[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Chapter 6, Scene 17: Renovations

Sorry, should have specified. I just needed to justify how you recognize Illiqtrath. Do your own description, and only if you want.
"We do disagree, my Heart." She winks playfully, despite the darker memories lurking at the corners of her mind. "If you wished a more pliant mate, you should not be so eager to erase your predecessor's hand on this place."

Stretching softly, she looks down at the crystal, turning it over in her hands. "And I am yet here, softly silver and pristine, as you say." She allowed her tattoos to shimmer slightly with Essence. "It lightens my heart to know I have lightened your burden." Slender fingers trace over soulsteel armor. "Allow me this small defiance love."
The armor shudders slightly as her fingers pass over it.

"It is good to not agree all the time,"
echoes quietly from the helm. "Doubt cries for answers, and such seeking is necessary - yet not sufficient - to form good solutions."

Reaches out, jerks the heavy orichalcum sword from the floor, sets it down. "I do not wish to come to take you for granted. This is a gift you give, not a right of mine."

"But I do request that you work with that crystal, not I. I have enough voices in my head, and They will attempt to eat that one's voice. Instead, I am of a mind to attempt to attune to this weapon. It may...reject me. Violently."
Cunning Fangs chuckles. "I am far to quarrelsome to be taken for granted. You would forget me for a few moments, only to find my at someone's throat." She gives Mirror a knowing, conspiratorial smile. "I suspect your interaction with the weapon may be more pleasant than you anticipate."

Letting that little mystery hang in the air, her fingers dance over the crystal, and she directs her thoughts to it.

"I am the one who bore your Mistress's exaltation, come to reclaim what is mine. Your name, little god."
- I have been waiting for your return many centuries, Mistress. And the last few, trapped here, have been especially distressing.
"Your name" Cunning Fangs repeats more firmly - it's not unlikely that her First Age incarnation, or one of her enemies, had more than one bound god in their service, or might lay one as a trap of sorts.

"Then we can see about securing your freedom from this crystal. Who did this to you?"
The voice halts, broken in fear.

- Ill.. Illiqtrath, my Mistress. I am given to this Manse by ruling of the Office of Earthly Domains of the Celestial Bureau.


I have been locked here by the Dragon Kings, for I would not agree to their treatment of these poor walls.
She nods softly. "Calm Illiqtrath. I merely needed your name - those who would trap you would not be above attempting to trap me with such a tempting thing as your container." She ran her fingers over the crystal.

"Do you know how to free yourself? The crystal could be destroyed, but that will be...difficult."
- Yes my Mistress. This crystal appears to be a different flavor of those Yassal found firewards.

My Mistress, you hold the crystal. Your wish should be enough to get me out.

I have really been here too long.
Cunning Fangs closes her eyes, and wills Illiqtrath out of the crystal.

"Let us see what there is to see."
- Free at last!

A short round man dressed in First Age bureaucrat clothing appears next to Fangs, stretches briefly and hastens to bow.

- Milady, you look as magnificent as each of your reincarnations.

He is round enough to remind a well-dressed potato, in a way.

- I have been divided from my domain for so long...

Illiqtrath looks around, noting the state of the Manse, and sighs.
Cunning Fangs inclines her head slightly to the god.

"Flattery will get you everywhere?" She looked around at the domain, a dark look on her face. "The Dragon Blooded were fools for merely locking you away and thinking this place could be buried, but in their meddling, how much damage have they done?"

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