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Fantasy Eneia: Tower's Ascension -- In Character


Five Thousand Club
"Oy, you keep that beast outside!" the innkeeper's voice would fill the tavern as a cloaked figure walked into the tavern flanked by a large black wolf. It carried a strung bow in one hand, and one could assume that there were other weapons that couldn't be seen.

"Makh goes where I go. You have a problem with that, I'd be happy to discuss with you," it said as it lowered the hood of its cloak. Elora's dark eyes scanned the room and she held a passive smile as no one else spoke up. "I won't be here very long anyway. Send me an ale, if you would."

Once Elora sat down, she took to scanning the room a bit deeper. As far as she knew, any one of these people could be part of the cult that took her father. Information had brought her to this village at the border of Volath and the Wildland - and someone had claimed to her that the cult was going to attack.

She was sure it was them, as bandits normally didn't give prior notices of attacks. Even so, these attacks had been becoming larger, more frequent as the nations began to take notice. Perhaps it was time for Elora to start searching for allies...
Among the town's predominantly human population, one figure stood out. A lizardfolk, not a common sight in these lands. Two large, flat horns covered his head, in place of a helmet, with a line of soft spikes slipping between them. Mostly, the horns reflected the sandy colour of his scales, but they turned blue near the tips, matching two leather crests on the sides of his head. His equipment distinguished the lizard from the surrounding populace as well. Instead of simple clothing most of the locals wore, he was dressed in chain armour, with solid metal plates on his shoulders, forearms, shins and upper chest. He had a large backpack, suggesting at an adventuring lifestyle. A small quiver of arrows and an unstrung bow were attached to the side of it, with a round shield occupying the front. A one-handed sword at the belt completed the image of an experienced fighter.

Glancing around the town, Rusk let out a sigh. He just finished escorting a trade caravan from one of the dwarven fortresses in the wildlands. Initially, he came here to collect a bounty on an unusually large group of bandits raiding towns between Volath and the Papacy. But, after the recent destruction of an elven village, the trail has gone cold. Since then, the mercenary picked up several jobs protecting travellers and merchants, hoping to find some leads he could follow. The assignments however did not entice anyone besides a pack of regular brigands, and an occasional wild animal. While he usually would not complain when getting easy jobs, this time there was a larger goal in sight, and without any more leads to follow, there was nothing Rusk could to to get closer to achieving it. Resigned, the lizardfolk mercenary headed towards the local inn. He would spend some of the money paid by the caravan to eat something and sleep a night here, pick up some supplies tomorrow and head out towards a larger city deeper into Volath territory.

Inside of the establishment was just as Rusk expected. A large room, with a stone floor, wooden walls and simple furniture. There was a flickering fireplace, a bar at the far end of the space, and a set of stairs leading up near a wall. The guests were fairly standard fare as well. At a glance, the only one worth noticing was a dark skinned elven girl. Though more than herself, it was a large black wolf at her feet that drew the attention. Looking away from the elf, Rusk approached the bar, ordering some ale and a small meal.
Trace Wildfang
Entering the Inn |

Trace.pngNyeheheheh!” The cackle of the hyena woman filled the streets as Trace casually made her way about. The cause of her laughter, while unknown, still drew some gazes in her direction. Most of everyone around was human, with a few traces of other races.

The goal for her having gone on a small adventure away from her tribe’s village was to garner some experience, even make some money on her trips out into the Wildlands. In fact, she had a kill casually draped over her shoulder as she examined the claws of her right hand- the claws she had ultimately used for the dead beast’s demise.

She’d need to find a market that would like it’s hide. She wondered if the meat was anything edible.

Though, most of all, she wanted to find ways to help her mother topple the Fang clan over. Unsure of how worldly the top Beastfolk clan was, she wanted to learn what she could.

At first, Trace had walked past the inn that she was searching for. She desired to take a small rest. With the end of the day fast approaching, she doubted stores would be open.

As she passed by, her ears swiveled back at hearing the words “keep the beast outside!” Her head tilting, her lip curled over her fangs. Having misconstrued, she assumed that this place was against beastfolk. If that was the case, she’d probably have a hard time selling her kill.

Time to find out!

