Ebon Shadow Style

Or you could be not in the initial Join Battle Set-Up and want to get in on the action...

Or you could get it up and do the whole AMBUSH YOU! which triggers a join battle roll.
Moonsilver said:
Moving the thread on.....
The form Charm for this style includes a plus to Join Battle. I am assuming this means the Charm can be used in the Join Battle action. Not that your form is already "on" for the scene before Join Battle is announced.

This takes me on to starting a scene long combat charm before battle commences. I think it OK for a player to say, "well I might get into combat here so that scene defence is being activated."
From a rules standpoint, whats the difference between a player using a scene long charm on the Join Battle and the same player using an Awareness/Wits Excellency? I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with it, especially in the case of MA Form charms. Mechanically, it keeps the MA character from getting ganked as they activate their Form Charm and thematically it works because I can see a person dropping into a Form as a tussle breaks out.
Moonsilver said:
I think the concerns raised warrant a nerf.
Have you actually seen this in play or is this reaction due entirely to how it looks on paper?  There have been a lot of discussions about this Charm and its strengths and limitations and most arguements about this charm boil down the same way - it looks really powerful until you see it in play and it's limitations start to stand out, at which point it turns out pretty balanced.

As to the comment I highlighted - concerns don't warrant nerfs.  Unless you've seen it causing problems IN PLAY, a nerf is warrantless.  I personally hate houserules of this sort, since 95% of the time such changes are due to either a misunderstanding about a rule or a fidgety need to change things "just 'cause".

Of course, this is assuming that you haven't seen it in play; if you have witnessed this charm causing havok in your play sessions, these comments are cheerfully rescinded ;)

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