Earth Fall. Sign ups!




They came without notice. Everyone stood immobilized. Your family left out onto the streets mindless. They joined the mass of people walking down a street to the nearest warehouse. Where they lid on their side eyes wide open. Alien mother ships flew above all major cities of the world. For all you know you could be the only person left. When you were born you were given a transplant for your epilepsy, but what you don't know is that it was all a front. The transplant was actually designed to protect you from the mind wipe, but you will never know that. Now you run from the Hunters, floating drones that if they cut you will inject you with their venom and you will die in less than five minutes and The Grendles ten metres tall. Giant killing machines. They are classed as the voidborn's "Soldiers". You are alone, will you ever find anyone else out there? And some of you may not know but, 2-3 people in London are Illuminate's The original form of the void born. They were given prototype transplants that made them the Illuminates. They are normal humans except that they can survive a hunters sting, hear any void born nearby and have the ability to grow back limbs, but of course they are not immortal either. All the mind wiped humans now roam the earth gathering up all the supplies they can find, your lucky to find anything now-a-days guns are highly rare as well as ammo. To prove you read this in your app put I am human, as well as I like Pie.

Character Sheet-




Bio-( mandatory)

If you are illuminate- (I will only have 2-3)

Equipment-(If you have any)




1. NO Godmodding

2. Don't kill or hurt other players without permission.

3. If your stung by a hunter and not an illuminate, please accept your death

4. Two characters per person.

5.-If your illuminate you can still die!

6.If you die you can always make a new character

7. Put I like pie in your app

8.Have fun.

Name-Jack trent


Age- 14

Bio- When they came Jack was the only one in his road un-affected he now lives in fear of the aliens down in the sewers. He's holed up inside a maintance room with very little food and water so he ventures out at night to find what food and water he can find. He believes he's the only person left in London apart from the walkers who are basically aliens now. Ends up talking to himself due to loneliness. Know's how to start fires and cook and all basic survival skills because he took all the books on it he could from the local library,It's one f the only things that stops him from going insane

If you are illuminate- Nope

Equipment-One hand gun that takes 9mm rounds. 6 boxes of 9mm rounds and a backpack.

Appearance- Average sized teenager with long dark brown hair. Light blue eyes. Has bags under his eyes from the exhaustion of staying alert all night.


I am human. And I like pie.

Name: Edison Trent (No relation to Jack)

Sex: Male

Age: Sixteen years (Born June 3rd)

Equipment: A military issue 9mm handgun with holster and four magazines of 13 rounds. A military issue combat rifle with a medium optical sight,chambered for 7.62mm with two magazines of 30 rounds. Three combat knives,one with a bayonet bracket. A small magnifying glass. A backpack.

View attachment 5610 Stands five foot eight inches. Wears blue jeans and running shoes.

Illuminate: True

Background: Edison was born to a military family. While growing up,he wanted to be a soldier,like his parents. To that end,he joined the Army Reserves as soon as he was able,and recieved rudimentary military training. Less than a year later,the invasion happened. His implants made him immune to the Voidborn mental assaults,and he capitolized on it. Seeing the people around him in a trance,moving to warehouses and the like,Edison made his way to the local armoury,and relieved it of a sidearm,rifle,and a fair amount of ammunition. Since then,he's lived like a nomad,and "grew up" as it were alarmingly fast. He has survived on wit alone,with the occasional buzzing in his head that told him when an enemy was near.
Name-Heather Kwon

Gender- female

Age- 15

Bio- Ever since the begining of the invasion, Heather has been living in an small apartment complex. Since everyone else left to no return, she took over the whole building, hiding out in fear.

If you are illuminate- No

Equipment- Her brother collected Asian swords so she uses two katana's and a pair of sai.


View attachment 5611

Other- N/A
Oh no wait! Yes I did! I was busy trying to find a character image that I forgot the I am human and I like pie. Witch are both true!
Name- Alice Gabriel

Gender- female


Bio- Alice was born to extremely neglectful parents. So she became a bit of a delinquent. She didn't do drugs or drink, but she began shop lifting and getting into numerous fights. At 13, she had stolen a video camera that she practically fell in love with. Due to her violent reputation, everyone stayed away from her. Unable to become a part of the world around her, she settled for videotaping them. Always looking from outside the glass, she still isn't much of a social butterfly.

Used to her parents not being home, Alice wasn't alarmed when her parents left the house without any warning. What got her attention was that everyone else was leaving as well. Now left alone, she's barricaded up her home and lives the same way she did before, by stealing.

If you are illuminate- no

Equipment- 2 Desert Eagle handguns with around ten magazines holding 9 bullets each, a switch blade, a small flashlight, a video camera (she always carries it around), a 2 foot pipe she took from inside the wall of one the bathrooms in her house, and a backpack.

