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Active Eastern Empire - A See of Dirt and Decay


The Swiftest Shot In The West
Eastern Empire - A See of Dirt and Decay


In the border town of 'Non Ipsum Magna,' the mass burial ceremony was a solemn affair, marked by an air of reverence and sorrow. The town, devastated by See magics, had been nearly buried under the earth, leaving only fragments of its former self visible. Amidst this scene of ruin, the surviving villagers and a detachment of battle-hardened troops gathered to honor the dead, most of whom lay unrecovered beneath the earth.

The sky was a bleak gray, with a light drizzle that seemed to mirror the tears of the mourners. The remaining structures of the town, half-buried and crumbling, served as a stark reminder of the devastation that had occurred. Yet, amidst the destruction, there was a sense of solidarity and resilience among those who had survived.

In the center of the town square, a large pit had been dug to serve as a collective grave for the victims. The villagers, dressed in somber attire, formed a solemn semicircle around the pit. Each face bore the marks of grief and loss, their eyes reflecting the pain of their recent ordeal.

At the forefront of the assembly stood an elderly man, the village patriarch, his face lined with age and sorrow. He began the ceremony with a voice that carried both strength and sadness. "We gather here today," he said, "to honor the memory of those we have lost. Our friends, our family, our neighbors. Though their bodies lie beneath the earth, their spirits remain with us."

A detachment of soldiers, who had bravely fought against the See invaders and eventually pushed them back, stood at attention nearby. Their presence was a testament to the courage and determination that had saved what remained of the town. Leading them was Luisa, her expression a mix of solemnity and resolve. She stepped forward to address the assembly, her voice firm but laden with emotion. "We are here to honor the fallen," she began. "Know that their sacrifice will not be in vain. We fought bravely to protect this town, and we will continue to fight, to rebuild, and to ensure that their memory lives on. To ensure we as a people live on. To ensure the Fae get what they deserve."

As the ceremony progressed, individuals stepped forward to place tokens of remembrance into the pit. A child's toy, a beloved book, a piece of jewelry—all symbols of lives cut short and the memories that remained. The villagers and soldiers alike bowed their heads in silent prayer, the only sound the soft patter of rain and the occasional muffled sob.

The patriarch concluded the ceremony with a poignant invocation. "May their souls find peace in the afterlife," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "And may we, the living, carry on their legacy with the strength and resilience they would have wanted."

As the villagers began to disperse, their hearts heavy with grief, the soldiers remained, standing sentinel over the mass grave. Luisa looked out over the devastated town, her expression hardening with resolve. "We were too late," she said quietly to her nearby soldiers. "We're always too late... tsk"

In the quiet aftermath of the ceremony, the rain continued to fall, washing away the tears and the blood, but not the memories. 'Non Ipsum Magna,' though scarred and broken, stood as a symbol of the enduring spirit of its people, a testament to their resilience and the bravery of the soldiers who had fought to protect them.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
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Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F


When he arrived at the small village of Non Ipsun Magna, one of the first things Marcus told them was as follows:

"Give me a shovel." He kept alert. His spear was never too far away. But for now, it was exchanged for a simple spade.

If ever given the opportunity -- he made a quiet vow to himself -- to never be above digging graves for the fallen. Whether they were a brother or sister in arms or those who'd sought to protect. He never wanted to be, too. Not when there was little else, he could do. With a blade, he could sink his spear into many a Fae and end many adversaries. Perhaps one day, the "Monster Slayer Spear" would live up to its namesake, and he would set it to eradicating the monstrous threat.

But for now, there was no need for such a thing. The battle was over. The enemies were slain. Now, it was simply time to pick the pieces. Marcus remained alert as ever, his perception lending him to be on guard even now. They were not fully safe in these lands, as these ruins had shown. Yet he had been idle for too long.

So, he would dig. And dig.

And dig.

Until the hole was big enough for them all. His countrymen would aid him. Some would notice that even now, he did not remove his armor -- save for his gauntlets. It would have arguably been easier to do this without it. However, it did not seem to particularly slow him down. Some may have joked that it had become a part of him. Even when it rained, he did not stop.

Some responded to grief in different ways. Some became cold or acclimated to such a thing. Some did not care. For Marcus -- it boiled him from within. He did not strike random objects. He never yelled at people and rarely even raised his voice. But yet boil him all the same it did. Today, he would dig. Another day, he would journey. Another he would seek power. Another he would seek.

