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Graded Eastern Empire Training! IN DEMOCRACY WE TRUST!


The Swiftest Shot In The West

~Luisa O'Sullivan~

In the bustling border city of Aliquantum Significantes, the heart of the Eastern Empire's defense against the encroaching threats from neighboring lands, the clang of steel and the echo of marching boots were constant companions. Within the confines of the military barracks, where discipline and determination were nurtured, a weekly ritual unfolded - the recruitment and training of new cadets.

Yet, this week held a different tone, for the esteemed Captain Aliquem, known for her unwavering dedication and prowess on the battlefield, was absent. Duty called her to the capital, leaving the task of screening new recruits to her trusted student, Luisa. With a heavy heart, Captain Aliquem entrusted this crucial responsibility to her protege, knowing that Luisa possessed both the skill and the temperament required for the task.

As Marcus Bancroft stood before Luisa, the pink-haired soldier regarded him with a keen gaze, her expression betraying a sense of dissatisfaction and boredom. Her eyes, like shards of ice, pierced through his armor, as if daring him to hide behind its gaudy facade.

"Seems like you're the only one who's coming, Marcus Bancroft, is it?" Luisa's voice cut through the air, crisp and commanding. There was no room for hesitation or uncertainty in her presence. "Tell me, do you feel the need to hide behind such gaudy armor, believing it paramount to your survival? Is it a fashion statement? Does it make you feel big?"

Her words, though delivered with a hint of disdain, held a deeper meaning. It was a challenge, a test of Marcus's conviction and readiness to embrace the harsh realities of war. Behind the veneer of her stoicism, there lay a fierce determination to mold this recruit into a soldier worthy of serving the Eastern Empire.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C

Maverick Six Maverick Six

HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3


F - 0 Posts Remain

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Uasal Uasal


In the privacy of his own quarter, Marcus stares at his own trembling hand. He can hear it rattling his armor somewhat. Yet he would reach out and wrap his hand around the shaft of his spear. And there would be only a moment's quiet, before he would begin to move.




The Warrior appeared to be no exception to the sounds of steel on steel. But for him, there mere act of moving in the armor he wore generated noise. This was on top of the noise he made with each step he took meeting the floor. Anyone with a decent set of ears could hear what he wore. Distant at first but louder as he approached.

Soon however, there was silence. The moment he entered the room, he stood in relative silence and statuesque stillness. His spear was in his hand and at his side, it's blade pointed straight up into the air. His sword sat in it's sheath. The helmet would obscure most of his expression -- but anyone who peered into the beast shaped slit of his helm would see a thousand-yard stare. What would could see along his right eye appeared to be covered in scars. But the helmet concealed the rest of his face quite well.

One might have mistaken him for living armor, if not for the fact that one could hear a man breathing beneath it. He waited for both inspection and command. The stillness broke slightly when she spoked and asked him a question.

"Yes. Ma'am." He replied, confirming his name.

The woman stared at him coldly -- and he neither made evaded nor sought eye contact. He only looked straight ahead until prompted to do otherwise. His helmet hid his face. But his voice would grant her access to his thoughts.

"It is a gift, from one long gone." He began. "It is the sole silver lining to the death of my master, who chose to pass the armor unto me. I hardly deserve it at the moment. However, I seek to live up to it." He hardly sought to bore her with the details of a man who was likely but another face of many. He suspected she must have seen a hundred men like him. And is likely to see a hundred more. He spoke no further of this, unless prompted.

The armor in question was indeed "gaudy" in some ways. It was well crafted with intricately ornate designs all about it. But in it's current form, it is a shadow of it's former self. The keen eye could tell it had once been a color more akin to bronze. But in its current state, it was stained with residue from soot and ash. It was now dull and no longer shined as it did when it's original wearer wore it.

Still, it was maintained to the best of his ability. That which remained on his armor wouldn't come off with a mere touch and what soot was on it appeared to be almost caked on. And not a speck of ash remained in the blood-red mane sticking out of the back of the helmet.

