[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual


Department of Redundancy Department.
Encrypted burst transmission. 128 Petabit encryption.


You have been selected for the screening process as a candidate for a lucrative position with an evolving concern. If interested please report in person, ASAP but before the last day of May to the offices of Stern, Goldblum, Ling and Dobrensky on the 37th floor of the Mavis Building, Huygens Habitat, Titan orbit. Interested parties should report to Mei-Lin Huli-Jing for further details.

End Transmission—message automatically overwritten with random data

Well there it is, the message you knew was bound to come sooner or later—an “evolving concern”—a simple enough pass phrase. Firewall had come calling and they did not use such methods if the situation was not dire.

Each of you receives the above message form your Muse in more than enough time to make the trip from wherever you are---so long as you don’t dally. The trip is uneventful for each of you and you all arrive within a few hours of each other, as if the expected method of travel for each of you was factored in and the messages sent at different times to account for that fact.

The arrival at terminal you find the station fairly well kept, you are passed through security without any fuss and directed to a car and driver which will take you to the offices. The three strips of the station are clearly delineated, one is Residential, one is Industrial/Business, and the last is Agricultural/Park space. Infomorphs are transmitted directly from the habitats, communication hub to the office, unless they request a detour. (This does not necessarily imply that they arrive first however).

You find yourselves in the waiting room of the offices of Stern, Goldblum, Ling and Dobrensky. The offices are extremely well appointed with a full drink and food dispenser that offers anything short of a gourmet experience. There are several vat grown lather chairs and couches each with power hooks up and vid screens that you can broadcast to or receive from, if you so choose. The walls are also full vid screens that can display a massive image or be broken into smaller segments in about any configuration imaginable. The room, and in fact the entire building, has projectors everywhere to present images of any infomorphs.

A woman of about 25 wearing a very neat and crisp set of bright green work overalls sits in one corner chair. She has jet black hair gray eyes and stands a bit shy of 5’ and wears tool belt with several tools all of which are either brand new, or extremely well cared for. Her morph type is not immediately apparent as she sits watching something on the vid screen of her chair.

On the other end of the room sits a man with brown hair and eyes with a height of about 5’ 9”, he is almost remarkable in his nondescriptness. He wears a plain black suit jacket with a matching tie and slacks and a brown shirt. He sits reading a well-worn copy of a book---a real book!!!

As each of you enters the receptionist politely asks you to wait until all the others have arrived and asks if she can get you anything. Behind her is a very sturdy looking security door that only opens from time to time. Those that bother to sneak a peek can see the two well-armed Fury morphs just beyond the threshold when someone does exit. The people exiting wear expensive suits and are discussing what sound to be various legal dealings—with no specific or name mentioned, of course. Most of them appear to be heading to lunch based on the banter (it is about midday, station time).

If anyone wants to do anything before they get to the offices let me know and we can start you there. Same token if anyone wants to engage in any dialogue in the lobby (feel free to do this, I am in no hurry to advance the plot and am more than happy to have character interaction drive things). Barring any stops before you arrive you will all get there with an hour or two of each other.

After this stage you will each be taken to separate interview rooms for the initial RP with your handler as a bit of a prelude—in case anyone was wondering. As each person is summoned the RP in the lobby can go on while the person being interviewed steps out.
Bartholemew hums, tapping his fingers up and down on his leg, as he looks around. He listens for his muse to update him; he views the synthetic being as his only friend, his constant adviser- and his Conscience, in lieu of the one he was born without. He is smiling softly- angelicaly, even- as he looks on. His body looks like any other Exalt; after all, the Futura is primarily an Exalt with some work done on the inside, if we're being entirely technical. He close his eyes, and breathes in and out for a brief moment- as he continues his one, notable, nervous tick.

The Finger tapping.
The receptionist looks up at Bartholemew, with the same impassive look she has worn the entire time he has been here.

"It seems Ms. Huli-Jing has decided to begin with you while we wait for the others." She says gesturing to the door behind her as it slides open.

