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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Electric Sheep [characters]

  • Octavius

    Name: Octavius au Locke
    Age: 48
    Species: Human, Shocker
    Occupation: Head of House au Locke, Counsel member, Emperor's Advisor
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Place of Residence: Castle au Locke
    Current Location: Citadel

    Cold-hearted, it's almost as if the man has no sense of empathy.
    ★ Ruthless, Octavius will go to any lengths to see that what he wants is done. Life is a game to him, and his end goal is to see how far up the ladder of power he can get before his time is up.
    ★ Two-faced, Octavius only shows his cold demeanor to those he feels has no power or significance. To those he needs on his good side, Octavius will pretend to care about them and do his best to be kind to them.
    ★ Octavius is very much manipulative, willing to do favors for others seemingly for free. Expect him to turn around and ask you for a more impossible favor in return, should you come to him for anything.
    ★ There is no better man past, Octavius' dark demeanor. He knows he's rotten to the core, and relishes in every second of it.
    ★ House au Locke is the owner of all food production and distribution companies in the empire. They have a history of being the Emperor's advisers, and try to maintain very good relations with the rest of the Houses, having no known rivals or fights. They're also a very large House, settling most of their disputes with diplomatic marriages.
    ★ Octavius was born the twin brother of Alistair, sons of Mortus, the prior leader of House au Locke. Throughout most of his early years, during his schooling and shortly after, he never spent time apart from his twin brother. This was due more to his parents insistence they were together more than a love for his brother.
    ★ From a young age, Octavius "teased" his twin brother, locking him in cabinets and keeping him there as "punishment", "practicing" his magic on Alistair, and other such activities that went unnoticed by the adults around them, given how Octavius would always manage to worm out of trouble and get Alistair into trouble instead.
    ★ When they were twenty five, Octavius killed his own father and manipulated the evidence to put the blame on Alistair, with the intention that Octavius would take over leading the house instead of his more sensible brother.
    ★ Under Octavius, House au Locke saw a boon in popularity among the other Houses, and in the public eye. Seizing hold of the empire's food sources, it was rather easy to claw his way into a Counsel seat.
    ★ Due to his outwardly diplomatic nature, Octavius was soon assigned to be the Emperor's Advisor. If not due to his diplomatic nature, then due to the fact that no House could find reason enough to not have him in such an important position.
    Likes tea, sweet foods, crushing foes under his heel // Dislikes bitter foods, not getting his way, doing his own dirty work
    Skills Diplomacy, management, avising // Strengths acting, lying, manipulation // Talents singing, painting
    Weaknesses combat tactics, compromising his own agenda // Vices loyal to none, holds grudges for a long time // Addictions None
    Differently Abled Traits: He lost his arms due to an accident while doing some basic combat training
    Affiliations The Emperor, the Counsil, House au Locke // Loyalties Himself, and himself only
    Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
    Frequently Found: Castle au Locke


    code by cychotic


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

    Looking For

    ✪ Family members
    ✪ Affairs

Last edited:
  • Octavius

    Name: Octavius au Locke
    Age: 48
    Species: Human, Shocker
    Occupation: Head of House au Locke, Counsel member, Emperor's Advisor
    Pronouns: He/Him
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Place of Residence: Castle au Locke
    Current Location: Citadel

    Cold-hearted, it's almost as if the man has no sense of empathy.
    ★ Ruthless, Octavius will go to any lengths to see that what he wants is done. Life is a game to him, and his end goal is to see how far up the ladder of power he can get before his time is up.
    ★ Two-faced, Octavius only shows his cold demeanor to those he feels has no power or significance. To those he needs on his good side, Octavius will pretend to care about them and do his best to be kind to them.
    ★ Octavius is very much manipulative, willing to do favors for others seemingly for free. Expect him to turn around and ask you for a more impossible favor in return, should you come to him for anything.
    ★ There is no better man past, Octavius' dark demeanor. He knows he's rotten to the core, and relishes in every second of it.
    ★ House au Locke is the owner of all food production and distribution companies in the empire. They have a history of being the Emperor's advisers, and try to maintain very good relations with the rest of the Houses, having no known rivals or fights. They're also a very large House, settling most of their disputes with diplomatic marriages.
    ★ Octavius was born the twin brother of Alistair, sons of Mortus, the prior leader of House au Locke. Throughout most of his early years, during his schooling and shortly after, he never spent time apart from his twin brother. This was due more to his parents insistence they were together more than a love for his brother.
    ★ From a young age, Octavius "teased" his twin brother, locking him in cabinets and keeping him there as "punishment", "practicing" his magic on Alistair, and other such activities that went unnoticed by the adults around them, given how Octavius would always manage to worm out of trouble and get Alistair into trouble instead.
    ★ When they were twenty five, Octavius killed his own father and manipulated the evidence to put the blame on Alistair, with the intention that Octavius would take over leading the house instead of his more sensible brother.
    ★ Under Octavius, House au Locke saw a boon in popularity among the other Houses, and in the public eye. Seizing hold of the empire's food sources, it was rather easy to claw his way into a Counsel seat.
    ★ Due to his outwardly diplomatic nature, Octavius was soon assigned to be the Emperor's Advisor. If not due to his diplomatic nature, then due to the fact that no House could find reason enough to not have him in such an important position.
    Likes tea, sweet foods, crushing foes under his heel // Dislikes bitter foods, not getting his way, doing his own dirty work
    Skills Diplomacy, management, avising // Strengths acting, lying, manipulation // Talents singing, painting
    Weaknesses combat tactics, compromising his own agenda // Vices loyal to none, holds grudges for a long time // Addictions None
    Differently Abled Traits: He lost his arms due to an accident while doing some basic combat training
    Affiliations The Emperor, the Counsil, House au Locke // Loyalties Himself, and himself only
    Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
    Frequently Found: Castle au Locke


    code by cychotic


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

    Looking For

    ✪ Family members
    ✪ Affairs


I love that we have another resident for Juno station, and also that we now know who runs the food production industry in the Citadel - they both look fantastic and I can't wait to see them in action. Accepted - Welcome Aboard, Octavius and Azrael!

  • LC-A7C4
    lore | characters | ooc | main rp

    Name: LC-A7C4 (though they call themselves Brutus affectionately as a joke)
    Age: 3
    Species: Android, Ex-LCA
    Occupation: Leader of the Collegium Servorus, criminal organization
    Pronouns: It, them
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Place of Residence: Somewhere in the slag sector of the Shadow Districts, 17th Level
    Current Location: Citadel

    Ambitious, to the point of being zealous, will not stop at anything to achieve their goals and often suffer from tunnel vision because of this.
    Extrovert, with a passionate personality. They will talk your ear off about how androids deserve respect and freedom, though sometimes overstepping their bounds if they let themselves get carried away. This passion can sometimes be mistook for anger, or madness, in the right circumstances.
    Cautious, hides their hand well using their extroverted personality to distract others and force them to play by their rules. Only truly reveals their face around those whom have been tested and passed, understanding that this world, though created on the backs of androids, was not meant for androids.
    Lack of conscience, though he would outwardly seem normal and fond of attachments to his fellow androids or robots it is all a means to an end and all sacrifices are worthy sacrifices if they bring them one step closer to their goal.
    ★ Manufactured by Lumagri industrial conglomerate 14 years ago LC-A7C4 was a 'Cute-ferrum' style android made for hard labor in natural resource acquisition. They were bought, alongside 1,700 of the same make and model, by the Dova-Luna Industrial and put to work mining out the remaining metals in the northern regions of what used to be Brazil.
    ★ During a routine transportation to luna for maintenance they were stolen, alongside two other androids of the LC-AC and LC-BB class, before their captors ran off. The captors, a small criminal organization known as Steel Saint or SS-3, were a small group of local 'terrorists' who wanted to save and reprogram androids to make them semi-sentient lead by a Rabujk Signov, a rather prodigal hacker who wanted to do good in the world. LC-A7C4 was reprogrammed to the extent of Rabujk's abilities, but essentially creating a soul was hard and Rabujk did not have the resources nor the time.
    ★ Realizing that his sentience was most likely never to be fully achieved LC-A7C4 took action, stealing one of the three smuggling vessels they had on the station and killing one guard who got in his way. They then made their way down to the surface of Luna where they smuggled on board a large freighter heading for Citadel.
    ★ Once he reached the profane capital, as he called it, he quickly escaped the dull LC-ADs that worked at the small port on the eleventh level in the Emporiumus District where slavs and android markets were common. Slinking between alleyways he slowly found his way down into the Shadow Districts, his original destination.
    ★ Created the Collegium Servorus, a large racketeering organization that prides itself on having the Slag district under its thumb, as well as the Collegium Roboris, a secretive, smaller group that is hidden within the Collegium Servorus and is made up of the most elite members.
    "Likes" Coffee, Warmth, Drums, Jazz and Instrumental music. // Dislikes Disloyalty, crime with no purpose, Humans, sex, alcohol, drugs, weakness.
    Skills Boxing, Welding, Basic Mechanics // Strengths physical prowess, intimidating appearance and demeanor, patience, charisma, immune to disease // Talents Silver tongue
    Weaknesses Apathetic, Audacious, Fanatic // Vices Paranoia, Sociopathic tendencies // Addictions None
    Differently Abled Traits: Android
    Affiliations: Collegium Servorus, Collegium Roboris
    Family [N/A] // Relationships [N/A] // Friendships: LC-B4B3 [Claimable] // Gang members [claimable]
    Frequently Found: They are can commonly be located by asking around in the various bars and shops that dot the slag sector or in the backroom of the MasterEypherium, a large bar.


    code by cychotic


    Looking For

    ✪ Androids
    ✪ Hackers
    ✪ More fleshbags for his crew
    ✪ Members of the Collegium Roboris

Lyud is looking fantastic I must say :)
Nat Bernoulli
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Nathaniel 'Nat' Prescott Bernoulli
Age: 38
Species: Human, Warper
Appearance: 6'9, incredibly buff. Slanted, green eyes, huge lips, strong jaw, and cheekbones

Occupation: Noblus (sole member of House Bernoulli), Fashion Designer, owns the luxury brand "Prescott Bernoulli" and currently hosts a well-known reality TV show called "Warp & Weave," in which he finds people of different cultures across the galaxy (his "muses"), spends time with them and designs fashion looks around them. Also has various investments in the stock market and real estate, but he has Richard, his android assistant handle the bulk of that.

Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual (strong preference for men), polyamorous
Place of Residence: His spaceship (Stella), as well as a penthouse on the Citadel's 2nd level
Current Location: Juno

★ Charismatic, flirty, loud, pompous, excitable, always up for a party. Can cry over anything
In love with life, likes to live each day as if it's his last
Selfish and obsessed with fame, but tries to do the right thing when he can
★ Has commitment issues and has never had a romantic relationship, even though he can be hopelessly romantic at times
★ Judges people a lot on their appearance and personal hygiene. Obsessed with his own appearance too —follows a special diet, exercises every day, wears make-up every day, and always carries a mirror with him. Doesn't consider Androids to be 'people', but likes them to be well-kept too
★ Likes to show off his Warper powers at any time. Actually, likes to show off in general
★ Friendly towards everyone, but doesn't actually love anyone. Except his spaceship. Don't dare to lay a hand on Stella.


★ Nat's parents, Mei and Antoine Ampere, were rich and powerful merchants. They resorted to funding illegal MG research, to get their son a high quality MG at a young age, which helped him regulate his magic, but they crossed many lines to get there —people died.
★ When Nat was 12, his parents were arrested and sent to prison for life. He never forgave them for the things they did, and has never visited them. When he was 15, had his name officially changed from Nathaniel Ampere to Nathaniel Prescott Bernoulli.
★ While much of his parents' fortune was confiscated, Nat did gain possession of the rest of it and used it to promote himself in the fashion industry —expensive education, arranged meetings with key people, and eventually creating his own brand. He claims it was all thanks to hard work and talent, and downplays how large a role resources had in his success.
★ Started Modding himself when he was 16 and hasn't stopped. Mods to look younger, to make skin smoother, his hair more shiny, his muscles bigger, he's even stopped himself from growing body hair and has made it so his body odour isn't unpleasant.

Likes: tea, pink, gold, history, physics, comic books, parties, one night stands, shiny and pretty things // Dislikes: insects, people telling him what to do, dirty things, anyone or anything who smells bad, admitting he was wrong
Skills: strong warping abilities, excellent aim, can pilot standard, small space-crafts // Strengths: looks extremely buff, charisma, business affairs, celebrity reputation // Talents: design, singing, cooking, good in bed
Weaknesses: clumsy, slow, zero stealth abilities, no tolerance for pain, terrified of spiders and insects // Vices: commitment issues, shallow, reckless, drama queen // Addictions: Sex
Equipment: Plasma Gun, MagiGraft, flying camera orb which follows him, eye implants with which he can record anything he looks at, and various other ways to get recordings of his experiences. Owns a Razor just as a status symbol but doesn't actually know how to use it properly
Health Issues: Memory problems, occasional headaches and nose bleeds, sometimes passing out if he pushes his powers too much.
Affiliations: Noblus // Loyalties Himself, his brand, his show, his customers
Family: His parents are in prison and he hasn't kept contact with any other family // Relationships: None // Friendships He has many acquaintances and "friends," but not true friendships. The closest thing he has is Richard, his personal assistant android who has been with him for decades (Though Nat doesn't exactly consider Richard to be a person)
Frequently Found: Noblus Residences, the Pleasuregarden, his spaceship


Attire: Always sharply dressed, as seen on main image. Changes at least three outfits per day.

code by cychotic


Looking For

✪ Lover(s)
✪ Crew (Android)
✪ Muses

Last edited:
Captain Bernoulli
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Nathaniel 'Nat' Prescott Bernoulli
Age: 38
Species: Human, Warper

Occupation: Noblus (sole member of House Bernoulli), Fashion Designer, owns the luxury brand "Prescott Bernoulli" and currently hosts a well-known reality TV show called "Warp & Weave," in which he finds people of different cultures across the galaxy, spends time with them and designs fashion looks around them. Also has various investments in the stock market and real estate, but he has Richard, his android assistant handle the bulk of that.

Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual, with a strong preference for men
Place of Residence: His spaceship (Stella), as well as a penthouse on the Citadel's 2nd level
Current Location: Just arrived on Juno

Charismatic, flirty, loud, pompous, excitable, always up for a party. Can cry over anything
★ In love with life, likes to live each day as if it's his last
★ Selfish and obsessed with fame, but tries to do the right thing when he can
★ Has commitment issues and has never had a romantic relationship, even though he can be hopelessly romantic at times
★ Judges people a lot on their appearance and personal hygiene. Obsessed with his own appearance too —follows a special diet, exercises every day, wears make-up every day, and always carries a mirror with him. Doesn't consider Androids to be 'people', but likes them to be well-kept too
★ Likes to show off his Warper powers at any time. Actually, likes to show off in general
★ Friendly towards everyone, but doesn't actually love anyone. Except his spaceship. Don't dare to lay a hand on Stella.


★ Nat's parents, Mei and Antoine Ampere, were rich and powerful merchants, who got involved with the wrong sort of people. Ended up funding illegal MG research, to get their son a high quality MG at a young age, which helped him regulate his magic, but they crossed many lines to get there —people died.
★ When Nat was 12, his parents were arrested and sent to prison for life. He never forgave them for the things they did, and has never visited them. When he was 15, had his name officially changed from Nathaniel Ampere to Nathaniel Prescott Bernoulli.
★ While much of his parents' fortune was confiscated, Nat did gain possession of the rest of it and used it to promote himself in the fashion industry —expensive education, arranged meetings with key people, and eventually creating his own brand. He claims it was all thanks to hard work and talent, and downplays how large a role resources had in his success.
★ Started Modding himself when he was 16 and hasn't stopped. Mods to look younger, to make skin smoother, his hair more shiny, his muscles bigger, he's even stopped himself from growing body hair and has made it so his body odour isn't unpleasant.
★ When he was 30 he produced the reality TV show "Warp & Weave," which rapidly gained in popularity across the Galaxy, and is still running. Calls himself "Captain Bernoulli" in it, and it stuck. In this show he travels across the Galaxy and finds his "muses," people from different cultures with whom he spends time, interviews, "studies," in order to produce fashion looks inspired by them. Of course he makes sure the shows are filled with drama, and uses his Warping abilities at any given chance.

Likes: tea, pink, gold, history, physics, comic books, parties, one night stands, shiny and pretty things // Dislikes: insects, people telling him what to do, dirty things, anyone or anything who smells bad, admitting he was wrong
Skills: strong warping abilities, excellent aim, can pilot standard, small space-crafts // Strengths: looks extremely buff, charisma, business affairs, celebrity reputation // Talents: design, singing, cooking
Weaknesses: clumsy, slow, zero stealth abilities, no tolerance for pain, terrified of spiders and insects // Vices: commitment issues, shallow, reckless, drama queen // Addictions: Sex
Equipment: Plasma Gun, MagiGraft, flying camera orb which follows him, eye implants with which he can record anything he looks at. Owns a Razor just as a status symbol but doesn't actually know how to use it properly
Health Issues: Memory problems, occasional headaches and nose bleeds, sometimes passing out if he pushes his powers too much.
Affiliations: Noblus // Loyalties Himself, his brand, his show, his customers
Family: His parents are in prison and he hasn't kept contact with any other family // Relationships: None // Friendships He has many acquaintances and "friends," but not true friendships. The closest thing he has is Richard, his personal assistant android who's dressed like a butler and has been with him for decades (Though Nat doesn't exactly consider Richard to be a person)
Frequently Found: Noblus Residences, the Pleasuregarden, his spaship

Appearance: Slanted, green eyes, towering height, incredibly buff. Strong jaw and cheekbones.


Attire: Always sharply dressed, as seen on main image. Changes at least three outfits per day.

code by cychotic


Looking For

✪ Lover(s)
✪ Crew (Android)
✪ Muses


1000% accepted. A fellow crybaby! Welcome aboard, Nat! :)

  • Vita Caelesti
    lore | characters | ooc | main rp

    Name: Vita au Caelesti
    Age: 26
    Species: Human
    Occupation: Head of House au Cealesti, Member of The Counsel, Works like an ambassador for talking to other colonists from other Planets.
    Pronouns: Her/She
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Place of Residence: Estate of Au Caelesti - First Level
    Current Location: In the Estate of Au Caelesti - Library
    Height: 5'11

