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Realistic or Modern [East Shore School for Teens] [Accepting]

n i h i l i s m

my jinji don't you cry
Welcome to Kings Bay, Delaware, it's 1999 in the town that always sleeps. Mostly known for its tiny fishing industry, and Whitehaven Wharf which is built into the North Atlantic Ocean. However we aren't here to talk about the couch's goby, or the common dragonet. We're here to talk about East Shores School for Teens, one of the best schools in this tiny town. And it's Fall now, so all the students are back to school, some new, some old. This year ought to be promising ... or its going to be just as boring and tired out as the last. The only big thing to talk about from last year was when Johnny Johnson shot that bottle rocket off the roof during the bake sale. So, enjoy your final or first years in East Shores School for Teens.
Its the first day of school, 6:00 and the sun's just spreading is rosy fingers over the quiet harbor. Normally it would be bustling at this time, but fishing season has just ended. So a few stragglers wander over the docks, maybe going out for a ride on the water. Seagulls caw aggressively as they swoop over the ocean looking for fish, and fighting each other. It's pretty chilly out, sweater weather, at about 60 degrees. It looks to be overcast today, the clouds creeping around the dawning sun. It'll most likely rain today. As students get up, the warm bright lights of the school flicker to life, the teachers who got to school early doing paperwork by lamplight. The janitor sweeps off the steps of the school, its imposing three stories of windows and brick staring down at him. He stares up the tall hill, on top of which all the houses are, as the studious students rush down the hill trying to be early. He sighs, and unlocks the front door, letting them through.

Quick note about posting: The limit for posts each day is around 9 (if you absolutely need to post more then nine, that's fine, I get it), this is to limit spam and keep the story flowing nicely. It sucks to come back to nearly 10 pages of rping each day right? And of course you know the post length rule, +1 Paragraph. Thank you for being a part of this! Get in the writing mood! [media]

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Matthew Smith [Time: 6:15][Place: Outside of School]


"Matt!" Matthew dared to crack open his eyes, as his mother threw open the curtains dramatically, the ocean roaring just outside of the walls of the house. Warm and not very intense sunlight poured in, as he climbed to his feet.

"I don't think that had the effect you were going for Ma." Matty murmured, rubbing his eyes. What time was it? The clock said 6:15.

"If you hadn't woken me up, the seagulls probably would've, not that I could tell the difference." He said, stretching. She smacked him over the head.

"Hilarious, now get dressed, if you're late you won't hear the end of it." She nodded her head towards his father's office, where he could hear intense clicking noises.

"What a robot." He muttered, and his mother left the room to give him some privacy. His eyes scanned the opened closet adjacent from his bed, not that he had much to choose from. It was chilly out, most likely, so he went with a sweater that was a rather drab gray and thought-provoking black jeans. He jogged down the beige carpeted steps, past his father's workshop, and into the kitchen, where his mother was cooking scrambled eggs from the smell.

"Smells good." She nodded,

"I know, but you're behind schedule, so take that apple and get something at Adam's." He groaned, and grabbed the apple.

"Have a good day Matty." She called, as he shrugged on his backpack and opened the back door.

"Bye Ma." Their front door faced the cliff, which dropped off into the ocean. Whatever genius made that probably created the rest of the crazy town. He skidded down the steep hill, taking small bites of his apple. He figured he would just eat a large lunch instead of going to Adam's, he felt too lazy to stop by there today. His backpack bounced on his bag, extremely lightweight, with only a few notebooks and pencils. Stopping at the bottom of the hill, he surveyed the roaring of the tides, as the crashed against each other in a never ending struggle. Intense, he thought snorting. School would probably be just like that, never ending struggle. Last year was awful and boring, but it was rumored that this year's batch of students was more interesting then the last. As if, his thoughts echoed in his head. Turning away from the water, he crossed the street to stand in front of the stately school building. He stared up at the building. This is all your fault, he told it in his head, it glared back down at him, as if to say, you're back? I thought I got rid of you. So there he stood for a good three minutes, as students rushed past him into the mouth of the open doorway.
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Travis had woken up at 5:30 and got dressed quickly, so he could enjoy his breakfast slowly. He now sits at the three-person kitchen table, staring at the wall that his father used to sit in front of and chewing a large bite of Sprinkle Spangles cereal. The male wears a white, crew-neck undershirt covered by a brightly-colored, knitted sweater and plain, faded blue-jeans. The sweater is too large for his frame and weighs him down a bit, but Travis doesn't mind. He also wears some plain sneakers, not really knowing or caring if his outfit looks decent to everyone else.