"I would be lying if I said it served no function. But I see it hardly any differently from sword, shield or spear. And I would use it to be in the thick of it, ma'am. Every strike I take and every arrow shot at me, is one less for comrades and citizens, ma'am." Hopefully, it was enough to answer her question. It was likely he'd see soon enough.

The Warrior stood ready to receive further command or inquiry.

HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3


F - 0 Posts Remain

~Luisa O'Sullivan~

Luisa observed Marcus with a critical eye as he spoke, her expression betraying no hint of emotion. She listened intently to his explanation, noting the reverence with which he spoke of the armor passed down to him. Despite the gaudiness he mentioned, she could sense the weight of responsibility he felt, the determination to honor his fallen master's legacy. The significance of such a thing was not lost on her, for like him she too bore the weight of a legacy.

When Marcus finished speaking, Luisa nodded, acknowledging his words. "Very well, Mr. Bancroft. Your loyalty and determination are commendable," she replied, her tone neutral yet authoritative. "But words alone will not suffice to prove your worth on the battlefield."

"Ready yourself, Bancroft,"
she commanded, her voice firm and unwavering. "Block my attack, or be prepared to face the consequences.". As she spoke, the air crackled with tension, anticipation hanging heavy between them.

Then with a swift motion, Luisa stepped forward, closing the distance between them in an instant. Her hand shot out like lightning, aiming directly for Marcus's chest with an attack of incredible weight. She intended to test his readiness, his reflexes, his ability to withstand the force of her blow. Despite the fact Marcus was fully clad in armour and Luisa was bare-handed, Marcus would undoubtedly be able to sense he was in serious danger. To receive her attack unprepared would likely spell his doom.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3

1. Basic attack on Marcus
Effectiveness = Strenght A + Item N/A + Ability N/A = 6

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C

Maverick Six Maverick Six

Defence in the advanced system can be handled a number of ways.

1. You can defend against an attack with a 'Defend' action. A 'Defend' Action is one in which you simply defend against the attack with your armour, body or shield. It is calculated in the following ways: (Vitality or Speed) + Item Grade + Ability Grade = Base Effectiveness

In the case a player does not possess armour it is instead calculated by: Character Grade + No Item + Ability Grade = Base Effectivness

When defending with an item, damage will be dealt to the item instead of to the player should they be defeated in effectiveness. EG If Marcus has base 5 effectiveness vs this punch in a defend situation with his armour being utilised, then his armour takes 1 damage. The difference between the 2 effectiveness numbers. Items hp relate to their grades, f being 1 hp, E 2 etc.

Damaged Items are nerfed to their damaged grade within the rp, eg if an E sword takes 1 damage it is now an F grade sword.
Destroyed and damaged items are repaired after the rp finishes unless it is a world rp.

Note to defend against charisma challenges such as persuasion or seduction, you can utilise character grade (Must be a grade above ability used on you) or mind shield (Equal Grade).

2. Counter Attack. You can counterattack in an attempt to outpower the incoming attack, essentially pitting one attack against the other. The winner deals direct damage to the opponent.
Stat Grade + Item Grade + Ability Grade = Base Effectiveness

3. GTFO. Literally, just get out of range of the attack with a movement skill. Movement skill is necessary you cannot just run. Teleport for example.
This will be a contest of the attack effectiveness vs your Ability. Essentially the last one but you create distance instead of damaging upon victory.

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Uasal Uasal


"Thank you, ma'am." He said. It was more pleasant response then he'd expected.

But pleasantries were over.

"Lofty ideals are nothing alone." Noble goals and kindness were far from enough to protect him on the battlefield. But he would seek them to guide a firm arm, to be certain. One lesson of many that he'd remembered at the hand of one long gone.

There was a moment in which Marcus wondered as to what she meant by readying himself. He looked her up and down, wondering if she would draw her weapon or not. Or if she'd hand him one. Her instructions became clear soon however. And he would repeat. "Block your attack. Got it." He spoke to confirm what was seen as an order...quickly sensing an attack coming. But from where? The answer soon became clear however.