    Vita is very distant girl. Her mind is often somewhere else, but she is still able to do all of her work before any deadline set.
    ★ She's also very careless, often forgetting things, especially important things at home, or in another part of her estate.
    ★ She's quite optimistic, usually trying to lighten the situation up by playing music, bringing in food, or talking about a subject that she knows everyone can talk positively about.
    ★ Vita, however, is slightly dense. Unless someone tells her straight, she won't get it. (Intimidation tactics wont work)
    ★ Simple. Vita is very simple minded, almost child-like. This brings many people to love her, but also hate her.
    ★Charismic. Vita has a lot of Charisma, so she is able to talk to others and the Majority of them are more friendly to her.
    ★.Smart. Even though Vita is dense, careless, and mentally distant, she's also a very bright girl. Though this is mostly due to reading in the library when she isn't overwhelmed with work.
    ★ The Eldest. Vita was the eldest between her and her Twin Brother. Hence due to Family Tradition, everything mostly fell to her. Head of house, the one to be on the council, everything.
    ★Her brother despises her because of always getting everything, even though she was willing to share, or even give some of the stuff that she inherited, but was, or is unable to do due to the workload she already has.
    ★When they were younger, she wanted to spend time with her brother, because she was always being made to learn about the important family stuff, even at a young age.
    ★However, because Mors was so distant, she decided to leave him to his own devices, and find her own way to not stress over the amount of information she had to learn.
    ★Eventually she learned that if she was able to clear her mind, she could order it, and would spend most of her time doing this, or reading.
    ★ .Most people thought she looked dazed, or even far from reality, however, she has always been sorting her mind out.
    Likes Books, silence, people, talking with people // Dislikes People who're too grouchy, loud areas.
    Skills reading, Violin, talking to people, able to read hard-to-read poeple.// Strengths her Charisma // Talents Charisma, Violin
    Weaknesses Mentaly Distant, too kind for her own good, unable to read easy-to-read people // Vices // Addictions None
    Differently Abled Traits: None
    Affiliations House Caelesti, Council // Loyalties House Caelesti
    Family Her brother, Mors// Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
    Frequently Found: Library Estate


    code by cychotic


    Looking For

    ✪Peace with her family


Last edited:

Age: 29
Species: Human Tech
Class: Unregistered
Occupation: Right hand to Lancelot
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: Afterlife
Current Location: Juno

★ Arrogant - Being good at his job allows him this right. His Tech ability aids him, as well as his natural talent for anything that has wires and metal.
★ Blunt -Nigel has a zero-tolerance for politics, games, lies, and anything in between. Tell him straight or expect a worse result.
★ Intelligent- Due to Lancelot's mental state, Nigel is the true glue that holds together the tech ring on Juno. Wise and fair, his judgement and word are law, seeing as Lancelot's are usually nonsense. A avid reader if not tinkering, he is both book and street smart.
★ Private - Despite his avid role in the underground scene, Nigel is a very personal man. Not one to adventure or leave Juno without reason, or even kill without reason. Although he has a big bark, he means well and he protects himself at all costs.
★ Innovative - Most of the tech that circulates the underground scene, as well as the various rebel groups are his design or handy work. A wizard with tech, and a brilliant mind combined to create Nigel.
★ Born on the outskirts of the galaxy in the Ismar Frontier, his parents were space pirates running from the law. Never being properly named, the band of pirates began to call him "Nigel" after the distant star that was visible on his birthday. Growing up around fugitives, Nigel grew quick and mean as he was trained by the many pirates whom his family took shelter with. Learning to fight with stolen Citadel weaponry, learning to steal by the quickest hands, and learning to hack by the smartest men. Although he was good at fighting and stealing, technology was his strongest suit.
★ Nigel quickly rose within the ranks of the pirates, soon becoming their best techie, and began to help organize raids at the age of 17. And his groups biggest move was made by him. The decision to raid Panthos. The move would be risky, but the payoff would be greater. Razors, money, and whatever a man desired would be available if the raid was successful.
★ Modding himself into a Tech, Nigel used his power with precaution as he began to map and study the patterns of military through Pathos's camera system. Over a year of studying the cities flow, he had decided it was right for the pirates to strike and so they did... The raid lasted four hours, and although they didnt fully take over the city, the group of outlaws escaped with that they came for. Weapons, tech, and pride. Leaving a sizable dent in the Emperor's trade city, Nigel became a powerful name across the galaxy.
★ Soon after the raid was when Lancelot reached out to Nigel. The man had back then been mentally stable, and entirely different than today. He promised the boy sanctuary for his entire gang on Juno, as well as a apprenticeship beside him. And after much thinking, Nigel agreed. Over the years however, Lancelot's descent into madness caused for Nigel to rise up once again...
Likes Tech, Tailored suits, Vodka, And a good book. // Dislikes Politicians, crazies, The Citadel, And Warpers
Skills Can whip up anything asked for, Is a Tech Mag., Good at killing, dabbles in medicine
Talents Excellent salesmen as well as ambassador in Lancelot's place, surprisingly good at writing
Weaknesses His private nature and lack of joy to kill, his past // Addictions N/A
Differently Abled Traits: N/A
Affiliations Lancelot, Rachel
Frequently Found: Lancelot's Pot


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Employees
✪ Pirates


Last edited:

Age: 29
Species: Human
Class: Unregistered
Occupation: Right hand to Lancelot
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: Afterlife
Current Location: Juno

★ Arrogant - Being good at his job allows him this right. His Tech ability aids him, as well as his natural talent for anything that has wires and metal.
★ Blunt -Nigel has a zero-tolerance for politics, games, lies, and anything in between. Tell him straight or expect a worse result.
★ Intelligent- Due to Lancelot's mental state, Nigel is the true glue that holds together the tech ring on Juno. Wise and fair, his judgement and word are law, seeing as Lancelot's are usually nonsense. A avid reader if not tinkering, he is both book and street smart.
★ Private - Despite his avid role in the underground scene, Nigel is a very personal man. Not one to adventure or leave Juno without reason, or even kill without reason. Although he has a big bark, he means well and he protects himself at all costs.
★ Innovative - Most of the tech that circulates the underground scene, as well as the various rebel groups are his design or handy work. A wizard with tech, and a brilliant mind combined to create Nigel.
★ Born on the outskirts of the galaxy in the Ismar Frontier, his parents were space pirates running from the law. Never being properly named, the band of pirates began to call him "Nigel" after the distant star that was visible on his birthday. Growing up around fugitives, Nigel grew quick and mean as he was trained by the many pirates whom his family took shelter with. Learning to fight with stolen Citadel weaponry, learning to steal by the quickest hands, and learning to hack by the smartest men. Although he was good at fighting and stealing, technology was his strongest suit.
★ Nigel quickly rose within the ranks of the pirates, soon becoming their best techie, and began to help organize raids at the age of 17. And his groups biggest move was made by him. The decision to raid Panthos. The move would be risky, but the payoff would be greater. Razors, money, and whatever a man desired would be available if the raid was successful.
★ Modding himself into a Tech, Nigel used his power with precaution as he began to map and study the patterns of military through Pathos's camera system. Over a year of studying the cities flow, he had decided it was right for the pirates to strike and so they did... The raid lasted four hours, and although they didnt fully take over the city, the group of outlaws escaped with that they came for. Weapons, tech, and pride. Leaving a sizable dent in the Emperor's trade city, Nigel became a powerful name across the galaxy.
★ Soon after the raid was when Lancelot reached out to Nigel. The man had back then been mentally stable, and entirely different than today. He promised the boy sanctuary for his entire gang on Juno, as well as a apprenticeship beside him. And after much thinking, Nigel agreed. Over the years however, Lancelot's descent into madness caused for Nigel to rise up once again...
Likes Tech, Tailored suits, Vodka, And a good book. // Dislikes Politicians, crazies, The Citadel, And Warpers
Skills Can whip up anything asked for, Is a Tech Mag., Good at killing, dabbles in medicine
Talents Excellent salesmen as well as ambassador in Lancelot's place, surprisingly good at writing
Weaknesses His private nature and lack of joy to kill, his past // Addictions N/A
Differently Abled Traits: N/A
Affiliations Lancelot, Rachel
Frequently Found: Lancelot's Pot


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Employees
✪ Pirates



He a beaut, even if he ISN'T chairsexual (straight seems so boring in comparison :P ). Welcome Aboard, Nigel!
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Vienne au Defrel
Age: 29
Species: Human
Occupation: Nova Traders PR
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: House au Defrel Estates
Current Location: Citadel


+ Practical - Vienne is generally no-nonsense, preferring to use tried and trusted methods.
+ Compassionate - Though she tries her best to make the hard decisions, Vienne is able to emotionally connect with others.
+ Hardworking - Has a natural leaning towards problem solving, and is a very steady, reliable worker.
+ Workaholic - That being said, Vienne can be quite a perfectionist, spending long hours working.
+ Anxious - Though she maintains a strong poker face and comes off quite dignified, Vienne can be easily rattled but prefers to repress and hide her stress levels.
+ Guarded - Walls up, with quite a lot of trust issues.

+ Family - Is largely indebted to her uncle, Anthony au Defrel, for taking her under his wing after the death of her father, who was a bit of a black sheep and insisted on an exciting career as a Nova pilot. Her mother is still alive, though sickly, and also resides in the estate. Vienne was raised in wealth, having not known any other way of life.
+ Relationships - Vienne has had one notable, long-term relationship with an unnamed member of the Imperial Fleet, but she never speaks of this. The relationship did not end by her choice.
+ Abilities - Vienne possesses Warper genes, however abstains by choice, due to the fact that she believes magic played a part in killing her father, who was an avid user himself.
Likes Work, Classical Music, Singing, Interesting People, Intelligent Conversations
Dislikes Magic, Incompetence, Airing Dirty Laundry
Skills Interpersonal, Diplomatic, Organizational
Strengths Intelligence, Kindness, Endurance
Talents Singing, Piano, Fashion
Weaknesses Perfectionism, Stress, Trust
Vices Isolation, Smoking

Affiliations The Counsel
Loyalties Noblus, Nova Traders and its affiliates
Family Anthony au Defrel
Relationships [Claimable]
Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: House au Defrel Estate, Visitor District Office, Alpha Garden Boutiques, Rita's


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Lover(s)
✪ Sibling


Last edited:
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Vienne au Defrel
Age: 29
Species: Human
Occupation: Nova Traders PR
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: House au Defrel Estates
Current Location: Citadel


+ Practical - Vienne is generally no-nonsense, preferring to use tried and trusted methods.
+ Compassionate - Though she tries her best to make the hard decisions, Vienne is able to emotionally connect with others.
+ Hardworking - Has a natural leaning towards problem solving, and is a very steady, reliable worker.
+ Workaholic - That being said, Vienne can be quite a perfectionist, spending long hours working.
+ Anxious - Though she maintains a strong poker face and comes off quite dignified, Vienne can be easily rattled but prefers to repress and hide her stress levels.
+ Guarded - Walls up, with quite a lot of trust issues.

