[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings


Department of Redundancy Department.
The first thing I have to ask is if people will want to play their own muses or if they want me to run them as NPC's (each player can make this choice--some can be NPC's and others can run their own.)

If you don't know what a muse is let me know.
Your Muse is a limited AI that is a combination of things, it is a personal assistant, computer, search engine, alarm clock, constant companion and so much more. It can be a servant or a friend depending on you tastes. It can be given next to no autonomy or a limited autonomy. Due to the actions of the TITAN's (a rogue band of AI nearly destroyed the Earth and caused the Fall which killed 90% of humanity) all current legal AI's are limited. Muses are with you from birth so they get to "know" you. If you like to get up a certain time of certain days for a particular event, they will know it and will awaken you. If your favorite brand of soda went off the market and suddenly comes back, they will know whether or not to buy you a case and have it waiting for you. Most people keep a back up of their Muse, just as they keep a back up of themselves as loosing a Muse can be like loosing a family member or at the least like a life long pet. Muses can be cold static things, but most people let their Muse develop a personality.
Yeah everyone will have a Muse, it's standard. And I would not be against it if the other players are OK with it.
Everyone has a muse. They are like a part of you. Everywhere you go. xD

I'm cool running mine.
I am torn. On the one hand I enjoy the thought of a Muse being a unique being from my character and thus works best if distinct from me the player. On the other hand, I also am finicky about sort of Muse I would be happy with.

I will hold off on a decision for the moment.
Well keep in mind these things if you have me run your Muse: You can set parameters, things it absolutely will or won't do. Certain settings like, it always calls me "lover" or "Mr Sunggle cakes", or "Lord Emperor Badass", or it never does anything without my explicit instructions. And your character can delete part of all of a muse they don't like, or if they did something they don't want their Muse to remember--it is just a VERY advanced program after all. That said a Muse is a helper that keys off of the character therefore I would never run it as inanely annoying or silly, just for a laughs, unless that is what the character would want. It would not be snide, again unless that is what the character wanted. That said, a Muse WOULD chime in when it thinks your character is about to do something stupid or self defeating --something your character would know deep down was silly too.(Again, unless under strict orders never to do that). Think of a Muse as Alfred to your Batman, you may get some lip if needed but it's never going to interfere.
Random Word]I'd prefer a Muse run as an NPC or another player. [/QUOTE] Each player can have a different set up so when you make your character just include a note as to which method you prefer. Just give me a tab or section with the base personaluty of your muse and a note after the name---Alfred (Self-run/ NPC/ Run by--Insert Player name) If you want me to NPC it then give me a framework to base them off of. Anyone who want another PC to play their Muse is free to make arrangements here [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/8432-esbilon/ said:
@Esbilon[/URL] and @Random Word have expressed interest in that option, so if you want to do a Muse Swap then feel free to talk it out
Running other people's muses sounds like it could be funny, but also potentially frustrating for some. if people want to do a "run each other muses pool", i will join, but i think it should be optional opt-in.

I plan on doing my charsheet using excel. Should I make it public on Gdocs, maybe?
CactusAir said:
Running other people's muses sounds like it could be funny, but also potentially frustrating for some. if people want to do a "run each other muses pool", i will join, but i think it should be optional opt-in.
I plan on doing my charsheet using excel. Should I make it public on Gdocs, maybe?
Absolutely 100% optional. At this point it looks like some will run their own, some will have theirs NPCed by me, and a few have expressed interest in having another player run theirs. I will not force any single option on anyone. Also, it is completely fine with me if the option a person picks is not working for them and they want to switch to one of the other two.

I have Microsoft Office 365, so if you want to leave it in excel that is fine. I have found the excel character Gen has issues if you switch it out of excel and try to switch it back later.

I would also recommend the character Gen here--it seems to have more options than the last time I checked the excel sheet. But I am OK with either.

Esbilon said:
What's the timeline on gamestart btw?
I would like to get people working on their characters so I can look them over and discuss a bit of background with each player. I also have the tendency to do small individual opening RP's (Preludes as old school White Wolf called them) to establish characters or small groups of characters if people have linked backgrounds. That is if everyone is up for that sort of thing.

At this point I am saying 4-5 weeks give or take depending on how all that goes.
After some pondering I am thinking of starting the game in an O'Neill cylinder (not one of the ones in the book), in orbit around Titan. A largely Anarchist Commune named Gaia.


Let me know if that is going to throw a monkey wrench in anyone's background.
CactusAir said:
Resisting urge to rip off Gundam for backstory.... *willpower roll*
Lol whatever works, I will be stealing a few elements from some books that are thematically similar to the game, namely Christoper Hinz's Paratwa books and Scott Westerfield's Risen Empire books.
I'm a bit late to the game, but I'll chime in anyway. I like the idea of a Muse, and given the nature described above I would prefer mine to be run as an NPC or by another player. To address the concerns some have mentioned about how the muse operates in game, might I suggest that if the muse acts inappropriately to the image you have, a PM be sent to the person running the Muse to discuss how something should have been approached, then if needed the post be edited to reflect the proper Muse response?

I'm re-reading the main book and will be offering a character concept hopefully yet this weekend.
Millershipper said:
I'm a bit late to the game, but I'll chime in anyway. I like the idea of a Muse, and given the nature described above I would prefer mine to be run as an NPC or by another player. To address the concerns some have mentioned about how the muse operates in game, might I suggest that if the muse acts inappropriately to the image you have, a PM be sent to the person running the Muse to discuss how something should have been approached, then if needed the post be edited to reflect the proper Muse response?
I'm re-reading the main book and will be offering a character concept hopefully yet this weekend.
Absolutely even though I or another PC will be playing SOME muses it is still YOUR muse so anything that goes against you vision can be "re-programmed" (by taking it out as Millershipper suggests), If there are any issues beyond that let me know and either I can take them over or you can. On that note I am going to put up a thread so everyone can clearly call out their choice.
Oh, and I might have missed this posted elsewhere, but how many points do we start with?
1000 is base charagen. The book should have it listed somewheres. Oo I've been using a charagen site for maths.
I just realized that so far, I have three Mental Disorders before I'm done with Char Creation, and I don't get SHIT for any of em.

One from being Lost.

One from Psi 1

and another from Psi 2.

So I'm thinking a Original Space Colonist hacker who's now aligned with Firewall. Probably aligned with the faction that is about half-way between the @-rep and the hypercorps. @hellrazoromega would you mind my doing the char creation packages from Transhuman?

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