'Ello Gov'na


New Member
Good morning from the sullied banks of the grand Ohio River. My name is Von and I am an avid rping nuisance ready to weave my way through your threads and posts to find a new community of writers like me. :D

I have been writing since I was ten and roleplaying since I was fifteen. I have a mini-database of characters created for other roleplays that never started or died away. I'm also pretty good at doling out characters in a flash. I've started a few Rps as well, but those never panned out either because of lack of commitment from others, or I became too busy with six million different RPs that I lost track. (Which, I've made the solemn vow to never, ever, do again. :S )

I'm hoping to find one or two roleplays to keep me sane because without RP my mind is useless (sad, but true).

Anywho! After my long-winded introduction I hope to find an accepting and fun community in RPNation.

Until next time!

Welcome to RPNation Vonny!

Beyond your introduction, it's fantastic to see that someone else is posting in the story time thread, unfortunately it seems that not many members feel like writing simply for the sake of writing sometimes.

If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to ask any member of our friendly staff, and we'll be sure to help however we can.

I'm sure that we'll get on famously, and I hope that you enjoy your stay here with us.
Well thank you very much for the welcome, heartsteel. :) I love your story time thread. I have a crap-ton of little stories, streams-of-consciousness, and unfinished product that I'm sure with a little motivation could become a fulfilled plot. Your thread "Story Time" seemed like a great place!

And no worries about asking questions. I feel a ton of them brewing up as I start wanting to join RPs. The last RP site I was on took time to get used to, but I miss knowing it so well. :/ Anyway, I'm no stranger to asking questions and appreciate the helping hand!
Welcome, Vonny! I hope you like it here, because everybody here is nice and cool. I'm sure that you'll have no trouble finding 'an RP or two'.
Welcome to RpNation Vonny!

If you wish to interact with most of the embers of the site, there's a fancy chat box on the forum page that you can stop by and greet us.

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