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Fantasy elves, magic and other kinds of trouble


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Hi!I am an adult (I am old so please don't be a minor! 25+ at least would be nice!) with a family, a job, a cat and three guinea pigs. I love writing, stories and creativity. I play elves, witches, magic and warriors. I love flawed complicated characters who don't always make the best choices. I can play men and women and I like doubling up.

I am looking for a 1X1 partner to write adventurous, sometimes silly role plays! I prefer a slow moving story that is character centered. I love romance as long as it's not the sole focus of the story.
Having a sense of humor is essential! I want to write something that is mostly lighthearted. I love drama too but in moderation!
The best part of role playing, for me, is the chemistry between our characters, so I am looking for a writing partner who likes working together. We don't have to plan out every detail, but I need to have a basic idea of what we'll be doing.
I want to know who your character is before we start the RP. I'm okay with long character sheets or brief descriptions. As long as I get an idea.

Godmodding and controlling my characters are deal breakers for me. I don't do anything sex related, power imbalances, violence against children or pregnancy drama's.
I do not work with complicated world lore. I will not count words or paragraphs, and I won't write you endless novels, but I always try my best to give you something to work with.

I could do a story in a traditional fantasy world where our characters travel around; mercenaries on a job or going on a quest. Our characters could live in an elf city, where war is brewing, and we can write about how they deal with that.
Or we could do a crime solving story in a modern fantasy world. One characters could be hiding or be on the run from something and the other might find out, and help them out. I once role played our supernatural characters, both going to a support group, and getting to know each other there. They could get into all kinds of trouble from there on.
The characters I want to play are on my my toyhouse

If you're still reading and you are into the same stuff I am, please drop me a message!
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Hello how are you? I love everything you wrote and would love to talk to you more 😊 ☺️ 🙂 ♥️ and discus how many books can I get you to write LOL 😆 😄 😀 joke joke

I am a novella advanced lit rper

But you don't have to write entire books. I would just ask that you write a minimum of three paragraphs. Do long as you can do at least three paragraphs minimum we will get along very good 👍 👌 😊 🙂

If your interested I'd love to talk more via notes
If your not interested I completely understand 🙂 😌 ☺️
RolueVasReisa, you seem like a fun partner but I can't go counting words or paragraphs. I understand why you ask, but it's not the way I work. Thanks for replying anyway!
Send me a message with more about your fantasy world and I'll see if it fits with my ideas.
I am also up for something set in the Harry Potter world, if we'd play adults. We'd be aurors.
What I don't like about novel length posts is that often, they move the story along quicker than I like. They write about things that I wanted to respond to, or even things that involve my character in some way. They just keep rambling when they should work together with me to create the scene. And some people tend to get repetitive, or long winded about things that are really not important at this point in the story. Basically it often doesn't improve the role play, and sadly my partners seem to think it does.

Another problem with the novel length posts is that they take forever and a day to write, while I prefer quicker paced writing, that allows for us to respond to each other. The chemistry is what makes it fun for me. If I just wanted to write something cool I'd start a private project.

What I do like a lot is writing contradictions between what my character is thinking/feeling and what they do/say. Like: they act all tough but inside they are scared and insecure. Not a lot of other role players do that, and there are even some that don't understand when I do it, and get confused.
You seem like you'd be such a fun person to rp with! I haven't yet finished updating my characters' backstories, personalities, etc. (since I haven't roleplayed in a couple years), but I HAD to express my interest now before you stopped your search! My criteria align with yours in many ways: Fantasy, complex characters, not novella, humor, and 25+. I'd say that my strengths include writing very thoughtful responses, investing lots of time and effort into my characters and their relationships with my partner's characters (usually platonic), and communicating openly.

However, a potential barrier would be that I am terrible at coming up with the plot. I would have to ask you either to basically take on the role of a GM, or to be quite patient while working together with me as I learn.

If that does not deter you, please consider rping with me in a couple weeks when I have my ducks all in a row! If you are not interested, I totally get it! Thank you so much for reading.

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