EarthFall RP

Fletcher chuckled at the girl "Ah more test subjects of that old colleague of mine!" He laughed at them. A soon a massive whole was made in the road and a grendle jumped down "Surrender now children, there is no need for me to kill you is there?" He eye'd them and closed his eyes. Two more red large hunters flew down. "Now, I'll ask again ,Shall I? Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" He lit himself a cigarette and smirked to himself inhaling the fumes waiting for the children's response to his question. He looked over at the shot Red hunter. He walked over to it and stroked it. "Poor thing.". He closed his eyes and two normal hunters came down and picked up the wounded hunter and flew out.
A suit...I knew I should've taken the Carl Gustav...

He pointed his rifle at the back of the traitor's head. "Leave us alone,or I'll put a bullet in your head. We're just trying to survive,here." He looked at all of the constructs. "I think I'll be able to leave this in one piece,too."
Fletcher closed his eyes all the hunters then surrounded him making them his personal meat shields. he closed his eyes again and the Grendle walked up to edision and tried to grab and lift him into the air. More hunters flew down. Fletcher sighed. "Hard way I guess." Two hunters surround each of the children. There were three children he knew there was another. "Where's the other child?" He walked up to the girl and closed his eyes to Hunters wrapping their tentacles around her arms " Where is he!" He shouted at her before returning to his calm state. He flicked his cigarette onto the floor and sighed.
The Suit was slow and clunky,compared to the Squiddies. He leapt down into the sewer,avoiding the Suit entirely. He lead with the bayonet,and landed on the face of one of the Squiddies,driving the blade as deep as it would allow,and fired a shot. Nineteen... Pullung the rifle free,and diving onto the man,he placed the tip of the bayonet to the base of the traitor's skull,and growled, "Call them off,or you're a dead man."
Fletcher Closed his eyes and pushed the child off two of his red hunters flew at the boy one slicing him up the back with his tentacle as two more grendle's jumped down. Fletcher looked up and laughed. "Stupid child." He looked up at the drop ship now hovering just above the ground its guns aimed at the children. "Now I believe your coming with me" He said smirking. Hunters grabbed each of the children. "But first." Fletched closed his eyes and went off and came back with the other boy restrained by the two hunters.


Jack had been eating stale bread when they came in. They had grabbed him so quickly he didn't have time to re-act the dragged him along the ground like some sort of ragdoll. Before standing him up infront of a man. His eyes widened at the sight of the two grendles and so many hunters and...The man , who was he? "Jack looked around. "Who's he?" He blurted out. His arm really hurt the Hunter squeezing on his sticking out bone.
Hunters flew down into the sewers and surrounded Joseph, two of them were red like they were superior, those two tried to grab him, one of them was shot by a girl who Joseph hadn't even seen, who also pulled him back.

The mysterious man who was seemingly controlling the Hunters was there too and a tall alien Joseph hadn't ever seen came down as well, "We're not your test subjects!" Joseph yelled at Fletcher as he was threatened by Edison twice and was hurt by a Hunter, other Hunters started to grab everyone, Joseph grabbed one of his tomahawks from his holster and hacked one of the tentacles that was trying to grab him and did the same with the ones that were grabbing Alice who was next to him.
Fletcher laughs. I've got what I need! "Come on Jack!" He says the one of the grendles picks up Jack and fletcher. He flicks his cigarette down onto Edsion and laughs. "Finally I have my son back. He looks at Jack and deep into his eyes, I've been looking for you all two long." He sighed. Now it was time to use Jack for what he was meant for. He was supposed to serve the Void born just like him. He looked down at the hunters. His 4 red ones flew up with them. he closed his eyes and told the other to try kill the children. "See you again!" He laughed as the two grendles started to walk away.


Jack eyes widened in shock. "Your not my day!" he yelled. "My dad was never evil!" A tear trickled down his eye as he struggled to get out of the grendles hang. He banged his head against its large hand. He eventually gave up and closed his eyes.
Edison was angry. This traitor...This quistling had the gall to impose his demented alien will on others. He was still concious. He still had his rifle. Nineteen...Eighteen more than I need! He pulled himself to look at the man before him. "Rot in Hell,you quistling BASTARD!" He fired his rifle,and missed. The man was flying off with his Suits and Squiddies,with the injured boy. And all Edison could do was watch. He looked at the rest of the Squiddies around him. "I refuse to surrender." He pointed his rifle at the nearest Squiddy,and fired. The bullet at this range was more than enough to kill the one. The bullet ripped through the thing's face,and came out the back,leaving a grotesque mess on the wall behind. He quickly changed targets,and pulled the trigger...


A jam. Edison's face bleached. He dove behind the corpse of the Squiddy he threw down from before,and pulled out his rifle's magazine,and pulled back the breach.
Joseph watched as Fletcher leaved the sewers with another boy in his grasp, How can a father submit his own son to serve to the aliens? he thought surprised by the sudden revelation, he stood there just looking, he snapped back when Edison killed a Hunter, he knew he had to help so he put his tomahawk back in its holster, took his rifle and without taking much aim shot the Hunter he had chopped a tentacle off in what seemed like it's face, hoping it would be enough he did the same with the one without two tentacles.

