fire, water, wind, and earth, but extends out to a very large crowd of other elements, bodily remains of the dead, souls, metals, and much more things that can be manipulated but some are harder to manipulate than others.


There are two human studies of magic. The first is called prvok magic. The study of prvok magic is focused around elemental magic, such as fire, earth, water, and so on. The study of prvok magic has become so popular and widespread that certain colleges have sprung up in attempt to explore and teach the vast library that is elemental magic's possibilities and mysteries. There are several colleges of prvok magic, usually quite close to major cities(Ex: one is only some miles away from the outskirts of Zephyr). The infamy of learning these magics have gone as far as to be categorized by experience. Mages are considered the lowest rank, the fledglings of prvok magic. Usually the students and the longest period of the learning process. The next rank is Sage, the teachers of prvok magic, those have mastered what they have been taught. The last rank, the most difficult to reach, Mancer, the discoverers of new magics and master manipulers of the elements. Mancers usually become very solemn and solitary as they must focus their lives on prvok magic to reach the status.


The second study is known as zázrak. While prvok magic is much more focused on the actual elements, zázrak is the is the studies of manipulating anatomy, organisms, dead and living. To study zázrak professionally is a great privilege, as there are no colleges but rather churches to teach zázrak. The study of zázrak by those outside of the church is illegal. Zázrak is known for doing miracles, healing loss limb, mending wounds that are beyond fatal. Usually only taught for medical purposes, it can be used as an offensive magic. Deeper studiers may learn how to stop another's heart with a thought. The church has made a ranking system as to keep known those of superior prestige and scholar. The rank for new members of the church are monks, this stage is left in very deep religious study and meditation. The next rank is considered priest/priestess, during this part of studying zázrak, the pirest/ess must make pilgrimage to each major temple/church to study under every Saint, or pray to each deceased Saint. Saint is the next and final rank of study. A priest/ess can only obtain the rank of Saint after praying to each then completing a true miracle. A true miracle would be something of great religious feat.

The recording of time has almost just begun with humans, the First Age of Man is the current recording of time, all history that cannot be placed in the First Age is placed in the Gone Age of Man. While numbers, date, time of day is very primitive, the humans keep track of long periods of time by use of seasons. There are four seasons, Life, Heat, Death, Cold then the seasons repeat. Life(Spring) is named mainly due to the season that comes before it, and the effects of coming out of Cold. Animals, plants, and nice warmth come out and give what seems like new life to humans. Heat(Summer) is the season when the sun becomes overly hot and nearly unbearable, but it not to bothering. Death(Fall) is when most of the plants begin to wither, when everything slowly becomes darker and colder, and slowly introduces the next season. The season after Death is Cold(Winter), Cold is the season the covers the land in snow and cold, usually harsh times for most. After Cold, Life brightens Terryal and the seasons repeat. The repeating of the seasons are called Cycles(Years). Cycles are used to record many things including age. The decision to record large time intervals in "Ages" was decided to mark the beginnings and ends of large events.

Currency is quite common between the city states and races. In the Southern lands, the main currency is actually claws and talons collected from the Lacus Falcon, a common but highly evasive animal. In Northern lands, as well as the isle across the ocean, the common currency is the Realm Coin, which is mainly gold and silver coins.

There are three classes of wealth on the Realm of Gods.

Higher: Those of noble birth, Saints, Mancers, people of higher class. Often have large amounts of both claws and coin

Middle: Artisans, merchants, tradesmen, knights, monks, mages. Usually have enough of one or the other.

Lower: Militia, farmers, servants, slaves, diuris tribesmen, hermits. Rarely have any type of currency, usually rely on the old trading system.
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Hey hey hey hey hey! Thanks for all the interest people! I know the wai for the dice rolling system is taking somewhat long, so I've decided to make a temporary waiting RP, simply to keep everyone's attention as we waited for the main RP to come under way.

As a temporary RP, there won't be much major combat or story, simply an RP locked down into a certain area for some casual Role play. It won't be mandatory and will most likely not affect the main RP. I'd just like to make sure my RP is not forgotten by those who found interest in it, and to do that I'd like to open a RP to help ease the wait.

Here it is, if you're interested, click me 
Here, the IC for the Temp is up

Wow this is pretty great and well detailed. I would love to be a part of this!
Original Hylion] [URL="http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/enter-terryal-young-zephyr-temporary-rp.12999/ said:
Again, sorry to everyone for taking so long ^.^ hopefully the interest isn't lost
Not at all I am actually looking forward to this particular RP^^

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