Elder Tale: Persona Quest (Based on Log Horizon)

I was waiting for someone to leave the hall so my character could be nosy and ask what was going in.
And I'm waiting for a reply from @Silvey


RageFace said:
Zweihander looked at the new prototypes and examined wondering how it would work. Hmm I've always wondered about these, how many could I fit in a sword. How would the fit, what about the number of uses it has, do you need to change the stone or can you charge them with mana? Should probably take a couple off Rahl whilst he's.... He looks up to realise Rahl had left and with all the prototypes. Oh COME ON MAN!!! Always in a rush! Just one day would be nice so I can use..... He quickly realises he done goofed and gets back in character As his cheeks turn red trying to regain his posture.
Just… so… hilarious…
Yeah I know, lol my character knows your work is good but your generally off scouting so yeah. He kinda got pissed because he never gets much time to cooperate with your character to build new things to incorporate with his swords.
Sorry guys I did not receive any alerts otherwise I would have replied earlier, that was negligence on my part I will keep a closer eye on this thread.
Going camping for the next 3 days, will be back by Saturday/Sunday depending where you are. Please feel free to add dialog for my character whilst I am away.
I'm closing this RP. I've been a bit busy with college stuff and I haven't had much of a plan from the get-go, which isn't really fair to you guys. If you'd like to make your own Log Horizon RP and use my character sheet as a base then go ahead. I'll probably join it since I'm a bit better at participating than GMing.
I think you have a great generic start here that could be used or even have someone pick up for you or CO-GM. Thanks Tenshi, but with everything else I have going right now, I wouldn't be able to do a proper job guiding and GMing a story on here either. Especially since we are about to start up that DnD campaign (in real life) that I will be running.

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