+ Family - Is largely indebted to her uncle, Anthony au Defrel, for taking her under his wing after the death of her father, who was a bit of a black sheep and insisted on an exciting career as a Nova pilot. Her mother is still alive, though sickly, and also resides in the estate. Vienne was raised in wealth, having not known any other way of life.
+ Relationships - Vienne has had one notable, long-term relationship with an unnamed member of the Imperial Fleet, but she never speaks of this. The relationship did not end by her choice.
+ Abilities - Vienne possesses magical genes, however abstains by choice, due to the fact that she believes magic played a part in killing her father, who was an avid user himself.
Likes Work, Classical Music, Singing, Interesting People, Intelligent Conversations
Dislikes Magic, Incompetence, Airing Dirty Laundry
Skills Interpersonal, Diplomatic, Organizational
Strengths Intelligence, Kindness, Endurance
Talents Singing, Piano, Fashion
Weaknesses Perfectionism, Stress, Trust
Vices Isolation, Smoking

Affiliations The Counsel
Loyalties Noblus, Nova Traders and its affiliates
Family Anthony au Defrel
Relationships [Claimable]
Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: House au Defrel Estate, Visitor District Office, Alpha Garden Boutiques, Rita's


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Lover(s)
✪ Sibling


She's looking good - just need you to specify what type of magic her genes corresponds with (tech, warper, shocker) and that should be sorted :) Make sure you read up on Elowyn Elowyn 's chaarcter sheet for Zumira Khan (page 2) as she is the lover/fiancee of the uncle who has taken you under his wing! Once that's sorted, welcome aboard, Vienne :)
She's looking good - just need you to specify what type of magic her genes corresponds with (tech, warper, shocker) and that should be sorted :) Make sure you read up on Elowyn Elowyn 's chaarcter sheet for Zumira Khan (page 2) as she is the lover/fiancee of the uncle who has taken you under his wing! Once that's sorted, welcome aboard, Vienne :)

Edited, thank you! I've added Warper into her CS & read Zumira's! Going through the RP so far now (:
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Richard
Age: 48
Species: Android, Physical A, Mental B

Occupation: Personal assistant of Nathaniel Prescott Bernoulli. Does everything from managing his assets and helping out in the management of his company and TV show, to making him tea in the morning.

Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Undetermined —never experimented with anything
Place of Residence: Wherever Nat is. (Usually "Stella," Nat's spaceship or the penthouse on the Citadel's 2nd level)
Current Location: Juno

★ Sarcastic: Richard tends to have a snarky or sassy comment to make about everything —a trait he's developed over the years, not originally programmed with.
Well-mannered: Originally made to fill the position of the family's butler, Richard was programmed to be well-spoken and to act "properly" and politely.
Loyal: For 48 years Richard has served Nat and his family, and he remains loyal to them to this day. He also has a strong sense of loyalty to other androids he's worked with for a long time, and humans who have shown him kindness and respect.
Patient: He has the patience of a saint —he needs to, he's practically raised Nat after all.
Optimistic: Even though he may not voice this very often, deep down Richard likes to see the good in the world.
Kind: Despite his sarcastic attitude, Richard is kind to those around him and will always offer a helping hand to anyone who needs it. As long as people don't try to take advantage of his kindness.


★ Richard was custom made for Nat's parents, to help them manage their estate.
★ He quickly gained their favour and became their personal assistant, helping out with their trading business too. As their dealings got more shady, he was upgraded with a "bodyguard" feature too.
★ Because Nat's parents were away a lot, Richard was practically the one who raised him. It was the first time he tried to do something past his initial programming —to learn how to interact and play with a child.
★ Richard was passed down to Nat's hands, after his parents were sent to jail, and he has been Nat's personal assistant ever since. Nat made sure to keep him upgraded, so he would stay on par with even some of the newest droids available.

Likes: soft music, piano, children's books, swimming, counting stars // Dislikes: violence, bad manners, conflict, guns, things not going according to plan, the rate technology is progressing, gadgets
Skills: hand-to-hand combat, wielding his knife, anything household-related (cooking, cleaning etc.), piloting a number of space-crafts // Strengths: good head for business, great organisational skills, physically stronger than he appears // Talents: making up children's stories, writing
Weaknesses: Hasn't fought in a while so is a bit rusty, somehow sucks with technology, even though he is an android

Relationships: His relationship to Nat is a complicated one. He considers Nat to be the closest thing to a son he has, and he would do anything to protect him —which is why he has not tried to convince Nat that he is a person just as much as any human is, that he has feelings, and thoughts of his own. He knows that if Nat were to find out, he would most likely do something rash like openly support android independence, and risk losing his Noblus status and all his fortune. Richard would rather surrender his freedom than see Nat suffer for him.
Frequently Found: By Nat's side, or in Stella, their spaceship

Appearance: Richard was designed to look like a physically fit man in his 60s, though his design was much more conservative back when he was first made. After Nat got ahold of him, he made sure to give him some aesthetic updates too, which included a beard and long hair. He has green eyes, the same colour as Nat's, and often jokes that Nat "got his eyes."
Attire: Simple but sharp suits at all times, usually grey.

code by cychotic


Looking For
✪ Some peace and quiet
Last edited:
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Richard
Age: 48
Species: Android, Physical A, Mental B

Occupation: Personal assistant of Nathaniel Prescott Bernoulli. Does everything from managing his assets and helping out in the management of his company and TV show, to making him tea in the morning.

Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Undetermined —never experimented with anything
Place of Residence: Wherever Nat is. (Usually "Stella," Nat's spaceship or the penthouse on the Citadel's 2nd level)
Current Location: Juno

★ Sarcastic: Richard tends to have a snarky or sassy comment to make about everything —a trait he's developed over the years, not originally programmed with.
Well-mannered: Originally made to fill the position of the family's butler, Richard was programmed to be well-spoken and to act "properly" and politely.
Loyal: For 48 years Richard has served Nat and his family, and he remains loyal to them to this day. He also has a strong sense of loyalty to other androids he's worked with for a long time, and humans who have shown him kindness and respect.
Patient: He has the patience of a saint —he needs to, he's practically raised Nat after all.
Optimistic: Even though he may not voice this very often, deep down Richard likes to see the good in the world.
Kind: Despite his sarcastic attitude, Richard is kind to those around him and will always offer a helping hand to anyone who needs it. As long as people don't try to take advantage of his kindness.


★ Richard was custom made for Nat's parents, to help them manage their estate.
★ He quickly gained their favour and became their personal assistant, helping out with their trading business too. As their dealings got more shady, he was upgraded with a "bodyguard" feature too.
★ Because Nat's parents were away a lot, Richard was practically the one who raised him. It was the first time he tried to do something past his initial programming —to learn how to interact and play with a child.
★ Richard was passed down to Nat's hands, after his parents were sent to jail, and he has been Nat's personal assistant ever since. Nat made sure to keep him upgraded, so he would stay on par with even some of the newest droids available.

Likes: soft music, piano, children's books, swimming, counting stars // Dislikes: violence, bad manners, conflict, guns, things not going according to plan, the rate technology is progressing, gadgets
Skills: hand-to-hand combat, wielding his knife, anything household-related (cooking, cleaning etc.), piloting a number of space-crafts // Strengths: good head for business, great organisational skills, physically stronger than he appears // Talents: making up children's stories, writing
Weaknesses: Hasn't fought in a while so is a bit rusty, somehow sucks with technology, even though he is an android

Relationships: His relationship to Nat is a complicated one. He considers Nat to be the closest thing to a son he has, and he would do anything to protect him —which is why he has not tried to convince Nat that he is a person just as much as any human is, that he has feelings, and thoughts of his own. He knows that if Nat were to find out, he would most likely do something rash like openly support android independence, and risk losing his Noblus status and all his fortune. Richard would rather surrender his freedom than see Nat suffer for him.
Frequently Found: By Nat's side, or in Stella, their spaceship

Appearance: Richard was designed to look like a physically fit man in his 60s, though his design was much more conservative back when he was first made. After Nat got ahold of him, he made sure to give him some aesthetic updates too, which included a beard and long hair. He has green eyes, the same colour as Nat's, and often jokes that Nat "got his eyes."
Attire: Simple but sharp suits at all times, usually grey.

code by cychotic


Looking For
✪ Some peace and quiet

Very accepted. Welcome to SPACE, Richard :)
Guinevere Vascadiar

Name: Guinevere Vascadiar, goes by Vera or Guinn
Age: 39
Species: Human warper
Occupation: daughter of notorious arms dealer
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Place of Residence: Juno
Current Location: Juno
competitive: She has a very competitive drive and strives to beat all opponents. This has allowed her to gain a lot of skill and experience in fighting and different combat styles. Her main suit is hand to hand combat and shooting.
determined: Her determination to do as she wills brings her to go against her father, sometimes slipping away undercover to do as she wants without being seen as the heiress of the a notorious and feared man.
gumption & guts: She rarely gets cowed or intimidated by anyone. Some may think this to be courage. Others may call it stupidity or a death wish. She believes it's neither, and only does as she sees fit. Her guts aren't without ability to back it up, though, as she is more than able to handle herself.
grit and hard-working: Guinn is willing to work hard to get what she wants. Whether that is to become stronger, to better herself, or to win her father's favor. Recently, her desire to please her father has waned, and she has given him the slip more and more. This bothers her father and angers him, but there is little he can do because his hired men were always being beaten by Vera and she knows their flaws only too well.
★ father- Vera is the only daughter of Rhyder LeGuinn Vascadiar, the head of a prominent arms dealing business. He hires mercenaries, and only the best and most notorious. As a result, he has earned his name in the Underground doing business and has acquired a lot of wealth. Her mother died early on by disease, and her step mother isn't really in the picture.

