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Realistic or Modern Elingston Military Academy


Senior Member
Character Sheet

Copy and paste this, then fill out relevant information, please!


http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=[CHARACTER NAME]&name=Precious.ttf&size=100&style_color=[color CODE]

Full Name:



Role at the Academy: (student or teacher)

For Students- what grade is your character entering into? (9-12)

For Teachers- what do you teach?


Appearance Description:



If Student- description of typical classroom actions?

If Teacher- teaching style?


Reason for Attending EMA:





Accepted Characters


Male Students:

1. Julian Compton (@Jacob Berry)

3. Rysen Lionel (@kira blackthorn)

4. Ethan Simone (@Matreania)

5. Leandra Sinciato (@Lioness075)

Female Students:

1. Lilith Vanderbilt (@Freddie)

2. Kim Petit (@DuskerTem)

3. Ember Owens (@Strange At Heart)

4. Elizabeth Carver (@Matreania)

5. Manjano (@Lioness075)


"Nice" Teachers:

1. Amelia Connors (@LadyOfSixVillages)



"Mean" Teachers:

1. Charles Woodworth (@Freddie)

2. Lars Acan (@Commander))


(more spaces might be created, depending on the number of applications I receive)
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Full Name: Lilith Annabelle Vanderbilt

Nickname: Lily

Age: 13

Role at the Academy: Student (Entering Grade 9)

Appearance Description: Lily is smaller than an average EMA student, standing at only 4'10", but with the possibility of a growth-spurt ahead. She has a medium/dark brown hair that falls just below her shoulders- due to the school's dress code, its always tied up in a bun. She has large blue eyes, which she is excellent at using to make "puppy dog eyes," something that worked well on her parents, but less so at EMA. When at EMA, she makes sure her uniform is always immaculate. When not at EMA, she favors darker colors and conservative attire- knee length skirts and respectable blouses, usually.

Personality: Lily is a mini-adult for the most part. An excellent student, she pays attention in the classroom and isn't hesitant to argue with a teacher if she feels it is truly warranted. Outside of the classroom, she maintains the same type of attitude- respectful to a fault, unless she feels that a real injustice is happening. She takes great pride in her appearance, making sure her uniform is always immaculate and up to the school standards, and not a hair is out of place in her bun. Her dorm room is much the same way- she keeps it extremely tidy, even smoothing the bedspread out after she sits down. She is determined not to break any rules, and feels alienated from other students for that reason. Sometimes, when she experiences an extreme lack of sense, she will break rules- but is acceptance worth the consequences?

Classroom Personality: Lily is extremely intelligent and eager to learn. Always getting to class early, you can find Lily sitting front and center in the classroom. She is extremely respectful, and doesn't argue about work given to her. Watch out if you give her a bad grade though- she will argue with you about even the smallest point loss. And G-d forbid she get a B- you might end up with a sobbing Lily in the middle of the classroom.

Reason for Attending EMA: Lily grew up as a Navy brat- her father was an Admiral in the Navy. Due to his job, the family had to move around often. This forced Lily to grow up quickly, but, more than that, left her with a weird looking school attendance pattern. She hated finally getting to know the ways of one school, only to have to move again every year- and it didn't help her social situation either. She tried to convince her parents to send her to boarding school, but they refused on the grounds that she was too young. She looked around for schools they might approve of, and found EMA. With its high standards for academics, and craving consistency, Lily fell in love with the idea of a military school. Because of her father's role in the USAF, he approved, especially because children of active duty military members have a lower tuition cost.

History: Lily was born to a stay at home mother and a father who was an Admiral in the United States Navy. She has an older sister and an older brother- her older brother is enlisted in the Navy, and her older sister is content going to public high school. She grew up having to move every year or two, on account of her father's job. For a child that loved consistency, the frequent moves upset her. She buried herself in school, because learning was something she could do wherever her father's job took her and the family. She excelled in her studies, even skipping 4th grade. The frequent moves meant that she had to learn the rules of every school she went to every year, and meant that her social life was non-existent. She begged her parents to send her to boarding school, as it provided the consistency she lacked as a Navy brat. Her parents told her she was too young, so she did research on different schools until it came to the time when she could enroll in boarding school.

She found EMA online through her google searches, and fell in love with the idea of a military school- it seemed more possible that her father would let her attend such a school, being in the military himself, plus it provided such a high degree of discipline and consistency. Knowing that she had to play her cards just right, Lily presented the school to her parents and let them look over it at the beginning of her 8th grade year. Then, she frequently acted out in school, so that her parents would get phone calls and emails about her appalling behavior. She let her parents decide that she needed the values taught in military school, and it worked. They had a discussion with her one day about how they were appalled at her behavior, and how they thought that she needed a more rigid school environment to keep her disciplined, and that she would start EMA in the fall. Elated, Lily packed her bags.

Other: Lily really longs for peer companionship, but her type-A personality often gets in the way of forming friendships.

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Full Name

Julian Deliphinki Compton


Jude(By most people)

Jules(By close friends)



Role at the Academy


For Students- what grade is your character entering into?


