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Realistic or Modern Empire City: Weekly Character AMA

Bella: What was your inspiration for Roxie, if any?
Bella: How much as Roxie evolved/improved/changed since her creation?
Roxie: What do you think of your father?
Roxie: Do you have a favourite drink?
Roxie: How do you think your life would have been if you were born not into wealth but into poverty?
Roxie - Before you got "locked down", did you ever used to dream about falling in love and settling down with someone? If so, what did that fantasy involve?

Roxie - Based on how things have been going so far, how do you see your future with Syd turning out?

Roxie - Was there anything you wanted to accomplish in life that may now be compromised by the child you're carrying? How do you plan to accomplish them now?

Roxie - What's one of your personal flaws that you are currently working to overcome?

Roxie - On the whole, do you feel like you make more compromises for other people or is it the other way around?

Bellz Bellz Sorry they're late !
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Roxie: What is your favourite childhood memory?
Roxie: What do you think about the Porters as people?
Roxie: What attributes do you believe make a good friend?
Roxie: If you could only save Syd or your father from a burning building, who would you save?
Roxie: Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Bellz Bellz
Roxie Carriveau
Roxie Carriveau
Bugsy Bugsy

Bella: What was your inspiration for Roxie, if any?
My inspiration for her comes from a part of myself, the social justice warrior part of me I guess XD Roxie and I have a lot of traits in common I think and we share a similar background story in terms of being rebellious as children into adulthood. I really aspire to be a role model for women and I think I've put a lot of that into her character as well. Like all of my characters she has a special place inside of my heart <3

Bella: How much has Roxie evolved/improved/changed since her creation
Well I've say she's changed a lot since her creation. With her relationship I really think she had to change..lol. Roxie was suppose to be a character who really didn't take shit from anyone but it seems like she takes shit from Syd now, which is a change but I see it as a character development for her. She's just adapting in a way she knows how and I really like to keep my characters flexible like that because its just more realistic.

Roxie: What do you think of your father?
My father...is an interesting man, I guess. Very calculated, careful...doesn't really do anything for fun. It's always about him and I am really starting to think that he thinks he's God himself. If there is a God. But he's good to my mother and that's really all I care about. I love him, oddly enough, guess that's family.

Roxie: Do you have a favorite drink?
I do enjoy a a Brandy Alexander.

Roxie: How do you think your life would have been if you were born no into wealth but into poverty?
Things would have been a lot different I am sure. My family might have been a lot closer if born into poverty but I don't think my father could handle it. I wasn't necessarily spoiled as a young girl so I'd like to think I would be the same as I am now. I would have probably gotten into a lot more trouble back then...if I'm being honest. There were some things about being wealthy that got me out of a lot of things...
On the phone .gif
Misty Gray Misty Gray

Roxie: What is your favorite childhood memory?
I would say my favorite memory was the first time I'd ever snuck out of the house. It was so exhilarating, the first time you get to break the rules. I had been grounded for skipping class, I had done that too many times to count but this time my parents were notified. I was around 13 at the time and I was hanging out with the high school kids across from my Catholic school. It was were I would go that next year and I was anxious to fit in. Well the group I hung out with had found the house that I was living in at the time with my parents and I snuck out the third story window with their help. It was so crazy, just remembering the feeling brings back so many memories. My parents would kill me if they knew about all the stuff I use to do, but that's one of my favorite memories.

Roxie: What do you think about the Porters as people?
Look, I always like to see the good in others...even if they have been actively accusing me of something I didn't do since day 1. I don't know them well enough to make any judgements but I do know one thing. They are wrong about me. Syd is the only one who has faith in what I say and I am grateful for him...but the rest. Right now...they can all just go to hell.