He sometimes lamented how he felt. Yet the idle mind was the plaything of demons. Hence Marcus' seemingly eternal movement. His perpetual journey for prowess and power. His desire to quickly become of use. He could spend no time idle. For now, he simply climbed out of a muddy ditch. And began the process of throwing the soil onto those bodies loaded in.

However, it was during his travels that he encountered Ordella.

The funeral would go on. And at the timing appropriate, Marcus would utter a short prayer.

"Great Hades, master of the dark afterworld, honored host of our beloved dead, husband of fair-haired Persephone, holder of the riches of the deep earth, eldest son of full-hearted Reha and Kronos of the shining sickle, I praise you.

Hades, kind one, unyielding one, gracious granter of respite to the suffering, of welcome to those who have passed from our world, I thank you for your gift of shelter and hospitality."

While it was not, he who oft worshipped the likes of Hades, he had become quite familiar with it given the death of those near him.

"We're always too late."

One who had been so-called a "Paladin" in other lands sighed solemnly through his nose. For a moment, he searched for words. Then they would come. "We must do better. Whatever it takes." He said. "But we weren't all too late Optio. I have seen towns swallowed whole with all people in them. Let us be thankful for the living and do as we can for them."

There was little else to do for the dead. And now it had been time for the living. Marcus's eyes looked about his [Perception], lending him an uncanny eye for detail. He did keep trace, but once left to his own devices, Marcus moved among the dispersing villagers. He was in particular, looking to see if there was anyone whom he could assist. Were there wounded among them? Or perhaps the lost?

He'd have to see, for now, he would seek to walk among them, his spear held in hand like a staff, continuously at his side with its blade pointed up into the air. A leather sheath was wrapped around the blade -- ensuring safety. Yet, it could be rapidly removed at any moment.

Hopefully, he will have no further use for it for the rest of the day.

There were many reasons why Ordella had to be here in Non Ipsun Magna.

It was her sworn duty to heal the wounded. It was her pleasure to provide closure and comfort for those who'd experienced loss. It was a vow she'd made for herself to bare witness to the cruelties of war from both sides and learn everything she could. It was the only way that she'd have a chance at finding a path that may lead to its end. And so she would offer her services to village in its time of mourning.

She would arrive hours before the funeral and with little introduction needed.

It would seem as though, in times like these, people had become increasingly familiar with the role of an Undertaker.

She would heal those who were wounded. She would survey the area with supernatural senses; gazing out into the rubble in search of buried souls to find survivors who could not be found with mundane senses. And she would scan the area for hazardous enchantments and hostile spells that might've been left behind by the invading forces. Had the village been in need of her other services, then they would have to wait until after the funeral procession. Preserving those who still lived took priority over those whom we'd lost.

The Undertaker was quiet throughout the proceedings.

She cared for these people as she did for all people, but she could only grieve as a stranger. And she had come with intent to learn of the war from those who'd seen it firsthand, not to speak upon it herself. Ordella recognized only a single voice amongst the prayers. The Hospitaller that she'd come to know during her pilgrimage. She would meet his gaze for a brief moment, but little else. It simply wasn't the time. The ceremony would continue on. She would undoubtedly speak with him before he departed the village.

But there would be time for that later.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, The Undertaker chose to make her way over to the village patriarch under the assumption that he was the acting leader of the village. She would greet him with a deep bow before speaking.

"Greetings, Village Elder. I would like to apologize for not introducing myself sooner, but I found myself caught up in ceremonial preparations before I had the chance. I am Ordella Caerwyn, and I would like to offer my services to this community as an Undertaker, should you have me."

Maverick Six Maverick Six Uasal Uasal

Luisa stood quietly by the mass grave, the rain soaking through her uniform, her eyes fixed on the horizon. The sorrow of the ceremony weighed heavily on her, yet she stood resolute, determined to see the town and its people through this dark time. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice she recognized. Marcus, a recruit she had passed during his exams, approached her with a somber expression and offered her a response.

Luisa turned to face him, her eyes reflecting both gratitude and frustration. "Thank you, Marcus," she began, her voice steady but edged with a hint of bitterness. "You're right; we should be grateful for the lives we saved. But it's hard not to think about those we couldn't."

She paused, looking back at the grave, the memories of the battle fresh in her mind. "Our military has strength and resolve, but we are often too slow to mobilize. The See invaders move with an alarming speed, as if they can sprint through the very earth itself. By the time we receive orders and gather our forces, the damage is often done."

