EarthFall RP


Jack awoke to find the smell of sewage filling the air. He sat up from the bed and brushed a hand through his hair. HE looked around the dark and damp room which was one of the maintenance rooms down here in the sewers. He got up out of bed and pulled on a shirt and some jeans. He cleaned his 9mm pistol with a rag he'd found down here and some oil. He sighed taking some stale bread off the shelf and chewing on it slowly, it tasted like heaven, yes it was stale but he hadn't eaten anything that wasn't canned or stale in months. This was the best he could get. He pulled a book off the shelf and started reading it. "Who would know that reading would stop you from going insane." Jack said aloud. He put the book back on the shelf, put on his backpack and picked up his pistol. He left the maintenance room and to the ladder he knew was the nearest. He slowly climbed up the ladder and peered out through the small gap he made. Good it was dark. He thought to himself. He emerged from the man hole and ran to the nearest alley as a hunter flew by. Hunters as he liked to call them were Black floating Metallic organisms that had tendrils sticking out of them, it also had some nasty surprises he knew from past experiences, he looked down at the burn on his arm. They'd caused that. It was weird, Hunter's seemed to be Part robot like and an organism at the same time, it had flesh just like a human. He sighed and continued down he alley. A group of walkers passed by, Walker were what he knew as the deceased or "Mind Wiped" humans who now work for these strange beings.

He exited the alley as they passed by and went into the local bakery. He would stuff all of it he could. Before he saw an all to familiar green light outside. He ducked as an energy pulses flew over where he just was a few seconds ago. He raised his pistol over the counter shooting out 3 bullets hitting the hunter straight in the middle of it. It flew around in a circle and crashing to the ground dead. He hoped over the counter and ran for the man holes. After the guns shots more would be coming. He ran for the man hole, a few mere seconds later a Grendle smashed through one of the buildings next to him's walls. Grendles were Giant in comparison to him. They were 10 metres tall and brutal killing machines. Jack was sent flying by the impact before crashing back onto the ground. All the air knocked out of him. Debris would fall onto him. He slowly got to his feet just in time as the Energy pulse was fired at him. Just scolding his foot. He cursed and continue'd running for the man hole he got in and slid down the ladder running to the maintenance room. "Too Close".
Alice sat on her living room sofa watching random videos on her camcorder. This one had a kitten clawing at a fallen leaf. A weak smile came across her face. When the clip ended, she closed the camera and put it back in her backpack. Sitting in silence, she looked up at the dark ceiling. A few stripes of light showed, coming from the gaps in the boarded up windows. Every window and door to the house was boarded up, leaving the home in darkness even on the sunniest of days. The only way out was through the basement door leading to the backyard.

Glancing over to the kitchen, she remembered that her food supplies were running low. Standing up, she proceeded to fill her backpack with what she needed. She put on her boots, which she loved but they were a pain to lace up. Before leaving she thought a bit. She had already cleaned out the houses in her neighborhood, so she'd have to travel a bit further. Taking one last second to readjust the holster strapped to her thigh, and she removed the chains on the double doors.

Once out, she stuck to the shadows, avoiding the Hunters and Walkers as much as she could. She had yet to find the store her father had purchased his handgun ammo from, so it'd be wise to conserve on bullets.
Edison Trent. Corporal of the British Army Reserves. And,as far as he knew,the last mamber of the Royal Armed Forces. He was in the swers,moving quickly and quietly. Walkers,Grendels,and Hunters,or,as he called them,Zombies,Suits,and Squiddies were his enemy. His head filled with white noise whenever they approach,which is the reason why he kept to the sewers;only Zombies could get in,and here he ruled. He had his rifle in hand,ready to fire on anything that crossed his path. Approaching a ladder to the surface,he looked up,peering through the holes in the manhole cover,just in time to see a Squiddie fly by to the left. He heard gunshots earlier. There's at least one other human out there in control. He climbed up the ladder,and the buzzing in his head was gone. Safe...

