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Fantasy Empires of Zune, The Great War

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Empires of Zune


In the vast reaches of the cosmos, an age-old conflict between beings of pure magical energy known as the Celestials, and creatures of the darkness and void known as Infernals rages on, these beings locked in constant and violent war amongst a field of desolate stars and galaxies. While the battle between the Celestials and Infernals existed throughout the cosmos, the main battle existed between two incredibly powerful beings from either side: Thessia, a blessed Celestial born from the purest form of magical energies and one with creation, and Thantos, a an Infernal ripped from the darkest corners of the void, comprised of raw and corrupt magical energy. These two incredibly powerful beings acted as the spearheads of each side, and the two inevitably clashed in a whirlwind of destruction and chaos. Amidst their battle, the two destroyed countless stretches of space, stopping their battle at nothing to destroy each other. The beings got their wish, and amidst the chaos they struck each other down, both beings smashing to pieces, scattering across the cosmos in a brilliant explosion of raw energy. The destruction of these two ‘leaders’ brought silence to the warring sides, and with the two most powerful beings in existence gone, both sides backed away from each other with the uncertainty of how to continue.

On a distant planet existed a desolate land with the most basic forms of primitive life, and a piece of Thessia eventually found its way to this world, smashing into the very earth. A shockwave of pure magical flux blasted outward along the worlds surface like a wave, infusing into the very essence of everything it struck. This world is called Mirtis.

Primitive life flourished and grew with the infusion of this energy, their minds and bodies heightening to greater forms, their bodies development accelerating and constructing in a near-instant. Four alike forms were born from the spark that had caused the magical influx; The Humans, the Elves, the Orcs, and the Dwarves, as well as the introduction of many mythical beasts and creatures such as Dragons, Wyverns, Elementals, and others. These lifeforms were spit out from this infusion process like a byproduct from its impact, thrusted into their world with new mind and body. Primitive instinct remained within these lifeforms even after their infusion, and their desires to survive began to reemerge. The Dragons and Wyverns took to the skies, The elementals scattering outward throughout the land with a desire to construct. As for the main four ‘Humanoid’ races, they quickly realized they could not survive their new world alone, and they banded together as one likeminded group. The building blocks for civilization and enlightenment fell into place, and the [Age of Development] reached its beginnings. With the full cooperation of these four like minded races came means of communication such as language, writing, and story. They began to understand the world around them, using its resources to their advantage to construct and grow, and together they began to inhabit their new home. As they looked over their accomplishments, and the vast expanse of inhabiting cities and towns that existed, and they decided on a name to that would be given to the lands to represent their accomplishments, and the bright future they held together. They thought a great deal on this,end eventually dubbed it all, their Empires of Zune.

A chunk of Thantos, the infernal being finds its way to Mirtis as well, crashing a distance away from the main settlements, or Amberhold, and the magical wave that rockets through the area creates a sort of corruption sickness, which beings to eat away at the pureness of the lifeforms on earth. The humans use their proficiencies in the arcane to push back the spreading of this ‘corrupting sickness’ while the elves begin to try and heal those affected. Inevitably, some from every race fall to the sickness as well as a portion of mythical beasts and creatures, becoming fully corrupted and vile creatures. The Undead derive from those who had fallen and risen due to the sickness, wraiths and necromancers derive from humans, elves and orcs who lose their minds to the corrupting and overwhelming magic. The sickened elves find their skin darkening and their thoughts shifting, becoming dark elves, the dwarves find their humanity ripped away and their dormant greed erupts, turning them into twisted creatures of metal and stone known as golems. Dragons find their scales and skin rip away to bone and ash as their minds are lost to the corruption.

