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Realistic or Modern Eastridge Music Academy. *Open!*


New Member
Please use the following form - or, at least, include all the given categories - when entering your character.

Character Form

Full Name:

Age (15-19 years):


Appearance (realistic photo, or a description):


Specialist Instrument:

Other Instruments (if any):

Favourite Genre of Music:

Dorm Room Number:

Other Information:
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Full Name: Edward Felix Powell.

Age: 18 years.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: X

He also has a bruise just under his right ear, and under his left eye, so he uses concealer to cover them up - he's skilled with using this, so it's not noticeable, although he does fear someone finding out. His build appears to be athletic, and he stands at five foot and eight inches tall.

Personality: Edward is a very independent and confident person, with no problems about volunteering himself for organising, helping out or performing for any of the Academy's events. He always follows a plan, and if there isn't one, then he'll write one, leading him to also be a very organised person. He's a good leader, but he much prefers to work alone, for he knows that he will not be let down by anyone else that way. He is also more than happy to help someone out, and tell/show them exactly how to do something. While he is good-natured and he doesn't intend offense, he sometimes makes rather blunt and extremely honest comments. It does takes time to get to know him, however, and he is deeply influenced by the comments of others, especially the negative thoughts - regardless of whether or not they are a joke.

Specialist Instrument: He mainly plays the harp.

Other Instruments: Edward also plays the violin and piano.

Favourite Genre of Music: Classical, although he's also interested in Alternative and Rock.

Dorm Room Number: He stays in Dorm Room 3.

Other Information: He gets incredibly nervous at the talk of hospitals and needles, and he will most likely faint at the sight of blood. Also, he comes from a rather wealthy family in England, and he has two older siblings - a brother (Percy) and a sister (Charlotte). However, he is the only member of the family to attend Eastridge.
Full Name: Marcus Sterling

Age (15-19 years):15

Gender: Male

Appearance (realistic photo, or a description):

Personality: Mischievous, Dedicated, Loyal, Caring, Rebellious, Hard Working

Specialist Instrument: Any Guitar

Other Instruments (if any):Sining, Drums

Favourite Genre of Music: Pop Rock, Blues

Dorm Room Number: Dorm 1

Other Information: Blushes from any contact with girls, and tries to deny any compliment it makes him uncomfortable.

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Giovanna stands at only 5'6", she has light brown hair and green eyes. She has a petite build, and has no noticeable scars or marks, she does have a tattoo of a small heart on her left shoulder blade


Giovanna seems to be the bright ball of energy that everyone really likes or hates. Giovanna likes to be doing things, she likes to keep busy constantly moving, she hates having nothing to do. Although Givoanna really isn't one to boss other people around, she knows when to stand her ground and stand up for herself and others. Giovanna is a very detailed person, she likes to have things done the right way and the correct way, but she wouldn't call herself a perfectionist. Giovanna can be a bit of a fire cracker when she is angry, going off at anyone and everyone, she has been working on controlling her temper.

Specialist Instrument:

The Violin

Other Instruments:

She can play the Flute

Favorite Genre of Music:

Although she plays classical music, she really likes trap music, remixes and things of that sort

Dorm Room Number:

Room 5

Other Info:

She really has no family members, only her aunt who she does live with, but they aren't close at all
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Full Name: Bonita Van Rouge

Age (15-19 years): 15 years old

Gender: Female

Personality: Sweet|Bubbly|Adorable|Friendly|Innocent

Specialist Instrument: Flute

Other Instruments (if any): Piano, Violin and has a magnificent singing voice

Favourite Genre of Music: Pop

Dorm Room Number: #5 (if it's okay with @Tsiwentiio

Other Information: She is clumsy in a cute way, and has synesthesia.



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Full Name:

Genesis Avery Lynn






Genesis is a very kind and caring person, and will do anything to make her friends happy. She is a very righteous person who has respect for other's lives. Regardless of whether they be bad or good, she treats everyone equally and strongly despises those who judge and discriminate based on racial prejudice. She is an open person and is not afraid to speak of her mind.

Specialist Instrument:


Favourite Genre of Music:


Dorm Room Number:

Dorm #8

Other Information:

She has dentophobia

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Full Name: Ayla Barnes.

Age (15-19 years): 15

Gender: Female.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_m8bezeDlqA1qjfghyo1_500.jpg.6937ae54cf581c5247e281b9c466f6d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_m8bezeDlqA1qjfghyo1_500.jpg.6937ae54cf581c5247e281b9c466f6d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ayla - who calls herself 'little A' after her older sister - is a very optimistic person, but not your usual ball of joy. She looks for things to be happy about, and when she finds them, she turns them into the largest blessings brought upon her. Outgoing when spoken to but shy nonetheless, she has a couple friends here and there, but for the most part, she's on her own, and of course, she makes a good thing out of that. She's a smart cookie - but she lets that information hide for some time, to see the personalities of those around her, first.