Trace entered the inn, her expression pulled into a prideful one, her cream mane was disheveled from her most recent travels and in need of a good brushing. As her green gaze took in the site of the inn, she was just waiting to hear if there would be any more racist remarks about “beasts.”
< Taigakitt Taigakitt Martydi Martydi >

Elora sat patiently for her ale, Makh laid comfortably by her feet. She could feel eyes on her - the innkeep's disapproving glare and the nervous glances of other patrons. She could understand it, but she wasn't about to have him wait outside - his mournful howls would likely make things worse. When the door opened twice in quick succession the elf looked over and her eyes met Rusk's for a moment. He didn't pay her much attention, though, and the next who came in was another folk. Odd, were they travelling together? Or just coincidence?

"Oy oy," the inkeep sighed as Rusk sat down and ordered. "T'night's bein' weird there, good mercenary," he looked up at Trace soon after and he coughed. "Ah, would you leave that thing outside?" he asked her while gesturing to the monster corpse she was carrying. "I don't have the funds to pay you for that, you'll need to wait until morning.. market is closed by now."

Not long after saying that, Rusk got an ale in front of him as well as a bowl of stew, and a barmaid came over to give Elora her ale. The woman smiled cheerfully at both elf and wolf, and Elora nodded her thanks. "You can pet him, if you want. He only bites those who hurt me," she winked and chuckled as the woman nodded but scampered off so as to not get told off for slacking on the job.​
Trace Wildfang

Trace.pngUpon her entrance, the barkeep motioned at her prize from the wildlands. It was rather large, probably about the size of her torso, maybe a little bigger, green lizard-like beast, which she was carrying by the tail. It looked like it may have been beaten, clawed, and bitten to death, trademarks of a brawler.

Her lips curled as she cackled, “Leave it outside? To get stolen? Hell naw.” She stepped further inside, uncaring. “I know the markets are closed. It’s why I came here. It’s an inn too, ain’tit?

To Trace, she felt like the barkeep was just trying to get rid of her. Maybe he was, maybe he had a strict rule of not bringing wildland’s beasts into the tavern… But she felt like that could be turning business away, if someone needed someplace to stay.

Scratching lightly at her cheek with a claw, she sniffed, “Though, I could always take my leave and place my coin elsewhere to stay the night.” She shrugged, “Nyehehe, makes no difference to me!” She raised an eyebrow as she made sure she wasn’t blocking the entrance to the building as her tail swished, sweeping the floor.
Interactions: Innkeep ( MythyDW MythyDW )
Cylas wandered into town in his usual manner, he had simply been following the road after leaving the last town he stumbled upon and now the same thing had happened except the town was different. He was tired, his feet ached, and he was the usual mixture of hungry and thirsty that any broke homeless wanderer would feel. He was wrapped in his cloak as his right hand moved his walking stick with his legs. It would be difficult for anyone to really see what he looked like under the cloak and heavy clothing he wore but he at least appeared humanoid. Given his appearance he found most people didn't pay him any mind, he wasn't anything outlandish like a woman walking down the city of town with a large wolf or carrying a body. He was just some random vagrant that had wandered into town for no particular reason. He appreciated that, not being noticed simply let him keep walking undisturbed by anyone. He didn't have to worry about what to say or what to do and could instead be alone in his thoughts. He had occasionally pondered simply setting up in a cave and studying magic in solitude but he also thought about the possibility of word spreading about there being a warlock in a cave. At best he figured people might be weary about the cave, at worst people would come to him asking for help in things he couldn't really do anything about. The latter is why he decided to not do that. Besides, he had grown to enjoy the travel somewhat, seeing new things and just enjoying nature in his own way.

His walk had brought him next to a tavern as he heard the usual clamor of people talking and otherwise interacting. He was immediately repulsed and made to keep walking until he could smell food, not the berries and wild vegetables he managed to gather in the forest but actual food. His stomach rumbled and despite his initial revulsion he couldn't walk away. So hesitantly he began to make his way inside the tavern, keeping his head down as his free hand went into his pockets to see if he had any coins on him. Truthfully he couldn't remember the last time he had gotten money but he felt there was no harm in trying to look for something. As he did this he made a concentrated effort to not go near the corpse a hyena woman had brought in. The fact that someone would bring a dead thing such as that into a place where people eat just made Cylas gag a little. But he managed to move past it and made it to the bar as he took a seat and leaned his walking stick against the counter.