Luisa sighed, a deep breath that carried the weight of her responsibilities. "You're right, Marcus. It does no good to aimlessly wallow in defeat. We must do everything in our power to ensure that no more towns suffer the same fate. The See may be fast, but we have to be smarter, more prepared."

With the mass burial ceremony drawing to a close, the atmosphere was heavy with the weight of loss and resolve. Luisa knew it was time to take the next step. She looked around at the soldiers who had bravely fought and pushed back the See invaders. Each face bore the marks of battle and determination, reflecting the shared sorrow and strength that bound them together.

Luisa took a deep breath and stepped forward, her voice clear and commanding as she called out to her troops. "Soldiers, gather around!"

The soldiers quickly assembled, forming a disciplined line despite the rain and mud. Luisa's presence commanded respect, and they looked to her for guidance and leadership.

"Listen up," she began, her tone resolute. "We have honored our fallen and given them the respect they deserve. Now, we must focus on our duty and ensure that their sacrifices were not in vain. We will be heading to Fort Kanna to report this incident and carry out the remainder of our orders."

She paused, making eye contact with each soldier, ensuring they understood the gravity and urgency of their mission. "Fort Kanna is our next destination. We need to move quickly and efficiently. This Plan has been months in the making."

Luisa then addressed the rest of the soldiers. "We leave for Fort Kanna immediately. Stay alert, stay together, and remember why we fight. For the living, for the fallen, and for the future."

The soldiers responded with a unified, determined nod. As they moved to gather their gear and prepare for the journey, Luisa watched them with a mix of pride and solemn determination. The road ahead would be challenging, but with this group by her side, she felt confident they could face whatever came next. With a final glance at the now-quiet grave site, Luisa turned her focus forward, leading her soldiers towards Fort Kanna and the next chapter in their ongoing battle against the See invaders.

(Luisa Exits RP)​


The village patriarch, weary and sorrowful, looked at Ordella with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude. His eyes, clouded by age and the weight of recent tragedies, seemed to brighten momentarily at the sight of a new ally. He returned her bow with a nod, acknowledging her respect and the significance of her presence.

"Thank you, Ordella Caerwyn," he said, his voice raspy but warm. "Your presence here is a comfort to us all. We are in dire need of your skills and your compassion. Our town has suffered greatly, and any help you can provide will be deeply appreciated."

He gestured toward the remnants of the town, where villagers were still moving about, some helping each other, others standing in silent grief. "There are many who are wounded, both in body and spirit. Your healing touch will be a blessing. And if you can help us find any who may still be buried, it would be a miracle in these dark times."

He paused, looking around at the devastation. "After the ceremony, the village will be in need of your other services as well. But preserving those who still live takes priority, as you said."

With a heavy sigh, he placed a hand on her shoulder, a gesture of both support and expectation. "May the spirits guide you," he said quietly. "And thank you, for being here with us."

Markus, although not invited to be a part of this conversation was drawn to such. His perception allowed him to perceive each and every exchange between the two, not that they had been trying to hide such out in the open.

That being said, both Ordella and Markus' attention would quickly be caught by the screams of a woman.

It came from a small house at the edge of the town square, one of the few structures still standing.

Inside, a woman stood over the limp body of a young girl, her face twisted in terror and disbelief. "No! No, please, no!" she cried, dropping to her knees beside the child. Her hands trembled as she reached out to touch her daughter's cold, clammy skin. The girl's lips were tinged with blue, and her breathing was shallow and labored.

Villagers and local guards alike rushed to the scene, their expressions mirroring the horror that had befallen them.

The mother, tears streaming down her face, clutched her daughter's hand. "Please, save her," she pleaded, her voice breaking. "She was fine just a moment ago. I don't understand. What happened?"

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maverick Six Maverick Six

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Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Uasal Uasal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F


The Optio did have a point. The weight of their deaths rest upon him. While utter catastrophe had been averted, precious lives had been lost.

"Even if I am grateful not to have lost each soul here, I still think of those who are no longer with us" He confirmed. Rather than ignore the loss, he simply felt as though he was looking at the greater picture and bringing them together. What was before was assuredly no cause for celebration. The scars the people had received in losing those close to him far surpassed that of what he and others had felt. He could imagine their turmoil in a different way, given losing his own comrades. But what he felt right now didn't even come close.