Specialist Instrument:
Acoustic Guitar

Other Instruments (if any): Vocals & Drums

Favourite Genre of Music: Soft Rock

Dorm Room Number: 12

Other Information: She loves dogs and anything blue. Her mother and older sister are her only living family members.



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Full name: Gale Autums

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Feathery black hair, stormy steel blue eyes, pale skin, tall, always wears his coat.

Personality: Quiet at first, he became more comfortable with the school and talks a bit more. He's sarcastic at times, but he's kind and will be there for any student who needs someone to talk to, though nobody knows about this. He has a reputation for being trustworthy. He has a reputation of being tough, both in fights and in music.

Specialist Instrument: Guitar. Any and all guitars. He loves 'em.

Other instruments: Vocals, he dabbles in EDM.

Favorite genre of music: He honestly listens to most things. Not country or bluegrass, or overly religious songs, though.

Dorm room number: Dorm #13

Other information: He has no family. He has plenty of friends outside of the school, though. He always keeps his left shoulder and shoulderblade covered.


Melina Marie Foden






Vocals, guitar, piano

Favorite Genre of Music

Melina likes pop and dance music, as well as some classical.

Dorm Room Number


A little about Melina...

History Melina has loved singing ever since she was five-years-old, and her mother was one of the first people to recognize her gift of voice. During Melina's younger years, until she was about eight, her parents were very much in love. It wasn't uncommon for Melina to walk into a room and find her parents staring deeply into each others eyes, or dancing and laughing together. The Foden's lived a romantic, plentiful life together, and their daughters growth and artistic interests was merely the cherry on top. Melina's father, a well-known general practitioner all across the valley, had his first encounter with cocaine when a young female patient of his suggested they go out for the night to be young again. At that time, her father could tell you nothing about where his former patient was now, but that he certainly knew where to find his next fix.

At the age of ten, Melina's father had vanished before her very eyes, and departed for Los Angeles. He was a man now struggling with addiction and all the hardship it brings, but how was Melina to understand all of this? It mattered not, as Melina was following her passion of music, now gaining interest in playing guitar and piano, like her mother. The two remained strong, spending countless hours practicing each instrument together. Melina will always remember these times with her mother, and how jealous her mother was that she could not sing like her daughter. Life without her father was different, but little did she know, that her artistic insight is what really helped her mother through these tough times.

Aside from playing the guitar and piano, Melina always enjoyed pop and dance music. From age thirteen to sixteen, she grew close to four other girls who also considered themselves singers. They all dreamed of becoming the next girlband, and although that never happened, Melina will always hold these memories close. Melina's mother took on a separate job to support her daughters music career, despite her husband leaving them. With her mothers blessings, Melina is enrolled in Eastridge Music Academy. Melina is wasting no time to express her talent to as many individuals as possible, and feels music can cure the soul.

Personality There are rare moments that you will see Melina upset or angry. She is a very determined young woman, and feels it is important to remain poised under any circumstance. She understands many people wish to become musicians, but does not let this factor impact her mind at all. While she is young, Melina knows that this is her time to be confident and focus on her dream of a career in the music industry. She is strong, and for the most part comfortable with herself, it takes more than words to get Melina red in the face.

Melina is straightforward, and all around a very honest person. Some people might mistake her for being cold or closed off socially, but once she gets to know someone her goofy side tends to come out. To gain her attention, talk of music usually does the trick and is the easiest for her discuss freely. Overall, she is a young woman of musical talent, walking the path many aspiring musicians do.

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Full Name: Jonothan Wells

Age: 17 years

Gender: Male

Appearance (realistic photo, or a description): He's a fairly skinny guy with brown, shoulder length hair pulled back into a loose ponytail and glasses. He usually keeps his appearance simple with black shoes, a plain black shirt, and black slacks.

Personality: he's very logically minded, but can also be laid back and comedic. He's not really one to strike up conversation and tends to isolate himself in his dorm to practice.

Specialist Instrument: 6-string Bass Guitar

Other Instruments (if any): Chapman Stick

Favourite Genre of Music: Progressive Rock/Metal, Progressive Jazz, Death Metal

Dorm Room Number: #7 (Let me know if you want your character to share a dorm with mine)

Other Information:He often likes to take classical musical pieces and translate them onto his bass.
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Full Name: Lisabet Nixon

Age (15-19 years): 16

Gender: Female



Personality: Lisabet is very serious, but enjoys talking to new people and making friends. She is obsessed with historical clothing along with the music, so it isn't unusual to see her wondering around in a medieval dress or a corset. She is smart, though not naturally, and has to study constantly to keep herself at the same level. She enjoys light dresses when not looking like she's just been to a renaissance fair, and she doesn't really like jeans or leggings. She is very daring, and loves doing dangerous things, as much as her brother hates it. Lisabet likes to make up silly and cheesy nicknames for her friends, and her role model is Queen Mary, because, and I quote "That bitch had guts!".

