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Fantasy Eden Cafe


Best friend of Chat
Customer CS:




Short personality:

Short bio:


Staff CS:




Time as an employee:

Staff position:

Short personality:

Short bio:

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Charlie Santiago

Age: 17

Vampire Age: 160

Personality: Ruthless, Nice, and Smart

Bio: Turned at Age 13, found the cafe, got a job and is now working

Eyes: Red

Hair: White

Color of Shoes: American Flag Hightops

Jacket Color: Black

Shirt: K~Pop //BTS//

Mouth Type: Thin but Nice and soft
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IamagreatROLEPLAYER said:
Charlie Santiago
Age: 17

Vampire Age: 160

Personality: Ruthless, Nice, and Smart

Bio: Turned at Age 13, found the cafe, got a job and is now working

Eyes: Red

Hair: White

Color of Shoes: American Flag Hightops

Jacket Color: Black

Shirt: K~Pop //BTS//

Mouth Type: Thin but Nice and soft
Accepted, but please wait to post until I say the rp has started.

Name- "Names Zach, nice to meet chya"

Age- "16,091yrs. I'm from the spirit realm what did you expect, but to humans I'm 16"

Species- "Spiritune because of the demon that killed me, ironic isn't it a spirit crated by a demon. (I'm basically a grim reaper except I do sprit's instead of souls)

Time As An Employee- "35 days, might not be much longer if I keep stealing drinks"

Staff position- "Just a waiter, but at least I get to meet people...also I'm the oldest and youngest employee at the same time

Personality-Loud/Outgoing, Trickster, Easily Excited

Bio- "Oh my parents sacraficed my body to a guardian angel who truned out to be a demon and killed both of them them, so then I want to the Spirit world."

Supernatural Appearance- Licorice black hair, Rainbow eyes, Grim reaper suit except with a bunch of colorful swirl patterns on it and no hoodie.

Human Appearance-Blonde hair, Green eyes, Scarf and regular slightly ragged clothing

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dragonsfire said:
Name- "Names Zach, nice to meet chya"

Age- "16,091yrs. I'm from the spirit realm what did you expect, but to humans I'm 17"

Time As An Employee- "35 days, might not be much longer if I keep stealing deinks"

Personality-Loud/Outgoing, Trickster, Easily Excited

Bio-"Oh my parents sacfraficed my body to a guardian angel who truned out to be a demon and killed both of them them, so then I want to the Spirit world and became a Spiritune, Kinda ironic a spirit created by a demon.(I'm basically a grim reaper except I do sprit's instead of souls)

Supernatural Appearance-Licorice black hair, Rainbow eyes, Grim reaper suit except with a bunch of colorful swirl patterns on it and no hoodie.

Human Appearance-Blonde hair, Green eyes, Scarf and regular clothing

Hi! Nice CS, but I forgot to add two things in the original post. The two things were staff position and species, could you please add them to your CS?
Customer CS

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.a4b663140450905a256cc24d8a1fd194.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100062" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.a4b663140450905a256cc24d8a1fd194.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Colbat Valenetene

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Speices: Shapeshifter

Personality: Cobalt is a very big brat, to put it kindly. He expects the world to be served to him on a silver plater. As he says, "I snap my fingers, you bow down to me." He's extremely rude, if he doesn't get what he wants, he swears you will pay. Not only that, but Cobalt holds grudges for the longest times. He doesn't believe in forgiving and forgetting, but he does support forgiving and never forgetting.

Short Biography: Cobalt grew up in a family of royality, he was a spoiled child and never learned that the real world is always ask and receive. His snotty personality has always gotten him in trouble... And has given him a lot of enemies. Because of that he has a spirit appointed to him, a guardian angel. Cobalt relies on him for everything and anything. But besides that, he lives a good family life full of wealth and love. His family is one of the only things that actually make him happy.

Extra: Just in case romance is in this roleplay, he's gay.



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Phantasia said:
Customer CS
View attachment 222315

Colbat Valenetene

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Speices: Shapeshifter

Personality: Cobalt is a very big brat, to put it kindly. He expects the world to be served to him on a silver plater. As he says, "I snap my fingers, you bow down to me." He's extremely rude, if he doesn't get what he wants, he swears you will pay. Not only that, but Cobalt holds grudges for the longest times. He doesn't believe in forgiving and forgetting, but he does support forgiving and never forgetting.

Short Biography: Cobalt grew up in a family of royality, he was a spoiled child and never learned that the real world is always ask and receive. His snotty personality has always gotten him in trouble... And has given him a lot of enemies. Because of that he has a spirit appointed to him, a guardian angel. Cobalt relies on him for everything and anything. But besides that, he lives a good family life full of wealth and love. His family is one of the only things that actually make him happy.

Extra: Just in case romance is in this roleplay, he's gay.

Black Butler! and accepted!
dragonsfire said:
It took me so long to realize that was black butler xD .Really gotta watch the whole thing.
Seriously, you gotta xD . Ah, I had that picture of him and couldn't resist making a kinda Ciel based character~

Name:Marcus Black

Age: 16

Species: Incubus

Time as an employee: Just started

Staff position: Waiter

Short personality: Marcus is what you would call the Naive one. He has personality of a puppy, so that basically means he is as innocent as physically possible. he plays it to his advantage tough by pulling the delicate card.