Behind the door a woman wearing a morph with Chinese traits, mixed with something you cannot place, stands flanked by the Fury morphs. She is of above average height, but not so much that she would stand out in crowd. She wears an extremely expensive well-cut suit with a skirt and has her hair back in a conservative bun. Her slightly oval face would be stunning except for her completely impassive expression.
It was of Titania's quick and sharp mind that anyone able to be directly transmitted to the target location of anywhere should be quick and instaneous. Well it should have been. Alas she arrived perhaps an hour late or early, not that Titania had actually kept the time, though she rarely was wrong about it. But her transmission, while uneventful and able to place right where and when she was supposed to, did seem to have a slight irregularity.

<<"Titania, transmission complete. Welcome to the offices of Stern, Goldblum, Ling and Dobrensky.">>

"It is rather long winded isn't it? Why not SGLD? Or something." Titania takes a moment to look around feeling a little odd. Projector system for Infomorphs? No wonder there was a slight delay in her personal time. She spies the rather boring looking man, but it is the book that directs her attention. Though she does mentally note the man that had just been called in moments before her arrival to the room.

For a moment she is lured away from that book and its person as the receptionist asks her to wait. So she takes a seat like any good non-physical person, crosses her arms, and looks... towards the book.

<<"It is a book, Titania.">>

"I know that... but... I've never seen a real physical one before."
Bartholemew bows his head, smiling. He is guided in- and he looks to the woman with a faint, perhaps somewhat playful, smile. "Good Day, Ms. Huli-Jing. It is truly a pleasure to see you again." He allows these words to drift from his mouth- letting them tinkle through the air. "How are you doing today, ma'am...? Well, I trust- you look like you're doing well. Am I right?" He smiles slightly wider, and lets his eyes smile with him.

Ms. Huli-Jing give a curt nod-- as always her movements, even basic ones are ultra-efficient, and she displays emotional only rarely. "Good day Mr. Bartholemew, I hope things find you well? If you will follow me, I have been instructed to get a few things out of the way before the main briefing." She beckons for you to follow her into a large conference room just off the lobby filled with a table that could seat 40 and several very plush chairs.


The man with the book does not look up at your arrival but the woman with the tool belt does. She lets out a low whistle as she looks at you. After a second she catches herself and looks down and mumbles, "Sorry I did not mean to stare."

The man yawns and and hunches his shoulders to stretch never taking his eyes off his book.

Either of you can make Kenesics rolls to get more information about the any of the people you are dealing with (one roll per person if you want to study more than one)--If you do, just include the number of your skill in with the roll.

In case you don't know it is a % roll equal to or under your total skill
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Bartholemew nods, smiling. "I go by Raziel, in this Morph- if you might allow it." He then chuckles. "Now- please, do begin." As he scans her without moving his eyes- reading her as best he can. It's not what he relies on to get what he wants- but regardless. It's a skill to keep in practice.

Mikki Sune sashays into the office, her smart-clothing set to a floor length cerulean blue dress. "Am I late?" she asks, as though her entopics didn't tell her. These small courtesies are important, after all. "I was delayed slightly at the spaceport. An associate of mine from Luna needed a hand with navigating Titanian customs." She declines to clarify whether she means social customs or customs inspection.

"Please sit and use any terminal on the table. I just need to ask a few questions, I am sure I know the answers but I am required to ask. First, have you ever hear of the Zero Set Nihilist cult?

Networking Criminal/ Anarchist or Investigation -10

Have you ever heard of Dr. Chester Garvis?

Networking Scientist, Investigation -20, or any Academic skill in the Medical or Bio-science fields

And how would you feel about a mission that might require the deaths of 5,000 people to save millions more?." She let's a small grin slip with the last question, as if something funny was going on.

Titania and Mikki:

The man finally looks up from his book as Mikki enters the room. He blinks at Titania as looks around the room. "No not late, I suspect we are all here for the same reason. The contact just took a guy back right before you entered. So whatever this is about, it is has gotten rolling." He says in a soft quiet voice that still carries quite well. "Name is Keller, With luck they will move things along quickly. If I know Ms. Huli-Jing's M.O. she will interview one or two people she had concerns about with one or two more spaced in at random to keep people guessing--strange girl that one is."

