Chitchat Ello Govna'~!


Panda God
~~EY! Pleased to meet you all~~~ I'm Aimlori- The dragon whisperer- Just call me Aim since that's shorter. I've been here for about three days? Yeah. Still working it out n' all.

SO, what made you fall in love with the mesmerizing activity known as role play?
Ah, I used to roleplay all the time! (Lost my motivation for forums.)

I joined one when I was 11 and I was horrible. I didn't even use the spacebar, lol! I had no clue what I was doing.


Then, after some time on that, when I was 12 I lied about my age to join a christian forum for its roleplaying! Haha, there's something ironic about that, huh? After quite a long time rping on there I took a long break. I joined a few other forums where I was for most of my time. Now I'm here with no motivation to RP, but really wanting to!
Ah, cool. Yeah- I went through a long period of time where I had a complete loss of energy for roleplay. That was around 12-14 until I turned 15 around this year. Now, I am into it more- I get detailed. I was homeschooled for my middle school years- There i had this sight called edmodo with my classmates. There, I created a roleplay post and people liked it. That was the first I ever roleplayed. I'd say that was around the age of 11. There it looked like this:

Moona: *Walks into the room* Hey there, I am moona. Nice to meet you. *Smiles*

Now that I got more into description and literature, I am more full in my posts. Now my roleplay posts look like this:

A young girl going by the age of sixteen takes in a deep breath. She did not know how to greet these new beings. She wanted to be kind and make friends. Her bright green orbs scan the door up and down. Slowly her frail hands attempt to turn the knob. She walks in, a trail of long blue hair following behind her as the door closes. Staring at the strangers she gives off a soft smile, trying to be friendly. She figured it was working. "Hey there!" She speaks out enthusiastically. "My name is Moona, pleased to meet you!" She then bows lightly, hair falling in front of her face.

xD Which is better?

If you want, you and I can roleplay. I'd love to do a one on one. I don't care if you are a bit rusty-

MooseOnTheLoose said:
Ah, I used to roleplay all the time! (Lost my motivation for forums.)
I joined one when I was 11 and I was horrible. I didn't even use the spacebar, lol! I had no clue what I was doing.


Then, after some time on that, when I was 12 I lied about my age to join a christian forum for its roleplaying! Haha, there's something ironic about that, huh? After quite a long time rping on there I took a long break. I joined a few other forums where I was for most of my time. Now I'm here with no motivation to RP, but really wanting to!
Maybe! I'm just unsure of what to do. There are some RPs I'd like to revive, and some I'd just like to join. I'm just fearful that I'll start one and disappear.
With me, If i like the rp, i'll constantly remind the person about it. xD

MooseOnTheLoose said:
Maybe! I'm just unsure of what to do. There are some RPs I'd like to revive, and some I'd just like to join. I'm just fearful that I'll start one and disappear.
I got into it with a group of friends about in 6th grade (the cringey characters where real...) and we all rped in a shared folder on google drive. That was fun for a while but the others stopped rping over time until it was just me and one other person the majority of the time. Even so I still had some fun until they moved away and the rp just kinda died. I was thus on a break even though I still wanted to rp as I didn't know where to continue. Then I found this site by mis-clicking (best mis-click to date) and here I am.
Haha, interesting. Yeah- I clicked on this site intentionally. I am like "OK, I need to get back into the roleplay train and now is the time" so I went and found this site by typing in "RP forum sites."

Mykinkaiser said:
I got into it with a group of friends about in 6th grade (the cringey characters where real...) and we all rped in a shared folder on google drive. That was fun for a while but the others stopped rping over time until it was just me and one other person the majority of the time. Even so I still had some fun until they moved away and the rp just kinda died. I was thus on a break even though I still wanted to rp as I didn't know where to continue. Then I found this site by mis-clicking (best mis-click to date) and here I am.

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