Appearance Description:

Stands at about 5'10" with a lean build, brown hair in a military cut with dark brown eyes. His uniform is kept up, however he does find small things that are unique, that he tries to keep that way he doesn't feel like a robot.


Jude is a very friendly and outgoing person. He rarely gets into fights, and tries his hardest to make everyone feel welcome. He is competitive and always gives a 100%, even if the task is "just for fun" he can be a sore loser, but rarely holds a grudge against people if they beat him, instead he'll congratulate them and move on with his life. Jude does have a very hard time trusting people and letting them into his inner-circle, especially females he finds attractive.

Classroom Actions

Jude pays attention in class, and tries to get good grades, however occasionally he'll lose interest and draw in class or try talking to people. He isn't the brightest student, generally staying at around a C average. He tries to hide this from the other students.

Reason for Attending EMA

His family would have given him no future, was court-ordered to come here, and decided to make the best of it.


Jude's parents were both drug addicts, so at a young age Jude also picked their bad habits. In Middle School he was found with weed and a couple of needles in his back pack. When it came to light both of his parents were addicts, they were arrested. Instead of putting Jude in jail, or sending him to an orphanage, his was court mandated to attend EMA. His first year here, he was rebel, but after seeing a former student from EMA, who became a Sergeant Major and turned his life around, Jude decided he was better than that, and decided the Military was the way for him to go.



Full Name:

Elijah Zacharias Lorenz




15 (entering grade 11)

Appearance Description:

His hair is halflong and black. He mostly has it combed over one side of his face (emostyle) He wears low snake bites and has a tattoo on his arm to honour his mother. His build is quite muscular, thanks to sparring with his brothers. His skin shows multiple scars on his arms, back and legs, not from self harm but from having a mentally/physically abusive father. He uses eyeliner to make his grey blue eyes stand out and can also been seen wearing nail polish, just for the fun of it. From head to toe he stands 5’10”. His feet will mostly be covered with simple sneakers, Converse or Vans. He wears skinny (yet not too tight) jeans, mostly black, with chains attached to them or a belt that is only attached on one hip. On top he will wear band shirts or fun shirts, or anything you hand him really.


He is a very gentle and loving boy, yet he will not hide his strong opinion. He is very peaceloving and will not start a fight over nothing, but he sure as hell knows how to stand his ground in a fight. He is not someone to just accept and do as told, unless he agrees or knows it is useless to go against the authority. However he will keep on challenging the system, and not just roll over and bark whenever he is told. He isn’t a person to hold grudges against anyone, unless you go very deep in hurting him. He likes to cause some mischief here and there and to joke around, taking life not too serious. This results in a constant smile on his face. If you are feeling down and want a laugh you should come to him, though if you want to talk about it he will have a listening ear also, though he doesn’t do too well in ‘serious’ situations.

If Student- description of typical classroom actions?

His classroom behaviour depends a lot on the teacher and the subject. If he likes the way it is taught or is interested in the subject he will be calm and a hardworking student. Yet if he doesn't like the material or the teacher he can be quite the rebel. He has a lot of energy and is easily bored if things don't interest him and when he is bored he'll find a way to entertain himself. In the best situation this will be just zoning out and drawing, in the worst situation, he will start arguments with the teacher or fold paper planes or things like that, anything really to disturb the classroom peace. Despite causing some havoc every now and then he still manages to get quite good grade. Not a straight A student, but also not a failure. However he could do a lot better, if he wanted to.

Reason for Attending EMA:

His own reasons are getting away from his abusive home situation. He is the youngest in the family and the only one not at all interested in the military. His father and both of his brothers are in the Navy. On top of that there is a little problem with his homosexuality. He wanted to go to a boarding school for a long time already, yet his father never agreed to anything. Now they have found EMA, and though he still disagrees with the idea of going for a military school, he knew it was the only way to get away from home, so he took the change.


He grew up in a quite 'happy home', at least it seemed to be happy for outsiders. To be honest until his mothers death it was not that bad. He had a really tight relationship with her, unlike his two older brothers who were close to his father. His 'girly' behaviour (being interested in art and music, instead of physical training) had always been a problem in his fathers eyes, yet his mother always stood out for him. At the young age of 12/13 it became obvious for him he was never gonna fit in and like girls. At least not as anything more than friends. Encouraged by his mother he finally came out for it at the age of 14 to the rest of his family and after that everything went wrong. His military dad could not face the 'disgrace' of having a I'm uncultured son. The mental abuse got worse and turned even physical when his mother died a few months later, due to a drunken driver. There no longer was a parent to protect him, to ease down his father. Elijah had wanted to get away before, but had always stayed for his mother and because he loved her. Now he is happy to attend EMA and get away from his toxic home, hoping that they will be more accepting.








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(eeew, commies are so gross, German version is so much better...)


Full Name: Lars Lazarus Schwarz-Acan

Nickname: Schatten (Shadow)

Age: 34

Role at the Academy: (student or teacher): teacher

For Teachers- what do you teach? history

Appearance Description: Gray eyes, dark (but not black) hair

Personality: Sly, aggressive, smart, sometimes cowardly, clever, rude, impulsive, logical, fast, proud, brave (sometimes), strong-willed, easy to freak out, full of energy, tyrannical.