Beside the teenager, a small girl rambles on about wanting to watch television and flings her own cereal, Cheerios, across the room with her spoon. This five-year-old bundle of personality is Travis' cousin, Samantha, who is living with them until her parents can finish renovations on their home. The male listens to her, wondering if she has ever been taught the word "thank you".

As the clock in the living room strikes six, Travis puts his dishes in the sink and hugs his mother goodbye, smiling at her with worried eyes. Was he that loud as a kid? Probably not. He picks up his backpack by the kitchen counter, as well as the novel on the counter, itself.

"Goodbye, Mom; bye, Samantha."

Travis even forces himself to pat the girl's head with a hesitant amount of pressure, and the child giggles and waves with her spoon, letting droplets of milk run down to her hand.

Once he is out of the house, Travis makes it to school in five minutes and walks into the main hall, smiling at a few people he recognizes. He watches everyone move about, or stand in clumps, wondering if it is best for him to find his locker or spend time talking to other students.
Marina woke up early due to the seagull that was squawking outside her window. Not long after she sat up in her bed, she got a nauseous feeling in her stomach. It wasn't because of 'first day of high school nerves' no it was because her house is located on the water. Marina lived in a house boat no wonder her middle name was based off of a dock, her parents loved the water.

Her alarm clock was going to go off in 5 minutes anyway, there was no point in trying to go back to sleep so she decided to get ready for school. She walked into her bathroom and brushed our her long black hair, leaving it down. Marina pulled out a pair of jeans that were lose on her thin frame. She pulled a black and grey sweater over her head before she headed up stairs.

Her mom left her a note that said 'went to the store, eggs are on the stove'. Marina sighed and put the eggs her mom had made in the trash can, her mother was a horrible cook. Even though Marina appreciate the effort, she was definelty not going to eat it unless her mom was there to see her reject it. She poured herself a glass of milk and made a piece of toast. When she was done eating she grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

"Finally, solid ground"

She muttered to herself as she walked down the street, she lived about a 10 minute walk from the school.
Alice yawned, jumping out of her bed. Finally! It was a monday! Ugh... She hated mondays with a passion. "Why must school exist? I sure love to learn, but at this time on a monday morning is preposterous!" To the calling of her mother downstairs, Alice got on her school uniform and brushed her hair and teeth--making sure they were squeaky clean. "Coming, Mother!" She shouted while making her way down the stairs gracefully. "Ah, mother. What's for breakfast? I'm sure it's something nice." With a smile, Alice sat down at the table as her mother brought in the jam on scones, bacon, sausages and eggs. "You'd better like it, I've spent more than half an hour on it this morning." Her mother smirked and patted her on the head playfully. "There's so much, I don't even think I'll be able to eat all of it and make it to school!"

After finishing her breakfast Alice walked to the front door, sliding on her matte-black loafers. "Have a nice day at school, dear!" Her mother shouted, while at the same time cleaning up the dining table. "I will." She replied and waved goodbye to her older sister whom was leaning upon the banister upstairs. "Don't fall, you pansy."

"Mother! She just called me a pa-" Her sister was cut off by Alice shutting the front door. "Ugh.. never mind."

Alice hopped onto her bike and rode to school. She broke up the slice of toast that she had sneakily placed in her blazer pocket at the dining table and threw it at the seagulls. "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring... I'm snoring, more like it." She parked her bike outside the school-it wasn't that far away from her house-and walked inside, stretching her arm on the doorframe.
"Come now, langga, just look around the school first before you get used to it. I'm sure you'll make new friends!"

Felicia sat cross legged on the wooden floor of the stage. Her eyes glanced around at the small auditorium, bigger than the classrooms but smaller than the auditoriums. The fact that the school had one section each was telling of the amount of students the school usually has. At her mother and step-father's request, she decided to look around before her official enrollment to the school tomorrow. Different was an understatement. Even though this place was a village, the equipment and facilities still outmatched her small humble school back home.


This was to be her home from now on. The mere thought of it caused her heart to ache, as if an identity was being ripped away from her in half. It was unfair, to be ripped from her friends and her environment like that. But it was also unfair to lose sight of the arms of her mother for years. Perhaps it was fair...Besides, one can always make new friends. Plus seeing her mother happy and in love was something she did not want to take away from her. This should be a small price to pay for that.