The woman in the corner looks up as he speaks and blinks as if confused by his description of Ms. Huli-Jing, her brow bunches up making deep furrows on her exotic face. As she speaks her Irish accent is far more pronounced, and thus noticeable, than when she mumbled earlier. "That's a odd thing to say about her, though I can say I've never worked directly for her--in any case pleased ta meet cha Mr. Keller. Or is that your first name? Mine's Littledove-- Littledove O'Shaughnessy. And pleased to meet you gals as well," she says looking to Mikki and Titania, " I hope she don't take me fer questions I'll likely give her rotten answers."
He leans back, thinking, and then smiles. "While I usually prefer more personal killings, I can do mass numbers if it's what Transhumanity requires of me." He says, letting out a low purr, as he ponders her questions. "As for the Nihilistic Fools.... well- let me plumb my head a little, and think through a few old contacts.." As he starts to flip through a few secure links on the Terminal and thinks. "And the Good Doctor, well.."



"Sadly, I lack pre-existing knowledge on either- illuminate me with your light, my Dear; I would love to know."

"Oh fear not, you will learn quite a bit more about both in the briefing, should you be selected. But I have no doubt that you will"

She pauses as if making a mental note. "Let's just say that the doctor is a--unique case. The last thing I need to know is how current your last back up was?"
Titania lets a playful smile touch her lips and she raises a slender golden eyebrow. She always got various looks when she was visual to others. As one who was born or at least reborn in the virtual she found it pleasurable at most reactions. Thoughts no longer on a the book, she was about to pounce on the blushing embarrassed girl, then Mikki entered and all thoughts of teasing the girl flew out the window. Activity from the book user and the girl both gave the waiting room a certain set of energy. And after a few moments she adds her name to the spoken conversation.

"I am Titania Zero." Titania leans back, her long blond hair flowing in the virtual air, ah being with no physical form. Not quite perfect but not as bad as others. "Curious." She places a finger to her chin with a thoughtful look. "I hope its for something exciting. I'd like something other than a dwindling credit line." She looks to the door, whispering, "Hurry, hurry..."
He smiles, faintly, and a playful grin spreads across his face. "You know, I can't remember. Must have been... ahhh, yes. Last Week?" He lets his words come out clearly, concisely, as he focuses in on the face of his "Handler". "Is this Doctor my Target, then?"

"No the good doctor has come up with a new innovation which could be very----bad, in the hands of nihilists. Despite our best efforts he will be making an appearance in a very public, but thankfully isolated place. It will be the task of this team to ensure the Nihilists don't get hold of him or his technology. But, now that you have answered my questions, I think I will invite the others in so that I can offer more detail." She stands and makes and starts to turn toward the door.

Even without a roll Bartholenew spent enough time in the Lost project to know that the questions she asked were to establish a Psych baseline. He has enough skill that with an ACADEMICS : PSYCHOLOGY roll he can establish a baseline on her and develop a profile during the briefing about to begin, if he so chooses.
He nods his head, and smiles as he raises it, as he begins to dissect what he can see of her, begins to Dissect everything he sees with his mind. Just as he learned his craft, from having it done to him, to Psychoanalyze him is to be Analyzed yourself. As he looks to her, and the Briefing begins.. as he ponders what he's already seen of her, and plays around with what he knows.

Making the roll, and then I assume waiting for the Briefing to be done.

James stepped out of the car and stretched, luxuriating in the warmth of the artificial sun after being inside for so long. His light blue button up shirt and beige slacks were wrinkled, his close cropped blonde hair was mussed, and his facial hair indicated he hadn't shaved in several days. He felt exhausted, but this had done little to dampen his spirits. He smiled wistfully at the sky, shrugged, and headed inside, tossing a small undulating silver object of indeterminate shape in one hand as he walked.

"Hello there. Lovely day, isn't it? I saw the bat signal and came running," he says cheerfully, nodding to the receptionist and the assemblage in the reception area. "You'll pardon my appearance," he says, ruefully rubbing the stubble on his chin, "I had to withdraw three days in to the last round and haven't had a chance to freshen up. Fiendishly clever little girl with purple hair from some Brinker station had me on the ropes on the main board, but I had two of the sub-boards and I think I had her licked with another two days of play. Alas, it wasn't meant to be," he sighs theatrically. "Second place will have to do. I'm sure she'll be back next year."