If Teacher- teaching style? Kind of mad. :D He's so creepy that students are afraid of him. Many suspects something dark about past. <--- (and they are not wrong)

Not too supportive, actually not supportive at all. Students should be lucky if they get to learn something from him, and yet he seems to try his best. At least while somebody's watching. In the meantime he doesn't care about his class. Larsy does not want to teach them what books say, instead he wants students to learn propaganda, especially when it comes about Communism.

Reason for Attending EMA: He used to work in NKVD, but after it collapsed Larsy searched alternative place for his carrier and EMA was only place that accepted him with his Communist past. Note: since Larsy is lazy, only places where he actually tried to join was regular military and EMA.

History: As said before he was leading NKVD officer in Soviet Union (If you have questions about this just google ''NKVD'', and NO I don't support USSR) and when all that pile of crap (A.K.A. Soviet Union) sank down he escaped to USA (or whatever is that place where Role-Play takes place) to prevent himself from punishment. All family is dead, old comrades hates him, because he tried to betray their positions in order to escape prison.

Other: He owns a black doberman named Führer ---->


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Full Name:

Kim Tria Petit





Role at the Academy:


Entering grade 11

Appearance Description:

Her brown hair is long and straight, but she never lets it cover her face so she could focus. She has dark brown eyes and a fair skin tone. Her body is mostly described as skinny but never as unhealthy because there are some occasions where she takes care of her body but not always. Her casual way of walking and dressing gives her a laid-back appearance.


In the classroom, she is attentive and quiet. In her mind, she feels like when she does something, she has to at least try to do it well. In this case, it's paying attention and listening. And when the teacher asks her to do anything, she always rushes to do it. Slacking is not in her dictionary. Even though some tasks require bravery and she is not the bravest person there is.

Among students, she is a good friend. She is always considerate and kind. When one is sad, she is always there to cheer them up. And when they need anything, she's the first to help. She never likes to let anyone down.

Reason for Attending EMA:

Kim's father had always been that brave man who does dangerous stuff, and Kim's lack of courage caught his attention. He tried sending her to clubs that could help her, but she'd never attend. That was until they sent her off to EMA.


Kim had five brothers when she was born. And living with six men and a woman was a but tough considering she was a girl. Her father had always been the tough guy. He also taught Kim's siblings to do risky stuff despite the mother's protests. Mostly, they'd excel in this. But Kim never wanted to do this. They'd force her to do risky stuff but she'd try to escape out of this by doing even more riskier stuff like jumping off a wall or risking diving (which she never learned how to do). That was when they realized she was brave but she never wanted to show or experience that side of herself. Her father being in the marines decided to send her to a military school.


N/A (to be updated).​

Full Name:

Jacob David Berry


Jake or David



Role at the Academy: (student or teacher)

Transfer Student from Japan.

For Students- what grade is your character entering into? (9-12)

11th Grade

Appearance Description:

Wears glasses. Has Wavy black hair and a five o'clock shadow. He stands at 5'11", weighs 165 pounds. He has lean body type. His uniform is usually very kept and properly updated, he usually add a little pin on his uniform because it reminds him of his now dead mother.


He is very laid back, at first he seems very shy and quiet because he is new to the school, coming from Japan's most prestigious military school. Once you get to know him he opens up and is a very social and talkative person. He is very kind and caring because he has lost his loved ones. He is always calm and well mannered in even though most intense situations. He is a very nerdy and geeky guy that has an affection for sports as well. In Class he is very focused and and quiet. He tries to excel in every possible manner when in class.

If Student- description of typical classroom actions?

In class he is usually a loner but will occasionally talk to some people. He is some one that will always be there to encourage and help his fellow students though.

Reason for Attending EMA:

Transfer Student from Japan's most prestigious military school. Moving in with his uncle who is an Alum of EMA and one of the best students they had.


Jacob was born in Japan to two white Americans. He had no siblings. When he was only Four his mother died due to an overdose in heroine. He excelled at school and learning English and Japanese. His father was ex-military and trained him in various fighting styles and how to use various guns. From the age of five Jacob began taking martial arts classes. By the age of 13 he had a second degree black belt in Karate and Tae Kwon Do, a blackbelt in Kung Fu, judo, jiu-jitsu and a master at Krav Maga. At the age of 14 he entered Japan's finest military academy; National Defense Academy of Japan. At the age of 15 his father died due to a rare form of cancer. He ordered a transfer to EMA and moved to his uncle's private estate.





Full Name: Charles Joseph Woodworth

Nickname: Charlie, Joe, Woody

Age: 28

Role at the Academy: Literature Teacher

Appearance Description: Charles is tall and lean, standing at 5'10", the slight bulk to his body is all muscle. He had light brown hair that's blonde in the summer, and brown eyes. He prefers to spend his time inside, and so he is very pale. He dresses formally, even when not teaching, and when teaching, his suit is always immaculate.

