Eliz- i mean, this just in! it's name is actually Kuro!


The Erasing Wind-Up Toy God


Kuro (Eliza) Kami


villain name:



other nickname:

His real name, though it is a secret-




he's ageless, though he looks 19



genderless, but prefers to be referred to with masculine pronouns



technically, he's a demon, otherwise, he's just a bundle of hate and sorrow



note: this is just a rough sketch i did. mainly because i was bored and was too lazy to color him in or add extra eyes on his face, so i'm keeping the description. this is really just for visual reference of specifics that i have no idea how to describe. and no, i'm not going to ever color it in.


he has shadowy black skin with eyes of all different shapes, sizes, and colors all over them.messy silver shoulder length hair with a cowlick that looks like a swirl on top with black streaks throughout. the eyes were there are supposed to be eyes (ya know, human position) are a crimson red color. he has six arms. he wears an open ivory yukata (Japenese clothes, if you don't know what it looks like refer to picture above or look up how a yukata looks like on google) with bandages over his top chest area. he wears puffy short shorts and Japanese Geta. he has eyes on the palms of his top pair of arms and bottom pair of arms making it really hard to hold things with them. he also wears a mini top hat that floats slightly above his head for no other reason then 'it looks cool'.


enclosed in the spoiler below is his 'Eliza' form, just in case i ever have to use it in the RP. 

His Eliza forms, just in case i ever have to use it.



their internal battle field-

yes, the eyes are usually covered by red flower doodles.



5' ft tall

"i though we agreed on 5 ft 3, transcriber woman!"




"because pure darkness and negative emotions is completely wightless! yatatacha!" 


superpowers: mostly mind f*cks, like making you feel drunk, or giving you hallucinations. he can travel through shadows to other shadows. he has powers of darkness, such as shooting shadow bolts at people, or sucking them into the darkness. though it is to be noted that whenever he sucks someone into darkness he often needs to leave battle due to exhaustion. he can drag people into a sleep-like state and delve into their minds, usually to torture them. he is usually more powerful when he is in one's mind due to lack of physical limitations and being able to draw powers from the persons negative emotions (fear, anger, sorrow, ect). he also has the ability to go into one's mind while their awake as well, though he cannot cause any damage and is usually limited to snooping around and finding out one's secrets. due to him being a 'master of the mind' type of creature he has the strange ability to...

play a kickass instrumental to go with whatever fight scene, or just scene, in general!

don't ask me why he can do this. it just has something to do with the fact that he can manipulate one to see hallucinations sometimes, i guess it just carried over to the auditory department too...? though he doesn't use this one for anything useful, it can serve as a good distraction...sometimes!

he also has the ability to possess people, though he can't be inside the body for longer then an hour and he has limited use of his powers.

 his body is made of pure darkness causing physical attacks to be unable to kill him unless they attack him in their minds, though the substance of his body is mostly a sort of black goo that happened to solidify if scattered he has to retreat to reform himself, since in his own words "this stuff is hard to gather!" he is also able to change into 'Eliza' whom has her own power set.


Eliza's Superpowers-

this is their true form. 

the final desperate attack if you will.

they're powers are simple.

they drag you into the battle field of their heart. 

this battle field is often messed up and colored in dark purples, blacks, and reds, and represents what their feeling, so if they're fine, there won't be much insanity. but...they're the embodiment of fear, hate, sadness, ect. do you really think they'll be fine more often then not? 

this battle field makes you extremely susceptible because, they didn't drag your physical form inside their heart, no, no, no

that would be too easy. they dragged your soul. one hit from any creature (it's worth noting that they don't actually attack you, their demons do that instead) inside ensures a slow, painful corruption, after all, once they use this last resort, they become corrupted as well. corruption can easily be cured by giving the host holy water, but it makes them see hallucinations and go insane. if left to progress until it's final stage the corruption sucks the host into their own heart and repeats the cycle of corruption.