She's going to....punch me.

From there, most manner of thought left him. He began to slide his feet apart and reorient his body. He no longer stood upright and now stood with his stance bladed. His body's profile became smaller, with one leg sliding along the ground behind him. The command she gave rang through his mind and he withdrew from his sheath...his arming sword. His stance might have looked ridiculous and lopsided to the outsider -- a fully armored knight with spear in one hand and blade in the other. Yet Marcus knew that not to trust such a thing as appearance. For all he knew, she could break the blade in half with her bare hands. Gauging her appearance told him nothing. Only the very fact that she threatened him unarmed. Perhaps she would draw her blade -- but he saw no such sign.

The quiet broke with Luisa's swift approach. She moved far too close and far too quickly for the spear to be very effective...thus he moved to intercept it.

To him, the fist was treated not much differently from another weapon. His eyes were looking towards her body -- but the blade in his hand was moving to intercept her fist. The blade would rotate in his wrist for a moment, gain momentum, and then smash into her arm with the flat of his blade. With this, he sought to redirect the momentum of her strike. And turn a serious blow into a glancing one.

HP: 2 (E Grade Character)

Actions: 1/3
1. Parry -
Fighting Style: Sword F, Deflect F - Rather than relying on a shield for defense, Marcus seeks to actively intercept physical strikes, using knowledge of leverage to knock blades aside. Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Effectiveness = Strength D + Sword F + Parry = 5)


F - 0 Posts Remain
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~Luisa O'Sullivan~

Impressed by Marcus's swift reaction and deft maneuver, Luisa couldn't help but offer a subtle nod of approval. "Good reflexes, Bancroft, even if close you managed to push my fist aside," she remarked, her tone devoid of emotion but carrying a hint of acknowledgement. "A single strike won't be enough to gauge your readiness though. Stay focused, keep your guard up."

With that, she wasted no time in launching into a series of rapid punches aimed at Marcus, each strike delivered with power and intent. Her movements were fluid and calculated, a testament to her combat prowess honed through years of training and experience. As she advanced, her grin widened ever so slightly, a silent challenge issued to the young recruit. One punch was followed by a second and then a third, each as heavy as the last and just as purposeful.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 0/3

1. Basic attack on Marcus
Effectiveness = Strenght A + Item N/A + Ability N/A = 6
2. Basic attack (Combo with action 1)
3. Basic attack (combo with action 1)
Combo action = Effectiveness = Strenght A + Item N/A + Ability N/A = 6 + 2 from combo = 8 Total Effectivness.

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C

Luisa vs Marcus
6 Effectiveness vs 5 Effectiveness + Deflect F
Deflect reduces the strength stat of Luisa by 1 bringing the attack to 5 Total effectiveness.
5 vs 5 = draw.

Maverick Six Maverick Six

Actions taken in the same turn that aim to achieve the same purposes are combo actions. Likewise actions taken as a team are team up actions.

In a combo action, the action with the highest effectiveness becomes the base action. Those actions below it in effectiveness grant the base action missing cores and skill effects and grant +1 to said base action effectiveness.

EG: Luisa takes the following actions
Searing Punch - Fighting Style Closed Fist E, Fire Affinity E - A punch so fast it catches aflame - Strenght A + Fist E + Ability E = 10 Base Effectiveness + 1 Fire blight damage
Basic Attack - Strenght A + Fist F + Ability NA = 7 Base Effectivness (Combo with action 1)
Pentrating Slap - Fighting Style Open Palm, Penetrating F - A slap that could penetrate your sheer audacity - Strenght A + Palm F + Ability F = 8 Base Effectiveness + Penetrating F. (Combo with action 1)

This would mean in actual fact the searing punch is
Strenght A + Fist E + Ability E = 10 Base Effectiveness + 2 Combo Effectiveness = 12 Final effectiveness + 1 Fire blight damage + 1 Penetrating

The same idea applies to team-up actions from other players with yourself.

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Uasal Uasal


Some things were better experienced than read about. As he felt his strike barely knock her own aside, he came to a riskily obtained conclusion.