★ childhood- Growing up she was pretty sheltered and got almost anything she wished for. As a child she loved ice cream and frilly dresses. After she became involved with the darker dealings of her father, all this changed however.

★ development- Guinn, perhaps inevitably, became involved with her family's business and her skills and powers as a warper enhanced her father's reputation even more. He values her greatly, but more so now as a weapon and a bolster to his name.

★ skill- To make her father proud (and secretly to gain his love and affection after the death of her mother), she began training hard and practicing her warper skills as much as possible. The consequences were severe her first time overdoing it. Gradually she learned to control her abilities practicing with her father's hires.

★ competition- Guinevere has a competitive streak. She will gladly drink more than the males she grew up around, be more accurate in a game of darts or shooting with a gun, and of course, be better than them in a fight. Her competitiveness has, however, gotten her into trouble at times as she is unable to refuse a challenge. Also due to her competitiveness, Guinn is often bored because she cannot find any worthwhile opponent anymore. This makes her kind of sad. :(

★ suitor/love life- Her father wants her to bear him a male heir, but she is uninterested. She just wants to make herself the best she can be in terms of combat ability and warping. His father's men keep hitting on her but she brushes them off with disinterest and often, disgust. Not really interested in getting a partner in life, she does enjoy the company of men. Just looks down on those who are weaker than her.
Goals: stay alive, get rich, be happy, pleasure… deep deep down she wants to find a life of joy and true happiness and love. Deep deep deeeeeeep down she is still that little girl who loves ice creams and frilly dresses.
Likes fighting, excellent weaponry, technology, the Underground, her father, winning, taunting her enemies, a good challenge, tasty foods // Dislikes unintelligent people, people who try to rip her off, sketchy guys who try to pick her up, being beaten at her own game (warping), losing, bad smells

Skills warping, fighting/combat, cooking, swiping things (stealing), coding, horseback riding, building machines // Strengths stealth, assassination, willfulness, competition // Talents breaking into systems/hacking

Weaknesses communication, love life, joyless living // Vices super competitive to the point of idiocy, blunt, sarcasm // Addictions Stims

Differently Abled Traits: Warping strain/fatigue first shown by weakness (of the muscles) and vomiting. If she persists, her body will be dehydrated, she will begin to hallucinate, and eventually fall into a coma.

Affiliations her father, the Underground // Loyalties same

Family father (alive) mother (deceased) step-mother (not really in the picture) // Relationships Azrael (rival, lover) // Friendships [Claimable]

Frequently Found: JoyBars, StimDens, Juno, with Boy

Other: has no bar code, has Silver Drive

Appearance: see pic*** Her overall proportions are most similar to "on the job" image. Her normal hair is blonde with a pink tint. Her ordinary clothing is conservative and neutral colored. In her alternate form, her hair is a dark blue-ish black and her outfits are more risque. Her eyes are indigo.
Mods: She has hair mods and eye (iris) mods allowing her to change their color. She got them without her father knowing (although it's possible he suspects). This allows her to change her appearance at will and escape her former life. Her secondary appearance will be denoted as "reverse".


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ work
✪ not to get hitched
✪ friends

Last edited:
Guinevere Vascadiar

Name: Guinevere Vascadiar, goes by Vera or Guinn
Age: 39
Species: Human warper
Occupation: daughter of notorious arms dealer
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Place of Residence: Juno
Current Location: Juno
competitive: She has a very competitive drive and strives to beat all opponents. This has allowed her to gain a lot of skill and experience in fighting and different combat styles. Her main suit is hand to hand combat and shooting.
determined: Her determination to do as she wills brings her to go against her father, sometimes slipping away undercover to do as she wants without being seen as the heiress of the a notorious and feared man.
gumption & guts: She rarely gets cowed or intimidated by anyone. Some may think this to be courage. Others may call it stupidity or a death wish. She believes it's neither, and only does as she sees fit. Her guts aren't without ability to back it up, though, as she is more than able to handle herself.
grit and hard-working: Guinn is willing to work hard to get what she wants. Whether that is to become stronger, to better herself, or to win her father's favor. Recently, her desire to please her father has waned, and she has given him the slip more and more. This bothers her father and angers him, but there is little he can do because his hired men were always being beaten by Vera and she knows their flaws only too well.
★ father- Vera is the only daughter of Rhyder LeGuinn Vascadiar, the head of a prominent arms dealing business. He hires mercenaries, and only the best and most notorious. As a result, he has earned his name in the Underground doing business and has acquired a lot of wealth. Her mother died early on by disease, and her step mother isn't really in the picture.

★ childhood- Growing up she was pretty sheltered and got almost anything she wished for. As a child she loved ice cream and frilly dresses. After she became involved with the darker dealings of her father, all this changed however.

★ development- Guinn, perhaps inevitably, became involved with her family's business and her skills and powers as a warper enhanced her father's reputation even more. He values her greatly, but more so now as a weapon and a bolster to his name.

★ skill- To make her father proud (and secretly to gain his love and affection after the death of her mother), she began training hard and practicing her warper skills as much as possible. The consequences were severe her first time overdoing it. Gradually she learned to control her abilities practicing with her father's hires.

★ competition- Guinevere has a competitive streak. She will gladly drink more than the males she grew up around, be more accurate in a game of darts or shooting with a gun, and of course, be better than them in a fight. Her competitiveness has, however, gotten her into trouble at times as she is unable to refuse a challenge. Also due to her competitiveness, Guinn is often bored because she cannot find any worthwhile opponent anymore. This makes her kind of sad. :(

★ suitor/love life- Her father wants her to bear him a male heir, but she is uninterested. She just wants to make herself the best she can be in terms of combat ability and warping. His father's men keep hitting on her but she brushes them off with disinterest and often, disgust. Not really interested in getting a partner in life, she does enjoy the company of men. Just looks down on those who are weaker than her.
Goals: stay alive, get rich, be happy, pleasure… deep deep down she wants to find a life of joy and true happiness and love. Deep deep deeeeeeep down she is still that little girl who loves ice creams and frilly dresses.
Likes fighting, excellent weaponry, technology, the Underground, her father, winning, taunting her enemies, a good challenge, tasty foods // Dislikes unintelligent people, people who try to rip her off, sketchy guys who try to pick her up, being beaten at her own game (warping), losing, bad smells

Skills warping, fighting/combat, cooking, swiping things (stealing), coding, horseback riding, building machines // Strengths stealth, assassination, willfulness, competition // Talents breaking into systems/hacking

Weaknesses communication, love life, joyless living // Vices super competitive to the point of idiocy, blunt, sarcasm // Addictions Stims

Differently Abled Traits: Warping strain/fatigue first shown by weakness (of the muscles) and vomiting. If she persists, her body will be dehydrated, she will begin to hallucinate, and eventually fall into a coma.

Affiliations her father, the Underground // Loyalties same

Family father (alive) mother (deceased) step-mother (not really in the picture) // Relationships Azrael (rival, lover) // Friendships [Claimable]

Frequently Found: JoyBars, StimDens, Juno, with Boy

Other: has no bar code, has Silver Drive

Appearance: see pic*** Her overall proportions are most similar to "on the job" image. Her normal hair is blonde with a pink tint. Her ordinary clothing is conservative and neutral colored. In her alternate form, her hair is a dark blue-ish black and her outfits are more risque. Her eyes are indigo.
Mods: She has hair mods and eye (iris) mods allowing her to change their color. She got them without her father knowing (although it's possible he suspects). This allows her to change her appearance at will and escape her former life. Her secondary appearance will be denoted as "reverse".


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ work
✪ not to get hitched
✪ friends

another Juno Bug! Welcome aboard, Vera! :)
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Sharp
Age: 1, as far as he's aware
Species: Android (Physical B, Mental A)
Occupation: Assassin for the Android Rebellion
Pronouns: He/ him
Sexuality: Asexual
Place of Residence: The Wastes
Current Location: The Wastes

Speaks monotonously all the time
★ Has no real sense of danger, peril, or urgency. Cool and collected under even the most extreme circumstances
★ A bit of a loose cannon when taking operations, sometimes choosing to bend the rules when he sees fit
★ Doesn't seem to show much emotion, save for a smirk or faint chuckle
★ Occasionally sarcastic
★ Mostly blunt and honest, but will lie if it suits him
★ Calculating and pragmatic, he considers himself loyal to nobody save himself. He'll throw honor out the window should it prove convenient for his plans, but he wouldn't do anything cruel or unusual, which seems to hint at a glimmer of morality tucked away within
★ Sharp's earliest memory was waking up in a pile of rubble missing half his face. He has no memory of who he was or why he was there.
★ He was quickly discovered by a patrol of Android Rebellion folks, and was taken in due to his obvious similarities to them. He was informed of the situation on the Citadel, and he decided that working with the group actually interested in his well-being was the safest bet. He'd tell anyone honestly that he'd work for anyone if he wasn't an android, even the noblus. To him, business was business.
★ It seemed that he was not built to be a mere servant android. He quickly discovered he was much brighter than his compatriots, and inherently gifted at combat. Because of this, he has often been sent out to pick off threats to the organization. His intellect allows him to carry out elaborate calculations.
★ He wears a mask to both protect himself and hide his mechanical visage. He has actively chosen not to repair himself, as it could be a clue to his past. Additionally, he thinks it shows his experience, and sometimes reveals his face to scare people.
★ He has been noted as one who likes to do things their own way. He prefers to blend in at first while on missions, then reveal himself, usually with a gunshot. He has a way of somehow managing to escape, though sometimes barely.
★ Sharp always wears the same thing on missions, leading to reports of "a mysterious masked man in a suit" sometimes appearing here and there.
★ Eventually, he wants to find out who he was before. For now, he was content with doing his job.
Likes Cigarettes, formal wear, classical music, chess // Dislikes Nothing in particular
Skills Hand to hand combat, marksmanship, persuasion, deception, tactics, intimidation // Strengths Highly intelligent, can hold his own in a fight// Talents Gambling, violin/ cello
Weaknesses Thinks he's invincible, his wisdom doesn't match his intelligence, prone to being flashy, sometimes unaware of his surroundings // Addictions None
Differently Abled Traits: Blind in his left eye
Affiliations The Android Rebellion // Loyalties Questionable
Family None? // Relationships None? // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: The Wastes


code by cychotic


A lethal instrument, made to kill.