"Can I get some food and drink, please?" He asked as he finished riffling through his pockets and produced a few coins. They were all old, some from Labryinth and others from small places he had wandered through. One of them had some strange markings that Cylas remembered were stamped by an orc tribe, trade certainly was a funny thing. He often wondered what things would have been like if he didn't go to the college. Perhaps they would have been better, or perhaps they would have been worse...

Nayacel "Naya" Ker'rosm

"... Zvael, jealous of the mortals' love for Rak'Thiel, took a massive blanket and threw it over the sky, keeping everyone from seeing Rak'Thiel and making the whole world dark." The children around Naya gasped as she told her tale, their mother chuckling at how enthralled they were. "The people and the animals were scared and lost, and unable to reach Rak'Thiel they turned to his sister Kar'Thiel and begged for her to save them. Kar'Thiel pitied the people so she took her claws and began poking holes in the blanket, creating the stars. 'Stop!' Zvael cried seing his work being undone, but Kar'Thiel listened not. Finally with a single swipe Kar'Thiel tore open a massive hole, creating the moon and finally allowing man and beast to see once more. Zvael was angered by her interference so he sent snow and ice. This time it was Darkesh who came forward, offering his home to the men and beast that they might be warm. And so they came inside and were protected from the storm. Soon Namell, weary of her siblings fighting, went to their parents and begged Kazul and Edeal to stop them. The King and Queen heard her pleas and-"

"Alright folks, that's enough of story time." The father called out from the front of the wagon as he brought it to a stop. "We're here."

Smiling at the groans of disappointment, Naya hopped out of the cart and help the three youngest children down as she quickly wrapped up her tale. "Well Kazul and Edeal came and stopped the fighting, splitting the day and year in two that the their children might share the time rather than war over it, thus creating night and day and summer and winter." Finally she helped the pregnant woman off before turning to the father. "Thank you once more for the ride, Mr. Brown."

"Not at all! It's us that should be thanking you again!" He responded, waving his hands in front of him. "If you hadn't shown up when you did those bandits would have killed us! Giving you a ride was the least we could do!"

This time it was Naya's turn to dismiss his thanks with a warm smile and the shake of her head. "I simply did what anyone would." The older kids began pulling merchandise out of the wagon and Naya decided it was time to let him get to work and go on her way. "May the light guide your way, Mr. Brown." She offered, putting her hands together and bowing to him.

"Right back at you, Naya." He answered, trying to imitate her bow but failing, much to the cat girl's amusement. Finally she turned and walked away, ready to start on a new adventure in a new town. The most important task at the moment? Where to find food?
The Druid

Light singing in a soprano tone could be heard from just outside the town’s limits, coming from the edge of the wildlands. They looked to be small lights, ominously floating in the air by their own devices, but behind them a brighter light emerged from the wildlands. “Once again you have guided me true.” A calm, almost docile tone spoke out as Shenghuo stepped out from the tree line. In his hand a paper lantern glew with a green flame within, nature magic at work to produce a warm glow that wouldn’t burn or create smoke. The small lights which led the druid were actually tiny faeries who much like Shenghuo, gleamed under the moon’s pale light. “Thank you.” He said softly as they circled back around him and seemed to vanish.

Entering the town he could already see the differences between this place and his home back across the wildlands. Although...this place was where his parents hailed from supposedly. As he moved on through the town in silence, the residents looked on as if he were a ghost made visible to them. His solemn manner and lack of interaction with others only worked to further their suspicions. His eyes shifted this way and that as he searched for a place to rest his body. His trip into the wildlands had become a journey overnight as dangerous creatures he could not sway targeted him for a few days. What should have been a routine session to cleanse the chaos and aether turned into a survival exercise.

Just down the street he could see the sign of an inn. Right away he began to dream of the proper bedding and warm food they would sell within and that made him walk just a bit faster.