"Who was that? Was he controlling these things?" he said aloud.
Fletcher Walked with his son into a room he sat him down in a chair. Closed his eyes and two hunters came in. "Now son-". "Im not your son!" Jack yelled. Fletcher walked over to him and punched him in the gut and jack doubled over. "Do not treat me like that!" He barked. he left the room and brought back an armour piece slotting it onto Jack. It was black and bullet proof. He smiled at the sight. "Now you do as I say or Ill have you killed." Jack gulped and nodded at Fletcher. "You are going to lead those kids to the town square. Where we can capture them" Jack nodded quickly he appeared to be sweating. We will drop you near them and you will follow them for a while then rejoin them after 24 hours." He chucked him back his gun. "Take him to the drop site" The two hunters grabbed Jacks arms and dragged him off. A few moments later he was where he was not long ago. He watched the others fight the Hunter's. How could he do this he thought to himself.
Edison cleared the obstruction,loaded the bullet back into the breach,then loaded his magazine. He rose from behind the Squiddy's corpse,and fired at another one,killing it,too. "I don't care. He's a traitor,and deserves a traitor's death." Two left... A Squiddy came in,fast and low. Seeing this,Edison pulled his knife from his chest scabbard,and said, "COME AT ME,BRO!" He leapt at the thing,and drove the knife into it's face. The Squiddy screeched in what Edison assumed to be agony. His own weight dragged him down with the blade,creating a cruel and vicious wound on the thing's face. He fell from the Squiddy's face as it came crashing to the ground,flailing and shrieking. He waited for an opprotunity with his rifle,which didn't take very long,to be honest.

A shot rang out. The Squiddy died. Sixteen rounds left...
Alice fell to the ground after Joseph cut her down. She looked up at him rather angrily. She didn't like play the damsel in distress, it didn't suit her image. "I hope you're not expecting any form of thanks." As she tried to stand up, her vision became a bit hazy. The grip of the hunter had irritated the wound she had gotten earlier. The pain was making her dizzy as the gauze slowly turned red.

As Fletcher started to leave, she tried to aim at the pompous brute but with her shoulder and dizziness, the handgun dropped to her side. She was still a bit confused as what had just happened. The man had taken the kid from before away and apparently was his father. As her vision cleared, she looked upon the remains of a battle. Looking to the others, she asked, "What do we do now?"
Traitor, yes, a traitor to whatever was left of mankind. Joseph thought, he had just killed two Hunters, it was a big surprise for him, but if he had shot animals, maybe shooting a flying alien was something better.

After all the Hunters were dead, Joseph answered Alice, "Um... I don't expect thanks if you don't want to give them." Her gun had fell from her hand as she tried to aim, "You... ah... dropped your gun, are you okay?" Joseph asked her, he would have helped her get up but by her response to being freed of the tentacles, she probably wouldn't like it.
Chitsu wakes from her daily nap shaken up by a terrible nightmare, shortly to realise this was her nightmare. She gets up out of bed and peeks through her window seeing nothing but the sky, hearing nothing but silence yet she has never felt so frightened in her entire life. Is this it? She thought to herself, am I going to die at just the age of 14? So many questions so little time. The plan of gathering remains of food and weapons to escape from this horrid prison kept running through her mind.
Just after the other children had finished their fight. Fletcher pressed a button on the panel infront of him. He laughed.


Jack watched as the other children fought the hunters. When to his surprise. A helmet shot out of the back of his armour clamping to his head complete hiding his face. When this happened he lost all control of his body and his vocal cords. "Im afraid we shall not be taking them to the square anymore." Fletcher's voice boomed out of his mouth. A rifle shot up out of his shoulder and his posed body grabbed the rifle. Loading it with some weird round glowing ammunition. He jumped down the hole raising the rifle at Edision. His body laughed aloud. " I suggest you put down your guns before I pulverise you. "Run" Jack muttered out before an electric shock was coursed through his body. He fell to his knees before losing control again. Then body pointing the gun at Edision again.
Edison felt his feeling fade,and saw his vision begin to gray and blur. It's just a scratch... He taken a few sluggish steps,and heard the voice. Turning to see the source,he could barely make out an armoured figure. "What the Hell?" His speech was heavily slurred. He saw a shape...His training made him think a rifle. I'm in no condition to fight... Edison stumbled to cover,vision fading. Is this what dying feels like? I was expecting more...Pain... He rounded the corner,and found a tight nook. He sloppily removed his pack,and slid it in,then went in himself. He remained concious for a few moments longer,and then passed out. His hiding spot was very difficult to spot,only really visible if you were looking for it,or simply stumbled upon it.

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