Roxie: What attributes do you believe make a good friend?
This is a hard one because I really make friends with anyone. But Savvy specifically, as that's who I feel we are secretly talking about...I feel she makes a good friend...a great friend actually because of how accepting she is of my faults. I get the sense she gets it from her mother, her kindness is just so pure. I think I love that the most about her, her purity. She really doesn't seem to have that rebellious streak like I do and its refreshing. She never stopped me though..which I love. Those attributes are important to me..

Roxie: If you could only save Syd or your father from a burning building, who would you save?
Well I've always wanted my father to burn in hell...so if that's the closest I would take it. Syd and I may have had our differences lately but I really don't know if I can get through everything happening without him. *sighs* Which I guess I'm saying I need a man to help me succeed. Great. I really don't like this question.

Roxie: Where do you see yourself in 20 years
God that's a long ways away. Well I guess I see myself as a mother with a hopefully not too rebellious 20 year old. I would hope at that time my father would have made me VP of the company so that I could do things a lot differently. Maybe I'm married... guess that really depends on certain factors. I would want to move away from the city...out of the state even and move somewhere like Vermont. A big white farm house with a wrap around porch and lots of property with trees as far as I could see. That would be really nice.

Screen Shot 2019-05-05 at 6.15.50 PM.png Pyroclast Pyroclast
Roxie-Before you got "locked down", did you ever used to dream about falling in love and settling down with someone? If so, what did that fantasy involve?
Well I wouldn't say I am necessarily "locked down" but if I'm being completely honest, I've never really dreamed about falling in love. It's never been in the cards for me I think, up until this point in my life. Settling down is something I've never really thought about but I guess its something that I need to think about, right? *nervous laughs* I think its overrated that most women seem to have that fantasy, really...

Roxie- Based on how things have been going so far, how do you see your future with Syd turning out?
Well this is quite the question...I see my future with Syd going couple of different ways. We could see eye to eye and things will work out well between the two of us...our feelings could mature. We could completely be in way over our heads and things don't work out well, we would have to split custody between the baby and move on with our individual lives. It could go any way really...and I'm not sure which I would rather have at this point.

Roxie-Was there anything you wanted to accomplish in life that may now be compromised by the child you're carrying? How do you plan to accomplish them now?
School has been hard enough with keeping a full time job...I'm finding it hard to imagine that I would be able to keep up with it once the baby is born. But a lot of other women have done more than I...so its not impossible. If things between Syd and I work out for the best, then I guess my plan would be to lean on him for some support with the baby...seeing as how he's been so helpful so far.

Roxie-What's one of your personal flaws that you are currently working to overcome?
I give too many chances. Which I think is a huge personal flaw of mine. I like to pretend I'm some tough chick with a lot of nerve but I think I've allowed myself to be run over far too many times to count. I am currently working on putting my foot down and setting boundaries, which is happening very very slowly.

Roxie- On the whole, do you feel like you make more compromises for other people or is it the other way around?
I think lately, I've been making a lot of compromises for other people...something I'd rarely done in the past. Its hard to know what has changed about me to do that but...I think I have a vague idea of what the problem is.
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Fletchawk Fletchawk
Bella: Any particular reason to select Alison Brie as FC for Roxie?
First off...I absolutely love Alison Brie lol. She is one of my favorite celebrities. Second, she's a real activist for women's rights and I feel that my FC should represent the character she is playing. Alison Brie was a perfect fit because she is a big part of the feminist movement which my character Roxie is all for.

Roxie-If you could only pick one, which photographer would you corner for their trade secrets?
Easy. Henry Cartier-Bresson. He is a master of candid photography and I would love to know how he captures that 'decisive moment' with everyone he sees behind the lens.

Roxie- What photograph that you've taken are you most proud of? I think the photograph I am most proud of is the one where I captured my father smiling at my mother...it was so genuine, candid...so pure. I've never seen him smile at me that way so to catch that foreign moment was absolutely stunning to me.