Short bio: Marcus's mother was a succubus, so he got all of her powers, but only in the male form. He then proceeded to grow up and master his powers though he never uses them in an unethical fashion



AnarchyReins said:
Name:Marcus Black

Age: 16

Species: Incubus

Time as an employee: Just started

Staff position: Waiter

Short personality: Marcus is what you would call the Naive one. He has personality of a puppy, so that basically means he is as innocent as physically possible. he plays it to his advantage tough by pulling the delicate card.

Short bio: Marcus's mother was a succubus, so he got all of her powers, but only in the male form. He then proceeded to grow up and master his powers though he never uses them in an unethical fashion


Ooh an incubus~

A cute one at that xD
AnarchyReins said:
Name:Marcus Black

Age: 16

Species: Incubus

Time as an employee: Just started

Staff position: Waiter

Short personality: Marcus is what you would call the Naive one. He has personality of a puppy, so that basically means he is as innocent as physically possible. he plays it to his advantage tough by pulling the delicate card.

Short bio: Marcus's mother was a succubus, so he got all of her powers, but only in the male form. He then proceeded to grow up and master his powers though he never uses them in an unethical fashion


Staff CS:

Name: Minalinsky Harumi

Age: 16

Species: 100% angel

Time as an employee: Just begun

Staff position: Waitress ((Gomenasai! I'm not sure what position it is when a character wears this (in the appearance!)))

Short personality: Harumi is a very shy girl. She never said 'no' before due to how kind she is. Harumi does not get angered often and she barely even yells. Harumi is polite to strangers and she is more relaxed with friends.

Short bio: Harumi has lost her memories in an accident, that was the same time when she lost her parents.

Appearance: ((What is this called when a character wears this kind of clothing in a cafe? I'm wasn't sure so I put waitress, please help me if there is a better word! Thank you!))

Staff CS:

Name: Mia Mint

Age: 22

Species: Fairy

Time as an employee: just begun

Staff position: bartender

Short personality: Mia has a very bubbly personally and is always happy to meet someone new. Even though Mia is very nice once you get her angry there is no calming her down anytime soon. She has her anger under control and only certain things set her off.

Short bio: She likes to not talk about her past all that often.

Appearance: Light blue short hair, that is lighter on the tips of her hair. Her eyes are a nice shade or green mixed with blue. Her skin is fairly tan and her wings are also a very light blue.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Staff CS:
Name: Minalinsky Harumi

Age: 16

Species: 100% angel

Time as an employee: Just begun

Staff position: Waitress ((Gomenasai! I'm not sure what position it is when a character wears this (in the appearance!)))

Short personality: Harumi is a very shy girl. She never said 'no' before due to how kind she is. Harumi does not get angered often and she barely even yells. Harumi is polite to strangers and she is more relaxed with friends.

Short bio: Harumi has lost her memories in an accident, that was the same time when she lost her parents.

Appearance: ((What is this called when a character wears this kind of clothing in a cafe? I'm wasn't sure so I put waitress, please help me if there is a better word! Thank you!))


Accepted! I will have to ask you to wait to start, though, so I can have all the new staff come in at the same time. Is that ok?
Emma199 said:
Staff CS:
Name: Mia Mint

Age: 22

Species: Fairy

Time as an employee: just begun

Staff position: bartender

Short personality: Mia has a very bubbly personally and is always happy to meet someone new. Even though Mia is very nice once you get her angry there is no calming her down anytime soon. She has her anger under control and only certain things set her off.

Short bio: She likes to not talk about her past all that often.

Appearance: Light blue short hair, that is lighter on the tips of her hair. Her eyes are a nice shade or green mixed with blue. Her skin is fairly tan and her wings are also a very light blue.
Accepted! I don't see faeries very often, so it's nice to have one in the rp!
Staff CS:

Name: Ashley Reid

Age: 24

Species: Gorgon

Time as an employee: About a year

Staff position: Cook

Short personality: Ash is very confident and outspoken, she's not afraid to say what's on her mind. That being said, she's not mean or rude, at least she tries not to be. She likes to tease others around her a lot and go with the flow of things, not liking when things get too strict.

Short bio: Ash has always stood out from the crowd a lot, having your hair made of snakes tends to do that, but she never let that bother her. Instead she embraced it as part of her and learned to live with it, continuing to live her life as she wants.

Appearance: From a moderate distance Ash's hair seems like regular short, dark black hair, but as one get's closer it becomes obvious that her hair is moving and squirming about and you see the hair is actually made of black snakes with white eyes. Sometime they'll hiss randomly or even lash out at someone when Ash is upset, usually reacting to her mood. She has dark green eyes and milky white skin, her mouth hide two sharp fangs at the top that resemble those of a serpent. Her tongue resembles a snake's tongue and she can use it to create a hissing sound herself when she wants to.


Extra: Not everyone that looks at her turn automatically to stone as the myth goes, she can decide when to "switch on" the power to turn someone that's looking at her to stone. Usually people can tell when she does this as her eyes start to glow and her snake hair goes into a frenzy.
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