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Fantasy Elevator to Another World (Horror RP)


This is interesting... Jake thought to himself as he clicked the link to the urban legend entitled "Elevator to Hell" it was a new urban legend that he hadn't read before and he was certain he had read them all.

"Rules:" Jake said to himself aloud. "Enter any elevator with at least 10 floors and press the following buttons in order. Note: it is important that you and whomever joins you start on the ground floor, otherwise the ritual will not work." Jake rubbed his eyes and suppressed a yawn. He opened a can of red bull and glanced over at his bedside table where his digital clock read '02:13'

Damn insomnia!

Jake turned back to his computer and continued to read. "The sequence is as follows: press 2, 4, 2, 9, 5, 1." Jake took another mouthful of red bull, belching loudly as he tossed the empty can into the trashcan at the side of his desk. "Additional rules and warnings. 1. If someone else enters the elevator during the ritual at any point the ritual will be void and thusly it will be necessary to restart as a consequence. 2. A woman will enter the elevator when you reach floor 5, it is imperative that all those participating in the ritual DO NOT speak to her under any circumstances. 3. After she enters and you press 1, the elevator will travel to the tenth floor instead of the 1st floor, if this happens the ritual was a success and you will have all entered the 'other world.'" Jake scratched his head. "This sounds sick!" He grabbed his phone, adding all his closest friends to the recipient list.

'Meet me at the hospital tomorrow at mid-day. It's important.' He pressed the send button and jumped into bed. Tomorrow he would take his friends with him to the 'other world' and prove to them once and for all that urban legends were real.
Caius groaned, the sound of the alarm on his phone waking him up at an inhuman hour. He often forgot to turn it off for the weekend, or days that he didn't have classes; It was just more convenient to be awake at the same time every day just in case he forgot about something. Better to be over prepared than under. It took him a little while to actually wake up, and he squint at the bright screen of his phone for a little before his eyes began to adjust.

'Meet me at the hospital tomorrow at mid-day. It's important.'

Raising an eyebrow, he looked at the date it was sent and sighed, running a hand through the impossible mess that was his hair. Jake and his insomnia...it had been sent late last night, so he assumed that his friend meant today, and really wished he had an exact time he had to be there. But in any case, it meant he had to get ready; of course, he didn't even think to question something like this. It had just become normal.

"Fuck...." swearing under his breath quietly, Caius rubbed at his face with his hands rapidly to wake himself up some more. He wondered what it was this time; were they going to be investigating some kind of ghost appearance or something? Whatever it was, he knew that today wouldn't be boring. Spending time with Jake always had it's perks.
Claire groaned at the sound of her roommates alarm vibrating. She dramatically threw the down comforter off of her and sat up to look at the time. Seven o'clock. Jesus why does Amber half to get up this early on a Saturday! Claire thought as she looked over to her roommate who was still asleep. She glanced back at her phone and noticed a text message from Jake. As she read the text she audibly sighed, "The hospital? Not again." Just then her roommate sat up and rolled out of bed. "Seriously Amber, if you're going to set an alarm this early set it to something you'll actually wake up to. Claire rolled her eyes and looked back at her phone: 'sent today at 2:24am'. Jake really needs to sleep some time, she thought as she hit the reply button and typed 'Fine-- as long as this isn't another one of your dumb schemes to get me to believe in the paranormal! ;) ' Claire hit send as she collapsed back on to her pillow.

Claire was scared of a lot of things and being friends with 'Mr. Supernatural junkie' wasn't always a good thing. Yet she didn't know how to refuse his invitations to check out an abandoned skate park or a secret shrine to the devil in the forest. Claire had always had a little trouble with saying no to anyone really. Though she secretly loved the thrill. After the initial shock and screaming, she always would just laugh off the experience. Though Claire thought of herself as a big scared-y cat, she tried to put on a brave front, but most of her friends saw right through it.