Specialist Instrument: Lyre

Other Instruments (if any): Vocals, harp

Favourite Genre of Music: Historical, Folk

Dorm Room Number: 15 (If that's ok)

Other Information: She has a necklace given to her by her mother before she died.


Full Name: Arthur Nixon

Age (15-19 years): 17

Gender: Male

Appearance :


Personality: Arthur is a so called joker, and loves using puns randomly in conversation. He seems not to take much seriously, though this isn't true, and it takes a lot to ruffle him. He is fiercely protective of his younger sister, but in the past few years he had learnt to let her have her own space and won't bother her 24/7. He often spends more time writing music than doing homework, so he is in trouble much of the time. He always worries about how hard Lisabet works, and tries to get her to lighten up. He can come across as rather oblivious to others, but if he becomes friends with someone he will mess with them endlessly.

Specialist Instrument: Trumpet

Other Instruments (if any): Saxophone, piano

Favourite Genre of Music: Jazz

Dorm Room Number: 14 with Eli Vermont

Other Information: Arthur has a necklace, much like the one Lisabet has, which his mother gave to him before she died. He never takes it off, and is the most important thing to him.
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Full Name:

Jason 'DJ Ace' Anderson

Age (15-19 years):





At a mighty 6'3 Jason is very tall. He has a very well built and muscular frame with piercing blue eyes and light brown hair.


Jason is a very laid back and chill guy. He loves to listen to music, smoke some weed and have generally have a good time. He's very popular and loves to socialize with others. To others he may seem quite dozy or half asleep but in reality he's wide awake and assessing the situation.

Specialist Instrument:

Mixer turntable

Other Instruments (if any):


Favourite Genre of Music:

Dubstep and Nightcore

Dorm Room Number:


Other Information:

Has beats headphones signed by Martin Garrix, Aviici, Calvin Harris and a few others.

Tattoo sleeve on left arm.​



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Still accepting? If so...


  • Full Name:

    Eli Vermont

    Age (15-19 years):




    Appearance (realistic photo, or a description):

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    Hair | Short, brown, w/ fringe, shaggy

    Eyes | Brown

    Height | 5'8"

    Weight | 140 lbs

    Body Type | Lean, minimal toning

    Complexion | Clear

    Dorm Room Number:


    w/ Arthur Nixon

  • Full Name:

    Monique "Monnie" Fernandes

    Age (15-19 years):




    Appearance (realistic photo, or a description):


    Hair |
    Long, dark brown, wavy

    Eyes | Dark brown

    Height| 5'5"

    Weight | 121 lbs

    Body Type | Curvy, slim

    Complexion | Clear

    Dorm Room Number:

    Anyone wanna share?

    Otherwise, #16

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Just The Basics

  • Name:: Gotham | Elijah | Castle

  • Nick Name:: Gotham
  • Gender:: Male
    Birthday I Age:: June 27 | 17 years old

A Look In The Mirror

  • Height:: 6'3

  • Hair:: Dirty Blonde
    Eyes:: Green
  • Tattoos:: "Always account for variable change" across the top of his back.
    Talent:: Singing and playing the guitar.
    Dorm :: 21

Social Life

  • Crush:: -- None- PM

  • Relationship:: -- None- PM
    Best Friends:: -- None-PM

On The Inside

  • Sexual Orientation :: Homosexual

  • Personality:: To strangers, Gotham appears to be very stuck up and unfriendly. He is a genuinely nice guy but is very confident and comes off as very cold. He is a very independent but very loyal guy. Gotham is a huge sweetheart. He's been known as the preppy boy in school. He often dresses nice and looks clean cut. He is rather athletic guy, and tends to show it off. Gotham tends to be a huge flirt which gets him into a lot of trouble.
  • History:: Gotham was born in California, but his family decided to move to New York when he turned 7. He hated the move but was quick to fall in love with his new home and grew to love the city. His parents still move around a lot. His family never stays in one place for too long. This gave Gotham confidence and a naturally very outgoing personality. He is usually quick to make friends. Gotham has attended only private schools, and tends to act a bit snobby towards kids that attend public schools. Because of his family's constant traveling, his sister Mackenzie had become the only constant person in his life, so they grew naturally close.

The Extras

  • Year:: Junior

  • Activities :: Singing, acting, athletics.
    Pets:: Maverick

Meet The Family

  • Mom:: Jenna Coyne

  • Dad:: Walker Castle
    Siblings:: Mackenzie
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aww D:

The offer is still up if anyone wants their character to share a dorm with mine

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