~Edivïd~ (creature RP, open)


Junior Member
Edivïd (sighn ups)

Link to actual RP: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3003-Ediv%EFd-(RP)?p=92820#post92820

Edivïd is a place of wonder, a place stuck between reality and imagination and anything you could possibly dream of! But it's not all peachy....there is talk of a new species...the Uncontrolables....


You are a creature of this world, some animal or made up animal that can turn into a human being as well. As a human you have "unnatural" colored eyes. Each person has their own color of eye, they can be a mix of colors too. You also have a unique power to use.


You are a virtually unstoppable beast, that lives deep within the forests of Edivïd. You are smart, agile, and very good with your claws. You sometimes work in packs to hunt anything you can find, or by yourself as a loner. You can be human sometimes, but you have no power and are defenseless as such if someone finds out you are one of these beasts. Pic:

Already created places:

Havanica town (very futuristic city for human forms only)

Crystal caverns (a huge cavern or cave full of all kinds of beautiful colored crystals and gems, they do not have value)

Silver river (a river that sometimes looks like it is made of silver when the moonlight hits it, by the way there are three moons)

Culu-cari falls (a seiries of waterfalls that fall for a hundred feet before hitting the lake below)

Shimmer lake ( the lake at the bottom of the falls, water is completely blue, it sparkles unnaturally and is beautiful)

Jungle (a wild place with beasts, strange and cool animals, and all sorts of amazing plants, but watch out for the big man-eating ones!)

Forest (dark and mysterious, virtually unexplored, what will you find?)

Cloud Kingdom (there is one cloud that lingers around above the Storm Region, where there is an nature city resting upon the cloud)

Storm Region (a really muddy and dark place that is always storming and thundering)


No power playing

normal rules aply

you can create anything as long as it is appropriate

not too much gore and fighting, please.

only kill other cherrie if given permission.

you are alowed to be royalty of your own kingdom...

Creature form:











Uncontrollable form:




Looks as human:

Color of fur as beast:




Thank you!

My charrie:

Name: Sabrina Moonshine

gender: female


Looks: blonde with blue streaks in her hair, blue eyes and soft features. She has a skinny, curvey figure and is agile on her feet. When she is in creature form, she is a Gillacat, wich is a large cat that is covered in iridescent scales and has large webbed paws, and foldable fins on the sides of it's body.

Bright blue eyes with bright yellow/ivory/white in the center

power: Water elemental

kind: Gillacat

Royalty?: princess of ocean kingdom

personality: meet her

Creature form:

Name: Gamzerk Macarov

Gender: male

Age: 18

Looks: http://i51.tinypic.com/ix5opu.png

eyes: yellow eye with purple irises

Power: sonic blasts

Kind: troll

Royalty: yes is high blood but doesn't like to act like it

Personality: very calm and relaxed most of the time but gets very high strung and psychotic when going through withdrawal

Other: is addicted to a powder that has much of the same effects of marijuana but acts like gelatin so he makes pies with it because when made it just looks like key lime pie...no one ever suspects pie
Accepted :) plus, I'm changing my form, she will be royalty, princess of the ocean kingdom, it's underwater, but in a big bubble of air.
Creature form:

Name: Sindrak Helandy

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Looks: He mostly use his human form in the outside world, his height is (5'7), he has short black hair. His true form is less dragonish because of the blood of demons. (Almost all lost their abilities of dragon traits but the kind didn’t lose their dragon claws)

View attachment 5399

eyes: Dark red blood colour

Power: Sorcery

Kind: Dragmonic (Daemon Dragon)

Royalty?: used to be, one of the Dukes of Deatannia Dominion but there was non stop civil war (which start 761 years ago) which made him leave his duty as a Duke

Personality: Quiet, likes to help, stubborn a lot of time, and not really open to himself because the fact is that almost every creature hate his kind from terrorization, also killings that they made in past 5 centuries.

Other: has sweet tooth and like to read books
Name: Roy Konros

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Looks: Long dyed dark blue hair, short and skinny body.

eyes: Orange.

Power: Material mimicry (e.g. hand becomes iron by touching iron).

Kind: Oversized Wheel Bug, can fly.

View attachment 5405

Royalty?: None.

Personality: Shy but when he knows you, caring and loyal.

Other: Still can't control his power well enough.
Name: Tempeste

Gender: female

Age: 16

Looks: average height and average build, with some curves. Dark olive skin. She has rounded cheekbones and a pointed chin, rosy lips, upturned nose, and big eyes. Her hair is long and thick and somewhat wavy; a dark brown-black that fades to a somewhat lighter brown near the ends.

eyes: amber with flecks of gold

Power: electricity

Kind: black jaguar

Royalty?: no

Personality: usually pretty quiet, but easy to get along with. Adventurous and curious. Isn't usually angry but it can be pretty bad when she is.

Other: doesn't live in a specific place, travels

Uncontrollable form:

Name: Lilith

Age: looks to be young adult/late teens

gender: female

Looks as human: tall and thin with few curves. She is fairly pale. Her features are pointed and her eyes are light silver and shaped like a cat's eyes. She has fairly long, dark ginger hair.

Color of fur as beast: silver and rust

royalty?: higher class, but not quite royal

Personality: Violent, enjoys blood and fights. She likes toying with people and leading them to believe she is different than she really is. Usually sarcastic. Gets angry when things don't go her way.

Creature form: changeling

Name: Kor

Gender: female

Age: 17

Looks: In their natural form, changelings stand between five and six feet tall, with pale gray skin, thin, fair hair, and disproportionately long limbs compared to humans. Their facial features are more distinct than those of doppelgangers but less finished than those of humans; they have a hint of nose and lips, and blank white eyes.

eyes: pale white

Power: shape shifting, Soul stealing

Royalty?: no

Personality: Living in their own territory for long periods of time, changelings are partially oblivious to the happening of what's around them, so their speech might be from a previous era, and they are oblivious to the basic standards of humanity.

View attachment 5947

Name: Clara Isabelle

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Eyes: A bright greenish yellow color that glow slightly in the dark.

Power: Able to control things with her mind.

Kind: An elegant light brown horse with a blonde mane. (Example: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1440/564772986_b8a5805d84.jpg)

Royalty?: She is a princess of a forest, but it is unknown.

Personality: She is very elegant but also very mysterious at the same time. Not many people see her, and when they do, she immediately vanishes and runs off somewhere else. She rarely talks, and hardly goes into her human form. Mostly her creature form.

Other: Nothing much.

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