She's like a monster.

The shaft of his spear slid in his hand until he was choking it -- holding it close to the blade. His arm twitched as he held it there, his instinct desiring to strike -- but the disciplined and conscious mind within him telling him that she hadn't ordered him to attack. The spear merely shook in his hand for a moment, but no attack came.

As she spoke, Marcus lowered both weapons for a brief moment.

"My thanks. But you are right. It was close." Too close. Of the two, Marcus understood that the Captain seemed to be far from those officers bogged down by desk work and bureaucracy. She seemed stronger than he was. Yet as she prompted him to prepare, he silently reassumed his previous stance with nothing in mind but what was to come. In his previous ventures, he had learned to defend others no matter the cost to himself. Indeed, even if it was to delay the enemy until others made their escape. He feared some things. Failure. Loss. The fall of the empire itself. But his own death alone at times was not one of those things.

Without no one behind him and despite the very real danger before him, there wasn't anything to fear. He stared her down, watching her body to gauge her next attack.

A fist came in a manner like before. And it was met in a manner much like before. The flat of his blade would meet her arm and just barely manage to knock it aside. As usual, Marcus did not focus on the weapon per say, but on the person. As a result, he saw her second attack coming. But his sword wasn't able to move in place this time.


The might fist collided with something rock solid. Her arm crashed into his own as he blocked the attack with his shoulder as he could, seeking to mitigate some damage with a block one might find more in boxing than swordplay.


His feet slid back at the moment of impact, steel grieves scratching against the ground akin to nails on a chalkboard. His armor rattled and he felt the strike. And he could see already that another attack was on his way. Another impact came and this time, he hastily met the attack with his sword. This attack was less of a parry and more of a last minute block towards his current foe, seeking active defense against his foe rather than with his shoulder. The durability of his blade and the strength of his own arm was apt to be tested before her might.

As she grinned at him, he stared back with steely eyes. His breathing picked up, audible enough if given the silence. Indeed, the way he was looking at her, one might have thought him staring at a monster. In the heat of battle with adrenaline surging, she was a foe and nothing more...until the fight ceased or otherwise was interrupted.

Actions: 3/3
1. Parry -
Fighting Style: Sword F, Deflect F - Rather than relying on a shield for defense, Marcus seeks to actively intercept physical strikes, using knowledge of leverage to knock blades aside. Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Effectiveness = Strength D + Sword F + Parry F = 5 )
2. Defend with armor - Effectiveness = Vitality D + Heavy Armor F + N/A = 4 (Combo with action 1)
3. Defend with sword - Effectiveness = Strength D + Sword F + N/A = 4 (Combo with action 1)
Total Effectiveness (Effectiveness = Strength D + Sword F + Parry F = 5 + 2 Combo = 7)
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~Luisa O'Sullivan~


Impressed by Marcus's resilience and determination, Luisa halted her assault, allowing a momentary pause in the flurry of punches. "Well done, Bancroft," she commended, her voice carrying a hint of respect for his steadfastness in the face of her relentless attacks. "You held your ground admirably."

As she spoke, a surge of magical energy pulsed around her. With a swift and practised flourish of her Grimoire, she summoned two of her knights, formidable warriors clad in gleaming armour and wielding lances with an air of imposing authority.

Two knights materialized with a resounding clang, their armour shimmering with an otherworldly radiance. both knights stood tall and imposing, stalwart defenders ready to carry out their commander's will. "Meet your next challenge, Bancroft," Luisa declared, gesturing towards the armoured figures before her. "Attack the knights with all you've got. Show me your mettle in battle. Surely defending isn't all you're good at hmm."

"You two, stand ready to counter him"
With a nod, the knights raised their lances, gazes fixed on Marcus with unwavering determination. The challenge had been issued, and now it was up to the young recruit to prove there was more to him than armour and a good defence.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 2/3

1. Summon Legion (Imperfect): Minions F (Knights) - Summons forth a single type of Construct Minions under the wielder's control for a single turn unless constantly cast in rapid succession. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.
2. Ordered Knights to counter

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - Active
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C

Luisa vs Marcus
8 Effectiveness vs 7 Effectiveness + Deflect F
Deflect reduces the strength stat of Luisa by 1 bringing the attack to 7 Total effectiveness.
7 vs 7 = draw.