Personality: Type A, anal retentive, and stick up his a** are all terms that have frequently used to describe the personality of Charles J Woodworth, and accurately. The man is strict and no-nonsense- even when talking to his fellow teachers. He prefers to keep his professional life and his personal life very separate... not that he has much of a personal life anyways. Once you get past his initial personality and befriend him further, he'll let you know more about himself. He'll never turn into a teddy bear, but he isn't, well, as horrible as you initially thought.

Teaching Style: Upon first glance, one would assume that Charles is a 'cool' teacher- after all, he's barely older than some of the students. However, 5 minutes in his class proves to most people that their initial assumptions were incorrect. Rough and to the point, there is infinitely more criticism than praise in his classroom. He's strict and no-nonsense, giving out frequent pop quizzes and being known as one of the more difficult graders in the school. Those who persist in his class, though, and rise to meet the challenge will find their pursuits rewarded- Charles is a powerful ally.

He's an excellent teacher, and pushes his students past what they think their potential is. His classes are organized so that everyone is sitting in a circle, and he often takes classes outside when the weather is nice (after he initially scared the pants off of them, too) and the students are well behaved. He demands respect, and will make your life hell if you don't respect him.

Reason for Teaching at EMA: He attended EMA as a student before enlisting in the United States Navy, and then decided to retire from the Navy and teach at EMA instead.

History: Charles was a troublemaker as a child, frequently having brushes with the law involving smoking, drinking, joyriding, vandalism... you name it, he's gotten in trouble for it. Not knowing what to do with him, his parents for the most part ignored his behavior while trying to find somewhere to send him that was far away, where he couldn't be an embarrassment to the family anymore, and where he might shape up to be a respectable individual. A support group for parents hoping for the same thing attracted the attention of Dr. and Mrs. Woodworth, and they began regularly attending. One of the people who came to present to the group was the former headmaster of EMA, and the Woodworths decided on that being the best solution for their son. They enrolled him in the school as soon as they could, and he hasn't heard from them since.

The beginning of Charles's time at EMA was difficult, as he had to quickly adapt to the rules and discipline that the school demanded. He had his fair share of detentions and punishment push-ups at the beginning of his time as an EMA student, as he fought with teachers, other students- anyone that he could provoke to get a reaction from, he wanted to fight with. He was angry at his parents for sending him away from them and his friends, and he wanted no part of being an EMA student.

Eventually, Charles realized that fighting would just get him absolutely nowhere at EMA and decided to just go with the flow at the school, so that he might spend less time in detention and more time trying to make friends- after all, just because he was at military school didn't mean that he wasn't allowed to have any fun or make any friends. He soon found that he was excellent in Lit class, and he found a small group of friends as well. Suddenly, attending EMA was much more pleasant and bearable for Charles.

He graduated from the school near the top of his class, with a bright future ahead of him. He joined the Navy, and served for 5 years. When he was 23, he retired from the Navy and decided he would like to go back to teach at EMA, and improve the lives of students just as EMA's teachers did for him. He studied education in college, and began to teach at EMA when he was 27.

Other: [will possibly update later]



Full Name: Ember Owens

Nickname: Em

Age: 17

Role at the Academy: Student

For Students- what grade is your character entering into? 12

Appearance Description: Caucasian, blonde hair, blue eyes

Personality: Outgoing, unpredictable, kind but tricky,

If Student- description of typical classroom actions? Ember doesn't have a hard time getting good grades, but that doesn't mean she really pays attention. She will often pass notes, text, talk, and even pull pranks in class.

Reason for Attending EMA: While she gets good grades, Ember has been acting put lately. Pulling pranks left and right, disobeying and disrespecting her parents, staying out past curfew, using drugs and alcohol and smoking. Her parents had finally had enough, and sent her off here.

History: Adelaide used to be a sweet innocent little girl when she was younger. She was born to a lovely family, and anything she wanted, she got, but she didn't take it for granted. She aced almost every class, and her parents were very proud of her achievements. She always followed the rules and was an absolutely stellar child. When she turned into a teenager everything changed. Nobody knew if it was just the age, the hormones or just the high school environment, but whatever it was, it changed her a lot. While she used to spend a lot of time with her parents, she started avoiding them, and was a total brat when she had to interact with them. She started spreading rumours around school just to stir up drama, she played pranks and went to parties, and whenever she could get away from her parents she got drunk and high. Everyone at her old school hated her except a few of her friends who liked to cause chaos with her. Her parents had had enough of her attitude, and after trying everything to straighten her out, they sent her here.​




Full Name: Amelia Elise Conners

Nickname:Amy or Lili, and Ellie or Leese for close friends


Role at the Academy:

Psychology teacher/Counslor

Appearance Description:

Amelia has always had the attention of men and woman alike. With deep chocolate brunet hair, and fair almost princess like looks she can catch the eye of most. The brunette recently just cut her hair to an easy to maintain A-line style. She has light brown, deep-set eyes, with thick eyebrows. Amelia most distinct feature is her heart-shaped face that is accentuated with her high cheekbone, and full lips. She has a slim build, and while not the most curvy girl, she does have a nice figure. Fairly pale, she has sunburn quite often in the summer. She is usually well put together, and has a semi-formal style. She does not like restrictive clothing so it will be common to see her in suit pants and a nice shirt. A dress and skirt will rarely ever been seen on this woman.