She sighed, touching the strings of her guitar as she looked at the ceiling.

....Still, it was different. Every single thing, from the clothes to the air. She felt like she had a sign on her head, one that told everyone of her newness and it made her feel apprehensive at taking that first step. Marya would have laughed at her. Jeproks and Boy as well. She would have never expected she'd be reduced to this unsure mess at the first day of her new life in the states.

"Ikaw ba'y nalulungkot?

Nababalot pa ng poot,

maraming hinanakit sa mundo.

Di alam anong gagawin kundi ubusin ang oras sa gin.

Akala mo'y iya'y may mararating. "

She spoke those lines before fully investing her soul to those lyrics. Singing powerfully as her absent minded strums turned into purposeful skill, wanting to remember that memory of singing in that hot sun, surrounded by the laughs and often off-key singing with her friends, that cold coca-cola and pieces of bread with peanut butter their snack. Her constant and sweetest memory of her time there.
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Vince sat down at a large, familiar oak table. The smell of his mother's famous red pasta sauce invaded his nostrils, and he felt his stomach growl in hunger. He was back home, in Italy, with his family. Suddenly, his mother came in from the kitchen--but wait, why did the house look different?--and set down a giant bowl os spaghetti in front of him. He sat forward and rubbed his hands, not even minding the odd fact that none of his other family members were present. "Wow, Ma, it looks delicious!" Vince looked up and saw not his mother, but his father standing there. The older man had a frown etched on his face. "What?" Vince asked. Someone to his left, opposite from his father, kicked his chair hard and Vince whipped around. It was his little brother, Brando. Vince frowned at him, but Brando just kept kicking.

"Vince. Hey, Vince. VINCE!"

Vince jolted awake to the sound of Mr. Javan's voice. It took him a few seconds to realize that he'd been dreaming, and that it'd been Mr. Javan who'd woken him up by kicking the couch Vince had been sleeping on. Vince groaned as he sat up slowly, a newly formed crick in his neck from the position he'd fallen asleep in. He squinted as he looked up at Mr. Javan. "What is it?"

Mr. Javan rolled his eyes. "It's 6:45, you doofus," the man said in that thick accent of his. Clearly, as it was more prominent than usual, Mr. Javan had just woken up, too. "You're gonna be late for the first day of school." With that, Mr. Javan left, probably to open the garage.

Vince's eyes widened and he scrambled up, checking the time on the clock. He cursed loudly and quickly stripped out of his sweatpants, pulling a shirt on over his head and tugging a fresh pair of jeans on. When he located his backpack and his standard leather jacket, Vince burst out of the shop and ran the ten minutes it would usually take to get to school. He knew it was bad form to be late on the first day, but honestly, the guy just couldn't help it. He still hadn't adjusted his sleeping schedule from summer break, which meant his hours were all botched up. Oh well, he thought. It was just the first day, anyway. It wasn't like they would take a test, right?

Once he saw the campus in sight, Vince slowed his pace and took several breaths of air. Thankfully, he'd made it just in time. Vince unzipped his backpack and pulled out his schedule of classes, deciding he would make a quick stop at his locker before going to his first period.
Marina walked faster, until she approached the front door of the school campus. She glanced around before she saw a boy who looked a bit out of breath. He walked inside right before she did. Even though she was a sophomore therefor she didn't know too many people in the school, but she wondered why she had never seen someone this tall in school.

She shrugged her shoulders and walked past him to her locked from last year, checking her scheduled to make sure she still had the same one. Once she confirmed that this locker was in fact hers, she turned the dial on the lock to the correct numbers. Opening it, grabbed out her notebook, calculator and a couple pencils for her first class, math. Even though she was only a sophomore, Marina was taking 11th grade math. As she closed her locker she glanced behind her to see if the tall guy was still in the hallway.

@Banana Panda

(Btw sorry its so short.. WB)
Fawn woke up early, not as if it was her choice but instead the anticipation that woke her. Her room was large and the light blue walls managed to make it look bigger. Currently all she had was her bed, her dresser, and boxes filled with her many possessions. Though she was against having everything she owned in moving boxes stacked taller than her she saw nothing more appealing than not unpacking them. She lifted the blankets off of her and walked to her dresser.