With another audible sigh Claire got up and went to take a shower. After she was done she scurried back to her room hoping that no one would be out of their dorms to she her without make-up. She quickly made it passed all the doors and sighed with relief. She sat down in front of her full length mirror and began to 'put on her face' or so she called it. She applied all of her daily make-up along with a small wing to her eyeliner. Perfect! She thought to her self as she quickly picked out a blue dress and her black converse and headed out the door to whatever adventure Jake had planned for today.
Alan's alarm blared at 7:00, blasting Dimmu Borgir's "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" at full volume. He rubbed his eyes and checked his phone, as he always did when he rose in the morning. On the screen, he noticed a new message from his friend Jake. It read, "Meet me at the hospital tomorrow at mid-day. It's important."

"Mid-day?" He quizically said aloud. He tossed his phone on the floor and got dressed, throwing on his favourite Burzum t-shirt and some ripped stonewashed jeans. He sat down and began doodling pentagrams on his arms; an almost daily ritual since parting ways with his family.

He looked at the text again and snickered. Dammit, Jake, I wonder, what kind of paranormal hijinks you plan to get us into this time? He saw that his friend had sent the text at 2:24 A.M., and sighed audibly. Sleep, man, sleep.

He'd always been pretty good friends with Jake, often times getting into trouble investigating occultist or Satanic rituals and urban legends. They hadn't talked for a while, but Alan was up and ready to investigate whatever phenomenon there was at the hospital with his friend.

He grabbed his knife, tucking it under his belt, and approached the door.

"Another day, another demon." He smiled as he walked out of his apartment door.

Jake arrived at the city hospital, situated a short bus ride outside of town. The weather was pleasant, with only a few clouds lingering in the blue sky. They made Jake think of the paranormal, little wispy ghosts floating across the sky in search of something or other. This brought his mind back to the elevator ritual and the prospect of crossing over to what he liked to call the Shadow Realm.

Everything should go well. Provided the others follow my instructions. If everybody acts according to the stipulated rules of the ritual, we should cross over and back without anyone getting hurt...

Jake stared absently at a young girl on crutches limping towards the hospital entrance with who he assumed were her parents escorting her on either side. All three of them had sullen looks on their faces.

What worried him was the possibility of one of his peers attempting to communicate with the mysterious woman that was to enter the elevator on the fifth floor. The rules never explained what would happen to the participants of the ritual if one or more of them attempted to break this rule, but being a huge fan of horror, Jake was able to predict the outcome would be grim.

Jake had dressed in a black t-shirt with 'System of a Down' written across the front with the symbol for the 'Mesmerise' album. He wore blue jeans that had started to fade and had frayed at the ends where the legs were too long and often got dragged under his feet as he walked. He wore black converse all stars and a red and white button up shirt over his system t-shirt, the buttons were left open.

His hair was unkempt, a rebellious jungle that refused to adear to any style. His brown eyes had dark circles under them as a result of his insomnia.

Jake slumped to the floor, slinging his backpack in front of him and opening a can of Pepsi. He had heard that Pepsi contained all sorts of chemicals that were undesirable, but he didn't care. Jake was obsessed with urban legends and the supernatural. He didn't care much for conspiracy theories. He took a large gulp of the sweet soft drink and belched loudly, provoking a curious look from an old couple that were passing by.

I wonder how long the others will be...
Claire had to park in the very back of the parking lot because it seemed it was a busy day to get injured. Claire sighed as she trekked the long way to the hospital entrance. At least it isn't an abandoned hospital, Claire thought, Why would Jake even want to meet in a public place in mid day? He was always into midnight, or abandoned houses, not very populated hospitals? What was he up to?