She is a kind-hearted individual with an understanding of how people work. A gentle aura follows this woman where ever she is, and that causes many to flock to her in their time of need or hardship. Always the compassionate woman, she generous and will give her time and energy into helping those who she feels needs her assistance. Observant of her environment she is patient of those who she is around, and tolerant of annoyances that would make other crack. Due to her rough past she has an understanding of how the world works, and will do her best to make sure she comprehends her patients/students feelings. However being a good-natured woman does have its problems. Many think her as airheaded, and they would be a sort of right. If it doesn’t have to deal with teaching, counseling, or students, she will be a bit forgetful, and disorganized. She also has the bad habit of suffering alone, and sometimes becomes really depressed. But she never shows this to anyone else and will wait until she is alone to cry or throw a fit. Those who are close to her knows that her smiles are usually fake in order to keep face and not distress other. These traits in-combo with her unwillingness to accept help from others make it a bit difficult for her to get out of problems that are affecting her. And when she loses her temper, she is evil. She doesn’t lose her temper but she is vindictive, mean-spirited, and malicious. Overall she is a very lovable person who doesn’t really fit the military school teacher appearance.

Teaching Style:

Many cannot believe that Amelia is teaching at a strict military school Upon first meeting, many assume she is the ‘easy A’ type of teacher. While she is kind, and understanding her class is hard. She full expects her student to be challenged and to actually…well learn from her class. However her class is different in that she is not strict and intimidates her students into listening to her. She give respect to her student, and it is up to them to give it back. She hates undermining her student and believes that it is detrimental to a student learning environment. Amelia is a very interactive teacher, and promotes self-learning and critical thinking skills through scenarios, projects, interactive lecture and even one or two games. She also has group tests and activities that help promote teamwork and communication. Hoping that her way of teaching will encourage her students to enjoy learning.

Reason for Attending EMA:

Initial she was hire as a counselor, due to her background as a psychologist for the Marines. But after a year or two of being a counselor and a substitute teacher when needed, Amelia fell in love with teaching and went back to school to get her teaching credentials. After a year she was allowed to become a psychology teacher. Even though the first year was rocky it produced good results. Students were happy with the class, and the headmaster was happy with the grades. Now it is second year coming back as the new psychology teacher.


Amelia had a hard life growing up. Her father was in the Marines, and ended up dying during a raid on a terrorist group when she was 8. Unfortunately her family was lost in the system, and were living in poverty until she was about 10. Seeing no other choice, and desiring better lives for her three children, her mother gave Amelia and her younger brothers up for adoption. Her brother being very young were adopted, leaving Amelia behind. She passed around by different foster homes for the next six year. Each foster house was terrible. Barley any food, caretakers beating you, and harsh cold grounds. Amelia wanted out, and quick. And the only way she saw an exit was in school. College. Somewhere far away.

With her dedication and intelligence she graduated from school at the age of sixteen with high honors that gave her the key out of her miserable orphan life and to great university. As an added bonus she had scholarships lined up to pay for her college as well. She ended up getting her Bachelors in psychology and another two her Master in it as well. Following in her dear father foot step, she went out to work as a clinical psychologist for the Marines, and stayed in that job for about two years.

While she wanted to stay at that job, but one of her patient mistook her kindness as love, and started to obsess over her. Wanting to file a complaint, she was sadly out of luck in the man was a high ranking officer. As the harassment and stalking continued, she decide to quit and moved to find another job. A friend suggested EMA, and she decided to take the job as a counselor. She loved kids, and thought it would be a job that would interest her, and where she could serve a purpose. After a year of serving as a counselor and a time a substitute teacher, she found out she had a nack and a love for teaching. Amelia went back to school for a year to get her teaching credentials, and was allow to teach trial class for a year. Satisfied with the result, she is now coming in to a second year of teaching.

Other: She has a pair of her father's dog tags that she and her siblings all have.


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Full Name: Pere Pavlov

Nickname: /

Age: 31

Role at the Academy: Teacher

For Teachers- what do you teach?: History

Appearance Description: She's a young woman of average height, lean and flexible, with sharp facial features. Her cheekbones are expressed, giving her a very narrow face with a sharp chin and sharp nose. She wears her hair on average length, blonde, letting her curls go wherever. She pays it a lot of attention, using various preparats, and so on. She has green eyes, but she often wears sunglasses, even in the classroom, so it doesn't really matter.

To the work she wears her uniform, similiar to her male colleagues, but outside, she loves to play with fashion in military style, trying to maintain the professional look nonetheless.

Personality: Pere is an intelligent woman, with many thoughts to share. However, she has never been a very strict and conventional type - she prefers to do her own thing. She is a very sociable person, someone who likes people, who likes hanging out with people, and, who indeed, does like to drink.

She likes the life the way it is - a bit of a hedonist, in fact. The bosses have to stand her like that, since she is one of the greatest both history and strategy experts of the country. Eccentric? Indeed, but Pere has been vital for success of certain missions and organization.