Rifle held firmly in his left hand,Edison pushed up on the manhole cover with his back. After it lifted,he used his left arm to push the cover aside,clinging to the ladder with his right hand. Climbing to the night-shrouded surface,Trent looked down the left end of the street through his scope. Even through the scope,it was hard to make out,but he definately saw a congregation of Zombies,Suits AND Squiddies,near a pile of rubble. "I'm not going that way..." He reached down and slid the manhole cover back over his point of entry. Ducking into a nearby alleyway,he moved to the next block. He knew where the armoury was,so if he needed any...hardware,then he knew exactly where to go,but he had a feeling that it's secured by the enemy by now. His backpack had little in it; some of his ammo,a magnifying glass,and one of his three knives.

His vest and pockets were home to most of his ammunition,with his holster on his left hip. On the end of his rifle was a knife,obviously military issue. His third knife was strapped to his chest in the scabbard,point up. He had all the equipment of an actual soldier,minus body armour and communication equipment.

He peered around the corner,eye in the scope. The street was clear,and he spied a boarded up house,barely distinguishable,even through the scope. "A fortress...That means someone that's in control..." He looked down the other end of the street,and saw nothing of note. Deciding on the boarded up house,he made a beeline for it. His head was silent;he was safe. He reached the streetside door,and piled up on the knobside. He reached for the knob,and gave it a twist. It didn't move. He nodded. "Expected as much..." He quickly stepped down from the front stair and looked at the facing. Windows,two sets of them that he could reach. One at eye level,and one at ground level,on either side of the door. He knelt down by the basement window,and examined the boards. Nailed on. "Simple enough..." Edison shrugged his rifle's strap off of his shoulder,and set the weapon down. He removed his backpack,and opened it,retrieving the knife contained within. His bayonet was identical to the other two knives,with the exception of the mounting bracket on it.

Using the two combat knives,Edison silently removed the nails holding the board to the window,and dumped them into one of the pockets on his bag. Re-sheathing his knives,he esamined the screen,and pulled it out with practiced ease. Setting the board and the screen aside,Edison closely examined the window. "Slides to the side..." He picked up his rifle,and slid the blade of the bayonet between the window's frame and the window itself,and tried to lever the window open. It didn't budge. "Secure...At least to people wanting to do an ameteur's silent entry..." Edison began to slide the weapon up and down the seam,and smiled when he found two catches. The locks. With a simple flick of his arms,he levered the locking mechanisms open,then levered the window open slightly. Removing his weapon and setting it back down,Edison opened the window entirely,and turned his attention to his backpack. He dropped the knife back inside,and zipped it up,with practiced silence. He lowered the bag into the house,followed by his rifle. He looked at the board and screen. He'd have to hide evidence of his entry...

The screen was only noticable up close,so Edison,with a little flexing of the screen,slid the screen through the window. Board in hand,Edison climbed into the basement,and placed it back where it was before,leaning against the window. Finally,he slid the window shut,completing the illusion. Leaning the screen against the wall under the window,Edison donned his backpack and rifle. He pulled the bayonet from the barrel of the weapon,and pinned the weapon to hic back underneath his backpack,and drew his pistol. Clutching the bayonet in a reverse grip,he held the weapon so it pointed before him,and rested his left wrist on his right,ready to stab or shoot at a moment's notice,and began his foray into the house.
Alice crept back into her house with a fairly large sack of canned goods and non perishables. Closing the basement doors silently, she put the chains back on and locked it tightly. Carrying her spoils upstairs she thought about how lucky she was to have found a convenience store nearby. She could feel the weight of the bag bearing down on her and hurried up to the kitchen. Placing the bag on the counter, she sighed in relief and stretched out her back. It wasn't easy sneaking around those . . . things while also carrying a heavy sack in your arms.

Then she heard a faint clunk. One a normal day, she would've brushed it aside. But there hasn't been a normal day ever since those things appeared. She quickly took the gun out of the holster on her right leg and crept over to the pantry, where it was coming from. She slowly stepped over to the pantry doors and then whipped around to the opening. She held her father's old Desert Eagle firmly in both hands, hoping the recoil wouldn't throw off her aim so much.

