Elder Council

Name::(doesn't have to be a full name) Mirko (yeah the one from magic, duh)

Age:: 1980 appears 26

Gender::(no betweens please) Male

Appearance (human)::

Race::(vampires and werewolves all always accepted, if you want to use anything else PLEASE post a picture or link)Vampire

Personality/historyMirko is a very omnipotent and selfish vampire. He was raised alone in a dark realm nobody knows anything about at all. Not even Mirko. Mirko wishes to understand more about the dark realm where he was raised. He has very few friends, mostly because he hates company, he just hates to be around other people because it makes him feel unimportant. So he ventures alone, just him, himself, and the voices in his head. Mirko is insane, he has no regard for any beings life and shows almost no mercy. The voices in his head are what keep him moving. When he cant take anymore, he feels like he needs to give up, thats when the voice brings him up to par with his miserable life. Sometimes the voice is a whisper, sometimes a loud powerful voice, and sometimes just a scream. A horrifying evil scream. Mirko thinks the voice is his delusional thoughts empowering himself, but deep inside he knows.....its not him that's making the voice.


Room:: (dream room)
(Mirko needs nothing, basically think of his dream room as any room in exsistance.)

Rank:: (choose any or make your own)Lord of insanity
well yes but again im working on it we have five people using elders so far its not easy getting peoples attention
Name::Felix Gomez


Gender:: Male

Appearance (human)::



Personality::Vindictive, Sporadic, Careless, Loyal to his kind.

Family::Killed by Shape Shifters never got to meet them

History:: Born in Italy recruited by the Vampire Elders to keep an eye on Andrew.


Rank:: Elder
Name::He calls himself Day nobody knows his actual full name.

Age:: Looks to be around his teens but he actually is around 54 still very young at this point but matured.


Appearance:: (This would be what he would usually look like when around humans or anybody else)


Race::Slime Boy


Personality:: Day would be what you would call..crazy, he can be very swift and cunning but most of the times he is very loud and random he is like a box of chocolate you never know what your gonna get outta him. Day may also be the coldest being you may ever meet he is very bipolar never really being anything but random,reasons on why he mostly a loner than anything else but whenever the chance he would get whatever he wants outta people one way or the other. That may be on thing to personify him he always is greedy wanting everything destroying whatever gets in his way of achieving it.

Family::(This I may fill later I wanted to work on a very detailed back story for Day I was thinking of something like a Lineage of slime's and Day was actual the next ruler of it but completely abandoned it for unknown reasons still a bit iffy on it if anyone can help me on that please PM me ^^)

History::Shall be explained in the Rp I suppose.



Rank::Master of Disguise

(Hope this is alright with everyone)
Name:: Yon Shenoen




Race::Dark Angel

Personality::cunning, evil, the serious type, smart, wity, did I mention evil

TaleekXD said:
Name::He calls himself Day nobody knows his actual full name.
Age:: Looks to be around his teens but he actually is around 54 still very young at this point but matured.


Appearance:: (This would be what he would usually look like when around humans or anybody else)


Race::Slime Boy


Personality:: Day would be what you would call..crazy, he can be very swift and cunning but most of the times he is very loud and random he is like a box of chocolate you never know what your gonna get outta him. Day may also be the coldest being you may ever meet he is very bipolar never really being anything but random,reasons on why he mostly a loner than anything else but whenever the chance he would get whatever he wants outta people one way or the other. That may be on thing to personify him he always is greedy wanting everything destroying whatever gets in his way of achieving it.

Family::(This I may fill later I wanted to work on a very detailed back story for Day I was thinking of something like a Lineage of slime's and Day was actual the next ruler of it but completely abandoned it for unknown reasons still a bit iffy on it if anyone can help me on that please PM me ^^)

History::Shall be explained in the Rp I suppose.



Rank::Master of Disguise

(Hope this is alright with everyone)
Accepted and next time say Elder also in the rank okay?

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