Endelee: Day 6

Who killed Ume?

  • Kite

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AGProject7347

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Poppy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tylar Annell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • amdreams

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Missnoblerose

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rose

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


One Thousand Club
The horror has come again... someone died last night... Ume, such and innocent person, died...

Hung the Nebulaskies was, the stars do not burn brightly anymore for the sadness of another innocent hung...

Those killed:

Rhomboid - Hung - good

Blue - Hung - good

Vive - Hung - good

Riddle7347 - Murdered - good

Nebulaskies - Hung - good

Ume - Murdered - good





[MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION]








We only have one day to get this right. If we lynch another innocent and the werewolf kills another then the evil side would probably outnumber us and good will lose . . . again. Now I know that noble and rose can't be the werewolf that's been killing because neither have been active at all these past couple of days. And I know I'm innocent whether you guys choose to believe so or not. Now that leaves only four suspects.

Now my first question is where was Ume last seen?
Well, my money's on Kite unless anyone wants to prove me wrong. She seemed closely associated with Ume yesterday, and was quick to come in another's defence. If not werewolf, she might be the traitor.
(been gone, wifi troubles)

Poppy I get what you mean. It might not be her though - she was probably quick to cover for nebulaskies because there was a chance of her being a seer. And by "Closely associated", do you mean she would have thrown everyone off?
heading to your tent amdreams.. for what reason, i do not know.

she was found dead in her tent though.
Really? Don't think I saw her . . . Wait. Why is "microsoft" a tag? Don't remember anyone using that word other than this time. What situation in here could've made someone use that word? Oh well.

Anywho, was she seen with someone else?
To me, Poppy seemed to be leading people off by saying I'm the traitor/werewolf. I believe she is bad, so I voted for her. Any objections?
Hate to say it, but if Poppy is not the werewolf, I have two other choices. Pretty obvious by now?
I agree, Kite. Based on previous comments, I know who you mean. (let's hope we pick the right person) And since the one is not active at this time of night...
So Rose, we're in agreement?

AGP, you are right. Sorry xD The evidence just points towards you. (If I am wrong, I'm so sorry. XP) Of course, there is the chance Amdreams was lying about being innocent, so on the other hand, there might be three. (Unless you count good ol' Kite.)
I don't have much evidence, but with so very few people I'm relying on it. You were inactive for a good time, because you didn't know the game started. The werewolf wasn't killing. The day after you came back, the werewolf killed for the second time (counting the starting post). On the other hand, Tylar blamed you right away, which might be somewhat bad but understandable, given the events. Amdreams..... I just don't know. Sooo... I'm guessing it's you. (Again, if I'm wrong and I kill you I'm sooooo sorry xD )
AGP, we don't have much to work with, but the most possible person it is to be so far is you. Of course, it is not certain, so I understand that we could be very wrong.
Then think on this, the killer is nonactive on purpose and only reads replies. I bet the werewolf is laughing right now since he/she is not being blamed.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I see that as leading us off >_> <_< If I'm wrong, I give whoever the werewolf is permission to kill me. (Or Rose :8D: ) (Rosey rose don't rage quit on me for that X3)
You see that as me trying to lead you off, i see it as an actually idea instead of blaming someone with no evidence behind it
LOL Rosebay don't leaaaaave! x3

Hey, I presented my evidence, and it was the most leading I found thus far. (hehe... thus.) Sticking to it, unless Tylar mysteriously comes on before the thread closes.
The red sun sets as the blue moon rises... the day has come to an end...

Werewolf leader, please send me your killing vote.

Seer, please send me your Vision vote.

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