Putting out his lantern with the wave of his hand Shenghuo entered the tavern and inhaled deeply. His nostrils and lungs filled with the aroma of hearty meals being cooked for the guests. As he came down off his high he looked around and noted the unique crowd the inn and managed to draw.Several of its guests stood out, but it wasn’t as though he was unfamiliar with a diverse crowd. Moving to one of the empty tables near an elven woman, Shenghuo sat down and kicked off his geta. “Ahhh…” He sighed in relief as his feet finally got to rest.
< Ian Temero Ian Temero >

It wasn't that big of a town despite being so close to the wildlands. It was actually a half-day ride from the gateway city that held a contingent of guards and knights; the people felt safe enough from the monsters of the Wildlands, and the local guard would be enough to handle most roving brigands. Anyone who Naya asked would be able to point her to the only Tavern/Inn in town - one that seems to have a bit of a commotion going on by way of some new faces...

< Martydi Martydi LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Taigakitt Taigakitt Tuska Tuska >

The tavernkeep seemed to becoming more exasperated as time went on. In truth he was the assistant, filling in for the night while the owner took some time to recover from an illness. And on his first night he had to deal with a stubborn elf with a wolf, a stubborn hyenafolk, and who knows who else would show up!?

"Alright, alright fine. Bring it in, but please don't disturb the other patrons with it." he said to Trace. Elora chuckled under her breath while Makh watched the beast's corpse with intense interest. At that point Cylas and Shenguo entered. When Cylas sat next to Rusk and ordered a meal and drink, the innkeep nodded his head. "We got stew on the fire, anything else will be extra," he said before looking at the coins. The owner might have been able to spot the extra-valuable coin within the small pile, but this man couldn't. "And an ale you can get with that. You, beastfolk... and angelkin, any food for you?"

Meanwhile, a figure in a cloak of purple flowed into the inn silently, face hidden. Elora would visibly tense and Makh growled under his breath - neither made a move yet, though.​

As he sat down and made himself comfortable the angelkin couldn't help but to stare to at the elven woman and her companion. An interesting and certainly intimidating duo for sure. He flashed a smile at the wolf and waved at it. Often times he wanted someone to travel with, but the wildlands were dangerous enough alone and having to worry about someone else's safety would be too much responsibility and a distraction. "it's not easy to partner with such a strong person. Did it take long for the two of you to become accustomed to one another?"

As he looked from the wolf to the elf he noticed the expression on her face and then heard the wolf growling. Looking back over his shoulder Shenghuo noticed an ominous looking figure and couldn't help but to turn around in his seat. This inn sure did attract a wide variety of people, but perhaps that was because the wildlands were so near by.​
Trace Wildfang

Trace.pngA cackle rose and escaped out of Trace’s maw at her victory. What a silly man. But she was true to her word. She would spend her money here. She sniffed, “I don’t intend to throw it around every which way. I’m not a child. Heheh.” Always trying to start shit.

The hyena beastfolk was unaware of the wolf staring at her kill. Why would she look, after all? She was too busy pestering the innkeep. Her ears did keep flickering and swiveling to all of the conversations within the tavern, picking up trace conversations.

She approached, making sure her grip was sure on her beast that was tail over her shoulder.

I’ll pay for a room for the night first.” She put her hand into a bag she carried, pulling out a handful of coins. Fingering through which ones should be typical fair for a room if this village was like any others, she set them on the counter.
Mentions: Elori and Innkeep ( MythyDW MythyDW )
As a seemingly ordinary man sat down next to Rusk and ordered a meal, the lizard paid him little mind. With the corner of his eye, the mercenary noticed a seemingly random assortment of coins the man paid with. A quick calculation, and Rusk realized that the sum would be more than the ordered meal was worth. Neither the adventurer, nor the innkeeper's assistant seemed to know how much the collection was actually worth, and would end up overpaying a bit. His tail swept the floor in amusement as Rusk turned back to his stew, but not a second later he paused. He could use some help with hunting down the bandits, and if this man had coins that seemingly came from the Labyrinth, he was likely experienced in combat.

"You seem to be overpaying." Rusk said, turning to the mysterious adventurer. "Those Labyrinth coins are worth quite a bit more than you realize, if you know where to take them." Before he could reply, the mercenary spoke again. "Speaking of, if you were to the Labyrinth, you likely know a thing or two about combat. I'm here with a certain goal, and I wouldn't mind some help." Rusk said "If everything goes according to plan, it will be an opportunity to pull in some additional coin." the lizard looked at the chaos touched man intently "The regular kind." He added with a grin. When a figure in a purple cloak entered the inn, Rusk spared them a glance, but didn't make much of it. It was an unusual attire in this place, but within normality parameters for unusual adventurers.