There is little of that soldier tidiness in her character - her room is messy, her notes are messy, her schedule is messy.

Teaching style: Nice teacher who is very passionate about her subjects, and prefers to skip the "boring stuff", or just tell them in a fun way. She gets really excited while teaching, making a whole show for the students.

Reason for Attending EMA:





Full Name: Miranda Von Stratten


Age: 16

Role at the Academy: student

For Students- 10

For Teachers- what do you teach?

Appearance Description: Miranda has dark, wavy hair that reaches to her mid back. Her eyes change between a greenish colour and blue. She is 5"6

Personality: Miranda is very, very closed off. She lives with the believe that the less that you do the less people will expect from you. She doesn't show emotion when it can be helped. Some would call her 'lazy' but the truth is she's just broken.

If Student- Miranda tries to just blend in the crowd.

If Teacher- teaching style?

Reason for Attending EMA: Her social worker got her in as an alternative to a Juvenal detention center.

History: Miranda has been bounced from foster home to foster home since the age of seven when she was pulled from an extremely abusive house hold. She learned from a very young age not to trust anyone, to not let anyone in. She got separated from her younger brother when she was 11 after she got arrested the first time. He got adopted and the family was not willing to take in a budding criminal. Since then she really hasn't cared about anyone or anything.




Full Name:

Rysen Lional





Role at the Academy:


For Students- what grade is your character entering into?


Appearance Description:

Stands at a lanky 5'8 with pale skin blue eyes and medium Brown hair.


Rysen is....unique to say the least. Rather lazy he prefers to stay in bed all day then do, well, anything. However, he is unusually smart and artistic with a list of skills. Most strange. Though he lacks in areas likes sports or those that require obedience. Instead he can be very rebellious though tends to get away with it by his strange charming respectful personality that makes most adults adore him. Usually self absorbed and a loner the few friends he gains he keep close. Its only toward them that he let's himself loosen up a little around.

If Student- description of typical classroom actions?

Usually in class he is the quiet one in the back with his nose in a book who finishes their work quietly, Though slacks off if feeling lazy or bored usually to sleep. When paired with a friend however he becomes a chatterball of energy often resulting in teachers splitting him up from his friends.

Reason for Attending EMA:

He got into trouble with the law after stealing a PlayStation while going threw a gaming addiction. It was either EMA or Juvy.


Rysen grew up in a large dysfunctional family. His mom never married but had a bunch of kids with men she dated resulting in Rysen having five have siblings who only shared a mother, except the twins. His mom had a mile long list of problems on top of being a single mother and keeping the family afloat with a waitressing job. Because of this she often had no time for her kids who raised each other and thus weren't aware of the things most of them got into. Like drunks, drinking, and partying with a few pregnancy scares.

Rysen saw the affect this had on his siblings from rash decisions to stints with the law and was determined that he and his younger brother didn't follow in their footsteps. Instead he encouraged them to get good grades and improve their life style. While still being strangely lazy. This lasted a few years but at fourteen his mom lost her job and they finally experienced what it was like to be really poor. By this time most of his siblings were gone. The eldest in different countries and the twins in juvy. Leaving him and his younger sibling to struggle along.

He resisted the temptation of drugs and alcohol but after realizing there would be no Christmas for his little brother stole a PlayStation in an attempt to keep his spirit up. The cops never found the PlayStation but saw the video of him stealing it. After that he had a choice. Go to juvy or EMA. He has to say he is glad at the choice he made and from their letters is content that his family's life is improving.

Other: He becomes obsessive easily and can fall asleep anywhere.​
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Full Name: Ethan Dylan Simone

Nickname: Dyl, Eth

Age: 16

Role at the Academy: student

10th Grade

Appearance Description: Ethan has brown hair, that is rarely combed, blue eyes to die for. He stands nearly 6 feet tall, usually he doesn't stand straight so it is sometimes hard to tell. He wears his grey zip up hoodie normally, under his uniform. He usually keeps his hands in his pockets, when he isn't wearing his uniform he is in his jeans and he never wears shirts that are not plain in color, without designs. He is a well built teenager, that is stronger then he looks. His muscles are well tones, but the way he dresses doesn't make that obvious on sight.

Personality: Ethan is usually relaxed and quiet, he likes to keep to himself, or just stick with his best friend, Elizabeth. He is a blunt speaker and he doesn't care who you are, he will tell you what he thinks if you get on his nerves or ask him. Ethan rather stick to being ignored or avoided, but he isn't afraid to get his hands dirt with some well thought out pranks and even a simple fight, if you push him. Ethan has a habit of tapping his index finger when he is thinking, he doesn't notice it, nor does he notice his thumb rubbing his middle and index finger when he starts to get annoyed. These are nervous ticks from childhood that he never grow out of.

Ethan seats where he is less likely to be noticed, but doesn't mind answering any question the teacher has. Otherwise, if he is not with Elizabeth, he doesn't speak and stays to himself, watching as he listens.