Those who remained unaffected pushed out the creatures of corruption and malice with force, finding no other choice. For the first time in decades they used violence against their former friends and allies. The creatures began to leave on their own as well, as if they were beckoned from beyond the reaches of the horizon. With the dust settling, there was an uncertainty amongst the healthy. Each race began to develop varying opinions on what they had just witnessed, the humans claiming the corruption had changed them, and while they could not be saved, they would have to be put down. The elves and orcs disagreed. The elves believed that those who had become corrupt could still be saved, and there were hints of their former selves locked away, while the orcs believed that while their comrades were lost to the corruption, killing them with honour, and not mindless slaughter as the humans had suggested, would free their souls and allow them peace. The dwarves remained undecided, and rather distant from the raging opinions, the horrors and deformities they had seen their brethren become instilling pure fear into their minds. The dwarves were close-knit, and seeing their brethren morph to such creatures had crushed their spirit.

(This is where the wars begin, but the separation occurs. The races begin to group, and leave the humans, while the dwarves decide to hide away in the mountain the celestial chunk had landed in. Locking themselves in, while the elves split off into the nearby Great Forests, seeking solace in nature, and the Orcs flee to the badlands, an area closer to where the corrupt had gone, in order to seek and challenge the force head-on. This will start as a war between multiple races, but will evolve into all races against the Corrupted Infernal beings.)

The lingering magical energies now remain in within the earth, and this will allow for further development down the line, such as the eventual mutation of certain humans into animal-hybrids, as well as draconians, satyrs and centaurs. (So yes, you may make anthros, but, keep them limited to humanoid forms if you do think you're going to make one.)

The RacesMain Celestial Race 'Summaries'
Humans: A prestigious and scholarly race heavily interested in magic, and manipulation of magical forces. They are interested in primarily Celestial magic, and humans that dabble in Infernal magic fall at risk of corruption, though it is possible for them to wield it.

Elves: A natural and orderly race living amongst nature. Interested in the mystical and Spiritual forces of the world, and their ability to interact with and harness spiritual power.

Dwarves: An industrious and tightly knit society that views each individual as a part of one collective family. They are infatuated with the natural minerals and shards of the earth, and love creating magical constructs and machinery that push the bounds of known technology.

Orcs: A hierarchal race of tightly knit an honourable warriors who view combat and the art of war as the most respectable and important cause in the world.

Hybrids: A race of half-human half-animal hybrids that were fused together during the initial impact of the Celestial shard. This race is a curious one, and they are made up of various groups. ‘Fur’ hybrids which encompass cat/fox people, generally tend to stick together, while ‘Scaled’ hybrids such as lizards/draconids group up as well. They live in tribes and settlements scattered around the entire region.

Angels: A race of pure Celestial beings who were infused with an abnormally high amount of Celestial energy. This race views themselves quite highly, and situate themselves as close to the Celestial crystal as possible. They act as emissaries and guardians to the Celestial crystal, guarding the path up the mountain with their lives. [Will decide on whether or not I want to make this play-able]

Main Infernal Race 'Summaries'

Undead: Fallen humanoids that have risen again from the large amount of Infernal energy within them. These undead are filled with a hatred towards the Celestial beings. They have figments of their past memories, but they care not for them and live in gratitude of Thantos, thankful for their revival.

Vampiric: Vampiric beings have been corrupted more mentally than physically, and this occurs when a Celestial being falls victim to the corruption of Thantos. Their corruption is cause for an unnatural craving for the blood of Celestial beings, and they seek it willingly.

Dark elves: Elves corrupted by infernal energy, these elves have a fascination with dark spirits and ritualistic summonings, preferring to remain secluded in the darkness to do what they wish without interruption. Dark elves are very self-centered, and often seek to spread their corruption to others.

Golems: Dwarves who’ve been corrupted by infernal energy. Their original greed has manifested like a curse from the corruption, their skin turning to a mix metal and stone, as well as warping their minds to continuously seek more.

Unseen: The unseen are beings that have been heavily warped by Infernal energies, and their bodies have faded to near complete transparency because of this. They now embody dark smokey beings with gleaming red eyes. Their behaviour is rather malevolent and quite violent.

Demons: Demons are beings who hold the highest amount of Infernal energy within them at once. These beings work directly with Thantos to ensure the Infernal shards security, and they hide terrible beast-like bodies behind more tame, humanoid visages. [Will decide on if I allow this to be play-able.]