Bella-What's your favorite thing about Roxie?
Her spirit. She always seems to power through even in the hardest of times. That's what really makes her interesting to play. She gets so fire up about anything.
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Bellz Bellz : Any particular reason to select Alison Brie as the FC for Roxie?
Roxie: If you could only pick one, which photographer would you corner for their trade secrets?
Roxie: What photograph that you've taken are you the most proud of?
Bella: What's your favorite thing about Roxie?
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Danny: Who have you met from the East Harlem Gang? What do you think of that lot?
Danny: Do you think your parents gave you a decent and healthy childhood?
Danny: Have you had any significant romantic relationships in the past?
Danny: Where do you see yourself in the future, long-term?
Danny: What do you imagine Syd would do if he found out about you and Savannah?

Pyroclast Pyroclast
Pyro: What made you choose Danny, the name and the character? Is there any major significance behind his last name?
Pyro: Has there been a time where you're trying to write a particular scene with Danny and it turns out completely different from what you expected it to be?
Pyro: As writers, we tend to have a tiny bit of a sadistic streak with our characters, is there anything in the pipeline that you can say will happen to Danny or is he going to be one of the lucky ones?
Danny: What's your favourite style tips for dressing up around town?
Danny: Who would you like to meet or see more of?
Danny: Given that you dabble in narcotics, what's your favorite poison and why?

Pyro: When did the character of Danny first pop into your head?

Danny: If money wasn't an obstacle, what would you be doing?

Danny: Who is your least favorite person? Why?

Pyroclast Pyroclast
Elvian: How do you feel about Gabriel's brutal and ruthless ways in dealing with his enemies?
Mel: Who from the Porters/Sullivans do you think Elvian would most get along with and who would she dislike the most?
Elvian: What are you most proud of from each of your children?
Elvian: What are your happiest memories?
Elvian: If you had to choose a different lifestyle to the one you have, what do you imagine your life could be like?

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
Elvian: Which child are you most proud of?
Elvian: What do you love most about your Husband?
Mel: If Elvian was a main course of a meal, what dish would she be?
Elvian - What are the main lessons or traits you learned from each of your parents?
Elvian - Is there anything you particularly miss from your life in Italy that you haven't been able to bring into your life in America?
Elvian - What are you more likely to prioritise: safety and security or freedom and progress?
Mel - What part of Elvian's personality do you think could cause her problems?
Elvian - What keeps you connected to your Romanian roots?

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
All of these questions are directed at Maddox. Don't come after me for asking 6 please - I could have asked a hundred!!

- You decided to play the long game in avenging your father's murder. Do you ever find yourself tempted to take a faster route?

- What aspects of your personality have changed or developed since you became a psychiatrist?

- What does happiness look like to you?

- At what point do you decide to give up on a client?

- Do you ever feel conflicted about manipulating Conor and Syd?

- Based on the troubles you have seen clients afflicted with over the years, what's one piece of advice you would give to the general public to ensure a healthy mind?

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Dr. Maddox Parker
Bradley Maddox Parker

Maddox: You decided to play the long game in avenging your father's murder. Do you ever find yourself tempted to take a faster route?
More often than I care to admit. There are times when I consider just how easy it would be to ruin James Porter's world. I have Syd and Conor in a position where they trust me, and I am in a position where I could now destroy their lives with little effort. Syd's mental state can easily be manipulated, especially since I reduced his medication. All it would take to get Conor locked up would be flick of a switch in his head and then a report from myself to the parole board. After which, Gabriel's intention is to have Sullivan killed in his cell.

I suppose if I ever did lose my patience, the thought of Moretti would be enough to put me off taking that faster route. The man has more power than I could imagine and I wouldn't have been able to get this far without the Morettis. To deprive him of his vengeance would surely be the final nail in my own coffin. I couldn't cross the man, even if I wanted to!