Tuska Tuska
Cylas looked over to the lizard man who said he was paying too much, a small jolt of fear coursing through his veins as he didn't expect a stranger to just turn and talk. "I um... thank you?" He said quickly, fumbling with his words every step of the way. Cylas' mind was scattered as he felt himself fail at talking to the stranger almost instantly. Panic set in quicker as Cylas realized he was just looking at the lizard man, he had to keep talking didn't he? "I could use some coin?" Cylas ended up speaking as if he had a question and simply let his head fall down to the table with a disappointed grunt. Maybe he wouldn't have been a good trader... no not maybe, he definitely wouldn't have been a good trader. Cylas just let his head rest on the table and grumbled to himself, his self loathing already making him forget he had been talking with someone. Of course in such a state he didn't notice the new individual who had entered the inn.

Martydi Martydi

Nayacel "Naya" Ker'rosm
Interactions: MythyDW MythyDW Taigakitt Taigakitt
Mentions: Everyone​

"Thank's a bunch!" Naya called out to a woman who had pointed her towards the inn as she walked away. Her tail swished back and forth lazily as she slowly made her way to the building, taking in the sights. She liked this town already. It was small, quiet, and everyone was very friendly. Sure some of them stared at her ears and tail, after all half-beasts weren't exactly common, but Naya didn't mind. She knew they weren't trying to be rude, just curious. So she made sure to smile at the onlookers and even stopped to chat up a few of them. Their cheerful responses just added to her confidence that these were good people. Not that she had any doubt in the first place.

Reaching the inn Naya noticed a a bit of a commotion happening inside so, ears tilted curiously, she poked her head inside and found a rather interesting crowd. There was an elf with a wolf at her side, an armored lizardfolk, a hyenafolk (a cheerful bunch) with a beast haul over her shoulder, a human dressed in robes, and an angelkin with an elegant air about them. Oh, and one very flustered looking innkeeper. Either this was a really unusual gathering or he was new to the job. Probably the later she figured with a giggle. Slipping into the room she made her way to the counter, giving the hyena a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Good kill there, Wildfang!" The cat girl grinned at her, before turning the grin to the innkeeper. "Busy night, huh? I'll have some of that stew, thanks!"

Now Naya wasn't completely oblivious. Even as she talked with the two, she had one ear turned towards the rest of the room. She had seen the strange cloaked figure; heard the wolf growling, noticed the elf on edge; felt the tension in the air. Even if the others hadn't noticed it she had. And she was ready for whatever was about to happen. Even as she chatted away cheerfully, she stood on the balls of feet, the tip of her tail twitching anxiously.
< Taigakitt Taigakitt Ian Temero Ian Temero Tuska Tuska Martydi Martydi LadyOfStars LadyOfStars >

Elora had barely noticed the angelkin as he sat near her, only noting that he seemed to be talking to Makh. Neither one of them commented, though, as they were much too focused on the purple-robed figure. Something began to shift underneath his cloak...

"O-oh, ah, a labyrinth coin? Y-yes, I am sorry. If you wanted a better meal I can take that, otherwise the rest will pay for ale and stew-" he cut himself off a little when a half-beastfolk sat in front of him. "Okay, stew for you. Ah, give me a moment..." he left the bar and started to head into the back, at which point the figure made his move. The cloak was thrown off, revealing a man with an eye tattoed on his forehead, and an evil face-splitting grin.

"The Labyrinth sinks and the Tower Ascends!" he yelled in a manic voice of a cultist, throwing one dagger at the assistant inkeep. Elora had been ready, though, and fired an arrow quick enough that the dagger tumbled and clattered to the floor.

"Everyone, to the back room!" she ordered the civilians. Running out into the street would only cause problems, and the cult tended not to burn down the buildings. "And you! You will tell me where my father is!" she roared as Makh pounced and tore at the man's leg. However, instead of screaming for pain and mercy he grinned wider.

"I-I-I-I WILL ASCEND, AND YOU WILL ALL COME WITH ME!" his laugh was maniacal, and Cylas would sense a large amount of chaos energy converging in the man's body as it began to puff like a balloon...​
Trace Wildfang

Trace.pngTrace watched as she was ignored, which caused her to pout out a lower lip, her version of pursing lips. “What am I, chopped liver?