"Aaron or Fawn?" She muttered to herself before shaking the doubt out of her mind. "No one knows me here, it's possible no one will even be able to tell." Her choice was made.

She walked into the ornate dining room in a thick-knit sweater and light blue jeans to have her normal family breakfast. Dad in his office, Mom already working. As she ate she sorted out her backpack, a bland thing. After finishing she dawns the bag and walks out the door, making it just on time, if not slightly early into the building.
Matthew Smith [Time: 7:25][Place: School Hallway][interacting with: @Rad frog father]

He snapped out of his daze, as the student swarm around him slowly dissipated. Realizing that he sounded crazy talking to the school building in his head, and was wasting a bit of time, Matthew headed into school, not really paying attention to were he was going when he collided into the back of a girl whom he did not recognize.

"Uh, sorry." He muttered, standing around awkwardly.

"You new here?" He asked blatantly. That might have sounded rude, but he had seen most of the faces in school, and this girl was not one of them. Something about her seemed a little off, not in a bad way, but simply different. The backpack strap began sliding off his shoulder, he awkwardly shoved it back on, waiting for her response. I should probably be in class, he thought mundanely, picking at the strands of fuzz from his fluffy sweater. His stomach grumbled, and he realized that it was not wise to skip breakfast, where'd his apple go? He had probably mindlessly eaten it.
"Oh!" She recoiled forward before turning around to face the man behind her before waving her hand dismissively. "Don't apologize," Her voice seemed fake. It sounded forced and the words didn't fit correctly in her mouth. "this is a school, people make it a challenge to slam into anyone they can find." She ended it with a small laugh. She has a bit of a tendency to bounce around or fidget when she speaks, moving around on nearly every other word.

"But how'd you know I was new here?" She questioned with a tilt of her head. "Do I got that look about me or something?" She definitely did not have that look about her, she nearly radiates confidence.
Asher woke to the sound of Dwayne and Jonathon going at it down stairs in the kitchen

"No Jay, you don't get it, you do nothing around here, your a waste man bruh, You sit on your fat black ass all day and eat chips" Ash clearly heard Wizz say before Jay started chiming in and talking over Wizz. His own name was then spoke by Jay and the shouting seemed to calm a little. Jay and Wizz would have a daily shouting match that would almost always be resolved in one of three ways; Saskia crying, their mother crying or their mutual agreement that Ash was the worst brother. AJ stretched out his arms above his head and assumed it was the latter today. His brothers gave him allot of stick but it was mainly because he was the youngest boy, mummys little boy, and he abused this power by doing nothing around the house and contributing none of his own wages to the house up keep. If he was Jay or WIzz, he'd hate himself to - AJ smiled to himself at this thought.

Just as Ash swung his legs out of bed and sat up on the side, Saskia walked in through the door. "You should really knock you know Sassy, I could have been butt naked" Asher said, laughing a little at the end as he poked Saskia in the ribbs lightly. She giggled back and replied "ew, next time i'll knock but you need to take me to Nathaniel's soon" through her giggles. "Alright get out and lemme get dressed. oh and tell Wizz and JayJay to stop fighting, they listen to you the most".

As Sas walked away AJ hopped up out of bed and put on fitted blue jeans and a plane white tshirt, he clicked his silver watch on to his right wrist and placed a diamond stud in each ear before kissing his silver short chain cross necklace and walking down stairs. In the kitchen he kissed his mom on the cheek as he did every morning and she smiled in the same way she had done every day after. Both Jay and Dwayne were no longer in the kitchen, perhaps Dwayne had forced Jonathon to work with him today, or to an interview for an actual job rather than just the bar work he does now. Asher shrugged as he though to himself, he put n his all black varsity jacket with leather sleeves and his black and red Jordan 1 sneakers. Saskia grabbed her bag from by the door and dragged Ashers rucksack to him as well, he kissed her forehead in thanks, and the two walked out the door after saying goodbye to their mother; passing Jay on the way, who hadn't left the house, and was just on the coach eating chips, as always.

Asher dropped Saskia at Nat's house ready for his mother to take them both to school, and continued too walk to his own school with his headphones blazing. He hated school, so many people telling him what to do, he never paid much attention to anything there; except for maybe the girls.He jogged up the steps into school and went straight to his locker, passing a few familiar faces, and a couple he definitely didn't recognize.