In the dim light shining from the kitchen, she saw a boy there. He obviously wasn't a Walker or Hunter. But still, she had barricaded the house pretty well for a teenage girl. Could he have come in through the basement door? "Who are you and how did you get in my house?"
Hearing a young woman's voice,Edison froze. "I guess it was too much to hope that this safehouse was abandoned..." He slowly moved his left hand down to his holster. "I am disarming myself. I am Corporal Edison Trent. I came in through the basement window. No damage has been done to the materials." He undone the fastenings for his holster,and pulled it from his leg,pistol and all. "Armed Forces issue nine millimeter handgun." He held the holster for her to see,then set it down by his foot. He planted his foot on it,then kicked it back towards the woman behind him,who he assumed was armed.

Edison moved his hands to his chest. "Armed Forces issue combat knife." He unstrapped the knife from his chest,still in the scabbard,and held it out for the woman to see,and done with it as he did with the pistol. He shrugged off his backpack,and recited, "Armed Forces issue combat knife and Armed Forces issue bayonet. Civilian magnifying glass." He nudged the bag with his foot;he didn't want to break his firestarter. Finally,he pulled the strap of his rifle over his head,removed the magazine,and ejected the chambered round. Afterwards,he slid the bullet back into the magazine,and pocketed it,while holding the rifle out behind him,one handed by the barrel. "Armed Forces issue battle rifle,seven-six-two millimeter."

He sighed. "I am at your mercy. At least you're not a Zombie. And thank the powers that be that you're a woman." His back was still toward his captor. He had a hunch that if anyone else was in his position,there would be a panic-induced firefight.
Alice lowered her weapon after seeing the young man disarming himself. But she tensed up again at his last comment. Her eye twitched slightly as she re-holstered her weapon. "Don't get ahead of yourself there, Corporal." She backed off a bit and leaned on the door frame, allowing the man to collect his supplies. "What type of person would create a safe house and then up and leave?"

She thought of the window in the basement she'd have to redo. At least, if what Edison said was true, the materials were still okay and can be used again. She studied him a bit. He was taller and definitely stronger than she was and he had more weapons than she did. He could easily overwhelm her in a head on fight. She'd have to be wary of him. Still, she was glad that there was someone else in England (I'm assuming this takes place in England) who wasn't one of them. The solitude was starting to get to her.

"Are there others like you out there? Or are you the only one?" She needed more information about the current situation. And the fact that this man invaded her home led her to believe that he didn't have one of his own. So he must travel quite a bit.
When the woman continued in a conversational manner,Edison looked over his shoulder,and saw that her weapon,an extremely large handgun,was holstered. Taking this as a sign of peace,he pulled the magazine from his pocket,put it back in the rifle,and pulled chambered a round,then re-slung the weapon. "Easy. Supplies ran out,or enemy activity forced you to leave." He picked up his backpack and retrieved the bayonet,then re-attached it to the rifle. Putting the backpack on his back,he said, "You're the only other human I've met that isn't a Zombie." He had a hunch... "Are you epileptic?" Edison leaned on the shelf beside him. Epilepsy was the only thing that set him apart from normal human beings,and he got implants to help treat it when he was very little.
Joseph got up from sleeping in his bed, he grabbed his holsters with the tomahawks inside and put them on, he grabbed his rifle and he pushed the counter he had used to barricade the door, he hadn't fought with any aliens yet so he was sure this was enough to ensure his safety.

He got out of his room and walked carefully towards the front door, the lock was still set so he assumed there was no one else inside.

He went to the kitchen and checked on his supplies, he was about to run out of food, he still had plenty of water but he was afraid to go out, he didn't know what to expect, he had just looked out the window once and saw black floating creatures accompanied of humans that seemed to be hypnotized.

