[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

So Arynne and I have been hammering out a suit of armor for Flicker, and this is what we've come up with. Note that it's a rough draft, so the flavor text will be a bit lacking.

Moon's Martial Mail, Artifact 4

A moonsilver breastplate, attunes normally.

Spend 8m, all allies gain +(half wearer's essence) successes on combat rolls/DVs, and are immune to rout effects so long you are in their line of sight for the rest of the scene.

Wearer also gains +1 to minimum damage to attacks.
What would you need it due exactly?

You want Flicker to become a better military commander?

It's not a bad idea, but i find that we should define "allies" better.
Is that "what would you need it to do" or "when would you need it due"? ;)

We're attempting to power up Flicker in both her damage-dealing and army-commanding aspects. Also to make it so she doesn't have to fight naked. :P
Dunno. As long as the bonuses apply to mass combat units lead by Flicker it's fine.

Otherwise I'd prefer it to be a weapon. We could add some power to flickers sword. Siham could reforge it in the wyld.
If Flicker has to be in the trenches, she will need a better protection than a breastplate.

Augmenting the damage is not a bad idea, but augmenting DV & Soak is a better option IMHO.
I'm trying to go with the fu#$%^&* forum migration.

I sort of invited you to the new forum, but I'm having problems.

The admins are trying hard to be helpful, hopefully it will be sorted out soon. -_-
Uhm, ok, it seems like we got our new forum.

Bottom left there's a drop down "Roleplay.Zone" to switch to the dark a dimmer style.
Reinforced breastplate. Bumping it up to Artifact 5 makes it a suit of articulated or superheavy plate.
Bumping it up to artifact 5 just for the extra stats would make it pathetically underpowered for an artifact 5. Adding +essence to soak for the wearer to the original draft would make it a solid artifact 4 if you're concerned about defense.
Durability is a concern indeed.

The two most dangerous enemies we know are Legion (Great Klave so somewhere 17LP + sneak attack), and Void Heart (18L P with his friggin crossbow of death and sneak attack as well).

If you can't protect yourself from this kind of damage and attacks, you won't last long in a battle against Mask or Walker.

Since you're investing, you might as well invest big.


Artifact 4? 5?

During the old Realm, many Lunars served as generals and champions for their Solar mates. Although some fought with powered armor and Essence weapons, most eschewed such "toys" in favor of moonsilver breastplates or suits of plate, enchanted to make their wearers more compelling war-leaders...or more terrible instruments of destruction. The harnesses worn by such heroes as Ingosh Silverclaws, Lilith the Huntress, Tamuz or Steel Falcon are as legendary as their owners, and have served as the templates for many younger Exalts' designs.

In addition to its normal stats, this reinforced moonsilver breastplate adds (Essence) to its wearer's soak and augments her feral charisma. To those serving under her, she is a shining paladin who inspires the devotion and courage of her followers. For a cost of 8 motes, all soldiers under her command gain (wearer's Essence) to attack rolls and DVs for the rest of the scene. Furthermore, as long as they are under the Steward's luminous gaze, they know no fear and are immune to rout. To any who oppose her, however, she seems a terrifying, Wyld-twisted figure from their nightmares, and they crumble before her might, giving her +1 to minimum damage.

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Fluff always helps towards selling something to the ST. ^_^

Have it add the full Essence to the soldier's combat pools since their stats are halved already by mass combat.


Siham can chuck that out as soon as he is done getting almost killed.
cyl said:
Durability is a concern indeed.
The two most dangerous enemies we know are Legion (Great Klave so somewhere 17LP + sneak attack), and Void Heart (18L P with his friggin crossbow of death and sneak attack as well).

If you can't protect yourself from this kind of damage and attacks, you won't last long in a battle against Mask or Walker.

Since you're investing, you might as well invest big.
Generally speaking, for Exalted, trying to absorb a blow with armor is a losing battle to begin with.

Also, any serious discussion of a soak based combat build for a Lunar should start with charms, not artifact armor. As much as that suit is *quite* nice.
Stamina 5 and Stamina Charms are next on my list, but there's always the possibility I could get sniped from a distance, get surrounded, run low on Essence, etc.
Normally I would agree with you, but then I have faced that bastard with his crossbow of doom and I know what Mirror (and I assume Legion) is capable of with a few motes.

If one relies only on charms, one is bound to lose as well because motes run out and attacks are always cheaper than defenses.

Both armor you can rely on and charms that will increase your durability are needed to survive the most efficient killers we have met.
Arynne said:
Don't get killed! :tongue:
Currently out of my hands at the moment, as the ball is in Fean's court. I do have at least 2 escape options if I'm allowed to abandon Argis, but even Siham isn't that much of a dick.
Speaking of which, we need some motivation for Siham making Flicker a four-dot artifact...unless it's simply to prove he can.
Eh, no real motivation needed. I play fast and loose when it comes to my characters and don't mind making them act a little OOC when it comes to the benefit of other PCs.
Naw, I've never seen him as an egotistical character. Arrogant as hell, absolutely, but he's willing to listen to others if he thinks their opinions are valid. Remember how he asked Argis his opinion on the Tirana situation?
Still, it would be more meaningful if there was a reason. Hmm...

...Flicker's tattoos are the last artifact River made, and he doesn't want to see them defaced?
Moonsilver Tattoos are more or less indestructible, so that would be hard to justify. If you really need a reason, then "Someone who I don't hate and who is actively working towards a mutual goal with me is putting herself in a dangerous situations with a regular degree of frequency. Have some armor so you don't die horribly." Is a good enough reason for me.

...I may or may not make him a bit of a Tsundere, depending on how funny I think it would be.

"I-it's not like I made you an unfathomable weapon of mass destruction because I like you or anything, baka."

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