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Nation Building Empires at War

now, i apologize in advanced for not posting any sort of picture since i am new to this site i am not allowed to post inks or pictures, that and generally whenever i try to post a picture, it does not work. i will go over the species in a later post, but i only have so little time right

Name: Central Coalition

Leader: Duncan Hughes (security council head)

government type: it is a confederation, so each nation has its own set of laws. however, there are certain basic laws that apply to all members.

government capitol: the citadel

colonies: controls a single galaxy, aswell influence in the two irregular minor galaxies that are neighboring their galaxy. they also have control in the resource rich globular clusters slightly outside of the galaxy.

morality: neutral good


The Central Coalition is an alliance of all the sentient species in a galaxy, who have united in the common goal of survival. Originally, the Central Coalition was just an alliance between the Terran Empire and the Swords of Sanghelios. The coalition, at first, only served as a deterrent towards outside threats and an organization that made trade easier between the two factions. It wasn't until a major anti-piracy operation in which major pirate organizations were destroyed, many hostages were freed and the coalition saved several none member planet that they started gaining outside support. The zoltan and engi were the first to join. Now having far greater resources, the zoltan spread their humanitarian operations across the galaxy. Many species began seeing these as the actions of the central coalition, and not just the actions of the zoltan. Many Factions requested membership to the coalition after receiving help from the zoltan and protection from the rest of the coalition. Most of the galaxy joined within a quick succession, granting the coalition substantial power. At first, managing the massive influx of resources and having to reorganize the government was a nightmare. However, they were saved from becoming an inefficient and overly bureaucratic government with the creation of a new type of A.I., designed jointly by the Terrans and the Zoltans. Many Cites began adopted this form of AI, using them to regulate all automated systems. The galaxy had seemingly entered a golden age with the near elimination of piracy, the downfall of crime and overall prosperity of the galaxy's races.

For a few centuries, the Coalition had no interest in expanding outside of their own galaxy, except for the small globular clusters that sat right outside of the galaxy. During this time, the AI used in the management of cities continued to be advanced, and with them, a new type of combat drone was born, dubbed the spectre. Extremelly strong, hard to kill and very "skilled", the spectre is a menace to any who would appose it. While being about the same size as a human, they have proven to be far more deadly. Even with it's head torn off, they can still operate, simply using the other drones nearby for vision instead. This is possible because of a wireless battle network created by the terrans. This wireless battle net allows all soldiers to be updated with real time information and to be given orders quickly and efficiently. Spectres have become the most common drone in the galaxy, being very effective and cheap to produce.

The Coalition originally only used ships of the member species for its fleet, however, during the few hundred years in which they stayed in their own galaxy, they designed new types of ships, made from the best technologies of a the member species. The result was a line of standardized warships that are able to compete with those of many other factions and can easily be produced at all the shipyards in the coalition. Many older models of ships were phased out in favor of these new designs.

The Coalition was named for the city in which it was signed, Central, an the first A.I.. run city built by the terrans, which was centuries ahead of its time. The coalition's current capital is the citadel, a massive planet sized station. It holds a massive population, is fully capable of creating its own weapons, drones and ship, and due to plant nurseries, is entirely self-sufficient.

After the centuries of pure isolation, the coalition began exploring outwards, first exploring and making contact with the people's of two irregular galaxies that almost seem to orbit theirs. While not openly asking for them to join the coalition, they did request to make defensive treaties with them. They accepted, and the coalition immediately began supplying them with superior equipment. The coalition originally planned on extending membership to the people of the irregular galaxies, however after the discovery of multiple galaxy superpowers, particularly UGF. The government immediately ended all exploration outside of the galaxy, and focused on their own galaxy. many systems were given heavy defenses and a massive fleet made for defense of their galaxy was created. For the next thousand years, until present day, they have remained inside of their galaxy except for giving weapons to their allies in the irregular galaxies.

i will go in depth about the tech in a later post, however i do not have enough time now and i want to make sure this so far is okay before i continue

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