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Fantasy ~{ Ember Academy }~

Raina Scarlett

Spirit Fox

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Gift/Special trait:



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August Snow









he's very shy and timid, and has major trust issues. When he thinks he's all alone it's a different story, he likes to do childish things such as dance around a room and lip sing. He often gets embarrassed because people often catch him doing the childish thing.

Gift/Special trait:




his parents often neglected him and abused him in fear of his ability when they finally decided to get rid of him and send him to Ember Academy


- he takes pills to help calm down his telepathy

- if he gets too emotional his abilities will spiral out of control

- he is extremely afraid of the dark

- he really likes sweets

- his right eye is red​
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Yusei Kuroshi






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2rmnjgp.jpg.7c930b10ae56caeee1673cd49d34f4c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2rmnjgp.jpg.7c930b10ae56caeee1673cd49d34f4c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He acts like a big brother towards friends who are younger than him and helps where he can. He's a bit too nice, but can be very angry. He seems to be Disrespectful because he tends to sleep in the lessons.

Gift/Special trait:

Some people call him "Ryusei" because his powers seem to be Dragon based.


The Skin on his lower arms and lower legs turn into Black Iron. Since he is able to control it, nothing was able to cut through it. When he uses this, he's able to smash rocks without problems.


He's able to control Fire.


-He's able to cover his lower arms and legs im Fire

-He's able to spit Fire

-He has a high level Fire and Explosion resistance

-His Fire is very hot and could turn Stone into Magma


He's very strong and has a high endurance.


When he uses this mode, his Fire turns into Black Flames which are faster than Lightnings. He gets faster than a Lightning too. During this Form, he has Black Eyeballs with Red Irids and White Dragon pupils. His senses are strengthened and he nearly has as much power as a Dragon. But he's unsure which effects this mode has. He doesn't knows for what he could need this.


As he was 4, Yusei was able to visit the Elementary school. He finished it with the age of 8 and with this Age, he developed his Powers. He stopped to visit school and studied at Home. As both his parents died, leaving him with his little Sister, he was only 12 and not able to control his powers. His Sister died from a Fire he accidently caused. He thinks and knows that the death of his Sister is his fault and now tries to protect others.


He hates Vegetables and Loves to swim.

He has full control over his powers, but it could happen that he sneezes Fire when he's sick.



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Name: Harley Ann Airavatar

Age: 16

Grade: 10


When she was younger

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b353e1454361bda661eac3176ac1b96c.jpg.ab46e1f45f30ebec46dc7927255c9826.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133669" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b353e1454361bda661eac3176ac1b96c.jpg.ab46e1f45f30ebec46dc7927255c9826.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/5448fab3513a307e08279f496e621975.jpg.f055e7cf553545eb922902090f3bf0fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133670" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/5448fab3513a307e08279f496e621975.jpg.f055e7cf553545eb922902090f3bf0fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Normal hair:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1a99ac1557b4eaaa283beb389856f824.jpg.05891ef39cc8880d8c01a863bd9b49e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1a99ac1557b4eaaa283beb389856f824.jpg.05891ef39cc8880d8c01a863bd9b49e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Water body

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cabe4b305_images(11).jpg.3034a818590f38f6ce88e344dfe16def.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cabe4b305_images(11).jpg.3034a818590f38f6ce88e344dfe16def.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Harley is full of life and lives every day like it is her last. She is one of the friendliest people you will ever meet, always having a smile on her face and ready for a chat.

Harley comes across like and airhead due to her bubbly nieve nature but that is far from the truth, she is very intelligent and notices small thing people do like their quirks and habits. Like her element Harley can be pleasant and fun but she can also be fierce and deadly. She will fight tooth and nail to protect her friends and loved ones.

When Harley speaks it sometimes seems like she has no filter, she will say what is in hermind, not meaning to be rude or mean, if shedoes offend someone she is quick to apologize.

Gift/Special trait: Harley has a water based power and is able to control and minipulate bodies of water. She is also able to breath underwater as easily as breathing on dry land. She is also able to transform her hair in water, she usually leaves her hair like this, as well as her whole body.

History: both of Harleys parents worked with water based careers, her father was a professional swimmer and her mother taught swimming lessons and Harley was practically raised in the water, she was able to swim before she could walk. When she was about six she noticed that the water responded to her wishes and her hair became a body of water. Her parents were scared of what could happen to their baby should anyone find out and kept her hidden from the rest of the world until Harley began to attend Ember academy.

Other: when Harley gets cross she involuntarily turns into water.