Maverick Six Maverick Six

Attack Actions are calculated in the following way:

Stat Grade + Weapon Grade + Ability Grade = Effectiveness

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Uasal Uasal


Marcus raised his sword, preparing himself for an attack from her that never came. Instead, there were words. Sword and spear were momentarily lowered.

"You flatter me." He said finally, slipping back into a more pleasant mood if only for a moment. "I'm glad to have withstood it. I've never met anyone who's struck so hard bare-handed." He felt more in danger from her fists than some blades.

The man watched as she showed some degree of magical prowess and conjured up what appeared to be two metallic beings akin to chess pieces. They stood taller than he did -- yet he looked up without fear. The way he saw things, a day where he was not outmatched, was to be seen as a particularly good day. But whether or not they outmatched him had yet to be seen.

"We'll see." There was no knowing until he tried. Whether he performed poorly or admirably, he preferred actions to speak for him than any boasting.

Facing two opponents of any kind, merited an inherent degree of caution -- be it two Goblins or two knights. Thus he took note of a few aspects. They didn't move yet, waiting for him to attack them instead. They were instructed to counter him, seemingly taking no initiative of their own just yet. But he could only suspect that once the fighting started, it would be real. A new weapon came to the forefront. He'd a large, armor-piercing winged spear -- well suited to fighting many manner of beast and armored foe alike. He sheathed his arming sword, it's short length offering the advantage of being able to be drawn immediately. Two hands were placed on the spear to better handle it.

But he didn't attack immediately.

He leveled the spear towards the knights -- the blade pointed right at them as he held it. Towards them....

The shuffling of his armor became quick as Marcus moved around the Knights. His goal being to partially isolate one of them. He moved around one of the Knights. If they didn't move, one of the Knights would be in the other's way.

And then he struck.

It started at the leg. Flowed through the rotating of the hips. Continued through the his arms. And it finally ended at the tip of his blade. It was a simple spear thrust with the weight of his body behind it, aimed toward the being's "neck". He hoped his movement would delay the other knight. He wanted to take one of the Knights out as quickly as possible. The fact that plans could very fell apart remained a perpetual fact to him. Once in motion, he remained guided by trained instincts and more basic thoughts in the moment. If the other began to move, at least he'd see it coming.

After the first thrust, he did it again -- seeking to stab through the knight's visor. Ironically, learning to use his armor taught him where to best strike at another who did so.

Actions: 3/3
Movement: Basic movement. Marcus moves around one of the Knights, seeking to use him to block the other knight. (Effectiveness = Speed E)
2. Attack with Spear: Marcus thrusts with his spear. (Effectiveness = Strength D + Winged Spear E + N/A = 5)
3. Attack with Spear (Combo with action 2)

(Combo action = Effectiveness = Strength D + Winged Spear E + Ability N/A = 5 + 1 from combo = 6 Total Effectiveness.)

~Luisa O'Sullivan~

1713019744444.pngLuisa watched Marcus's movements with a discerning gaze, her expression unreadable as he circled the knights, seeking to isolate one of them. His strategy showed promise, displaying a tactical mind that she found intriguing. However, her lips curled into a subtle grin as she realized his plan would not be enough to overcome the coordinated efforts of the two knights.

"Bold move, Bancroft," she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "But let's see how you fare against true teamwork. Don't Kill him you two."

As if on cue, the two knights sprang into action with a synchronized precision that spoke of countless battles fought side by side. Anticipating Marcus's strikes, they moved in perfect harmony to counter his every move. With a swift maneuver, one knight intercepted his spear thrust, deflecting the blow with its own lance while the other knight launched a swift counterattack aimed at his exposed flank.

The force of the blow sent Marcus reeling, his armor rattling as he stumbled backward, his consciousness slipping away as darkness closed in.