His eyes alight on the man holding the book, and his face brightens immediately, "Ah, sir, I must commend your excellent taste in the finer things of a bygone era. My father had a fantastic library outside London and I always found it wondrous as a child." He walks over to the man and offers his hand, "Angstrom, James Angstrom, at your service."

"Keller, Amos Keller." He looks down and the book in his other hand, his place held with a finger. "Yeah just an old adventure story but I prefer to read those the old-fashioned way. It enhances the flavor for me."

He turns and looks at Titania. "With the people they picked for this I am sure it will be very exciting"
"Exciting is when the lunar ultralight glider frame races are on." Mikki opines, having draped herself over a conveniently placed chair. "When Firewall wants something from you, I believe 'whiskey-tango-foxtrot' 'tends to deceive events better."

She takes a sip of the mineral water (not sparkling, but do include the slice of lime) she received from the receptionist. "Last time I did a favor for Firewall, I got sold to a brothel. Took me weeks to extract myself."

"Firewall is not in the habit of holding people hands, Ms Sune." Ms. Huli-Jing says form the door where she appeared as if she were some manner of apparition. " If I could ask you all to join me in the conference room just beyond the door. I am sorry for the delay but I needed to establish something before we began. Please make yourselves comfortable there, I need to make one more arrangement and then I will return so we can begin."

For those who follow her out stretched hand, you will find the Conference room ready and waiting with one occupant.
Mikki rolls her eyes. "I'm here, aren't I?" Really, what sort of job gets all shirty when you seo the usual shop-talking bitchin'.

For all her attitude, however, she obediently trots into the room and takes a seat, nodding politely to the person already in there. The glee dress shimmers, shortening and warping as the janitors direct the smart fabric into the form of formal-cut business wear. It was time to get to work.
"Take your time, madam. Short of a nap in the sun I have no plans for the evening." He yawns loudly and heads auto-barista, adding, "I'll take the opportunity to fetch a cup of tea. I could use the pick-me-up."

Tea firmly in hand he takes a seat in the briefing room, leaning his chin heavily upon his hand and sipping idly. "Hullo there," he says, nodding perfunctorily to the man. His eyebrows furrow as he examines the woman business suit. "Haven't I seen you somewhere before? The Darkside avant-garde theatre awards ceremony on Luna, or maybe that Emergent Freedom charity dinner last month on Titan? Something about you strikes me as familiar."
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Titania turned her gaze casually on the authoritative woman that had 'appeared' from the door. She had been so quiet or Titania had been too engrossed in the human interaction that she had missed the tell tale signs of the woman's approach.

Titania watched the others move into the conferance room before she too made her way. Despite being not really physical she did have the small bit of consideration to not just ghost through everyone. She giggles to herself at the thought and makes her way inside. She needed no tea or other relaxing beverage, in fact even with the opportunities at various places of late she hadn't even considered ever trying it.

Once inside she 'sits' down and patiently waits. Whatever the woman wanted with them it would become clear to her as the minutes went on. Well it should if not it would be one boring meeting, and already a few of the people that had arrived were quiet full of personality. And that was interesting she admitted. Terra was silent as Titania had her thoughts and considerations as she waited.
A slender man of moderate height (one might guess around 5' 10" and 180 pounds or so) strides into the office's main entrance. Green eyes flick across the empty lobby. Black hair cut to follow the jawline bobs as he walks over to the receptionist. He hands over his ID.

"Late, I see. I hope I haven't missed much."

The receptionist waves him through with a murmured word that the others just arrived. The man nods again, collects his ID, and heads for the conference room. As the door opens he takes in the other occupants. Eyes flick lightly over each, then he enters and sits down at the left rear corner of the table. From here he can leap to the speaker's podium, or dash out the door. It pays to be prepared.

"Greetings, everyone. I'm...late, it seems."
"Not at all, we're just about to get started," replies James, grinning. He holds out his hand across the table, "Angstrom, James Angstrom. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir."
Bartholemew smiles and nods. "He's quite right, yes. Just.. getting.. Started." He says, with a certain relish evident in his tone.

As his eyes seem to look them all over- and he begins to peer in to their souls, taking notes in his mind on everything he sees- casually, it might seem to an observer.





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