Ears, Tails, Whiskers?


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"I need to leave." She murmured.
Neontails looked at Darkeye. "We're not in camp right now. Don't worry." She turned to Moongaze, "He's a rust colored, tall, strong, loyal Leader. A scar crosses his eye, making him slightly blind in that eye. He's led this clan for years, although, he's still pretty young."

"Why?" Moongaze chuckled. "Got a date?"

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"Hmmm.. I never met him. Is he around here?"

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"Hmmmmm.. I never met him. Is he around here?"
Darkeye shook her head. "Good, but I'm not going to camp sorry." She walked about for a moment, slightly in a pacing movement. "The leader sounds like an old friend I st-.." Darkeye stopped herself. "An old friend I met when I was.. er... Out walking around. But I haven't spoken with her in years. She moved on to lead a clan, and I moved on to get myself almost killed in that fighting arena...." Darkeye let out a growl and whispered to herself. "Whitethunder, you son of a robbin. I hope you're gone forever."
Moongaze sat, her tail wrapped around her. "Geez, what's with all the drama here?"
Darkeye licked her paw. "Nothing, nothing... Whitethunder's just an old..... erum.... enemy.." She had a new found hate for him at the moment.
Moongaze watched the river. "Enemy as in friendly compeition in something, or enemy as in kill and hate..?"
"No longer a friendly commpetition, so to speak. But I don't think his life will end soon." Darkeye replied.
Name- Sparrow

Age- 6

Gender- Male

Species- Large Maine Coon

Crush- ....

Mate- ....

Offspring- ...

Family- Dead.

Appearance- Rust color fur, scar across his right eye, it's slightly clouded due to him being a bit blind in that eye, tall, strong, large claws.

Personality- Loyal to his clan, sometimes strict, mostly serious.

Powers- Super strength, ability to move rocks.

Etc.- Usually sits, over looking the clans progress.

Neontails yawns. "If you don't come into camp that's fine."
"Okay.." Moongaze yawned too, scratching her ear with her front paw. "Well, I'm heading back to the clan, and getting some rest. Anyone coming with?"
Sniffing the air, Neontails got up. "I will. Smells like the rain is coming."

Sparrow watched the dark clouds roll in. His face creased in worry. "Where's the rest of my clan?" He murmured.
Moongaze slowly returned to the clan, along with Neontails.

Sparrow noticed the two she-cats and sprinted up to them. "Where have you been?"
"Just hunting." She gave him the bass.

Sparrow took it and then came back. "Well, please get to your dens. It's going to pour soon."
Moongaze grinned. "Don't need to tell me twice!" She ran towards her den, her snores already filling up the space.
Darkeye had sat where she was, feeling the first drops of rain fall onto her muzzle. She ended up following them, but stayed on the outskirts of the camp, in the shadows so her sent, and all traces of her would be gone.
Sparrow walked away to his den, which was a large cave, over looking the camp area.

Neontails enters hers, curling into a big black ball. At that moment it started to rain. She stuck her head out. "Darkeye? You can come in if you want." She called out, not really knowing if she was there or not.
Darkeye was still huddled outside of the camp. She was soaked, but she didn't care. She sort of liked the rain.. sort of.
It rained for a good hour, then drizzled lightly for awhile. Most cats started to come out. Kits played in puddles, their mothers talking. Neontails emerged and stretched, shaking off the dirt.

Sparrow stood in the entrance way to his den. Concerned for the lower Valley cats.
Darkeye shook her head, though she knew Neontails couldn't see it. "No, I seriously can't." I'll put myself in danger again. And I don't want Neontail getting hurt... Darkeye thought and watched the water drops fall onto her pelt.

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Darkeye finally got up and shook off, water flying from her fur. She unsheathed her renforced claws and licked them clean, then smiled, her renforced fangs showing. She walked through the camp entrance and look up at the leader, her head high and he gaze burning.
Sparrow looked at the new comer, he was suspicious until he saw Neontails ran up to her.

"Darkeye, I thought you didn't want to come to camp..."
Darkeye kept her eyes locked on the leader and her claws unsheathed. "I didn't. I still don't. But I have some information for your leader............."

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:8D::voodoo tongue::8D::lick::lick::lick:

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Darkeye shook her head. "Maybe I should just leave....." She smirked. "I mean, he is the leader! Surely he can figure it out himself. And plus, my being in his camp is a dangerous thing.."

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