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Active [East Empire - Ilhaya] Visions of Silence

The Beginning New


Ruler of the Sky
Cast & Goals:
  • Ninelle (#367967) SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
    • Finally return home
    • Acquire [Ruins of Ilhaya F] in her Pocket Dimension (will spend points from grading to upgrade Pocket Dimension to accomodate this)
  • Deliverance (#FFFACD) Elvario Elvario
    • Visit Ninelle's hometown
    • Support Ninelle
Location: East Empire, Yang Province, Qilan's Crescent, Ilhaya's Outskirts
Time: Early morning
Weather: Still winds, gentle sunlight

The Isepheus Flower, or the 'Rosebud of the Tiny'. With nine glass-like petals glowing light blue, it was a very delicate flower. Ninelle was very relieved they had managed to transport it all the way here without any damage, thanks to her studies on spatial magic finally bearing fruit.

Although it would die in the end by her hand, all that was needed now was what was stored inside. A little anxious about its freshness fading if she took too long, she kept her distance and gripped her bracer, carefully summoning vines to hold the flower above Deli's head. As the petals wilted in her vines' grip, an iridescent green powder fell from their grasp, softly fluttering down and enveloping the elf's form.

The shift was rather... sparkly. It was like a magical girl transformation, with Deli's form glittering like stars before finally shrinking in size to match her own.

"Deli... it worked." Ninelle smiled, a little speechless and giddy from excitement. She could normally only see his entire form like if she was hovering like 20 metres away. "You look so small now." She teased, though fully aware that even when shrunk, he was still unfortunately taller than her. It was a similar height difference to when she was in her Xue form. "Do you feel okay?"

A painful part of her itched to run up and embrace him. But though she had subconsciously taken a step forward, she immediately stepped back to maintain their distance, not at all willing to endanger his health for such selfishness. "If only this could've been done before... everything happened." She trailed off for a second, before hurriedly smiling. "It's fine though. We're finally here. Let's make the most of it."

"I'm a bit nervous. It's been so long. Do you think they'll forgive me for neglecting them for so long?"
She couldn't help but ramble about her worries fretfully, fidgeting with her hands slightly. "Ah, when you're ready you can part the bushes and enter. I've already undone the barrier for you." She smiled softly, standing with her hands behind her back a fair distance away.

Mentions: Ninelle SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Deliverance, presumably being his 'normal' self again after the ritual and in need of an RP worth of ret-conning soon if he's not, was glad to finally be on his way with Ninelle towards her home village. Now that he was cured, he did feel some hurt whenever Ninelle got too close, but did his best not to show it and to just use the healing magic he'd studied to undo it. It was a small price to pay for love. To that extend he was more concerned about making her worry too much about it.

Feeling himself shrink was almost bringing back some traumatic memories of becoming a crab. The moment he finished shrinking, he double... triple... quadruple-checked.


“It did... I'm mostly glad I'm not a crab.” He had to admit. Yet with that worry faced, he did look at Ninelle. “You seem so much larger... well, I'm smaller, but... comparatively.” It was really odd to meet her at the same height. Or well, almost the same height.

He checked his fingers, limbs... All seemed good. “I'm perfectly fine, it seems.” He'd nod at her words, although he did have something to add. “We can do it again once we sort out the last few things. Or now. I did manage to study up on healing magic well enough.” There was no way he was even close to giving up on returning Ninelle to normal as well. He did also have some curiosity regarding what it might be like to hug her, although he also hesitated a bit. His first hug with her with her in her original size might become a very physically painful one. Probably not ideal.

As for whether or not they'd forgotten Ninelle, Deliverance wasn't sure. “I don't know, but I imagine a whole lot might have changed. Just brace yourself, in case things have changed too much, perhaps?” He was never good with these things.

He'd nod when she told him to part the bushes and enter. “Very well.” It probably was best he'd go first. In case the worst had happened, he might at least prepare her for it.

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