Her frustration of not getting acknowledged for buying a room was quickly directed towards the person that tapped her on the shoulder. She looked over, her ears pulling forward in eagerness.

They knew her family name? Interesting person. She recognized that the other was half-beast. She must be aware then about some of the intricacies of her family. Being a hyena beastfolk was practically screaming Wildfang.

A cackle escaped her lips, “Nyeheh! Thanks! It was a beast to take down.” She lifted it slightly as she spoke about it, “But absolutely worth it.

She leaned an arm against the counter, tapping her finger rhythmically as she waited for acknowledgement of the inn keep, who seemed to be getting a bit overwhelmed.

Keeping her eyes on the half-cat, she was about to open her mouth to introduce her given name, but then a shout caught her attention. Sweeping her money back into her bag as she turned, she glared daggers at the one who so rudely interrupted the conversation she was barely trying to have.

The dagger that had skimmed by her was of no concern for her. Right now, she was concerned about the man literally bubbling up.

With a cackle, she dropped her kill right there. She had to act fast if it meant getting the person-bomb out of the tavern. She bounced over, taking a wide stance, and threw a fist at the man’s chest, aiming to punch him literally out of the tavern, hoping the wolf that was attached to the leg would let go so he could go soaring.

Taking no time to see if it worked, she would then go to leap as fast and far as she could behind the bar counter, grabbing the cat girl up under her arm as she went to get her out of blast radius.
Interactions: Naya ( Ian Temero Ian Temero ) | Cultist ( MythyDW MythyDW )
Mentions: Elora
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Cylas was getting over his failure at social interaction when the barkeep noticed the labyrinth coin. He was actually starting to feel better at the prospect of better food as a new person entered the inn and began talking to the other patrons. Cylas risked a small smile as the situation seemed to actually not be that bad, at least until a man yelled about Labyrinth and threw a dagger. That was... certainly unexpected and ruined his mood. Of course he continued sitting as the madman was seemingly dealt with by the elf and her companion but then he felt the pooling of magic within the man. Cylas recognized the man's intent without even having to see him start to balloon.

"Shit! Shit shit shit..." Cylas swore repeatedly as he leapt into action from his bar stool, making sure to grab his walking stick. As the hyena woman tried to launch the man out of the inn Cylas simply ran past her and where ever the cultist would land Cylas was on him in a second. Placing his left pointer and index fingers onto the man's throat and then raising his walking stick towards the sky, Cylas uttered a quiet incantation. He began to draw the energy out of the cultist and into his own body so he could then safely expel the energy into the sky using his walking stick as the focus. In theory this would cause the energy to safely dissipate into the air before any damage was done.
When the man in a purple cloak started to swell, Rusk jumped over the bar and crouched behind it, sword in hand, quickly recognizing that magic was afoot, and not with good intent. He took a moment to grab his shield off his backpack, and risked a peek over the counter to see a hyena attempting to punch the ballooning mage, a wolf biting down on his leg, and the warlock Rusk had bothered earlier trying to pull off some kind of a spell on his own. Deciding that he isn't exactly qualified to deal with suicidal sorcerers, the lizard mercenary opted to stay behind cover, moving to what he considered a safe distance, cursing out "all the accursed mages on this sorry world and their godsdamned spells" under his breath.

Nayacel "Naya" Ker'rosm
Interactions: MythyDW MythyDW Taigakitt Taigakitt
Mentions: N/A​

A dagger flying past her. An arrow intercepting. Naya had thought she was ready for what would happen, but she wasn't. It all happened too quickly. The man started bubbling and everyone rushed towards him. She took a moment to take in everything before deciding she should probably follow suit. Well she would have, if the Wildfang girl hadn't turned around and grabbed her.

