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Fantasy Effírië

The fire from the lamps lit themselves in Taina’s eyes. She approached, and clapped her hands when the bard finished his last note.

“How wonderfully you play. Would you please sing another song? Perhaps something more uplifting” Taina asked with great expectations.
The bard smiled. "With glee!" He cleared his throat, then sang:

"Troll sat alone on his seat of stone,
And munched and mumbled a bare old bone;
For many a year he had gnawed it near,
For meat was hard to come by.
Done by! Gum by!
In a cave in the hills he dwelt alone,
And meat was hard to come by..."

He sang on, until the song was done.

((The Old Troll Song by Tolkien.))
Taina sat gleefully on the stoop beside the bard and listened to him play. She loved music, and loved when the gleemen came through town during the summer when she was young. Once he finished, she retrieved four gold pieces and sat them down in a neat stack.

Please tell me your name, good sir. I’ve met many gleeman who do no wield an instrument with such grace as thee.”
The bard removed his hat and, with it in hand, made an exaggerated bow. "I be Tilbon Meadowflower, the wandering bard. I cannot tell you--in prose nor in verse--what a privilege it is to play for a lady such as thee."
Taina blushed and giggled, glancing away and seeing Brother Ross. His presence reminded her that they were on other business. Though she could hardly pull herself away from this interesting fellow.

My name is Taina. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Tilbon. Have you come to Errond for the Solstice Festival, as have I and my associate, Brother Ross?”
"The pleasure is mine." Said he. "Aye, I've come for the festivities, like thee. How do you fancy them so far?"
Taina made an unsure expression and shrugged. “We just made it to town. I’m sad about that because I was hoping to get a gift for my mother superior. Dinner with the Lord took much longer than I hoped. Now I don’t know if I’ll have time tomorrow to go shopping.”

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