Edivïd (RP)

(My charrie is Sabrina Moonshine, just so you know. The form for her is on the sighn up sheets page :3)

(please join, this is my first RP for this site and I really wanna make it work, thanks!)
Xana stood at the edge of his kingdom. "this is stupid." he said to himself. "Why must i stay here?" he asked. Xana watched as td nhe people of his kingdom walked about. he looked down to the ground. 'no one would notice if i left.' he thought. Xana moved even closer to the edge. "here goes nothing." he said as he jumped off. He nose dived for what seemed to be forever. Just before he hit the ground he unfurled his wings and lifted up. "WHOOO!!" he yelled as he flew. he landed in the forest.
Sabrina walked through the forest as her human form, tiara glinting in the sun. She smiled, wonder glinting in her eyes as she looked around. She'd never been to the forest before...
Walking through the forest, Sindrak (In his human form)was walking in a slow pace was examine around the environment it was all quiet. Which was okay for him, can enjoy the peace and quiet. A lot these lands were very unique by there own geographic, like the Storm Region mostly muddy and dark which was ‘fine’ experience for him. However all that walking was making him sleepy, so he sits under a tree with a broke branch and than falls asleep very fast.
As Roy was sitting in his creature form on top of a tree looking at the forest illuminated by the bright sun, he wondered if he would ever meet more people like him, he was sure he was not alone but he wanted to know where could he find others.
Xana walked along. "hmm i wonder where i can find others." he said to himself. He walked under a tree and sensed a creature above him. He looked up. "Who are you?" he asked.
Roy heard a voice below asking who he was, surprised he fled down form the tree to the ground and changed to his human form.

"How could you see me up there? I thought I was well hidden."
Sabrina heard voiced and wipped around to see two boys conversing. She hid behind a tree and poked her head out to watch them, hoping they wouldn't see her.
Lilith prowled the empty land in uncontrollable form. No one was around, and she didn't expect to meet anyone. Or at least she hoped. But she decided if she did happen to stumble upon some sort of creature, she could just killed them. That wouldn't be a problem for Lilith.

Tempeste found herself in an unfamiliar land. She travelled often, but this was not a place she knew. She marveled at the land. It was quite beautiful. Maybe if she went far enough she could find someone to tell her where she was.
Sindrak woke up from under the tree that he was sleeping, he look around himself, However he notice that one his crystal seal were almost out of energy. He check around if anyone was around at his area, he start drawing on the ground also placing the crystal in the middle. Than start his daemonic summoning to recharge the power in the crystal. However this is the risky part if anyone see him doing this, they will know who he is and will make his life harder.
Sabrina stepped back from the tree, and tripped over a bush. She yelped as she fell and stumbled back onto the ground. "D*mn it! Well, my cover's blown..." she sighed to herself. For sure, someone would see her.
Xana looked at him. "I'm from the sky kingdom. I can see things very well." he said kind of proud. "now I ask you again who are you." he asked again.
"My name is Roy, as you noticed I can transform into a Wheel Bug." Roy answered without fear, he looked at his eyes "Something tells me you aren't normal either."

Roy heard sounds coming from behind a tree and turned to look at it, "Is there someone there?" he said aloud.
Sabrina slowly walked out from behind the tree with a little nervous smile on her face. She'd never met anyone that wasn't from her kingdom. "Uh...hello..." she said timidly.
Xana looked at Roy. "Well nice to meet you Roy." he said holding out his hand. "I am Xana prince of the sky kingdom." he said. Then he turned to see a girl walk out from behind a tree. Xana smiled back. "Hello and who might you be?" he asked.
"Wow, meeting a prince and a princess in a single day, nice to meet you both." Roy said, always happy to meet new people.
Sindrak almost finishes the summoning to recharge his crystal, however it taking at least 15 minutes to get it charge. When the summoning was finish, he give a sign and summoning a shield around him. Than the crystal blew up with red smoke coming out and shaking the forest ground like a earthquake. After the smoke clean he dismiss his shield and walk up to his crystal (which was still fine), shaking his head that he pretty much gave a big welcome to the forest and it’s inhabitants.
Xana's eyes widened. 'A princess?' he thought. Then he heard a loud explosion. He turned and looked in the direction of the noise. "What was that?" he asked wondering if the others heard it also. He turned back. The seal on his left arm began to glow.
"I'm Roy." he answered to Sabrina, an explosion was heard and the ground shook, "Woah, what just happened? Look!" he said and pointed at the red smoke that could be seen rising to the sky.
Xana nodded. "I'll fly up and take a look." he said as his large wings unfurled. He jumped and flew up. He looked down. "There." He landed and pointed. "It's coming from over there."
"Nice to meet you." Sabrina said before she heard the explosion and gasped, her side-bangs falling into her face. She brushed them away and watched as Xana flew up to see what it was. "Wow...a flying prince!" she said to herself softly with a smile.
"Should we go check what it was?" Roy said loud enough for Xana up in the air to listen, he was wondering if Sabrina could follow the two of them if they flew towards the smoke, he knew she was like them but he still didn't know exactly how.

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