She had been mid dash too, so one moment she had been charging forward and the next was being dragged back. She let out a "Oof!" as the sudden change of direction knocked the wind from her. She hung limp in the hyena's arms as she tried to breath again. "Not...cool..."
< Taigakitt Taigakitt Ian Temero Ian Temero Tuska Tuska Martydi Martydi LadyOfStars LadyOfStars >

The first to act was Trace, who jumped to her feet and charged the inflating man before slamming a fist into his chest. It was almost like punching a fleshy balloon and he barely budged as her clawed fist pressed into the torso which popped right back out. She would then clothesline intercept Naya and start running to where everyone else had taken cover behind the bar. Elora flipped a table and whistled Makh back while dragging the angelkin down with her, even though there was no way the table would protect from a maelstrom of energy.

It was Cylas who came to the rescue. He charged forward and pressed a hand into the magically inflating man and tried to channel the magic into his staff. However, it was much too unstable and instead blasted out of the man and destroyed the back wall of the building - thankfully not killing anyone. Once the sound of the explosion echoed out, Elora poked her head up and snarled. The man's body had disintegrated. "Now is not the time to rest! The attack must be coming! Rally!" she yelled, and Makh howled an agreement before Elora opened the door to a scene of battle...

The tranquil village that Naya had walked into just minutes ago was suddenly devolving into chaos. The guards of the sleepy town were fighting a seemingly losing battle against a strike force of the cult - numerous people each in a purple cloak with the same insignia of the man in the inn. Civilians ran from figures brandishing weapons, and a few of them seemed to be holding firebombs of some sort...​
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Cylas rose from the disintegrated remains of the cultist with a look of disappoint, that wasn't really what he had in mind but as he inspected the area he was at least relieved to see that no one had died. Or at least no one aside from the cultist, Cylas had wanted to deny the man whatever it was he wanted in death but then again he didn't quite remember the last time he did something entirely right. But right now wasn't the time for self loathing as it was revealed by the elf and her wolf companion that the village was under attack. Cylas swallowed dryly and took a deep breath as he realized that there was a lot more fighting to do, actual fighting with people trying to harm him with means other than exploding themselves. To say that he was nervous was an understatement but... he looked at the people cowering by the bar still and he knew he couldn't just run away. He gripped his walking stick tightly as he looked to the Elora and nodded.

"We have to stop them before they destroy the village." He muttered to himself as he moved outside and began uttering incantations to begin casting a new spell. A sphere of green churning energy began to form at the top of his walking stick as Cylas looked for his first target. He found it when he spotted a cultist coming at a group of terrified villagers with a sword drawn. Cylas focused on their form and a bolt of energy left the sphere and snaked through the air avoiding the innocents and landing square in the chest of the cultist. Cylas repeated the action as he saw a similar scene happening not to far away and as another cultist fell to the ground he kept walking.

"I am a Warlock. I am change and destruction. This is not the end." Cylas spoke to himself in a small mantra to help keep calm and just keep walking through the village and dispatch any cultists he saw.
Trace Wildfang

Trace.pngTrace’s gaze swept to the side at the cat girl she snatched up, having heard her sentence. It’s for your own good!

She patted the girl’s head as she released her once they were safe behind the bar counter, just before something occurred and the blast could be heard.

It was so loud. She flushed her ears back, covering them with her hands with a crinkle in her snout.

She stood up, rubbing her ears once she heard a woman shout about not resting, and seeing the suicidal man… in pieces.

Who was she to command what I do?

Trace started to cackle quietly to herself, her fingers clenching and unclenching, the fur on her haunches rising.

Not that Trace disagreed. These guys were bad news and she didn’t want to see the village destroyed- it was a nice stop close to the Wildlands.

Up and over the counter, she raced out of the tavern, her tail smacking against the cracked doorway on her way out with an audible smack.

Her lips curled up over her fangs as she looked for a target. She didn’t have to look long, as one came at her almost immediately.

She set crazed eyes on him as she lunged, sinking her claws into the arm that carried their weapon and tore her teeth through their throat, getting coated with their blood.
Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero MythyDW MythyDW

Nayacel "Naya" Ker'rosm
Interactions: MythyDW MythyDW
Mentions: Taigakitt Taigakitt Tuska Tuska

Naya coughed as the dust settled, ears ringing. Had that man just... exploded? What the actual heck? She peered over the counter in time to hear the elf calling out for a rally. She wasn't sure exactly what the elf thought that would accomplish from a group of strangers, but since she seemed to an idea of what was going on it would probably be wise to listen. And then the elf threw open the door to a scene of utter chaos.