1574034949963.pngMaddox: What aspects of your personality have changed or developed since you became a psychiatrist?
I guess I've become more confident and in a way, empowered. As a kid, I allowed my step-father to bully me and I became all too familiar with the back of his hand. At the time and until more recently than I care to admit, I believed his strict ways were what gave me discipline and the desire to learn. Now, I realise he had no right to treat me the way he did, not when I had a real father who might not have been able to afford my education but he would have treated me far better. I was even a pushover in early adulthood, one such example was allowing some guy to accuse me of cheating at poker and then not being able to fight back when Arlene Sullivan had me beaten up by her security guards outside the mob's casino.

Specifically, I would say I've learned how to read people far better and how to use the things they tell me - be it verbally or non-verbally - to get the result I desire. With the likes of Syd and Conor, that result might be to draw out information from them or to play on their unconscious weaknesses. But it works he other way too. Outside of those patients linked to the mob, I treat good, innocent people. My care for them is genuine and my only focus is to help them overcome their psychological difficulties.

Maddox: What does happiness look like to you?
A detached bungalow in a quiet neighbourhood, with a beautiful garden and a loving wife to share it all with. Perhaps even a couple of kids and a family pet to make it all the more perfect. After spending years living in a third floor apartment in the middle of the city, I've realised how grim New York can be.

Still... I'm pretty sure that kind of happiness is nothing more than a pipe dream.

Maddox: At what point do you decide to give up on a client?
I can't think of a specific point where I would decide to give up on a client. As long as they need or want my help, I'm committed to delivering it. If it came to be that I believed I was failing them or unable to help them, I would make sure they receive the care they need from a fellow professional. I couldn't turn my back on them.

Maddox: Do you ever feel conflicted about manipulating Conor and Syd?
I suppose I do. With Syd, I can see he needs real help to overcome his past grief and traumas. At times, I wish I could forget what his family has done and give him the help he needs, but then I remember he's voluntarily a member of the mob and he's far from innocent. He chose to help his father. As for Conor, I know he's a Sullivan through and through. I'm aware of the way he threw his weight around in Dublin, even as far as beating up my uncles when they'd apparently crossed the mob. Yet, there is something endearing about Conor and his honest yet charming nature is at times enticing. In another life, he's a man I'd like being friends with, but in this life he's the enemy.

Maddox: Based on the troubles you have seen clients afflicted with over the years, what's one piece of advice you would give to the general public to ensure a healthy mind?
Don't bottle things up. People should not be afraid to seek help and advice from others. Whether with a counsellor or a loved one, they should not be ashamed to admit when they need help.

Pyroclast Pyroclast

Maddox: As a psychiatrist, do you believe that you are immune to some sort of personality disorder?
The mind is a very complex thing and I don't believe anybody is immune to having a personality disorder. So, no, I don't believe I am immune to that.

kklghgh.gifMaddox: What if your enemy saved Ani from death? Would you stop pursuing the Porters? Or would you still seek revenge?
That's a big if, isn't it? The Porters will have still been the ones who mercilessly gunned down my father and uncles, so they still need to face some form of justice for what they have done. If one of them saved Ani, then I would be inclined to stop pursuing revenge towards that particular person, yes.

Maddox: Have you ever heard of the term Sociopath? are you aware that your behavior lines up with the definitions so far?
Yes, of course I've heard the term "Sociopath" before! I am aware that my behaviour does fit the criteria when it comes to the subject of making sure the Porters are punished for what they have done. Since the day I had to identify the dead bodies of my father and uncles, I've been torn into two. I wish that part of me didn't exist, but I will never feel good until they've been avenged.

Maddox: Do you think there is such a thing as redemption?
Yes, I believe there is. Though I don't believe some people can have that. Some are beyond being saved and will never stop hurting other for their own greed.

