[End] Endelee: Day 8


One Thousand Club
With the hanging against AGP the Victims win another game of Werewolf.

List comments, concerns and even what you would like to see on werewolf...

Btw, I found it hilarious that you guys were accusing AGP buy never hung her till the end. Also this is the first game that the seer survived.
Ha, ha! Sneaky, sneaky AGP. You really did have me for a while there. I should have trusted my instinct. Oh well, next time. As for concerns, none really. It was a bit slow at times, but I guess that can't be helped when some of the players are inactive for a while, but it picked up in the end. So it was all good. I'll look forward to next time.
I swear my Traitor wasn't very helpful, i didn't know who it was till she was killed :/

And anyways, maybe i wouldn't have been so obvious if i didn'y start killing the day after i started. This is the first game for me where the victims won, let me know when your going to start a new game [MENTION=1144]kaze[/MENTION]
[MENTION=1845]AGProject7347[/MENTION] This was poppy's first time playing (and mine). It's kind hard to do much xD I thought she did a bit well myself. Kite was a simple villager, nothing more nothing less. I suspect the Seer was Amdreams? Or Noble? >_> <_< Oh well. It'll be fun to play again.
Im back from the dead tell me when you make a new one too [MENTION=1144]kaze[/MENTION]
i shall my minions xD and i will let the seer reveal his/herself if they so choose.

also how would people feel if i gave a list of who played who at the end of each game?

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