He went to the living room and sat on a couch from where he could see the front door, How am I even going to kill one of those things when I have to, I'm not that good with this rifle, I hope I can find more survivors. he thought.
Jack awoke again, the same old smell of sewage. But this time his foot his in agonizing pain. That energy pulse had really burnt his foot bad. He put some disinfectant on it and bandaged it up. He left the room and climbed up the ladder peering out of the man hole. "Clear" He said to himself before heaving himself onto the hard concrete road with a thud. He ran to the alley on the left. He started running for a house he had seen yesterday. It was boarded up meaning maybe it could have some valuables still inside. HE exited the alley and wishes he hand't. Energy pulses were fired at him. He shot back killing the hunter but he was hit in his left arm. Jack yelled out in pain and fell onto the ground with a crunch. His arm was in agony. He thought he'd broken it. He was going to die! More would be coming and no-one was here to help him. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Death was coming for him. He just hoped it was quick. HE fired another shot as another hunter turned round the corner. He dragged himself up against a wall. SO then it would be easier to defend him self slightly.
Hearing the gunshots just outside,Edison exploded into movement. Even if his training ended less than a year ago,it was still good enough to have an autopilot. He allowed his rifle to bounce on his leg as he sprinted out of the pantry,easily sweeping up his holster and knife harness,one in each hand. He attached them to their ordained positions with practiced automation,and then he felt it. The buzzing,the vibrating. "Our friend brought company! Come on!" Edison moved to the basement,rifle now at bear. He kicked the window's screen away from the window that he had trespassed through. He jumped to peer over the plank just in time to see a man slump himself against the wall beside the window. "Keep your eyes open,kid! We're going to get you out." He turned to shout over his shoulder, "He's by the basement window! Get him in here! I'll cover you!" Edison pushed the plank down,and looked at the person by the window. His arm was obviously injured. He's helpless up close...

"You need a fighting chance - Here!" Edison handed the boy the knife from his backpack. "Just in case they get close." Then,Edison saw his targets. They came from all sides. "Tangos,all sides." He began to quickly take aim,and fire on the incoming Squiddies,the faster of the targets. He aimed for the center of the "face",where he assumed their brains were. Quite a large target,really. His weapon barked,counting each round fired. Semi-automatic. Energy pulses flashed from the Squiddies,but they were off-target,already falling dead by the time they discharged. I'm lucky,today...
Alice looked at Edison in shock and suspicion. "Yes. I am, but how would you know." Her eyes narrowed at him. He seemed to be a bigger threat than she had anticipated. As she thought about how to deal with him, she heard gunshots coming from nearby.

She quickly followed Edison to the basement and watched him kick in the window she assumed he had used to get in. This was going to be difficult to repair. Still she was able to see a boy on the other side. He was injured so it probably wouldn't be polite or wise to simply pull him into the window. Following Edison's lead, she climbed out the window and slowly lowered the boy inside the house. She could hear energy pulses and gunfire. The pulses seemed to be missing them except a stray one that nicked her left shoulder. Thank God she was right handed.

After the boy was fully in the basement, she turned and fired a few shots from her gun. With the recoil and the injury to her shoulder, she didn't quite hit the marks she wanted but was able to slow the squiddies down a bit. She then jumped in through the window clutching her shoulder. She swore under her breath wondering if the discovery of survivors was worth the enemy discovering her home.
Tilted his head back slightly. Something had grabbed him and dragged him down into some sort of dark room. He raised his pistol and shot randomly to find it only clicked he cursed. His vision started coming back round and he could see two people in front of him "Get back you stupid walkers!" He yelled. He took out the empty clip of his gun with his mouth loading another one before cocking his gun. He pointed it at the male walker. "Get back or Ill shoot you" He eye'd the two walkers. HE looked up and down them. They appeared to be armed. Since when were walkers smart he thought to himself. Maybe these were different Walker's. He fired off a warning shot at the roof. Hoping it would scare them into backing away so he could try run away.
When the injured man fired off a shot into the ceiling,Edison sighed,and booted him in the face,creating an opening. Using that,Edison dove onto the younger man,planting a knee on the center of his chest as he went straight for the handgun's slide,pulling it back,rendering it incapable of firing. With a twist and tug,it came off,rendering the gun utterly inoperable,until it's put back on. Edison gripped the boy by the chin,and forced him to look forward,with Edison holding the handgun's slide. "You've been disarmed." He quickly pulled the combat knife he gave the boy from his person as well. "We're not your enemy. If I were a Zombie,you'd be dead right now. Try to think in the future." Edison stood back up,and said, "They're gone,for now. But I can guarantee more are on their way." He looked at the girl. "Get those supplies you scavenged and put as many as you can in my backpack,but be mindful of the magnifying glass. I'll watch the window." He looked at the injured boy. "And you just stay there until you can think straight." Edison slipped the pilfered slide into his pocket,and looked out the window.