This time Naya wasted no time getting to the action, bounding over the counter and dashing out the door. A fire bomb went sailing and Naya slipped passed the Wildfang girl as she tore out a cultist's throat, ducked under an bolt of green energy, and skidded to a stop in front of a group of villager just in time to snatch the explosive out of the air. She weighed it in her hand before grinning at the surprised cultist who had thrown it. "I think you dropped this!" She called out to him before winding up and chucking it back.

As the projectile left her hand she raised her other arm, a layer of Aether colliding with a blade. "Nice try." The monk told the cultist who had swung at her, before shoving the sword away and taking a swing of her own, golden flames igniting around her fist as she punched a burning hole in his chest. "May Kazul have mercy on your soul."
After the magical discharge, Rusk risked a glance at the room. Upon seeing the hostile mage turned into a rough approximation of chunky salsa, he vaulted over his cover and approached the scene, eyeing the remains cautiously. He considered looking through the remains to find some clues, but then the elven woman called everyone to defend the village. When everyone ran outside, Rusk followed them. Upon seeing the carnage enveloping the town, he quickly decided upon a course of action: kill the bandits, save some people, then look for some leads to find the rest of the brigands.

With that, the lizard mercenary charged into the fight, sword and shield in hand. Within a corner of his eye, he caught the apparent warlock sending homing bolts of magical energy into attacking bandits. Undeniably more effective than a bow. Soon, Rusk set upon his first target. Using his shield to lightly redirect his enemy's longsword so that it hit the ground, the mercenary went for a kill. A quick stab forward and a short swipe to the right with his sword, and the attacker was kneeling on the ground, his guts flowing between his fingers as he clutched at the mortal wound. Deciding that this particular hostile was out of the fight, Rusk charged another bandit. Moving towards his next target, he passed by the hyena beastfolk, who had entered the tavern with a corpse earlier. Currently, she was using her claws and teeth to take out a bandit.

Turning away from the hyena, Rusk engaged another bandit, this one armed with a large axe. Knowing exactly what to do, Rusk set into an aggressive stance. While an axe could hit just as well as a sword, it was not as good at blocking attacks as a sword or a shield. Coupled with the fact that it was a two handed weapon, whoever found himself on the defensive with one would be at a disadvantage. Knowing that, the lizard mercenary moved to exploit this. Quick jabs or cuts with a sword, meant more to confuse the opponent and force him to make a mistake, rather than tire the opponent out. After a few strikes, this tactic brought fruit, Rusk's opponent left too big of an opening to his right side, which earned him a hit with the edge of a shield into the side of his head. Stunned by the impact, the bandit was open to a killing blow. Rusk moved in to make the strike, his sword swiping at the bandit's neck. The strike wasn't decapitating, cutting through the spine was not easy, and seeing more fighting ahead of him, the lizard mercenary wanted to conserve his strength. However, a throat sliced open was just as good of a kill. Leaving his opponent to bleed out, Rusk scanned the surroundings to find another target. He noticed the half-beastfolk, also taking on a few opponents, spouting cheesy one-liners and dispatching hostiles with, in Rusk's opinion, unnecessary amount of flair. Mentally rolling his eyes, the mercenary went off to seek another target.

Shenghuo ducked down with the elven woman, grateful for her quick action saving him from the impending doom. Whether the table would hold or not though was a different story. He looked to the elf and her companion, examining their appearance and felt relieved that they were both beside him. It wasn’t long before that feeling of comfort evaporated though as the sound of an explosion echoed through the inn. He felt the expulsion of the negative energy and the sound of a wall coming down, he had to see what had been done. Standing up slowly and cautiously he looked upon the scene in shock. The man was totally and completely gone. As was the back wall. “A suicide attack on a place of business? Why?” Shenghou questioned as he moved towards the center of the room to examine what remained of the man.

When Elora threw open the door and the sounds of combat entered the inn, SHenghuo quickly turned to see just what was happening. Cultists. There were more of these guys and they were invading the town. While he wasn’t one for combat the druid joined the others as they headed outside. As he looked around her could see the scared civilians running and trying to escape the assault. “Spirits be with me.” As he closed his eyes Shanghuo drew on the natural energies around them and began to construct a barrier around himself and several civilians. The pale purple energy radiated warmth and gave off a faint glow.

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