Ears, Tails, Whiskers?

He became a bit impatient. "What is it? Speak!"

Neontails shrunk and ran away to the side, everyone staring at them.
"I know the dogs are stalking around. But my clan, like all, a chasing them away. Unless you bring word of another danger..." He glanced around.
Darkeye nodded. "You do realize that your clan could be in danger... Unless you like the thought of your kits being eaten?" She flicked her tail.
Darkeye laughed. "Shouldn't you be aware of the fox den outside that very wall?" She nodded her head at the wall to her right.
Sparrow growled. "Not for long." He ran off to take care of the problem.

Neontails ran up to Darkeye. "How'd you know that?"
"The sent's obvious, and there's a huge hole behind a rock." She started twords the exit of camp. "I really can't stay here, though."
Darkeye climbed up a tree with ease and sat in the shadows, all traces of her gone once more. She watched the foxhole behind the rock and noticed that the tree she was in was a rubber tree. She sharppened her claws a bit and chewed on a stick or two.

(Rubber tree is her favorite kind of tree and she has a best friend that's a wolf that i'm likely to not roleplay on here, but they usually chew on sticks together LOL)
Moongaze sloely exited her den, yawning. She padded to join with Neontails and sat down, grabbing something to eat. "What'd I miss?"
Name- Dexter (Dex for short)

Age- 1 year

Gender- Male

Species- Capuchin




Family- non... for now


Personality- fun, adventurous, caring, funny

Powers- (1-4 only. And you can't be like a god.) unknown

Etc.- HI!

--- Merged Double Post ---

I will probably make more later...
Darkeye stopped chewing on the tree and closed her eyes. She wasnt going to sleep, but she needed to think of a moment.

Age-3yrs old


Species-House Cat

Crush-i haven't met anyone yet




Appearance-All black with baby blue eyes and white feet

Personality-Sweet,Fun,Out going,funny,loving,protective

Powers- (1-4 only. And you can't be like a god.)He can turn invisible

Etc.-he loves to swim and he can swim under water:)

--- Merged Double Post ---




Species-Capuchin Monkey

Crush-Dexter i guess




Appearance-Look at the picture

Personality-sweet,funny,outgoing,loves outdoors,not very shy

Powers- (1-4 only. And you can't be like a god.)None

Etc.- http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/nat/img/11010_capuchin-monkey2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://gyegreene.blogspot.com/2008/11/proud-of-my-sweaty-daughter.html&usg=__LhwWNhirmHtyAHtJNsxOTsXq5gM=&h=360&w=354&sz=25&hl=en&start=41&zoom=1&tbnid=agqUDPQxxQ7OOM:&tbnh=145&tbnw=149&ei=P90ZTqjLDcKqsALRmZnCBw&prev=/search?q=girl+capuchin+monkey&hl=en&biw=1006&bih=473&gbv=2&tbm=isch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=573&vpy=138&dur=7293&hovh=226&hovw=223&tx=61&ty=139&page=6&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:41&biw=1006&bih=473

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name- Molly

Age- 1yrs 1/2

Gender- Female

Species- Maine Coon Cat

Crush- None

Mate- None

Offspring- None

Family- Ask me about it:(

Appearance- http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/IMAGES/Maine/Maine-Coon-Cat-white-boots.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/Maine/cat_maine_coon.html&usg=__-g4EcMKu0xfEmzx0Z3HLa80lXOI=&h=294&w=380&sz=19&hl=en&start=9&zoom=1&tbnid=GoM6vaF1NVG1GM:&tbnh=145&tbnw=187&ei=XeEZTtSvM8uMsALim5nCBw&prev=/search?q=maine+coon+cat&hl=en&biw=1006&bih=473&gbv=2&tbm=isch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=150&vpy=132&dur=1189&hovh=197&hovw=255&tx=163&ty=122&page=2&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:9&biw=1006&bih=473

Personality- Sweet,Kind,Loving,Scared,Very Shy

Powers- (1-4 only. And you can't be like a god.)None

Etc.-Her family drowned and the was the only one to live,she is very scared of water
Dexter heard something munching below him and decided to take a look. The monkey leapt down a couple branches and pushed his head through some leaves A cat! He squeaked loudly and jumped back covering his mouth trying not to make a sound in fear of getting killed or eaten... or both. Dexter shifted uncomfortably and grabbed his emergency banana which he kept in a fork in the tree. Slowly and delicately, Dex peeled the banana and chewed on it.
Darkeye was in the shade and had totally disappeared with no trace. She licked her renforced claws clean and streched her back legs slightly. She flicked her ears and opened her mouth in a slight yawn, then closed it, licked her renforced teeth.
Darkeye watched her, hidden by the tree. Darkeye had the ablity to swim, though she only did it when chasing something... or someone.. He memory flicked back to how she had chased a cat across a river and cornered him, and he was soon accompanied by his sister. She also thought about the time she stol Robbinkit and sat her down in that river near the edge of FireClan territory, leading into IceClan's land. She shook her head. Her gaze went back to Neontails.
She suddenly went invisible when she spotted a mountain lion wander by, she dove underwater silently, sticking her head up for a breath every once in a while. Even if it couldn't see her, it could smell her, so she stayed in the water.

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