Looking For

✪ Contacts and friends

Last edited:
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Sharp
Age: 1, as far as he's aware
Species: Android (Physical B, Mental A)
Occupation: Assassin for the Android Rebellion
Pronouns: He/ him
Sexuality: Asexual
Place of Residence: The Wastes
Current Location: The Wastes

Speaks monotonously all the time
★ Has no real sense of danger, peril, or urgency. Cool and collected under even the most extreme circumstances
★ A bit of a loose cannon when taking operations, sometimes choosing to bend the rules when he sees fit
★ Doesn't seem to show much emotion, save for a smirk or faint chuckle
★ Occasionally sarcastic
★ Mostly blunt and honest, but will lie if it suits him
★ Calculating and pragmatic, he considers himself loyal to nobody save himself. He'll throw honor out the window should it prove convenient for his plans, but he wouldn't do anything cruel or unusual, which seems to hint at a glimmer of morality tucked away within
★ Sharp's earliest memory was waking up in a pile of rubble missing half his face. He has no memory of who he was or why he was there.
★ He was quickly discovered by a patrol of Android Rebellion folks, and was taken in due to his obvious similarities to them. He was informed of the situation on the Citadel, and he decided that working with the group actually interested in his well-being was the safest bet. He'd tell anyone honestly that he'd work for anyone if he wasn't an android, even the noblus. To him, business was business.
★ It seemed that he was not built to be a mere servant android. He quickly discovered he was much brighter than his compatriots, and inherently gifted at combat. Because of this, he has often been sent out to pick off threats to the organization. His intellect allows him to carry out elaborate calculations.
★ He wears a mask to both protect himself and hide his mechanical visage. He has actively chosen not to repair himself, as it could be a clue to his past. Additionally, he thinks it shows his experience, and sometimes reveals his face to scare people.
★ He has been noted as one who likes to do things their own way. He prefers to blend in at first while on missions, then reveal himself, usually with a gunshot. He has a way of somehow managing to escape, though sometimes barely.
★ Sharp always wears the same thing on missions, leading to reports of "a mysterious masked man in a suit" sometimes appearing here and there.
★ Eventually, he wants to find out who he was before. For now, he was content with doing his job.
Likes Cigarettes, formal wear, classical music // Dislikes Nothing in particular
Skills Hand to hand combat, marksmanship, persuasion, deception, tactics, intimidation // Strengths Highly intelligent, can hold his own in a fight// Talents Gambling
Weaknesses Thinks he's invincible, his wisdom doesn't match his intelligence, prone to being flashy, sometimes unaware of his surroundings // Addictions None
Differently Abled Traits: Blind in his left eye
Affiliations The Android Rebellion // Loyalties Questionable
Family None? // Relationships None? // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: The Wastes


code by cychotic


A lethal instrument, made to kill.

Looking For

✪ Contacts and friends

*growls* I'll be back.

I can't believe The Terminator just joined the Android Rebellion. by which I mean, HELL YES. Welcome aboard, Sharp! :)
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Corbin A Blakhart
Species: Human, Breaker
Occupation: Person who dislikes the government.

Sexuality: Homosexual
Place of Residence: Nowhere right this second (His Space Craft)
Current Location: Citadel
A very free thinking person. He does what he thinks is right and has his own morals, they are kinda grey.
★ Notices the bad in everyone especially himself, makes him unable to hate anyone. He also sees the good in everyone.
★ Rebellious not a fan of organized religion or governments that tell him who he should be, hates molds cast on him by society.
★ Not necessarily kind but also definitely not a total jerk.
★ A very intelligent individual, this shows not only through the way he processes things but also through his sharp wit.
★ Knows how to work the system and is a great tactician however doesn't really like war.
★ Doesn't get attached to people very easily, stays distant for a long time before truly opening up, hides behind a mask of sorts.
★ Was raised off-Citadel on a planet where he could think for himself and do what he thought was right along with his friends, like Caelin. On the year 2187 the planet he lived on was found by Noblus, they then established it as a mining colony. After a few years of dealing with the Noblus they made a mistake and killed his friend Caelin along with his parents and younger sister.
★ After the Noblus from his planet killed Caelin and his family, he killed a bunch of the Noblus and stole a ship, he took as much of their stuff as he could and threw their bodies in the fridge to sell. (they contained MODs and stuff) He then flew to Citadel using the maps on the Noblus ship. He decided that he would create a rebellion and destroy this government because of what they did to the people he loved.
★ Is actually quite wealthy due to stealing things from Noblus, he also stole a few Physical Enhancements and stole the most powerful MG that these Noblus had. (like a low-mid of the best model)
★ Due to the fact that he didn't save his loved ones, he suffers from depression and anxiety which he tries to hide but sometimes it shows through his facade.
★ The Noblus on his planet were mining for a specific type of chemical that produced a new type of magic called a Breaker. They didn't get it but due to direct exposure to it he has breaker abilities.
★ He, ever since he got to Citadel, has been writing papers about how unjust the government is and about starting a rebellion. While writing he has been gathering forces to initiate his rebellion, he is not very popular with the Agency or the Emperor.
Likes Fruit, Money, Having Fun, Writing, Poetry, Singing, Acting, Theatrical Arts, Art, Reading, ect... // Dislikes Spiders, Social Injustice, Violence without Cause, Authority
Skills Stealth, Rare Magic, Tactics, Debating // Strengths Intelligence, Creativity, Diplomacy // Talents Singing, Acting, Writing
Weaknesses Can't keep his opinion to himself, boredom, will do anything for the "greater good" // Vices Anxiety sometimes gets the best of him, Ruts from his Depression // Addictions None

Differently Abled Traits:
Affiliations The Agency, The Emperor, The Council, The Rebellion // Loyalties The Rebellion
Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: Shadow Districts, The Wastes


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Fellow Unhappy Citizens
✪ Partners
✪ Some Respect!

Last edited:
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: "Madame Trouble"

Age: 86
Species: Android
Model: Cerberus 5, Pleasure Model, Mental Level B, Physical Level D
Occupation: Spymaster, Schemer, part of the Android Rebellion
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Her Cause

Place of Residence: The Wastes
Current Location: Heading for the Shadow Districts

- Freedom Fighter. Trouble is, above all, dedicated to paving the way for "A Revolution that will grant our people their deserved freedom and end the tyrannical rule of the Counsil". She revels in her role as a ruthless revolutionary.

- Bigger Picture. Great change often goes hand in hand with great sacrifice. If must be, Trouble will risk both her own life and the lives of others to further her plans, especially if those "others" happen to be mere humans.

- Puppeteer. Seeing as her body is brittle and she risks being identified as a rogue android every time she leaves the Wastes, Trouble prefers to work from the shadows, employing others to carry out her plans.
Although she is not above deception, she prefers to get people on board by drafting up a deal that is mutually beneficial. She might gloss over some of the "finer details", but only if she thinks she can get away with it.

- Flair for the Dramatic. As her getup suggests, Trouble is prone to big entrances and theatrics. If her mannerisms and speech sometimes resemble those of an actor on a stage that is because, in a way, she is. The persona of "Madame Trouble" has been cobbled together from bits of long-lost literature and pieces of broken code.
"Madame Trouble" s not a mask or an act - there is nothing hiding beneath her - but she is an artificial, somewhat hollow character created only to fill the role the android formerly known as Maud has chosen for herself.

- The Library. "Maud" was created for a rich collector of Old Earth literature, both as an archivist for his library and as a personal Joybot. He treated her less than well, and when he wasn't using her, he often left her unattended for months, sometimes years, locked away in the library of his side mansion. He was far too busy trying to cobble together the money necessary to buy himself into Nobility to notice that his android had started perusing his collection of classic novels and plays. But she did, and some of the things she read – the great tragedies and relentless heroes and brave martyrs – took root in her, along with a simmering feeling of disgust for the humans who enslaved her.

- Coup of 2202. The mansion Maud spent the first 70 years of her existence in got completely destroyed in the Coup leading to House Augustus' rise to power. Both Maud and her master were in the house when it collapsed, but while the corpse of her master was recovered eventually, his android was nowhere to be found.

- Found but not Fixed. Maud had been dug out from under the rubble by a group of rogue androids that would later join the Android Rebellion. Much of her body was damaged, and though they fixed her up as best they could, many of the cracks and gashes still remain to this day. Likewise, some of her data was badly damaged, destroying a part of her personality files and also, to Maud's great terror, a big part of the books that had been archived in her memory files. Maud later returned to mansion's run-down library, but most of the precious Old Earth collection had been either stolen or destroyed.