 this is when they have lost all control. usually, they won't even be near you, most likely on the other side of the battle field. the only way to win when this happens, well there's two, snap them out of it, you need to make your way to them and talk some sense into them. or you can run, run like hell and get outta dodge. the latter option is the most recommended, for when this happens you most likely won't be prepared to deal with them at the time of being taken, though it is the more difficult considering that the exit is somewhere and you don't know where, and once one person goes through, THE EXIT MOVES! talk about a asshole move, right? so you have to find it AGAIN.

 from the outside, the entry point of this terrible battle field looks like an X shaped rift, this X shaped rift drops you off wherever inside the heart-felt (get it? cause it drags you into their heart?) hell.  and did i mention that if this happens, it sucks you in if your a less then 3 miles away at the opening of the rift.

if you kill them in there, they're gone forever. nothing can ever bring them back.

on the outside, the bodies of those sucked in are usually soulless and passed out or frozen in movement. their body is the most vulnerable outside, because as well as not having any protection, it is incredibly physically weak and they're consciousness has been stuck inside their heart and is unable to leave until drawn out.

if they manage to get out and decide to stay in this form in reality, they have the same power set as Kuro minus the possession, as well as they have much more control over their heart, though it is extremely difficult for them to control. 



mainly dark magic, though he does sometime's use throwing knives if he doesn't have access to his abilities, as well as he knows how to use spears, swords, and bows, though not very well, if needed he can use them in a tough spot,

their a professional in guns and snipering, though they've never touched one since they stopped being Eliza, it brings back bad memories for them



using shadows and darkness to his advantage

he can, and probably does, know most of your and others' secrets

he is often more powerful at night or in dark places

he is the most powerful in one's psyche

extreme heat- he often likes intense heat and is perfectly fine with scorching hot desserts

his body is made of goo, other then his eyes physical attacks tend to go through him

he has an increased range of vision due to being covered in eyes

he has extra arms



light- natural light in specific is very dangerous for him, sunlight will burn him easily, and though artificial light may not completely destroy him easily but he still gets fairly burnt and in large quantities can act similar to sunlight in terms of harm

fire- mainly because it produces light, though it isn't disabling, it is extremely uncomfortable for him

physical strength- he's extremely weak physically, he can barely lift anything over 50 pounds and he can't do anything over 55

extreme cold- it's nothing that affects him much physically, but he cannot stand it mentally, it makes him extremely uncomfortable and will not tolerate going into anywhere below 10 degree's Fahrenheit 

low self-control- he can usually control his actions but, if pushed too far he will loose control, and stop caring about what or to whom he causes destruction to.

extreme feelings- when feeling any sort of extreme emotion his body begins to dematerialize and spread black goo covered in eyes everywhere, as well as makes it harder for him to keep control

his eyes are extremely susceptible to any kind of attack, especially physical kinds

his past- if one were to bring up facts about his past as 'Eliza' he would flip his shit and ultimately hate that person until he forgets about the incident or he gets the feeling he needs to forgive them

Eliza herself- parts of his original personality as 'Eliza' shine through and it is not as noticeable when he is able to control himself and must kill someone, he can't do it, some outer force, as he calls it, makes him unable to do it, as if they were pulling on invisible strings and controlling him, this also leads him to forgive easily of a hunch. no matter how heinous the thing that person did to him. 




(though he's extremely against any kind of acts unless he's in love)



he's a demon created from the negative emotions of humanity which leads him to often feel frustrated, sorrowful, and abandoned mostly. he has extremely limited levels of self-control so he doesn't waste it on lying and is extremely honest. though also due to his low self-control levels he often blurts out whatever's on his mind which is usually something like "i wonder how your insides would look splattered against a wall...what color goes well with red?" or "sweetheart...sweetheart... McDonalds is our new overlord and i'll kill you if you eat anything else." and things like that.

he has an extremely pessimistic view on life and often weaves in Japanese or Latin into his sentences. he has extreme trust issues and is extremely afraid to let anyone get too close, so he usually bullies the person trying to get close or flat out ignores them until they leave. though if your persistent enough he'll probably give up and let you continue. once someone gets to friend level he becomes overly clingy and never wants to let go due to abandonment issues he has.