Appearance- (This was kind of the reason it took so long.)
View attachment 5614 She is 5'4" with sky blue eyes.

Other- I am a human who enjoys pie.
Holy crap,TWO Deagles!? Are they the .45 cal variant or the .50 cal variant? I hope for the sake of her wrists (and possibly facial structure) that she doesn't dual wield them.
Oh, she doesn't. I don't think anyone can. It's just a spare in case one gets knocked out of her hand or something. Also I was thinking the .357 magnum ammo, mostly because the cartridge carries more rounds. Also, I prefer a smaller caliber.

Name- Joseph Remington

Gender- Male

Age- 14

Bio- When Joseph's parents ran away from home without saying a word while he was asleep he didn't know what was happening so he figured they'd come back, when he finally noticed things from another planet were roaming outside he took a moment to embrace the fact that his parents were gone, he had gone hunting with his father before, he went down to the basement and took weapons he could carry, now he waits in his house until his food and water run out then he'll have to go out and search for more supplies.

If you are illuminate- No

Equipment- A semi automatic rifle with a scope and a 10 round .22 magazine, two small tomahawk axes with holsters attached to a belt and four .22 boxes.


View attachment 5626

I am human, I like pie.

Dead Eye? Are you...Missing a number there? Last I checked,rifles weren't chambered for .22,but instead chambered for .223?
Aah. I have zero experience in non-military grade guns. So,that would explain my confusion. Carry on.




Bio- Fletcher had been given the opportunity to work for an organisation that could help him with his scientific experiments. He was then recruited for one of their highly secret projects. He had been given an implant that allowed him to communicate with a race known as the Void Born. He was assigned to help fasten the growth of the earth's Population for them so they could enslave them to help build for their war. From what he knew they had been helping fasten the population growth since the start of the human race. Now the invasion has happened he helps the void born to help find those that were saved from the mind wipe from an old colleague of his who is now dead.

If you are illuminate- No

Equipment- He has no equipment apart from he has two highly upgraded Hunter's that float on his left and right.

Appearance-Long dark brown hair. Grey eyes. Quite pale skin and a black suit covers his body.

Other- Has the ability to communicate with Void Born through his mind.

I made a skele to just give you guys a head up on his soon to be appearance later on in the rp


Character Sheet-

"To prove you read this in your app put I am human, as well as I like Pie" ---> I am indeed a human that likes pie.

Name- Julia Fox

Gender- Female

Age- 16

Bio- Julia grew up in a mildly dangerous neighborhood but often spent time in the dojo of an underground ninjutsu master. Her parents support her ninjutsu practice and love to see what she would come up with next. As a kunoichi she made a formidable foe to her fellow shinobi (in training). She was, however, often involved with seeing loved ones like friends get hurt. Her hard life lessons have made her wise. With the art of stealth by her side, she could take advantage of the shadows. There was always much corruption in the world of which she was aware, due to her love for reading and research. She knows not to just trust people. Julia will put up a fight when trouble comes her way, as she has been doing for years, protecting the weak from abuse. She has grown tired of the corruption and abuse in the world around her and is set on making a difference for the better of all the innocent and suffering on earth. One can often find her training with her weapons. She is particularly fond of guns and blades, along with various traps and defense techniques. Julia does have a funny and cute side to her and loves to laugh, often dressing up in costumes she makes for fun with sewing techniques her mother had taught her.

If you are illuminate- (I will only have 2-3) Human.

Equipment-(If you have any) Her vast collection of weaponry are often practiced with and cherished. She has her favorite custom katana and a few other blades, along with various guns stashed around her room. Julia also owns her own library, often having her nose in a book when not training. With her PC and the internet (as well as her cell phone) Julia connects with other humans on earth - having a global network of friends. Julia also owns her own medical health kit for emergencies (Is trained in first aid).


View attachment 5661

Other- Julia loves to spend time with the youth around her and wants to have a positive and beneficial impact on their lives. She spends many hours helping to train the younger shinobi in the dojo.
I am human. I like pie.

Name: Chitsu Beifong

Gender: female

Age: 14

Bio: Young Chitsu one day found herself waking up in her bed in silence which was unsual so soon realise what was going on she has now baricated herself into her bedroom and is far too afraid to think of leaving listening to the small sounds that lurk outside her bedroom window. Chitsu was only recently adopted into the family, they were all she had left in life. But now she has been left alone.

If you are illuminate: no

Equipment: pocket knife she had stolen from the orphanage and house utensils she grabbed while taking a small risk downstairs

Appearance: long black dead straight hair, very thin, a bit muscular, pale skin, very small for her age, etc


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