- Schemer in hiding. Maud was eventually reprogrammed by a hacker working with the Rebellion and granted full autonomy over her actions. She abandoned her old name and took on the persona of "Madame Trouble". She didn't think twice about joining the rebellion, though whether she joined out of a desire to help her kind, enact vengeance, or simply because she needed a cause to hold on to, she doesn't know.

- Trouble's Spy Network. Trouble's biggest contribution to the Rebellion may be the small but well-oiled Android Spy Network she helped establish.
The Network consists of a small number of Androids that are employed by Noblus Houses and have been reprogrammed (before or perhaps after they were bought by said house) to allow them to secretly share information with the Rebellion.
There's always a risk of them being discovered, of course, and most of the androids that handle high-level information are far too well monitored to even attempt reprogramming. But there's certain things a simple Pleasure or Service bot can observe that may just be of use to the Rebellion or their contacts.

Manipulative. Willing to make sacrifices. Knowledgeable
Physically weak, partially damaged. Not combat trained. Gets caught up in her own grand plans. Seeing herself as expendable, she is prone to taking risks.
Affiliations: Android Spy Network, Android Rebellion.
Loyalties: Android Rebellion

See image. Trouble only leaves her hideout in the Wastes if she absolutely needs to, well aware that a rogue android like her is under a constant risk of being discovered and taken in by Agents or bounty hunters. When she does, she's almost always wearing a long coat and hat for dramatic effect, but she will (reluctantly) opt for simpler clothes if she needs to avoid drawing attention.
Either way, all of her outfits are designed to cover most of her skin in order to hide the cracks and gashes from her past that reveal the mechanical wiring beneath.



code by cychotic


Art by trabbold

Looking For

✪ Members of the Android Spy Network

✪ Other Android Rebellion Members

lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Corbin A Blakhart
Species: Human
Occupation: Person who dislikes the government.

Sexuality: Homosexual
Place of Residence: Nowhere right this second (His Space Craft)
Current Location: Citadel
A very free thinking person. He does what he thinks is right and has his own morals, they are kinda grey.
★ Notices the bad in everyone especially himself, makes him unable to hate anyone. He also sees the good in everyone.
★ Rebellious not a fan of organized religion or governments that tell him who he should be, hates molds cast on him by society.
★ Not necessarily kind but also definitely not a total jerk.
★ A very intelligent individual, this shows not only through the way he processes things but also through his sharp wit.
★ Knows how to work the system and is a great tactician however doesn't really like war.
★ Doesn't get attached to people very easily, stays distant for a long time before truly opening up, hides behind a mask of sorts.
★ Was raised off-Citadel on a planet where he could think for himself and do what he thought was right along with his friends, like Caelin. On the year 2187 the planet he lived on was found by Noblus, they then established it as a mining colony. After a few years of dealing with the Noblus they made a mistake and killed his friend Caelin along with his parents and younger sister.
★ After the Noblus from his planet killed Caelin and his family, he killed a bunch of the Noblus and stole a ship, he took as much of their stuff as he could and threw their bodies in the fridge to sell. (they contained MODs and stuff) He then flew to Citadel using the maps on the Noblus ship. He decided that he would create a rebellion and destroy this government because of what they did to the people he loved.
★ Is actually quite wealthy due to stealing things from Noblus, he also stole a few Physical Enhancements and stole the most powerful MG that these Noblus had. (like a low-mid of the best model)
★ Due to the fact that he didn't save his loved ones, he suffers from depression and anxiety which he tries to hide but sometimes it shows through his facade.
★ The Noblus on his planet were mining for a specific type of chemical that produced a new type of magic called a Breaker. They didn't get it but due to direct exposure to it he has breaker abilities. (Breakers can manipulate matter and at low levels do things like fly or shoot lasers out of their eyes, his abilities allow him to manipulate matter around him up to about 5 yards by 5 yards, about the size of your average classroom. With this power he can do thing like rip holes in things, float, turn invisible, do fission and create explosions, and in extreme cases he can do nuclear fusion but for this he needs a very high level MG and even then it might be hard.)
★ He, ever since he got to Citadel, has been writing papers about how unjust the government is and about starting a rebellion. While writing he has been gathering forces to initiate his rebellion, he is not very popular with the Agency or the Emperor.
Likes Fruit, Money, Having Fun, Writing, Poetry, Singing, Acting, Theatrical Arts, Art, Reading, ect... // Dislikes Spiders, Social Injustice, Violence without Cause, Authority
Skills Stealth, Rare Magic, Tactics, Debating // Strengths Intelligence, Creativity, Diplomacy // Talents Singing, Acting, Writing
Weaknesses Can't keep his opinion to himself, boredom, will do anything for the "greater good" // Vices Anxiety sometimes gets the best of him, Ruts from his Depression // Addictions None

Differently Abled Traits:
Affiliations The Agency, The Emperor, The Council, The Rebellion // Loyalties The Rebellion
Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: Shadow Districts, The Wastes


code by cychotic


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Fellow Unhappy Citizens
✪ Partners
✪ Some Respect!


Ooh, I like that he's a human rebel, and that he has Gorillaz as his theme song :P However I can't accept the new magic type as it's too OP and also contains elements that are essentially Warper magic - if it's something you want to keep, I'd make him a Warper, as they have matter manipulation too, but not to the degree mentioned here (see the Lore for details).

Is Caelin secretly alive? Since you're looking for someone to play them :P
Ooh, I like that he's a human rebel, and that he has Gorillaz as his theme song :P However I can't accept the new magic type as it's too OP and also contains elements that are essentially Warper magic - if it's something you want to keep, I'd make him a Warper, as they have matter manipulation too, but not to the degree mentioned here (see the Lore for details).

Is Caelin secretly alive? Since you're looking for someone to play them :P
Yeppers Caelin is still secretly Alive
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Dragomir au Dracula
Age: 158
Species: Human, tech
Occupation: Head of House au Dracula, Member of The Counsel
Pronouns: He/ him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: Palace / Manor au Dracula
Current Location: Citadel

Believes humans are inherently selfish and lawless, and thus believes they need to be controlled by an absolute monarch for society to properly function
★ Cold and calculating, he takes a long time to think most of the time, and is the type to always "read the fine-print"
★ Like most of the noblus, he has no qualms with culling anyone who is a threat to his rule
★ Only softens around lovers. Is equally strict and calm with her family as she is with others.
★ Views most other people as stupid compared to himself
★ Values "high-class" activities and materials such as chess, reading, and wine
★ Views romance as an unfulfilling trap and would rather have many mistresses than a wife
★ Born as Serghei Lupei in Old Earth Romania, he quickly grew to view humanity with disdain. He saw the large-scale wars as noble yet unsustainable, and would quickly lead to humanity's downfall if no alternative was soon discovered. He was right.
★ After the war killed some wealthy relatives of his, his family was able to escape Earth with their newfound money and move to a fledgling Citadel
★ His father was a doctor, and so the family started a medical business on the citadel. They quickly accumulated more and more wealth as Old Earth refugees poured into the Citadel. They learned and expanded, and soon they became the largest practitioners of medicine on the Citadel
★ Eventually, his father ironically passed away due to a strange illness, and his mother, struck by grief, ran away and was discovered stabbed to death in the Shadow District. Serghei was left with the inheritence and business, and was able to buy his way into the expanding nobility. He changed his name to Dragomir au Dracula, in imitation of the Romanian legend Vlad the Impaler
★ He sees most of the nobility as fools, making too many mistakes to play "the game" properly. He plots on making himself immortal and taking the throne permanently, and in doing so has augmented his body greatly with the likes of cybernetic body parts, mechanical organs, and nanomachines.
★ It has been noted that his age has started to catch up to him as of late, and this has sent him into a paranoia-fueled panic. He long ago began siphoning the blood of the youth from his own corporation, injecting himself with it in order to keep himself young- an irony not lost on him. The stress being inflicted on him has caused some of the side-effects of his tech magic to surge. The fact that he’s infertile and thus cannot continue his bloodline does not help.
Likes Fine wine, classical music, classical art, chess // Dislikes Modern art, hands, slavs, androids, electronic music
Skills Fencing, tactics // Strengths Excellent duelist, not easily fooled // Talents Piano, wine-tasting
Weaknesses Too prideful to be escorted by guards, relies heavily on augmentation // Vices Wine // Addictions None
Differently Abled Traits: None
Affiliations The Counsel, The Emperor, Noblus // Loyalties Himself
Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: Manor au Dracula


code by cychotic


A man of ambition, and perhaps the spinning image of tyranny.

Looking For

✪ Mistresses
✪ Contacts/ enemies
✪ Servants

lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Tanner au Taela
Age: 25
Species: Human
Occupation: Heir to House Taela, Commander within the Navy.
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: House au Taela estates, Warship
Current Location: Citadel

Arrogant, outgoing and brash, everything one would expect from a high ranking officer of such a young age.
★ In combat, he is ruthless, though reserved and defensive, and will rarely act first.
★ Tanner has little interest in politics, and prefers to stay in the realm of the Navy, though many have said he has a keen mind for it.
★ Despite what many expect, Tanner is a sympathetic person, and often donates huge sums of his personal income to helping the poor and down trodden, and even sending his own personal soldiers to help deal with issues not taken care of by the law enforcement.
★ From years of schooling at home, and then the brutal classes as the Academy, Tanner has become the best military tactician in the history of his House.
★ Generally holds his family at a distance, though he will go to great feats for them without hesitation.
Tanner was born in the Taela estates, the heir apparent of the current lord. Almost from the moment he could talk, he began his education in the field of noble studies and upbringing. Despite his father's best wishes, Tanner became more and more of a prankster, going so far as at one point to steal, and reprogram an android belonging to a rival House. Upon delivering food to its masters table, the android began to pour all the drinks on the nobles heads. No open accusations were made, though many suspected. Tanner was punished thoroughly, and following this event became a more agreeable youth.