Reason for Attending EMA: Ethan got himself in to trouble his last school, but to make it worse, he got his best friend in it. After a scuffle and some really focused pranks that Elizabeth tried stopping, he was sent to Military school.

History: Ethan was born an orphan, his mother died in birth and his father was killed a few months before that. As he grow up, he had a hard time with speech. It got him into a lot of trouble, when children made fun of him. After a session of anger management at 7, where he learned to rub his thumb with his fingers as a warning to look out for. This small gesture got him started with his tapping his finger for thinking. At age 8, he meet Elizabeth, after she came from the hospital an orphan, in a way like he did. He felt attracted to her, since she was the only other child that was hospitalized and then brought to the orphanage. Since then, they had been together.

Unlike Elizabeth, Ethan's only friend was Elizabeth, he didn't like making friends with the children that made fun of him and he couldn't keep his blunt comments to himself. Unable to show restraint, Ethan often got into trouble for talking to the teachers in a blunt manner that they didn't like. He started to build a reputation of being a bad egg. He found using his head was a better way for revenge then fighting it out, even if sometimes that was the only way to get his point across.

After a bad conflict, where the teacher took the other student's side against him for personal reasons. Ethan made plans for dealing with both problems. Which was ok, but when Elizabeth got wind of what he was going to do to the teacher she tried to stop it from happening. In the middle of Ethan's fight with the other student the teacher was supposed to get a rude awakening, but in her attempt to stop it, Elizabeth got caught undoing the prank, but was thought of as contributing. In the end they were both expelled and there was nothing the orphanage figured they could do for them.

Other: Ethan is protective of Elizabeth, at their old school, everyone thought that he loved her.



Full Name: Elizabeth Zyana Carver

Nickname: Lizzy, Liz, Zy, Car


Role at the Academy: student

10th Grade

Appearance Description: Elizabeth is a 5 foot 8 inch, petite girl with a sweet smile. She has beautiful green eyes that brighten up her smile. She usually wears a spaghetti strap under her shirts and a pair of jeans or cargo pants. She likes to match her mood and usually wears dull colors. When she is not in her uniform.

Personality: Friendly and happy, Elizabeth is quick to make friends and is loyal to her best friend, Ethan. She believes in the good of others and thinks Ethan is a little rough around the edges but he has a good heart. She is curious and brave, but she is also clumsy and shy usually when she first comes to a new place. She is clumsy less and less as time goes by, but she had her moments.

Elizabeth pays close attention and focuses on what is being taught. She likes to ask questions, but usually tries to ask none relevant questions after class.

Reason for Attending EMA: Misunderstand at her old school, she was implicated for helping her best friend play a prank on a teacher.

History: Elizabeth was born to a loving family, they didn't have any contact with their families, but that was ok with them, because they had Elizabeth. After an car accident when she was 7, Elizabeth was hospitalized, as her parents were in ICU without any next of kin that the hospital knew of. After her 8th birthday, Elizabeth was released to the orphanage, where she meet Ethan. Out of all the kids, she felt like Ethan needed her. They were always together and she tried very hard to keep him out of trouble.

Elizabeth make friends easy when they were at school. It was hard for her to keep a lot of her friends, because of how they felt about Ethan and her being friends with him. Elizabeth stayed beside Ethan no matter who aimed to tell her otherwise. Elizabeth lost and make friends as much as the leaves fall in the autumn. She focused on helping Ethan, able to notice his ticks and tried her best to calm him, or even stop him. Usually she could, but there were times he was too far gone, when she caught on that she couldn't.

The one time that she hadn't noticed until the end, Ethan was already in a fight and the teacher was just about to walk into his prank. Elizabeth spotted it and attempted to stop the prank from being completed. In her attempt, she did manage to keep the trap from going off, but instead of being a good student, she was seen as an accomplice to her best friend's actions. She was expelled with him and so the orphanage sent her with Ethan to EMA, where she now tries to keep Ethan under control and get through the school year, without getting expelled.

Other: N/A


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/granny-hair-young-women-teens-dyeing-dying-hair-grey-viral-trend-instagram-tumblr.jpg.15bc95a5952194515c35678ab5a1807d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/granny-hair-young-women-teens-dyeing-dying-hair-grey-viral-trend-instagram-tumblr.jpg.15bc95a5952194515c35678ab5a1807d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Leandra Sinciato

Nickname: Lea (Pronounced like Leah)

Age: 16

Role at the Academy: Student

For Students- what grade is your character entering into? (9-12)

10th Grade

Appearance Description: Leandra has a jagged scar running along the right side of her face, going from just above her eyebrow, over her eyelid, and all the way down to the edge of her chin. At the height of 5'8", Leandra is tall with a lean, athletic build, just like her twin brother. Both of the twins are albinos, but they don't have any of the side effects that can be detrimental to a person. They both wear eye color contacts to hide their usually red-colored eyes to a soft blue while they also dye their hair to be more like a platinum as opposed to the strikingly white hair they naturally have.