Maddox: If you think the Porters are past the point of redemption, what do you think Ani will think of you once you carry out your plan?
I'm sure some of them are not beyond redemption - getting to know Conor has taught me that even a Sullivan can become a better person. But the fact is, the Porters and SullivanS have been doing this for decades and have never stopped wanting more power. They still bully, hurt and kill others to get what they want. I hope Ani will understand that I had to avenge my family and stop the Porters from bullying others. I would have preferred not to have been taken down this path, but I hope Ani can see I'm still a good person outside of this. I love her and I want us to be able to have a normal life after this.

Bellz Bellz

1574035358275.pngMisty Gray: What do you like most about roleplaying Dr. Maddox?
I like being able to explore the different sides of him. On the one hand, he's manipulative and cold, able to break a man without having to use any physical force or violence. You know, I like that he has power over them and can ruin Syd or Conor at the drop of a hat. But then there's the softer and caring side of him that loves Ani and cares for his "innocent" patients.

Maddox: Were you straight-edge student, or did you allow yourself to party once in a while?
I was the model student. I took my studies very seriously and enjoyed learning. It wasn't just because I'd get a thick ear from my step-father if I misbehaved, but I was simply the well-behaved, intellectual type. I didn't go to many parties as I preferred to hang out in smaller groups of friends and away from the more rowdy peers.

Maddox: Should you get vengeance for your father and uncles, what comes after? What's would be your next goal in life?
Ideally, I would like to put it all behind me and move on with my life, hopefully with Ani alongside me. More likely, I will continue to assist the Morettis. Gabriel wants to continue using my skills and contacts to help recruit more soldiers to his cause. Should he take over the city and be rid of the Porters, I'm aware he'd wish to have me on his payroll...

Maddox: Is there anything you found surprising about the Porters and their Mob associates whilst "treating" them?
I've found there's a human side to them that I didn't think existed. Not only Syd's previous love for his late wife or Conor's natural protectiveness over his loved ones, but other aspects too. They're close and loving to those permitted into their circle. Also, I've learned of the talented members, such as Savannah, Sinead and Gwen. I suppose I find it surprising to know there are kind and gifted people in the mob.

Maddox: If you could go back in time, what method would you use to keep your father from dying?
I would spend more time with him convincing him he didn't have to prove himself to my sister and me. I'd tell him it didn't matter how much money he had as I respected him for who he was. I would tell him to sell his pub and move somewhere out of the mob's territory. Anything to stop him from getting on the wrong side of the bastards.

Fletchawk Fletchawk
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  1. As a psychiatrist, do you believe that you are immune to some sort of personality disorder?
  2. What if your enemy saved Ani from death? Would you stop pursuing the Porters? Or would you still seek revenge?
  3. Have you ever heard of the term Sociopath? are you aware that your behavior lines up with the definitions so far?
  4. Do you think there is such a thing as redemption?
  5. If you think the Porters are past the point of redemption, what do you think Ani will think of you once you carry out your plan?

Have fun with those questions, I expect them to be well thought out :P As always. <3
Misty Gray Misty Gray : What do you like most about roleplaying Dr. Maddox?

Dr. Maddox: Were you straight-edge student, or did you allow yourself to party once in a while?

Dr. Maddox: Should you get vengeance for your father and uncles, what comes after? What's would be your next goal in life?

Dr.Maddox: Is there anything you found surprising about the Porters and their Mob associates whilst "treating" them?

Dr. Maddox: If you could go back in time, what method would you use to keep your father from dying?
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Ani: You have no choice but to kill either Ammon or Maddox. Who dies?
Ani: What is the worst thing you've had to do whilst working for Moretti/East Harlem?
Bella: What do you enjoy most about playing Ani?
Ani: What kind of future do you think Ammon can have?
Ani: How do you feel about the Porters? Have they ever done anything to harm you?

Bellz Bellz
Ani - What do you love about your twin brother?
Ani - How did you end up working for the East Harlem gang / the Moretti family?
Ani - Does part of you regret ever bringing Ammon back into your life? Do you resent him at all?
Ani: - Having been abandoned in New York as a baby, how much do you know about your origins?
Bella - What would you say are Ani's flaws?