Most of our characters should be Celestial races, but, I will allow you to be an Infernal. Not all of them don't automatically inherit evil traits, but they aren't exactly someone you'd trust your life with. At best they're neutral.

This will be a casual/detailed roleplay. So, 1+ paragraph(s). Quality > Quantity

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The setting you described reminds me so much of the lore of my favorite game, so color me interested!
What would this favorite game be?

[Got any questions?]

DotA2. An RP about two dimensional forces fucking up the universe cause they hate each other? That's right up my alley.

Also I do have a few questions.

Are the undead kinda like Walking Dead zombies, or Warm Bodies zombies? If the latter, then how much of their cognitive functions still remain?

Also why didn't the Celestials and Infernals just appoint a new head after Thessia and Thantos died to continue the war?
DotA2. An RP about two dimensional forces fucking up the universe cause they hate each other? That's right up my alley.

Also I do have a few questions.

Are the undead kinda like Walking Dead zombies, or Warm Bodies zombies? If the latter, then how much of their cognitive functions still remain?

Also why didn't the Celestials and Infernals just appoint a new head after Thessia and Thantos died to continue the war?

The Undead are Warm Body Zombies. They have enough cognitive function to read, write, be independent and make their own choices as well as use magic [though it's rare.] But, most of them all have a common goal which is to do Thantos' bidding out of gratitude for their life.

They didn't appoint new ones because nobody was powerful or worthy enough to lead after Thesis and Thantos died. It was a lack of a powerful leader amongst them that made them both back down, as well as the huge morale drop from watching their own leader be shattered into pieces.
Hey you can color me interested in joining this if you'd have me. No questions stand out to me as a must ask however i noticed that you're allowing some people to play races from the infernal group. Does that mean that people tainted by the infernal have a chance to be good or are they just fighting a losing battle and will just become "evil" eventually.

Hope you can get back to me.
Hey you can color me interested in joining this if you'd have me. No questions stand out to me as a must ask however i noticed that you're allowing some people to play races from the infernal group. Does that mean that people tainted by the infernal have a chance to be good or are they just fighting a losing battle and will just become "evil" eventually.

Hope you can get back to me.

Some Infernals do lose to the corruption and become evil, if they aren't already, but the strongest of them will be able to control their corruption 100%, therefore meaning they have free choice to be good or bad.

But, that doesn't apply to Demons. They are all evil.
I'll start on making the thread soon. Will include a lot more information than what is stated here.
Some Infernals do lose to the corruption and become evil, if they aren't already, but the strongest of them will be able to control their corruption 100%, therefore meaning they have free choice to be good or bad.

But, that doesn't apply to Demons. They are all evil.

Awesome I was wanting to make an Elf. Just wanted to make sure I understood. Can't wait to write with you all :)
What era of weaponry is in place? Could I play me a musketeering mofo?

Could I start with command of a platoon or company, as there will be a war to fight?

Is it possible to play a variation of the undead? Something more celestial than the infernal base type, created be a necromancer ?

Are we going to be under the employ of nobles for us to be in the war or something, or are you going to hand-tailor something for every character?
What era of weaponry is in place? Could I play me a musketeering mofo?

Could I start with command of a platoon or company, as there will be a war to fight?

Is it possible to play a variation of the undead? Something more celestial than the infernal base type, created be a necromancer ?

Are we going to be under the employ of nobles for us to be in the war or something, or are you going to hand-tailor something for every character?

I will allow you to command groups of people. Just nothing crazy like "General of all Armies".

While there are no proper guns yet, the dwarves have made handcannons that fire heated metal like shotguns. They take a while to reload though, and they're uncommon and expensive. But, most weapons vary by culture. Sword, shields and axes are most common.

You may. Under the description of humans, it is said that it is possible for humans to use infernal magic. This is about as close as they'll get to being corrupted without actually being so. Infernal magic allows necromancy and stuff. There are also undead that have been raised by the said humans to do good things.

You will all be under the employ of a Lord, who has a great reputation and lots of people to serve him, though not everyone has to be like this.

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