When he regained consciousness, Marcus found himself lying on the ground, a bishop-shaped minion hovering over him, its mystical energies working to heal his wounds. Luisa stood nearby, her expression unimpressed as she regarded him with a critical eye.

"You left yourself wide open to a counterattack," she stated bluntly, her tone carrying a hint of admonishment. "On the battlefield, such a mistake could cost you your life."

With a sigh, she extended a hand to help him up, her gaze unwavering. "But you showed promise, Bancroft. With more training, you could become a valuable asset to our forces. Would you like to go over anything again or ask any questions before we finish?"

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Summon Legion (Imperfect): Minions F (Knights) Minions F (Bishops)- Summons forth Construct Minions under the wielder's control for a single turn unless constantly cast in rapid succession. F Grade - 0 Post Cooldown.
2. Ordered Knights to not kill
3. Ordered Bishop to heal Marcus

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - Active
E - 0 Posts Remain

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C

Knights vs Marcus

Knights Calculation
3 + 2 + NA = 5 Base Counter Effectiveness + 2 Combo + 2 Team up = 9 Effectiveness

9 vs 6 = 3 damage to Marcus via counter

Maverick Six Maverick Six
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Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Uasal Uasal


Marcus knew well that plans could easily fall apart within the moment. Better to make a mistake here than anywhere else. Yet it do much to prepare him physically. The mistake he made was grave. One Knight had knocked his spear aside while the other moved in to attack with perfect harmony. He the impact of the thrust in his armor as though he'd been struck by a man on horseback.

Damn it....

The attack launched him backwards and he landed on the ground with a massive CRASH of his armored form. The ground sparked as he slid backwards for a moment, before finally stopping. Marcus shuffled on the ground, raising his head and clamping down firmly on his spear as he began. "I...can still...." His head fell back down and he became still. Oddly, even while incapacitated -- he still held onto his spear despite being able to do nothing with it in this state.

He became still. And soon, everything was dark....

....His eyes came to open the mask. And he was greeted with the sight of a rook hovering over his body. He could feel whatever was broken his body being mended as residual pain was fading away. Yet he could find himself feeling content. He sat up just in time to see Luisa's hand . "I see. I hadn't done enough to defend myself sufficiently. I made the wrong move." He said, a simple statement of fact. With that he took Luisa's hand firmly and rose to his feet.

"I have a ways to go, it seems." He said, looking over at the two knights. "But I will seek to grow stronger in service to the empire through any and all means. Or die trying." Despite his failure and subsequent reprimanding, Marcus seemed to still. Despite having not succeeded, he knew where it was he had to improve. By now, he was speaking with the same tone he had as when he first entered the room. "It seems I need to work on my offense and seal my openings. If this is true, I have no more questions and won't be taking up much more of your time."

Marcus offered a polite salute.

"Thank you for the assessment, ma'am."

Actions: 0/3

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~Luisa O'Sullivan~

1713178508133.pngLuisa nodded in acknowledgment of Marcus's determination, a faint glimmer of approval in her eyes. "Your dedication is commendable, Bancroft. Keep that spirit, and you will undoubtedly make progress."

As he offered his salute, Luisa returned the gesture with a crisp one of her own. "You're welcome. Now, go and complete your enlistment process. Your journey has only just begun."

With a firm pat on the back, she added, "Congratulations on passing basic training and screening. Head toward administration and finish up with enlistment. Here's your stamped certificate to confirm your approval to move forward in the process."

With that, she handed him the certificate, a symbol of acknowledgement from the Eastern Empire's forces. One that stated without a doubt the man had potential. "I'm sure I'll see you on the battlefield in the near future. Farewell for now."

Recommended Rewards and Narrator Rewards

Title: For Democracy! - Character Knows what it means to be a true Citizen of the Eastern Empire.
Asset: Eastern Empire Military Grade F (Cadet)

Bonus: (14/28)
Markus - Strenght upgrade (7), Vitality Upgrade (7)
Novama Novama saxon saxon

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