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Name: Awen Stryker

Age: Sixteen

Grade: 10th


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.974effb02dd276422b05e8fa719aaaae.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133695" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.974effb02dd276422b05e8fa719aaaae.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Awen is usually laid back and outgoing but when she's angered she switches to a cold blunt personality within seconds. Her curiosity sometimes is too much and can get her into trouble.

Gift/Special Trait: Aerokinesis - ability to manipulate the air, wind, and gas.

History: Awen has no knowledge of a family, she was told she was left on the doorstep of an orphanage. She had been in the same orphanage for her entire life. No one wanted to adopt her because of her short temper and odd natural white hair color. As a result she became very close to one of the workers at the orphanage, Jane. One day whilst helping Jane with the garden outside Awen became very angered by a bit of mud on her new top and created a large gust of wind pushing Jane away and causing her to be put into a coma for a few days; but it was nothing too serious. The orphanage, not knowing what to do with Awen, sent her to Ember Academy.



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Sign up Form!

Name: Lilith Snow

Age: 16

Grade: 10th


Personality: She is Kind hearted and loves animals,She also has a dark side deep down.

Gift/Special trait: Earth

can call upon the earth to give her power

speak to the plants/hear the plants

History: Her parents sent her here because they where scared of her her parents didn't have powers

Other:Best friend Belle Rein​
[QUOTE="Maria Chan]

Sign up Form!

Name: Lilith Snow

Age: 16

Grade: 10th


Personality: She is Kind hearted and loves animals,She also has a dark side deep down.

Gift/Special trait: Earth

can call upon the earth to give her power

speak to the plants/hear the plants

History: Her parents sent her here because they where scared of her her parents didn't have powers

Other:Best friend Belle Rein​

lol our characters have the same last name!


Belle Rein








Belle is a free spirit, she can seem cold sometimes due to her carefree and nothing-seems-to-touch-me attitude, but she really cares about those who are close to her.

Gift/Special trait:


Can manipulate the word around her slightly, she hasn't gotten the hang of it yet, the best shes been about to do is change colors of her eyes and once she cloned herself. Her powers are very chaotic at times.




Best Friend Lilith Snow


Lilly Thomson










She is really excitable and loves people, though she gets a little defensive when she is eating.

She is very loyal, kindhearted and loves to see people smile.

Though sometimes she can be a little oblivious to the feelings of others and upsets them with out meaning to.

Gift/Special trait

She has the ability to manipulate her own body using magical energy to make herself stronger and heal faster.

She has a heighten sense of smell and hearing.


Lilly was orphaned by her parents at birth due to her abnormal appearance. Luckily she was found and raised by a kind old man in Inverness, Scotland. She was raised there for her entire childhood, eventually coming to learn that her unusual appearance wasn't the only thing that was strange about her. She discovered that she could use magic to enhance her body for brief periods of time. So she trained this power under the watchful eye of her guardian, until she was no longer able to stay with the old man due to a fatal sickness he developed. Before he died he had it arranged for Lilly to attend Ember Academy so that she may be among those who would accept her for what she is and what she could do.


She was taught to play guitar by her guardian and can play very well.​


Akimitsu Arashi







He's often jugded by others because of his different colored eyes, but children find it unique and cool.


Akimitsu is a boy with a heart of gold. He's friendly and kind, he aways puts others before his own self. He has a habit of ignoring his own problems and instead worries about other's problems. Unfortunately the only problem with Akimitsu is...He doesn't really show emotions, sure he does show worry and concern for others but nothing else. Akimitsu lost his ability to show emotions, well other than worry and concern for others. Although he lost the ability to show emotions, he's helpful and very well-mannered. (ETC.)

Gift/Special trait:


Akimitsu has the ability to summon two magical creatures, these creatures are to be known as the 'Unknown'.

Akimitsu named both of the Unknowns. One's name is Lolo, she's a Fire Unknown. Lala is the other unknown, she's a Ice Unknown. Both Unknowns are sisters, both work under Akimitsu and his commands.


Lolo And Lala


Akimitsu was born two different colored because of this his father hated him, saying that he was the spawn of the devil, but his mother completely loved and adored him. She treated him like he was the center of her world, which he was. Unfortunately Akimitsu's father would beat the poor boy senseless when his mother wasn't around, this also caused Akimitsu to earn a huge fear of his own father. Akimitsu had a mother who adored and loved him but he had a father who absolutely hated him with such a large amount of passionate rage.