~I'm pretty sure that's a new girl talking to that Mathew kid~ Asher thought as he opened his locker, he didn't know Mathew well at all ~but he seems like a good dude~

(sorry its super long, my firsts post always are just to give back ground info etc - if i need to change anything holla at me)
Vince lightly gnawed on his lip as his eyes scanned his schedule. The paper had gotten a little crumpled in his bag, Vince being the slacker student he is. Teacher 1, Teacher 2, room this, room that. Every word he read just went over his head. Vince sighed and looked up, knowing his locker would be around somewhere. When he finally found it, he saw a girl standing next to it looking at him. He flashed her a brief smile, the good smile that he used when he first met someone he met. But did her know her? His eyebrows then furrowed in slight confusion, and his eyes quickly calculated her features. Dark hair, pretty blue eyes, and fair-ish skin. Probably one of the underclassmen.

Vince popped open his locker and started putting away some of the stuff he didn't think he would need for homeroom. He glanced at the girl again, thinking about what he should do for a minute before deciding to talk to her. He leaned against the lockers lightly for support and he put on his smile again. "Sorry, do I know you?"

@Still Crazy
Matthew Smith [Time:7:30][Place:Chemistry][interacting with:
@Rad frog father]

He looked to the side, what an attitude, was she mocking him or something? Whatever, he would just get through this conversation and leave. That's what you get for talking to the new kid.

"I didn't do it on purpose," he mumbled, sounding a bit like a child. His head turned to attention when she began talking again.

"It's a small town, you see everyone twice. Easy to pick out the people who you haven't seen even once." He replied quietly, glancing up at the clock.

"See ya."
He swerved around her, being late on the first day would not be fun, his thoughts bounced around in jumble as he jogged down the hallway, forgoing his locker and sitting in his seat near the window in Chemistry just as the bell rang. Unzipping his bag, he pulled out a beaten up binder and a fresh notebook. He'd been through several years of middle school and high school with that binder, what a wild ride it had been. Thumbing through the notebook, he reached the back page, and began to doodle as they waited on the teacher.
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She raises her eyebrows and whispers under her breath. "Never said you did." She sighs and talks louder. "Bye then."

Fawn removed her backpack and held it up on her knee while she searched for her paper that detailed her schedule. She found it crumpled up inside a notebook, she put the backpack back on with it not completely zipped and keeps her eyes glued on the class numbers on the door as this school was unfamiliar territory.

"Algebra..." She murmured.
Ash watched as the drama unfolded next to him, and pretended not to take notice. He played around in his locker despite not really needing to much inside, he took out his football, and placed a few of last years text books inside - that had just been sitting in his bag all this time. He listened as Mathew justified his actions though he saw little need for him to do so, and AJs eye followed him as he walked to class. He would see him in a few minuets as they shared chemistry classes. Chemistry was the single subject AJ was decent at aside from gym, and was what he would major in should he be able to attend college in a few years. Asher turned his thoughts back to him self and shut his locker, but he could help but feel sorry for the new girl stood next to him, that Mathew had walk from ~she was a little rude, but still she knows no one~ AJ thought to himself. He went to walk away, throwing his football up, to catch it again; as he caught it he instinctively turned back around.

@Rad frog father

"Hey do you need any directions or anything??"

His eyes shut as the sentence started and opened only at the end, and Asher said it though forced by his mother. But it was not his mother, more his conscious, forcing him to offer his help.
She look over to him and speaks with relief in her voice. "I am so lost, it's so frustrating." She sighs and taps her hand on the schedule, the paper covered in little pencil scribbles.

"Thank you loads for the offer. Can you tell me where the math rooms are? I'm sure i can find my way from there." The word loads was the most accentuated from her fidgety way of speaking, with her arms lifted from her sides and extended outwards with force.
"Patungo sa....pangakong paraiso."

She ended her song and all those warm memories that accompanied it and as soon as it settled she felt the cold air return.

She sighed once more, holding onto her guitar and wishing she was back with her friends. Even for a day longer. Yet, she took that wish and locked it deep in her heart. She would be ashamed of herself if she just returned without even trying. Even a monkey had more courage than her in that respect. She looked at the auditorium once more and sat at the edge, holding the strings of her guitar so firmly she could feel the vibration when she made a move. She exhaled, letting her worries out as she decided to play one line from another song for her sake, as well as for the joy that she felt then.

" Wag na lang kaya, hari ng Katorpehan."

She stopped her strum, shaking her head. No, perhaps another time.

