Edivïd (RP)

Xana nodded. "yeah." he said. Xana looked at Sabrina. "do you think wiu can keep up?" he asked wondering what she could do.
Sindrak pick up the crystal, and look at the ground which had created a small hole. Touching the ground, which is was hot from the summoning, However he notice there was orange sand in the hole which was a good thing, and bad thing. Good thing is that he need this sand for some of his sorcery, but the bad thing is that this sand will get a lot of people to feel it’s daemonic energy around it. So he start take out his jar to put in the sand, and collecting it which take few minutes or more.
Gamzerk walks up to the edge of the crater. "Uh may I ask what you're doing?" He smiles and sways looking down at the man.
Sindrak look up with sand on his hand. His face turn into a a unhappy with a human right there and asking "What are you're doing". however he answer with a threating voice to the man "Non of your business, just leave this area or pay the price!" If that didn't work then he really has do by force then.
"HaHa I was just wondering. You shouldn't take that by the way..."things" will get mad" He turns and walks away slowly with his hands in his pockets whistleing

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