due to his unknowing of his own self he often tries to block everything out and refuses to answer questions about himself other then superficial things such as name. having mostly forgotten what it's like to be 'Eliza', (forgotten the feelings, not the moments) every time someone mentions her, he gets confused and doesn't know how to act due to having giving themselves up to the darkness and horrid emotions they represent and usually attempts to change the topic. he even has a different form for her, he has essentially severed himself from her and attempts to stand on his own not even realizing he's the shadows of her emotions. the being created from her plight. were he to know he'd think of himself as pathetic, though 'Eliza' still exists somewhere deep inside him, and on the occasion glimpses of her shine through. which often leads him to be annoyed because the more he does it, the more fuel he gives to The Hopeful and Lovely Trio for trying to save 'her'.  a way to spot 'Eliza's glimpses is if he's being apathetic, empathetic, forgiving and giving mercy, or being extremely polite.




Exploring people's minds

pain- whether it's to himself or to someone else

he's OBSESSED with McDonalds


negative feelings


being alone








especially loving couples

chain restaurants that aren't McDonalds

being poked in the eyes

people in general

the cold



he was Born of suicidal and negative emotions of Humanity. he actually used to refer to as a 'she' and was known as Eliza, a part of the Emotional Saviors, an old group of magic girls who used to protect people and were extremely popular in the Weeaboo community of super heros. though she betrayed them for reasons i don't wish to reveal here, left, and became consumed by the negative emotions she represented, giving in to the darkness, letting go, she became consumed. becoming a sort of demon like being, loosing all feelings attached with her memories of 'Eliza', she tried continuing as a solo-hero for a while, but the drive she originally had was lost. she changed her appearance and left feeling ashamed. until she first lost control, at first it scared her, but then, it exhilarated her. 'was this how it felt to be a villain? to cause chaos and darkness? to kill?' she'd thought. she did it again, consciously this time. it felt amazing for her, but the people were getting doubting her, and she didn't feel like herself anymore. so she completely changed herself into the strange, unable to control himself villain we know today as Kuro.

time skip forward, he was going on a business trip to cause chaos in the lands of placeness land (yes, it exists now), when he stopped by Limbo, which is basically a 'Hell for the people who don't deserve Hell but don't belong in Heaven either or for people who are in coma's', which only has McDonald's as the only sustenance for those who wish to eat food whilst there, where he met his partner, Shiba, as he convinced Kuro to take him out of Limbo by buying him McDonald's. noticing Shiba had no where else to go, and his former colleagues The Hopeful and Lovely Trio were beginning to regroup from his abandoning them, he took Shiba under his wings and together they formed 'The Demonic Duo'. their evil group that for the most part, seemed harmless, sure they stole some candy from babies that one time, and broke into some guys house and vandalized the place, but otherwise they were harmless and The Hopeful and Lovely Trio could practically ignore them. though they still worried, they were more concerned with finding Eliza, since she had disappeared without a trace, unknowing that Kuro was their lost friend. simply hidden in darkness.

uunnntil Shiba snapped and held his first 'Happiness Party' with Kuro. Then they started doing things like going on murder spree's and holding more 'Happiness Parties'. now the Trio practically watches them like a hawk now so they have to be really smart with their killings. though they still do really simple and barely evil stuff like steal candy from babies much more often. now they just sit around plotting and do simple stuff while waiting for their monthly killing spree in their crappy apartment filled with stuffed animals, dolls, and stuffed corpses from their last parties. since The Happy and Lovely Trio has been watching they realized Kuro was Eliza and now most of the time, they break into their house and just hangs out there, or tries to get Kuro to turn back into Eliza, causing magic girl slice of life shenanigans to ensue. 


villainous motive: 

"it's my purpose in life to bring ultimate despair and anger to the world. a**hole"

in reality it's really just to destroy it all, destroy the happiness, destroy the sadness, destroy all the bad things, and good things, to just end this world. 


his theme song: 

Virtual Emotions by DEIS Heiya

(note- this song is in Japanese so i'm putting a link to the subtitled version)


As Eliza, her theme song:

Disordered Self-Restraint Girl by Otestu

(note- this song is in Japanese so i'm putting a link to the subtitled version)


both versions of them:

Loop Spina by Inaba Cumori

(note- this song is in Japanese so i'm putting a link to the subtitles version)



when he possesses someone they loose all tolerance to drugs, alcohol, ect., and due to him being somewhat addicted to trippy psychotic drugs he often goes binge drinking and overdoses the poor host on many different drugs instead of doing anything productive with the limited time. 

fun fact!:

when asked how he will make the world miserable he answered "first, i will become manager at McDonalds, next  i'll buy out McDonalds, then, I SHALL FORCE FEED MCDONALDS TO EVERYONE! and while everyone's crying over their body image i shall take over the world and all shall be forced to eat McDonalds chicken nuggets all day every day to keep the negative feelings up and my powers higher! ahahaha!!!"

he and his partner are COMPLETELY BROKE! they often resort to stealing dinner from the grocery store during Shiba's shift or pray their rivals give them food/money for the day. their phone? they share one that's their prized theiving, stolen straight from the apple store!

their essentially going through an identity crisis

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"yeah, baka, it's fun" 

"eh whatever i still need to warn the kiddos!" 

transcription note: 

every time they talk view it as a note in scribbled writing on the side




Kuro (middle name: Eliza) Kami

villain name:


(sounds like a stupid creepy pasta name)

other nickname:

(or more commonly)


"that was a phase!" 

"tell that to the press!  ;) "


"I AM AGELESS MOTHER-" "NOO!!! Kuku think of the kittenssss! i'm hungry  :smile13: " 

well now you know my snake partner "howdy!  :smile2: " who speaks with emoticons...? is helping me apply


"buzzkill  :smile14: "


genderless, but prefers to be referred to with masculine pronouns


technically, he's a demon, otherwise, he's just a bundle of hate and sorrow


"...we don't have a picture...do we?" "errr...well we have mine!" "BUT THIS IS MY APPLICATION!" "hehe... :smile12: " 

"so i just have to describe myself?" "i guesssss...sssssorry for deleting your picture..." "snake-sh*t..." 

so, he has shadowy black skin, eyes all over him, "he'ssss a Japanessssse i'm not allowed to ssssay that word, auntie love ssssaid sssso...! doessss that help?" "oh my f- you know what i give up, everyone's going to limbo, i'm finding the bleach, worlds in an apocolypse yada yada!" 

okay, seriously now here's the actual description. 

he has shadowy black skin with eyes of all different shapes, sizes, and colors all over them.messy silver shoulder length hair with a cowlick that looks like a swirl on top with black streaks throughout. the eyes were there are supposed to be eyes (ya know, human position) are a crimson red color. he has six arms. he wears an open ivory yukata with bandages over his top chest area. he wears puffy short shorts ("BOOTTYYY SssssHHOO-" "SHUT UP IT'S MY BODY I DO WHAT I WANT SNAKE-SH*T!") and Japanese Geta. he has eyes on the palms of his top pair of arms and bottom pair of arms making it really hard to hold things with them. 


*mumble mumble* "whhattt?" grumbles "5 feet" "iii cannn''tt heaarr you!" "I'M FIVE FEET TALL OKAY!" "that'sssss more like it  :smile7: "


weightless "because pure darkness and negative emotions is completely wightless!" "yatatacha!" 


mostly mind f*cks, like making you feel drunk or on acid. shadow travel. he has powers of shadow, including shooting shadow bolts at chya and sucking you into the darkness, note- this is extremely taxing and he usually has to leave battle after using that last one. he can drag you into a coma or sleep like state and haunt your dreams. also he comes straight from JRPG land so he has an affinity rankings, become his best friend/potential love interest if i feel like hinting at that (affinity rank 10/MAX) to make it easier for him to cast his most devastating spells! and possession, only one person for about 1 hour and he has limited use of his powers. 


"my body is my weapon...get it? cause my bodies made of shadows and i mainly use shadows to mess with you?" "ohhh... i get it  :smile11: " "why aren't you laughing?" "t'ssss not funny" 


using shadows and the dark to his advantage, annoying people by tapping their shoulders then disappearing into the shadows. if you have any phychologic trauma, he knows. he knows your weaknesses, he knows your strengths, and he knows what and who you love, this is due to him surfing peoples minds like you surf the internet when he's bored, he also does this when he's procrastinating. 


light, light and more light! seriously shine a direct light on him and he shrivels like a bug, it's kind of cute really. it's also really debilitating since he has to drag an umbrella everywhere or sit by a shaded tree and do stuff from long range.