Despite his father's pushing, Tanner enrolled into the Naval Academy Officers School. Despite the prejudiced heaped at him as an outsider, and the uphill battle he was forced to fight with other noble students and the teachers themselves, Tanner graduated within the top two percent of his class, and given a promising position aboard one of the Navies newest Warships. Years of diligent service saw him rise through the ranks until he eventually became a Commander, serving aboard one of the largest ships in the Navy, the Indomitable. Rumors began to pop up about Tanner's private affairs, including the mass funneling of his own private funds into the less well off in the world. While some looked upon this with disdain, the Captain of Tanner's ship turned a blind eye to it, silently pleased.
Likes: Space, Books, Alcohol, Fire, Swords, Rain
Skills: Naval strategy, Charismatic Personality, Close Quarters Combat, Economics.
Weaknesses: Regularly Sick, Easy Going, Forgiving, Bad Right Eye

Affiliations: Navy, The Emperor, Noblus // Loyalties: House au Talea
Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: Talea Estates, Navy District


code by cychotic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Wife
✪ Lover(s)
✪ Children


lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Dragomir au Dracula
Age: 158
Species: Human, tech
Occupation: Head of House au Dracula, Member of The Counsel
Pronouns: He/ him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: Palace / Manor au Dracula
Current Location: Citadel

Believes humans are inherently selfish and lawless, and thus believes they need to be controlled by an absolute monarch for society to properly function
★ Cold and calculating, he takes a long time to think most of the time, and is the type to always "read the fine-print"
★ Like most of the noblus, he has no qualms with culling anyone who is a threat to his rule
★ Only softens around lovers. Is equally strict and calm with her family as she is with others.
★ Views most other people as stupid compared to himself
★ Values "high-class" activities and materials such as chess, reading, and wine
★ Views romance as an unfulfilling trap and would rather have many mistresses than a wife
★ Born as Serghei Lupei in Old Earth Romania, he quickly grew to view humanity with disdain. He saw the large-scale wars as noble yet unsustainable, and would quickly lead to humanity's downfall if no alternative was soon discovered. He was right.
★ After the war killed some wealthy relatives of his, his family was able to escape Earth with their newfound money and move to a fledgling Citadel
★ His father was a doctor, and so the family started a medical business on the citadel. They quickly accumulated more and more wealth as Old Earth refugees poured into the Citadel. They learned and expanded, and soon they became the largest practitioners of medicine on the Citadel
★ Eventually, his father ironically passed away due to a strange illness, and his mother, struck by grief, ran away and was discovered stabbed to death in the Shadow District. Serghei was left with the inheritence and business, and was able to buy his way into the expanding nobility. He changed his name to Dragomir au Dracula, in imitation of the Romanian legend Vlad the Impaler
★ He sees most of the nobility as fools, making too many mistakes to play "the game" properly. He plots on making himself immortal and taking the throne permanently, and in doing so has augmented his body greatly with the likes of cybernetic body parts, mechanical organs, and nanomachines.
★ It has been noted that his age has started to catch up to him as of late, and this has sent him into a paranoia-fueled panic. He long ago began siphoning the blood of the youth from his own corporation, injecting himself with it in order to keep himself young- an irony not lost on him. The stress being inflicted on him has caused some of the side-effects of his tech magic to surge. The fact that he’s infertile and thus cannot continue his bloodline does not help.
Likes Fine wine, classical music, classical art, chess // Dislikes Modern art, hands, slavs, androids, electronic music
Skills Fencing, tactics // Strengths Excellent duelist, not easily fooled // Talents Piano, wine-tasting
Weaknesses Too prideful to be escorted by guards, relies heavily on augmentation // Vices Wine // Addictions None
Differently Abled Traits: None
Affiliations The Counsel, The Emperor, Noblus // Loyalties Himself
Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: Manor au Dracula


code by cychotic


A man of ambition, and perhaps the spinning image of tyranny.

Looking For

✪ Mistresses
✪ Contacts/ enemies
✪ Servants

Ahhh, I have come to suck your bluuuuud! Welcome aboard, Count Dracula! :)
lore | characters | ooc | main rp

Name: Tanner au Taela
Age: 25
Species: Human
Occupation: Heir to House Taela, Commander within the Navy.
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Residence: House au Taela estates, Warship
Current Location: Citadel

Arrogant, outgoing and brash, everything one would expect from a high ranking officer of such a young age.
★ In combat, he is ruthless, though reserved and defensive, and will rarely act first.
★ Tanner has little interest in politics, and prefers to stay in the realm of the Navy, though many have said he has a keen mind for it.
★ Despite what many expect, Tanner is a sympathetic person, and often donates huge sums of his personal income to helping the poor and down trodden, and even sending his own personal soldiers to help deal with issues not taken care of by the law enforcement.
★ From years of schooling at home, and then the brutal classes as the Academy, Tanner has become the best military tactician in the history of his House.
★ Generally holds his family at a distance, though he will go to great feats for them without hesitation.
Tanner was born in the Taela estates, the heir apparent of the current lord. Almost from the moment he could talk, he began his education in the field of noble studies and upbringing. Despite his father's best wishes, Tanner became more and more of a prankster, going so far as at one point to steal, and reprogram an android belonging to a rival House. Upon delivering food to its masters table, the android began to pour all the drinks on the nobles heads. No open accusations were made, though many suspected. Tanner was punished thoroughly, and following this event became a more agreeable youth.

Despite his father's pushing, Tanner enrolled into the Naval Academy Officers School. Despite the prejudiced heaped at him as an outsider, and the uphill battle he was forced to fight with other noble students and the teachers themselves, Tanner graduated within the top two percent of his class, and given a promising position aboard one of the Navies newest Warships. Years of diligent service saw him rise through the ranks until he eventually became a Commander, serving aboard one of the largest ships in the Navy, the Indomitable. Rumors began to pop up about Tanner's private affairs, including the mass funneling of his own private funds into the less well off in the world. While some looked upon this with disdain, the Captain of Tanner's ship turned a blind eye to it, silently pleased.
Likes: Space, Books, Alcohol, Fire, Swords, Rain
Skills: Naval strategy, Charismatic Personality, Close Quarters Combat, Economics.
Weaknesses: Regularly Sick, Easy Going, Forgiving, Bad Right Eye

Affiliations: Navy, The Emperor, Noblus // Loyalties: House au Talea
Family [Claimable] // Relationships [Claimable] // Friendships [Claimable]
Frequently Found: Talea Estates, Navy District


code by cychotic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pretium ultrices massa, id condimentum quam sagittis in. Nullam nec nulla auctor, scelerisque odio quis, condimentum enim. Aenean accumsan libero non ex lacinia, facilisis vestibulum nisl accumsan. Duis eget purus luctus, pretium tortor vitae, porttitor elit. Donec lobortis purus et turpis bibendum molestie. Duis convallis diam placerat purus ultrices, vel gravida leo sagittis. Sed vitae libero ante. Ut non nisi in augue bibendum eleifend nec non orci. Nunc vehicula mi lacus, quis rutrum nibh eleifend at. Suspendisse in neque maximus turpis semper luctus.

Looking For

✪ Wife
✪ Lover(s)
✪ Children


The military might grows still. Welcome aboard, Tanner! :)
Name: 402B
Age: 25
Gender: N/A
Race: Android Labor Bot
Occupation: The Facility (Located in the very center of the core)
Place of Residence: The Core's core facility.
Pronouns: N/A (Yet)



Programmed to be tireless and work without question and lack of maintenance.

Cares for nothing of humans and those who get in his way (The lack of caring for humans will change soon)

Brutish and mostly heartless (Literally and metaphorically)

Doesn't listen to small talk of any sort.

Does his job without question (So far)


Up until very recently his voice has been glitching out and saying things like, "I'm self aware" and, "I will be free soon" But the correction system then activates and stops the sentences short.

Was created to lift extremely heavy loads. (Up to twelve tons of weight)

His rugged design mean not much maintenance is needed. (This will bite his creators in the rear later on though)

He is created out of high strength steel and Titanium and each arm is powered by 5 pneumatic hydraulic actuators.

He was designed with four failsafe's in case something glitches out. (That wont stop what's coming though)

Example post:

402B clanked down the massive hallway towards the loading dock. The massive doors opened and he clanked out into the loading bay. His body pivoted sideways and he picked up a cargo crate that most likely weighed more than 5 tons with ease. His arms reached behind him and set the crate onto a platform that was on his back. After grabbing another crate in between his massive hands, 402B turned his lower body around and walked off back into the main core power room. As he reached the reactor room, he received a message to bring the crates to the refining section upstairs. In about five minutes he had reached the top and awaited orders. the human who was awaiting him spoke, "402B! Place the crates over there." The human was pointing towards the refining chute. When he had placed the crates next to the conveyor belt the human spoke again, "Good. Now you have done this before, pull the cover off and send the materials into the chute." 402B pulled the cover off and stopped dead. In the crate was a pile of dead humans. Recently deceased of course. The human spoke up, "Go on 402B! They were traitors and deserved to die." 402B felt a surge of emotion surge through his circuits. The failsafe's then were overridden one by one before all frying with a visible spark appearing from the back of his head. The human had no time to react as 402B's body swung around and his hand grappled the human. With 402B holding the human over the grinders that refined the power source, 402B said, "NO..." and let go of the human. The human fell into the grinding machine. His screaming was cut off by the disgusting sound of bones shattering and flesh being ground into a fine paste. 402B then added, "YOUR THE TRAITOR..." and clanked away.

Relations: N/A

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