Bellz Bellz
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Ani: What's you backup plan for Ammon, for if he becomes a danger to you, or those you potentially care about?
Ani: What's the hardest part about "caring" for your brother?
Ani: What's your favorite childhood memory?
Ani: Describe your ideal life.
Bellz Bellz : You tend to have a wide assortment of characters that have a form of mental illness, or deal with it on a regular basis, why is that?
Ani Sarraf
Ani Sarraf
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Misty Gray Misty Gray
Ani: You have no choice but to kill either Ammon or Maddox. Who dies?
*gasps* What kind of a horrible and cruel question is that? I would never be able to choose between the two, ever. To even think about having to murder someone makes my head spin. That's my brother's job, not mine. If anything, I would take my own life to save theirs, that would be the right thing to do.

Ani: What is the worst thing you've had to do whilst working for Moretti/East Harlem?
This may contradict what I said in the first question, but my brother left me no choice only one time before. While carrying out a job for EH, my brother was taking his time torturing an older man. My job only cam into play once they were done for but my brother intended to carry out this man's death sentence for as long as he possibly could and I couldn't take the cries anymore. He begged for me to end it, pleaded as my brother went to grab more tools. I obliged by driving a knife directly into his heart...he thanked me as he passed on. That was the worst thing I've ever had to do. I hope to never have to do it again.

Bella: What do you enjoy most about playing Ani
I think the most thing I enjoy most about playing Ani is her innocence. A lot of my character's don't have that element to them and its refreshing to write. Sure, most of my character's are seeking for normalcy but everything Ani has done with her life has been for non selfish reasons which is different from my other characters. She wants to do good and be good but her brother's actions keep her from living the life she actually wants to live.

Ani: What kind of future do you think Ammon can have?
*sighs* This is a question that I've had to ask myself over and over again throughout the years we have been together...I come up with the same answer every time. My brother will never be normal, he will never change his ways...I thought by letting him have an out with EH would help keep him contained but its clear that's not going to happen. The future Ammon will have is one that saddens me...he's my brother, my twin...we both deserve happiness but that's not something he wants. He'll end up in the ward like Maddox suggested...hopefully, he will live out the rest of his days in there, where he won't be able to harm anyone ever again.

Ani: How do you feel about the Porters? Have they ever done anything to harm you?
Before I knew what the Porters had done to Maddox, I didn't think anything in particular of them. Dr. Sullivan has always been kind to me and has treated me with the upmost respect so I find it hard to imagine that he comes from a family full of monsters...don't tell Maddox...okay?
Pyroclast Pyroclast
Ani: What do you love about your twin brother?
Well, when he's not murdering innocent people, Ammon and I can have some pretty profound conversations. His look on the world is different from a lot of people including my own and though it may be twisted and dark, its still a perspective that has opened my eyes to who he is deep down. I love that we can talk when we do, even if its rare nowadays.

How did you end up working for the EH/the Moretti family?
Its an interesting story actually, I ended up doing emergency surgery on one of the EH members...once he recovered he had mentioned that the gang was looking for someone to patch up members at the headquarters someone who would do a good enough job to avoid taking a trip to the hospital. At the time, I kept finding dead dogs and cats inside of my apartment and I knew that Ammon was getting restless. I decided to meet with Alistair but told him that my services didn't stop at just mending his men. I told him about Ammon and his "talents." I don't know if the man took pity on me or what but Ammon and I found ourselves working for the gang permanently days later.

Ani: Having been abandoned in New York as a baby, how much do you know about your origins?
I don't know anything. I wish I had more to tell but I speculate that my parents were immigrants that came to this country illegally...I suspect that I was abandoned for safety reasons...to have a chance at a better life. At least that's what I like to think.

Bella: What would you say are Ani's flaws?
She's very naive and a big dreamer. Sometimes she has a hard time coping with the reality of things
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