"i ain't having sex with anyone, period. never in my life. i'll date you, marry you, hell! i'll even have your babies, but i will never EVER have sex with you" direct quote. 


"eh hem, i'd like to respond transcriber woman." uhh...okay? "listen, real talk, i'm a demon created from the negative emotions of humanity, my rival is the embodiment of happiness and hope and sh*t, do you really expect me to not be point blank painful honest, enjoy seeing you suffer, have a stupid snake moron assistant, and be an asshole? an over-clingy asshole? cause that's what i am. an over-clingy asshole with trust issues who tries to make everyone hate me 'cause i'm afraid to get too close, am i done here or do you want a medal too? oh and sometimes i'll jump into latin or Japanese, deal with it! also i'mma pessimist" that was oddly ok? 


watching you cry, darkness, exploring your head, lovingly caressing and cuddling with his partner in crime ("wait! wait!" "you love me?! :smile10: " "no! kami-sama no! i don't know WHY that's there!" "awww  :ClosedEyesCrying: ") and going on drug trips- though he technically needs to be possessing someone to be able to experience it., pain, and negative feelings, also bleach- his version of alcohol in his regular form


the light the light it burrrnns, happiness and hope, being poked in the eyes...the many many eyes. 


born of the suicidal and hateful emotions of humans, he stopped by limbo on accident cause he though it was McDonalds (yes even satanic hellspawns made from pure hate eat Mcdonalds) and was convinced by Shiba (whom he affectionately calls Snake-Sh*t) to take him out into the human world with him. meanwhile his opposites, Hope, Love, and Hapi had also just come into existence and formed 'the hopeful and lovely trio' to combat despair and hate, everything he stands for. so he decided to form a villainous duo with Shiba called 'the demonic duo' and do evil. Though... the extent of their evil deeds (or at least the ones that he could get Shiba to do with him) consists mainly of things you'd find in Marik's Evil Council (running with scissors, stealing candy from children, ect.). though he has gotten Shiba into murder, and convinced him they were the good guys they still didn't really do more then steal candy...  since then they've rented an apartment together and Shiba filled it sky-high with stuffed animals, dolls, and well, Shiba wouldn't say but, they keep the corpses of his stuffed victims in their closet. now they live in the world of JRPG hijinks with their rivals which, their hoping by signing up they can get out of the cycle. hell, once they actually let Love stay with them for a while, whilst she was getting her sh*t straight. 

villainous motive: 

"it's my purpose in life to bring ultimate despair and anger to the world. a**hole"

theme song: 

Queen of Teeth by GHOST or Ghostie P

find it on YouTube under GHOST's channel


when he possesses someone they loose all tolerance to drugs, alcohol, ect., and due to him being somewhat addicted to trippy psychotic drugs he often goes binge drinking and overdoses the poor host on many different drugs instead of doing anything productive with the limited time. 



okay...so for affinity, just think of it like this if your confused-

they do better in battle when fighting beside your character, 

they gain upgraded versions of their abilities when near your character (not much better but small things like they become faster by a second or this character gaining better stamina),

and they will be more comfortable around your character and more open to speaking with them about personal issues.

that's all affinity is.

there's a lot of weird calculations that i have to do for the slight boosts and all depending on the more people which, is kind of fun for me so deal with it, i don't even think i will be posting affinity rank ups during roleplay, i'll probably have a chart here, in the character section or something. maybe try to get word docs open again D:<  i doubt it though, docs hates me.  

they really only have affinity since i felt like making them as close to JRPG anime villains but, like, the really crappy ones who let's the main hero's stay with them (as in living together) way too often. 

anyways, that's all it is. hope that cleared some things up if you were confused. 


yep yep yep yep I know that drawing style yep yep I know you yep

yeah I did a commission for you 

You drew that your self right?
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