East Coast Academy


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Sports? if so, which sport?

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Student signup

Character Name: Chelsea Willson

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Grade year: Freshman



Bio: Chelsea grew up in a cheer gym. Her parents owned it so she was there every day since they brought her home. At the age of 3, she showed cheerleading promise by catching onto things quicker then others. Her parents planned on sending her to a boarding school when she got of 14 due to wanting her to find her own way when they heard of East Coast Academy. They did their research and talked it out with Chelsea and it was agreed she would go, as long as she was able to make the cheer squad. So Chelsea Chelsea packed up her favorite clothes and went off to be a boarding school student.

Personality: Chelsea is sweet and very friendly. A lot of people think she is a queen B but she really just wants to cheer. Her goal is to become a UK Wildcat cheerleader in college and when her college cheer career is over, her goal is to become a cheer coach and take over the family cheer gym.

Sports? if so, which sport? Cheerleading

What dorm would you like to be in? (Please read the overview/map to see the different dorms) Miller

Other: Always in clean white tennis shoes, short skirt with spankies, socks are always ankle socks, hidden from the human eye in her shoes, a tanktop with a light jacket over it. When not in practice she wears a heart necklace to match her earings and she also has a diamond heart ring.
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Character Name: Jake Hitsugya

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Grade year: Freshman



Bio: Jake was original born in japan but moved to america at a young age causing him to miss a year of schooling due to him having to learn English. He grew up learning martial arts mostly kick boxing and wing chun and this was all he seemed to be interested in although he does enjoy playing football but he is not overly passionate about it. His parents didn't like him only being very interested in martial art so they decided to try and tempt him into joining a boarding school which they did. They picked the school he was going to be sent to it was East Coast Academy so he packed up his clothing and went to become a boarding school student.

Personality:He often displays himself as a cool-headed, though lazy and bored individual unless it is about martial arts then he seems to come alive. He is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things yet little interest in activities that he does enjoy or even his own future. Furthermore, Jake is very pessimistic always thinking the worst in every situation. He is quite intelligent, being able to solve complex mathematical problems in moments, simply by knowing the equation.

Sports? if so, which sport? MMA (Mixed martial arts) and Football.

What dorm would you like to be in? Hasting

Other: He barely ever wears anything that can constrict his legs just in case something happens and he needs to defend himself.
Character Name: Raven Reigns

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade year: Junior

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.88cf4f5429e4612882ef156613772641.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.88cf4f5429e4612882ef156613772641.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She's always been fond of darker clothes, skinny jeans, graphic tshirts, converse and combat boots; however, she will wear skirts or dresses every once in a while. She also finds that streaking her hair with different colors adds to her uniqueness.She's collected bracelets since she was 13 and often decorates her arms with them.

Bio: Born in Australia, Raven has always been an excellent student. At the age of 5 her mother died of cancer, but she doesn't like to talk about it. She wears a necklace that belonged to her mother and never takes it off under any circumstances. She is the youngest of children-two older brothers and two older sisters. She is sometimes picked on for her height, and she got the nickname "Shorty" but she doesn't mind.

Personality: She is and intelligent girl but mainly prefers to keep to herself because of her troubled past. She has a tough, dark, and slightly demented exterior, but once you get to know her, she can be caring and nice. People describe her as, "Your best friend or your worst enemy." She's as loyal as they come. Stay on her good side and you'll be safe.

Sports? if so, which sport? Boxing, karate

What dorm would you like to be in? Wilson

Other: She can't stand to be called "Ray." She is ambidextrous and has two tattoos one on either wrist.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f358d6c59e7134cfa3cd1459c4d6ce74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.f358d6c59e7134cfa3cd1459c4d6ce74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her mother's necklace

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.b378eb1eab622cc8b05c872609df8b53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.b378eb1eab622cc8b05c872609df8b53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Conner Allen Todd

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Grade year: Junior


Bio:When he was younger he lived in a poor neighborhood. Both of his brother died of gang violence. His father was a fire fighter and he was a good one at that but, died in a huge wild fire, trying to put it out. It was only him and his mother by the time he was twelve. She would beat him and say 'Why did the bad son and the good sons die.' She would hit him twice a day just cause she could. One day she got reported and was sent to jail. He now lives with his aunt on his father side. He was fourteen when the torture ended but it already left a mark, physically and mentally. He now thinks he is no good and must strive to be perfect. He never forgets to take his anti-depression pills for the fear of people seeing his imperfections.