She stood up, slinging the guitar to her back and tightened the strap as she went out of the door. The throngs of people that appeared surprised her and she wondered how long she stayed in that room. Not that it mattered to her anyway, it was relaxing, therapeutic for her as it allowed her to welcome this day. Now, maybe, she can let herself journey this new place she calls home.

"First step, the hallways." She said to herself, placing her hands on the pockets of her jacket as she toured the place alone, getting a feel for the area before she officially joined tomorrow.
Marina glanced up at the tall male, who was at least a foot taller then her if not more. She shook her head to the side quickly "I dont think so" She muttered quietly. Although he looked like he was a senior so maybe she had been in his math class last year. She figured that she would have noticed him if was ever in her class. "Im Ashton...But you can just call me Marina" She told him. Saying her name made her think about how much she use to hate her first name. In fact, Marina didn't quite remember why she hated her name so much in the first place. Asthon was a cool name, especially for a girl.

@Banana Panda
Vince nodded his head. Right, he figured he hadn't known her from anywhere. He'd probably seen her around school a couple times, though he didn't much associate with those under his grade level. But that wasn't to say Vince wasn't sociable; rather, he liked talking to people. It's just that he was so busy n between work and school that he hadn't really had much time to go out of his way to talk to the underclassmen. When he heard the girl introduce herself, Vince felt the need to do the same. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Ashton Marina," he said, calling her by both names instead. He kind of liked the ring of it. He stuck out his hand for her to shake. "The name's Vince." As Vince finished his sentence, the school bell rang throughout the hallways. He closed his locker. "I guess I'll see you around?" With a wave of his fingers, Vince skirted around Ashton Marina and headed to his first period.
Alice made her way over to an empty classroom. She had some holiday homework to finish off--and knowing her, she would obviously do it last. Sitting down in a chair after flicking on the light, she took out her schoolbook and pen, beginning to finish her homework. Alice was certainly not a very social person, that was if no one was speaking to her. She preferred to spend time on her own. "Ah.. And, finished." Alice shut the book and placed it in her backpack, zipping it up and walking out of the classroom.

(Sorry that I haven't been posting! I haven't gotten any notifications :( )
Asher chuckled and half smiled at he relief, she seemed overly grateful just to have someone talking to her - this amused him slightly, it was no trouble to him to offer directions. AJ was raised to always help people in need, even when it inconvenienced himself; not that the girl currently facing him was an inconvenience. He hadn't had good experiences with the maths rooms, and honestly hadn't been in one for a while which got him thinking he probably turn up to his next maths class ~or not~. He stepped beside the girl and looked down at her time table to see what room she was in.

"I'm actually heading towards chemistry, and I can take a route to walk past the maths rooms so i can just show you the way if you want?"

AJ suggested this because it seemed allot easier than explaining where the room was, and it didn't really make a difference to him - in fact it was nice for him to not walk alone. The only downside would be the small talk, Ay didn't know the girl, even her name, so there would be a clear lack of conversation topics for the short 2 minuet journey: ~small talk it is then~ he thought to him self.

"So do you got a name newbie?"

@Rad frog father

Ay said with a smile as he started to walk down the hallway towards the maths department. As he started to walk he another new girl passed in the hallway (@CoconutLeaves), he noticed her because she carried a guitar, and Ash had been playing for a year or so now. He never normally noticed unfamiliar faces, ash was one of those who acted as if he knew everyone.
"Thank you so much that would be great" She grinned and folded up the schedule. She reached back and shoved it into her unzipped bag and walked slightly behind him.

"And yes, I do. It's actually Newbie, I'm pretty amazed with your guessing skills." She speaks with light-hearted sarcasm and a small laugh. "Or Fawn, whichever one is easier."

She looks around the school while she walks as it is a lot different than she was used to. Her old school was a private school with a high tuition that flaunted it in the hallways, the classrooms and just about anywhere you could take a step. Not to mention this is her first time out of that district, and also the first day she didn't show up in a uniform. In fact, not having a uniform was the thing she looked the most forward to.

"What about you? Do you have a name?"

@William Scott
Time Skip:

The fifth period end of class bell rings, and it's finally time for lunch. Some students rush to the lunchroom, others try to go outside and discover that it is raining. It's hard to believe time flew so fast, but it did. The lunch ladies pile steaming fresh food into metal containers, the harsh light of the cafeteria glares down, as the students who tried to go outside file in dejectedly late.

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