"Tell me,kid; are you epileptic?"
Jack's vision went slightly blurry before he came back round "Give me my gun!" He yelled angrily. He rubbed his head and sighed. Then he heard the question. He didn't see why it mattered but he decided to answer anyway "Yeah, I am. Had an operation which put an implant in my skull" He said rubbing the back of his neck. He delved into his pack with his one good arm taking out a slice of stale bread before munching on it. "I think my arm's broken" He remarked before looking down at his left arm. He pulled up his sleeve to see a bit of the bone sticking out. He slid it back down. He didn't want to be sick looking at his own bone. Even the thought made him queezy. He sighed and leaned back closing his eyes.
Alice was reluctant at first but took Edison's backpack anyway and went upstairs. She took the magnifying glass out first before packing in as much food as she could. After putting the magnifying glass back in, she proceeded to pack her own bag. Food, ammunition and a few first aid supplies went into the bag. She then carefully put her video camera and charger in the side pocket. There was no way she was going to leave that behind.

Before going back down to the basement, she taped some gauze to her shoulder and made sure she had all she needed. Her gun was in its holster. The back up was in her bag. And she had a switchblade tucked into her boot. She thought about changing out of her red dress but decided there was no time. She quickly grabbed the pipe she ripped out of her bathroom and ran back down to the basement.

Seeing the two boys down there, she handed Edison his bag. Then she removed the chains from the basement door leading outside. It's be a lot easier that squeezing through the window with their bags.
"You know I'm not going to hole up any where but in the maintenance room down in to the sewers right?"He blurted out. "It's one of the only safe places in London, it's safe down in the sewers they never think of coming down there you know?" He sighed brushing his hand through his hair. "He looked down at his arm again pulling up the sleeve revealing the bone again. He looked away and closed his eyes before pulling the sleeve back down. "God Damnit" He muttered. He scratched foot taking off his shoe to reveal his bandaged foot. He tried scratching underneath it as he had an itch he eventually gave up trying to itch underneath the bandage.
"You think you have a choice in the matter? Come on." He pulled the boy up by the collar,and made his way to the door,rifle in hand. "It's safe enough. Come on." He left the house without checking. His head was silent. It was safe. He moved out to the street,and saw the manhole cover,right beside a dead Squiddy. He used one of the tentacles as leverage to pull the cover open. He looked at the corpse,and smiled. He pulled on the tentacle,and watched the corpse tumble down into the sewers below. "Get down,before the Suits show up to party!"
Jack climbed down the ladder the bone on his left arm clearly sticking out. When he reached the bottom he realised he knew these sewers. He dropped down and started sprinting. He took a left down into another branch of the sewer and then took a right. The sewage water splashed up on his legs getting his trousers soaked but he needed to get back. He took a right and saw the familiar red door. He ran into the door flinging it open and slamming the door shut behind him. He pulled the bed inside up against the door. He sat down and looked at his arm again. He had no idea how to treat it. So he punt some disinfectant on it and then bandaged it before making a sling and putting it in it. Thank god it wasnt his shooting hand. He sighed and leant baking. He started eating more of his stale bread. The taste tingling in the back of his throat
Joseph heard some really loud gunshots, without thinking twice he got out of his house and looked around, there were no humans or aliens outside, "It came from down the street." he said while holding his rifle tight.

