Endelee: Day 2

who killed the villager?

  • Kite

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AGProject7347

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Riddle78

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Poppy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tylar Annell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • amdreams

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Vive

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Missnoblerose

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nebulaskies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rose

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ume

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rhomboid

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


One Thousand Club
All seems quiet on the western front, but daylight is entering the scene so let's see what happens...

Day 2 ends at 11 PM Central
The circus juggler sighed at the grindwheel when the news was brought to him. "No progress,but someone was indeed killed. What state was the body in? What state was the scene in? And most importantly,who can we trust?" The juggler takes his sword from the grindstone,and tests the edge. With a satisfied nod,he sets it down beside him.
Hmm, nobody voted yesterday. Don't really have any leads, yet. .___. Um... Yeah. So now what? x3
Hmm so was nobody else killed? Does that mean the person who killed the villager is inactive or something? (or is it just because nobody voted?)
Nobody else was killed last night but, I disincline to answer that question Ume.
It could be one of the people who had been inactive, we won't be able to tell if this is the case unless it happens again. But no one voted, could be because there wasn't enough evidence to condemn someone and/or we just weren't online at the time the votes were due.

Kite, Poppy, Ume, rose, missnoblerose, amdreams, myself and now Riddle are active. That leaves Rhomboid, Nebulaskies, Blue, AGProject and Vive as the inactive ones I think?
Here's a thought;treat everyone with equal suspicion. We have no leads. It would be a horrible idea to not take any action against the enemy,and a very bad idea to single out inactives simply because they're inactive. We literally have no logical way to conclude that they are more likely to be our enemy. We need a unified,concentrated effort to root out our enemy. We need to sort out which person to send to the gallows,now.
The acrobat sat atop a street lamp, kicking her legs over the edge. "Well, from what little evidence we had yesterday, anyone we would've lynched would have been a complete guess. Though I'm pretty sure that's how the first day or two tends to work. To have no attack though would clearly point an accusing finger to anyone that was inactive yesterday. We could easily see who was on the other day by visiting their profiles. However, this could also be a ploy of the werewolf themselves. Making us kill off innocent people by staying silent. Though I'd have to say no to that plan for now." She jumped down. "Still, our best bet right now is to probably focus on those who were inactive and thus could not attack. Seeing as I doubt that there being no lynching could influence the werewolf to not hunt. It may not be the best solution to go against them in case they are innocent, but we don't seem to have much choice in the matter." She sighed. "If the werewolf is indeed here and reading this, there is a very good chance I'll be dying tonight. This would be so much easier if we could see the body or even at all."
Ever hear of a smokescreen? Yes,it is possible that the enemy simply wasn't active,but it's also possible that they're just toying with us,creating a smokescreen to throw attention off themselves. I am NOT willing to take the risk of focusing on a single group of people,simply because they aren't active.
Well, we're not going to get anywhere by standing idly by. I'm going to decide with eeni meenie minie mo.
(I'm so sorry >.< i was at the hospital)

I agree, since no one was killed today it has to be one of the inactive people. In my opinion of course, however the only problem is how do we know which one it is if there inactive all the time? (And why should we play detective isn't it YOUR job Mr mayor x3)
It's everyone's Job Rose, not just mine... because who know's if any one of us (Minus me) will be next.

40 Minutes

Day 2 is now closed.

Werewolf Leader, send me your Killing Vote.

Seer, send me your Vision Vote.

Bodyguard, send me your Protection Vote.

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