Personality: Leandra is an extrovert at heart and is not afraid to speak her mind. She's outgoing and loves to make new friends. With deeply ingrained loyalty to her twin brother, Leandra would put her own life on the end to save him if it ever came to it, while he would do the same for her. Her strong loyalty can extend to anyone who is able to get close enough to Leandra for her to feel like they'd help her if she ever asked for it. Leandra is also fiercely rebellious and loves to do anything and everything she can to go against the system, which has gotten her kicked out of school after school back home. She also has a strong tendency to stand up against bullies, her jiu-jitsu and blackbelt helping her in actually being able to defend others, but she tends to leave marks on the bullies and so she'll usually get in trouble for defending another student. Basically, Leandra is not afraid to pick a fight with anyone and even if it seems like she's going to lose, she'll still pick the fight and defend someone without a question. She may not even know the person, but if a bully is hurting them, then Leandra will defend them.

If Student- Class Behavior: Leandra has been known to make paper airplanes in class and aim them at any of her enemies to try and get them in trouble while also having some fun. She rarely takes notes and thus, she has failed many tests for many classes over the years. Surprisingly enough though, the only class Leandra ever seems to pay attention to, is science, which comes naturally to her. She will actually take notes in her science class and pay attention, as she wants to one day be a veterinarian and have her own animal clinic.

Reason for Attending EMA: Leandra's adopted parents got sick and tired of her being expelled over and over again for multiple reasons and so they're hoping to get rid of her for a good amount of time and this is the best option, at least it is in their eyes.

History: Leandra and her twin brother are both adopted, as they were put into the foster system when their parents both died in a car accident when the twins were twelve years old. Bouncing between foster homes, he twins constantly found trouble wherever they went and nobody kept them longer than three weeks before saying they were too much trouble to handle. When they were finally adopted by a young couple, both of which seemed eager to try and help the twins, the twins were beyond surprised and even a bit suspicious. Why would anyone want those two? Sure enough, their suspicions rang true, as Leandra was assaulted by the father when she was only fifteen years old and her twin brother saved her at the last second, only for him to walk away with a fractured wrist and black eye. Now, the twins have pushed their adoptive parents to their limits, as both of the twins are more than capable to defend themselves despite all of the abuse at home and so the parents are really just trying to get the twins out of their eyesight and out of their way for a good amount of time.

Other: Leandra has PTSD from when her adoptive father assaulted her and so she's beyond terrified of getting into any romantic relationship at all. She's highly defensive of herself and will usually suspect the worse of any males because of her past experience despite her twin brother being there for her nearly all the time.

Also, the scar on her face actually came from the night she was assaulted, as she tried to fight back against her adoptive father and he ended up not too happy about it, so to speak.

For the twins' colored eye contacts and dyed hair, they do odd jobs here and there to earn some money since their adoptive parents don't give them anything beyond the bare necessities.

(Will post the twin brother's CS after I make sure this one is cleared to go)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/luckybluesmith.jpg.36b76909a5634adefd2a934d2528622e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/luckybluesmith.jpg.36b76909a5634adefd2a934d2528622e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Manjano Sinciato

Nickname: N/A

Age: 16

Role at the Academy: Student

For Students- what grade is your character entering into? (9-12)

10th Grade

Appearance Description: Manjano has cutting scars lining both his wrists and forearms up to the crooks of his elbows. He also has a burn scar along his right side, from an incident with his adoptive father while growing up in which he defended his twin sister, Leandra.

Personality: Manjano is the complete opposite of Leandra, for the most part. He's introverted and solitary, preferring to keep to himself and avoid others at all costs. He strongly dislikes any kinds of confrontations, but will confront someone if they are threatening Leandra in any form or fashion. Manjano is also a man of few words, as he rarely speaks and if he does, it's only enough words to convey whatever message he's trying to get across to the person. If anything, the only person he really speaks a lot to is Leandra, but even then, he doesn't have to speak a lot, as Leandra knows him so well and he knows her so well that it's like the two are practically reading one another's minds.

If Student- Class Behavior: Manjano will be the quiet kid in the background, diligently taking notes and acing nearly every test he takes, no matter what subject he's taking. While he doesn't really do anything to disrupt the class itself, Manjano is a phenomenal artist and will often be drawing other people in his class if he feels like he doesn't need to be taking notes at the moment.

Reason for Attending EMA: Since his adoptive parents were sending Leandra off, they figured they might as well send Manjano as well. Every time Leandra was expelled from a school, his adoptive parents would pull Manjano out of the school as well, effectively punishing both of them for Leandra's mistake, though this only further pushed Leandra to rebel over and over again.

History: Manjano's history is the exact same as Leandra's.

Other: Manjano used to actually speak a ridiculous amount just before the twins' real parents died in the car crash, which was actually the father's fault, as he had been drinking that night and then insisted that he could safely drive himself and their mother home without a problem.

Manjano's burn scar on his right side is from an incident between his adoptive father, Leandra, and Manjano, who intervened to help Leandra.

The cutting scars lining Manjano's arms are due to the years of abuse that he's suffered from both protecting Leandra and from just living with his adoptive parents.

For the twins' colored eye contacts and dyed hair, they do odd jobs here and there to earn some money since their adoptive parents don't give them anything beyond the bare necessities.​



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