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Fantasy Embershard Academy For Magic


New Member
In the dawn of a new era of peace, after magic has triumphed over the might of the heavenly angels, It is time the factions of magic come together under one roof. Our great leader, the Invincible Odo the Great invites all magically talented men and elves to apply for Embershard Academy for Magic. The first of it's kind Embershard aims to bring together what is a ravaged nation. The people of Middan must know that their magical brothers and sisters have good intentions and so we offer the guiding hands of our greatest to guide you all.
Make sure replies are one paragraph at minimum.
This is a character driven rp so make sure you have some personal goals for your characters that will flesh them out.
No god modding characters / auto-hits or doges.
GM (me) will be the judge of combat and feats.
Players can be Humans, Dragonborn, Or Elves as Orks do not exist at this point in the setting.
No OOC drama
Keep romance pg-13.
Be descriptive with your magic and make it unique to you.

Character Sheet:
Appearance (can use picture):

Character Motivation:
Can there be subraces? Is there a specific age-range for this academy? For magic, is it one specific power or is it more mana-oriented where you need to learn spells and have enough mana to cast that spell?

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