He started running in hope he'd find other survivors, he felt a presence near, he looked back, there was one of those floating black creatures moving fast towards him, Joseph wouldn't be able to shoot it while running and if he stopped to take aim, it would catch him for sure.

He kept running scared, the Hunter started shooting energy pulses at him, it was getting really close, Joseph could see a barricaded house in front, this gave him more hope and kept him running as fast as he could, "Is someone there? Help me please!" he shouted.
Fletcher Walked down the street. A cigarette in his hand he inhaled the fumes as he smoked "ahh" He said as the smoke smoothed the back of his throat. He looked to his left and right. His two Red and much larger hunters on his left and right and the group of 6 hunters behind them. Fletcher was heading for the place he was told the children where last seen at. He turned the bend and saw the boarded up house. "Ah, this is the right place" He said to himself. He looked over across at the sewer entrance he saw a child shouting. "You, freeze!" He pointed at the child. He closed his eyes and told the hunters not to attack. Only to pursue him if he made a run for it. (This is where you can run if you want Dead eye down into the sewer like we said and such)
Alice landed in the sewers, she covered her face to block out the smell. She began making her way through the filthy water, following Edison and the other boy. She was a bit ticked off at the latter for insulting her home. It was safe enough before he came to her yard.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard a voice shouting for help. It seemed to be coming from the manhole, the three had just come from. Standing there, she stared at the opening, wondering if it was worth helping this guy. There was obviously something after him to make him scream for help and Alice wasn't quite sure if it'd be in her best interest to lead that thing down here as well.
When he saw the girl stop at a nearby cry for help,edison shouted down after her, "Keep going! I'll see to it!" Edison looked at the direction of the shouting,and saw another by running his way,pursued by a Squiddy. Then he heard a man's shouting,behind him. He whipped around,and saw a man,flanked by two very large and quite red Squiddies,with a squad of normal Squiddies behind him. He turned back around,and taken aim at the Squiddy chasing the boy,and fired one shot,square between the eyes. Such a large bullet would tear through the brain,killing the thing. "COME ON! GET OVER HERE!" He whipped back around,and called out to the man, "DON'T FOLLOW US,TRAITOR!" Edison had been counting his bullets. So far,he had fired ten from his magazine.
Joseph saw the man telling him to freeze but paid no attention and kept running, the Hunter behind him was shot dead by someone near a manhole also telling him to go with him, Joseph ran as fast as he could and went into the manhole and quickly down the stairs while he heard the one who had saved his life shouting at the mysterious man accompanied by two different Hunters, "Who is that?" he said aloud.

When he had finished going down the stairs, Joseph leaned against a wall really tired of so much running.
Fletcher pointed at where the boy(Joseph) Had just ran. "Get him" He barked as the Squad of normal hunter's flew after him. Fletcher flicked away his cigarette and walked with the hunters and down the stairs ignoring the other boy who had shot at him. When fletcher arrived down at the stairs. The hunters were surrounding the child who was panting heavily."Now, Shall you come the easy way, or the hard way?" He closed his eyes and when he opened them the two large red hunters tried to grabs the boys arms and restrain him.
Disobeying Edison, Alice stood her ground. Her eyes glued to the manhole above. She watched as a new boy, probably the one that had called for help. She could still hear some gunshots from the ground above. The dark haired girl looked down at the stranger before her. The boy seemed fine, no visible injuries or bruising.

Her eyes flew up again when she heard Edison yelling something about a traitor. Focused on the manhole, she saw some hunters descend into the sewers. "Sh*t." She grabbed the gun from her holster and aimed for the fiends. She aimed carefully. There was no need to blindly fire when ammunition was in limited supply. After shoot one of the standard hunters, her attention fell to a man that had entered with the hunters. He had two red hunters with him, both tried to grab at the boy. She fired a shot at one of them and pulled the boy back. "What the hell do you want?" she yelled at the man.

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