Personality:You know Conner? Of course you do. Everyone knows him. He is a very likable person. He doesn't have a enemy in he world. Conner is a calm, caring, and creative person but he has a dark side. He suffers from depression because of his family life. He hides all of his inner emotion to everyone excluding his closest friends and girlfriend but, that is not very often.

Sports? if so, which sport? Football and Soccer

What dorm would you like to be in? Hasting

Other: He enjoys movies.

Student Sign-Up

Character Name: Ryan Alexander White

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Grade year: Freshmen

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8082d02_large(1).jpg.493a0b42d388f074863d0c7d89f65d27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8082d02_large(1).jpg.493a0b42d388f074863d0c7d89f65d27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Ryan is a shy kid that does nothing but draw in class and listen to music. He does get his school work done and gets it in on time, but he enjoys music and art more interesting then school. He sometimes skips classes to go to the library and draw. He was raised as an only child, he didn't talk much as a kid and still doesn't to this day. He's socially awkward and he's terrible at conversation. He tries his hardest to make friends but being shy doesn't really help him. He awfully clumsy and can trip over his own foot. As a kid he got picked on for his shy and clumsy nature. He's family is different compared to others. He was raised by two moms, which was another reason he was picked on. He doesn't know how to be assertive or stand up for himself that well.


- Clumsy

- Creative

- Timid/Shy

- Socially Awkward

- Musical

- Kind

Sports?: Ryan isn't the sports playing type.

What dorm would you like to be in?: Hasting

Other: He wears mostly Batman themed clothes or things that are the colors yellow, black, purple or gray. He loves to sing but not in front of people, so he can usually be found humming to a song in his room or quietly in the library. Also he sometimes goes by his middle name but only with his friends.



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Character Name: Emma Jasmine Gilcrest

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Grade year: 10 (Sophomore)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/10544819_10201677139605238_20363561_n.jpg.2e64b85445bf22be33617ecdb17ff732.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23100" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/10544819_10201677139605238_20363561_n.jpg.2e64b85445bf22be33617ecdb17ff732.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Emma grew up in Anaheim, California as the youngest of three. Around the time she was eight years old, her mother passed away after losing a battle with lung cancer. She has an older brother named Drake, who is currently serving in the Marines, and an older sister named Nicole, who graduated from College with a Degree in Cosmetology and opened her own Salon. Because her Father is getting up there in age, she voluntarily decides to go to Boarding School to avoid causing unnecessary trouble for him. As a Student, Emma is very attentive and focused, being a typical 'Honors Student'. Prior to her enrollment to East Coast Academy, Emma attended Anaheim High School. As a child, Emma was quite open and outgoing, but following her Mother's untimely death, she became more reserved and quiet. While she is not suffering from depression because of it, she ended up developing a few insecurities despite having a strong female role model in her life, which is her older sister Nicole. Although close to Nicole, Emma doesn't seem to get along well with her father or her brother Drake. She was initially against Drake enlisting into the Marines because she feared losing him and they fought about it all the way up until Drake left for Basic Training, which by then she came to terms with Drake becoming a Soldier.


-Shy: Hard for her to talk to others, especially boys she thinks are cute

-Insecure: Wants to connect with others, but doesn't know how.

-Temperamental: Quick to anger and capable of holding grudges for a long time (PMS doesn't count)

-Crybaby: Cries easily, gets emotional faster then the average girl

-Clingy: Can become emotionally attached to significant other when she falls in love

+Cheerful: Always in High Spirits or at least tries to be

+Nice: If you're nice to her, she'll be nice to you

+Caring: Always there for others, kinda like a Therapist

+Intuitive: Can tell what others are thinking

+Committed: When in a Relationship, the flirting comes to a complete stop.

Sports? if so, which sport? Cheerleading

What dorm would you like to be in? Miller


-Favorite Color is Pink

-Has a natural singing voice that she inherited from her Mother

-Has Experience with Cheerleading

-Martial Arts runs in her Family: While Emma herself did Karate, her Sister did Hapkido, her Brother did Judo and her Father did Jujitsu

-She holds a 1st Degree Blackbelt in Karate

-Had a Boyfriend in 7th Grade and 9th Grade

-First Boyfriend lasted for two years, Second Boyfriend lasted only one year

-Very rare for her to have a crush because she now tries to focus on school

-Has a negative attitude towards relationships

-Favorite Car is Nissan Skyline GT-R



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