One day Akimitsu and his mother were home alone, they were having a mother and son bonding moment, well until a large crash came from the kitchen. Akimitsu's mother told him to stay put while she went to check what noise was. Akimitsu, being the goodboy he was, stayed there and waited for his mother to return....Until he heard a blood curdling scream come from the kitchen, that's when he noticed...That was his mother!! Akimitsu immediately shot up from his spot and ran to the kitchen as fast he could. He let out scream of shock and fear, sadness. Akimitsu had just saw the body of his mother, her body was bloody....She died. His own father standing above her dead body with a wicked and a bloody knife. The boy break out into tears, as he cried a bright light surround him and two orbs of black and white formed. The two orbs soon turned into Lolo and Lala, who immediately looked at his father and brought his life to an end. Since that day Akimitsu has lost his ability to show emotions.


-Akimitsu's whole body is decorated with scars from his father's beatings.

-Lala and Lolo are extremely protective of Akimitsu.

-Akimitsu has nightmares about his mother death to this day.

-Akimitsu doesn't like looking people in the eyes.

(I Hope it isn't to late to enter a CS!)


Danny Jackson

Age: 17

Grade: 10th






Gift/Special trait:

He is embarrassed by his power as it is literally cats. Summoning cats, talking to cats, turning into a cat, being a neko, just cats cats cats.


Danny was born a neko which surprised parents and doctors. He was always kept an eye on and put into boarding schools as public schools would see him as a freak. He was still bullied for how he dressed. He came out as gay when he gave up with everyone's constant questioning.​









Raphael is a tall guy about ''6'2. His appearance seems uncannily beautiful in a way people can't describe with a darkness about him. He hair is a dark black that constantly stays untamed. He doesn't seem to find the time to fix the mess. His built is impressive and quite nice to look at. His eyes are the most striking of features. They are a crisp blue like that of the ocean. They light up or dull due to mood.


His Personality is really subpar. He is a totally butt. He throws out sarcasm like its nothing and doesn't really care about much the world as to offer. e always seems to have a chip on his shoulder and really hates being bothered to much. He always bats people away and keeps to himself in a closed off way.

Gift/Special trait

Fallen Angel from Heaven


His history is a messed up one. He keeps most of it to himself but has let the tip slip that he had a sibling and that his choices in life led him to fall back in the great war over heaven and hell.


Lets start this puppy!!

[QUOTE="Belle Kingsmen]Maria and I aren't accepted? :o


Yes you are! Im so sorry I thought I got everyone! So many joined! <3
Raina Scarlett] [CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36713-vranea/ said:
@Vranea[/URL] @SkyDust101 @MuffinRPs

ACCEPTED! Posting my form and then we will start! Thank you!

Sorry about yesterday plans came up![/CENTER]
Thank you for accepting me!! :3


Alicia Jones (Al or lica for short)






Refer to pic below


Alicia is generally laid back and very easy going. She will make conversation with anyone and doesn't go out of her way to be mean however she does have a quick temper and does not take to rudeness well. She say's what is on her mind! and most certainly isn't shy on calling someone out if she feels it has to be done. She is quite sarcastic as well!

Gift/Special trait:

Atmokinesis- control, creation and manipulation over the weather. Although quite a powerful gift to have and one that comes in very handy it has it's down side, if she tried to create and hold extreme weather for to long it can drain her energy making her as weak as a kitten. She had to be careful when she gets upset etc as it her mood can effect the weather around her! same as vice versa the weather can sometimes affect her mood.


Alicia was always quite a happy and inquisitive child! she grew up in a happy home with her mother and two older brothers, she never knew much about her father but it was never something that bothered her!. She enjoyed school and for all purposes got along well at it...until she was about 10. It was like she became a completely different person! she was wild, uncooperative and cause trouble wherever she could, it wasn't until about a year later her mother was at her wits end and threatened to kick the girl out. Alicia got so angry she brought a lightening storm upon the house....she didn't know it was her at the time but the whole structure collapsed in and she lost her whole family that day. She was put in an orphanage and there she raged further out of control bad weather following wherever she went. As she hit 15 she was found by someone from the school that had been following the weather anomalies. Upon learning what she was and could doo...alicia was crushed with guilt. She strives everyday in turning over a new leaf and making it up to her family...while living with the weight of their deaths on her shoulders.


She has lived at the school for the past three years and has...moderate control of her abilities. She is also a prefect in her year<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Digital-Art-Beauties-The-Wallpaper-Girls-06.jpg.db3641bf1c82722e930f64c38962c623.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Digital-Art-Beauties-The-Wallpaper-Girls-06.jpg.db3641bf1c82722e930f64c38962c623.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> and a mentor for younger students. She runs a club for students who wish to talk about the affect their abilities have had on their life or just things in general.​



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