The asphalt parking lot turned into nice neat sidewalk as Claire made her way to the entrance of the hospital. She spotted Jake by one of the benches under a tree a few feet away. He had that smug smirk on his face that he always had when he was about to investigate something. Claire smiled as she saw him and said, "Okay, what's it this time? Making people wake from comas with a spell or an underground abandoned insane asylum?" Claire prompted as she took a seat next to Jake.
Figuring since he didn't have much to do before hand anyway, Caius got ready much earlier than he was supposed to. He wore a simple black button up he left unbuttoned and rolled up at the sleeves, and a deadpool graphic tee underneath. His pants were some simple skinny jeans he got as a hand-me-down, and had rips where the knees were; he'd fallen more times than he could count, always finding something to trip over. No one would call him graceful in any field except drawing. On his feet he shoved on some converse knock offs he had gotten at old navy for five dollars on clearance, and with that he was ready to go.

Jake's exploits usually ended up with someone getting hurt; it wasn't ever anything major, just some falls and banged up knees, but Caius liked to be prepared. He had a first aid kit in his bag, along with some snacks just in case! Since he didn't have a car, he had to walk there, but it wasn't like he minded too much. Adjusting the bag that slung over his shoulder, he enjoyed the day and took his time walking; he was early, after all.

Eventually arriving to the scene, he watched Claire walk up to Jake and begin speaking to him. He himself wasn't too far behind, and he found himself sitting on the other side of their friend. "I'm assuming Claire already asked, but what exactly are we doing today?"
Alan lived relatively close to the hospital, so he started walking there. He was a little late, seeing the other three already there, waiting. He smiled and decided the fright tactic was appropriate at the time.

Alan walked toward the group from a different angle, preferring to scare them as per his usual antics. He smiled and walked up behind Claire and tapped her shoulder with his knife, making a hissing noise. After doing so, he put it away and asked, "So, what's happening woth the hospital?
Armina, I am sitting in the waiting room of the office. My brother and I had been in a car accident and I came out almost scratch free while his life is hanging from a thread. I am listening to music from my phone as I see a group of people form by the elevator. I decide to go over there and see what is going on. I was new in town and figured I might as well make some friends. I take out my ear buds and walk over to the group. "Hey whats going on over here" I say a little nervously but not to obvious. I had a gash in my cheek from the accident and it was hurting really bad but I didn't allow myself to show the pain of the cut caused by a piece of metal sticking me in the face.

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Adam can't even remember why Jake had his number, or why did they became acquaintances in the first place. He didn't really want to go anywhere near him but asking to go the hospital seemed really out of the blue and Adam's interest was piqued. He changed into some comfortable clothes. Grabbed a drink, 2 packs of cigarette and his headphones.

He is now headed to the hospital with the

blasting in his ears. He didn't rushed at all an even stopped a couple of times to drink or smoke
With no reply I figured they must be pretty occupied with what ever they may had been doing. I walk outside and sit on the rock by the entrance. I put my ear buds back in. They were on max volume and I was playing emo radio on Pandora. I take out my pencil and begin writing in my notebook. My music was so loud that a couple people stopped and asked me to turn it down. I see a guy heading towards the hospital. I try not to look and continue on my writing.


Adam couldn't help but notice the girl and without any hesitation approaches her and offers a cigarette. Then he began to ask her some questions "Did Jake called you too ? And now that I think about it, you look quite young. Are you even old enough to smoke ?". He kept getting a weird feeling about Jake and his intentions. Just what the hell is he planning. A moment of silence settled down, then Adam asked as politely as possible " Wanna go together, I can't help but have a bad feeling about Jake ?"

Bloop said:

Adam couldn't help but notice the girl and without any hesitation approaches her and offers a cigarette. Then he began to ask her some questions "Did Jake called you too ? And now that I think about it, you look quite young. Are you even old enough to smoke ?". He kept getting a weird feeling about Jake and his intentions. Just what the hell is he planning. A moment of silence settled down, then Adam asked as politely as possible " Wanna go together, I can't help but have a bad feeling about Jake ?"
I smile "no I am not old enough to smoke, but I do anyways" I grab a cigarette. " and I have no idea who jake is but sure I will come cause I am bored as he'll right now" I say laughing

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