As much as Marcus desired the frontlines, he felt a strange familiarity in being here. These people needed aid, and it only appeared that Ordella and he were present. So, it would be then that he would see his role as being most useful in the place that he stood. The Optio's roll appeared as though it would be elsewhere.

"May your allies be blessed by your presence. And your enemies cursed with your wrath."

With that, his attention had been dedicated wholly to where he was.

Marcus was keenly attuned to his environment, often desiring to prevent danger before it could ever happen. However, the side effect of this would be the ability to sift through and decipher that which happened around him. Thus, he picked up on the conversation between the village elder and Ordella. Likely, she was a more pleasant face than his own to talk to -- and he saw no reason to do more than listen.

Particularly, he took note of how there may or may not yet be some who were still buried beneath the dirt of the settlement.

But a particularly shrill voice had caught his ear. There was a brief look towards Ordella as if to wordlessly seek her aid with whatever might be there. But he did not wait as he ran towards the source of the scream, his heavy armor of full plate announcing his presence whether he wanted it to or not.

A brief scan of the scene shows that Marcus did not see any enemies present, nor did a fight break. From the looks of it -- and young girl had simply fallen ill to something as of yet unknown.

The spear he had was put down, and he kneeled next to the girl. He looked over her and then searched the bowls of his mind for an answer as to what had happened to her. Marcus did not have access to any magic per se. However, among the things he studied, medicine was one of them. Simply put, Marcus would seek to see if her condition matched anything he knew about. Ordella was very likely to be better at actually treating the condition. But Marcus wanted to look to see if he could identify the conditions.

"Stand back. Make room for our healer. Give her some room, please. Let me have a look at her." He said, hoping to clear the scene a bit. All the extra people piling about didn't do any good.

With his gauntlets removed and his hands bare, he'd run his hands caringly over the girl who had fallen ill. Feeling rough and callused, it wasn't the softest touch ever due to his conditioning. But it did allow him to feel that she was clammy. From beneath his helmet, he looked down upon her, and he saw that her lips took on a strange color.

"Hm. Blue lips. Odd." Running his hand along her head, he'd run it along to the side of her neck, feeling for her pulse with her carotid arteries. His hands scanned along her side to try to see if she might. Three questions were on Marcus's mind: What disease was this? Where might it have come from? And is it infectious?

While he looked her over, he'd do nothing to stop Ordella from doing one of the things she excelled at. For a moment, he took a bit to remove alcohol from his person.

1. [Asclepius Gaze] - Perception F, Medicine F (C), Medical Gear F, Perception F - Marcus checks a target for afflictions while keeping himself clean. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Medicine F (C) Charges: 3/4

"It's no trouble at all," she replied to the elder.

A scream off in the distance caught the Undertaker's attention. And it would seem that her duty had already begun. She glanced over at Marcus for a moment before he took off in the direction of the sound.

"Excuse me."

Without another word, Ordella would follow after. The Hospitalier was quick to take control of the situation. He made room for her to approach the young girl and began scanning for body for a possible diagnosis that might've explained her current situation. Truth be told, as much as Ordella hated to admit it, she was extremely familiar with the few symptoms she observed just on a glance. But, further analysis could wait.

For now, she move to stabilize the girl.

Looming over the young girl at a height of almost seven feet, Ordella would stretch her arm out over her bed and the flame within her lantern would flare. Smoke would vent out from the lantern and drift downwards onto the girl as she moved the lantern in a circular motion. The purifying smoke would soak would wash over the girl and rejuvenate her flesh; hopefully stabilizing her.

Only then, after offering the young girl
[Respite], would The Undertaker begin to pay attention to the symptoms.

Cyanosis. Labored breathing. Cold to the touch. And yet, if her initial impression was correct, then she was missing a few tell-tale signs of her first assumption. Although disease was a possibility, there was a far more common, far simpler explanation for every symptom Ordella saw in this child.

"Be sure to check her for lacerations, blood loss, and bruising. Every inch of her body," she said to Marcus, "This town just saw violence. She may very well be suffering from anemia."

Actions (2/3)
1). Move to the sickly girl.
2). Cast
[Respite] on her to help heal her back to health.
Respite- Magic E, Magic Range F, Healing E, Energized E- Ordella can channel a death-warding spell into the smoke produced by her lantern to heal either herself or those around her. The smoke can travel up to 30 feet away from her to bring respite to her allies- Range 30ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Uasal Uasal

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