Ears And A Tail *Character Sheets*


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Full Name:



D.O.B: *Date of Birth*


What 'Neko' Are You?:


Extra: *Optional*


Full Name: Robin Yuki Williams.

Nicknames: N/A.

Age: Sixteen

D.O.B: 21st Of October, 4006.



What 'Neko' Are You?: Just normal Cat.

Personality: Robin's not very social. She'd rather be reading a book than have to talk to someone for five minutes. She really only talks when she has to. She gets irritated and distracted very easily, which is a downside because she can be very focused. She is also very over protective with the people she trusts, which isn't many since she can't trust people easily. She comes off very grumpy and serious when you first meet her. She can be very cold hearted and spiteful if she doesn't know you.

Extra: Not that there really is to know about her.

Full Name: Timid Elezjah Green.

Nicknames: Tim, Timmy, Dog-Boy.

Age: Seventeen

D.O.B: 8th of August, 4005.



What 'Neko' Are You?: Wolf.

Personality: Timid is one of the most loudest, cheekiest, randomest people you will probably ever lay your eyes on. He's full of energy and loves to have fun, even if it's just walking around the woods for a few minutes, talking to someone. He's very curious and he likes to stick his nose into where it doesn't belong. He hates it when people argue because it brings a lot of memories back. He does know when to be serious though, especially when his friends are in danger. He is very over protective. Other than that, if I didn't tell you his age you wouldn't think he was seventeen.

Extra: He is deaf in one of his ears, which effects him a lot.
name:Nichole Lashay Lowe

nicknames:coco, nicho-chan, twi, nicky


D.O.B: August 8, 4005

appearance:African American with light skin. she has hazel eyes and wears glasses. her hair is short black reddish. she's 5'41/2

What 'Neko' are you:Cat

personality:shy but when she's around friends peppy and hyper

extra:she jumps at every loud noise. she loves playing with animals.
Full Name: Sammi Rosalyn Elizabeth Parker

NN: Sam, Rosa, Eliza, {Main- Sammi}

Age: Sixteen

D.O.B: 16th of November 4006

What 'Neko' are you: Cat

Personality: Sammi is A Curious girl. She is always up and around. Yapping whenever she can. If she is silent, that usially mean's she is upset. Sammi is almost always getting herself in trouble, she likes to expierence new things. She loves her surrondings. Sammi doesn't trust people very well, it usially takes time for her to like somebody, let alone trust. She always smile's, unless hurt. Sammi is clumsy she tends to trip over air. If you know what I mean. She is no doubt outgoing!

Extra: Her Tail and Ear's are Golden blonde. { Not shown in photo }


View attachment 12035
Full Name: Legacy Kusino

Nicknames: Pop, Cosy, Lee

Age: 16

D.O.B: 13
th December 4006


What 'Neko' Are You?: Human/Fox

Personality: Legacy is kind-hearted at best. She isn’t too happy with the way she has become, but embraces it more than she did her old life. When angered, her temper is short-fused, she has a quick tongue and tends not to back down from a fight. She stands up for what she believes in and hates to lose. She is very competitive.

Extra: She likes to play pranks on others, often by hiding and then jumping out at them.
(I'd like to join this if possible)

Full Name: Duster Coulton

Nicknames: Kitty, Dusty

Age: 16

D.O.B: 1st September 4006

Appearance: View attachment 12610

What 'Neko' Are You?: Cat (Quite popular cats are.)

Personality: Primarily a sarcastic joker, he normally tries to lighten the mood whenever possible. While he generally stays in a good mood, when he gets angry, it can be quite disastrous, and he'll stay in the bad mood for quite some time. You can tell he's upset about something when his ears are drooped and he doesn't talk to anyone, at all.

Extra: He loves shiny things, he tries to keep his tail hidden for some reason and hates banannas
Full Name: Ashia Grandov

Nicknames: Sha-Sha, Ash, Blue

Age: 16

D.O.B: June 6, 1996

Appearance:View attachment 13310

What 'Neko' Are You?: Russian blue

Personality: She is actually very kind once you get to know her, its just her looks that scare most people away and if that wasn't enough her unintentional glaring eyes will freeze you in fear. She gets upset over this from time to time and usually sits by herself. She dosent understand jokes very well but is easily amused. she prefers reading folklore and legends over everything else.

Extra: Her family is considered cursed by those who knew about her family lineage. They thought that her family cursed others that followed into death. In truth they're not cursed at all. They just happen to be unlucky and at the wrong place at the wrong time. Ashia has a strange fascination for water staring deep into the reflections at times.
Full Name: Talia Hoskins

Nicknames: Tally, Foxy, Tal, Kitty, Kitten

Age: 16

D.O.B: January 15, 1996


View attachment 13609

What 'Neko' Are You?: Fox

Personality: She is bubbly, happy, trusting, and sometimes hyper once you get to know her. Before you get to know her, she appears distrusting. Her eyes are full of mystery and sorrow. She also appears quite sad, as though something happened that she wishes not to speak about

Extra: She has a little kitten she calls Jade because of it's pure gem eyes.
Full Name: Ezra Linker

Nicknames: Ezzy, Snake, Reptile, Scales, Pointy

Age: 17

D.O.B: October 31, 4005

Appearance: View attachment 13618

What 'Neko' Are You: Snake

Extra: Ezra is a bit on the quiet side, due to him being a snake, and snakes don't make much noise. Ezra has a thing for small cute and fluffy things, but prefers to try and eat them. Because of a confusing past, Ezra assumes anything that is smaller or weaker than him is edible, which gets him in a bit of trouble. (In this case, the kitty people and Talia. Good luck buddies xD )

(i know the pic shows a lizard. He loves all reptiles. Also! In the pic, in doesnt show but Ezzy has a snake TAIL! Not like half-and-half, but liek, a tail from his butt. And has snake fangs^^)
Full Name: Alvina Royer Steedly

Nickname: Alvi

Age: 16

D.O.B: August 11, 4006

Appearance:View attachment 13653

What 'Neko' Are You?: cat

Personality: She's rude and sarcastic to people who aren't her friends, and is nice when she wants to be.

Full Name: Kenchi Jasper Malone

Nicknames: Kenny, Jasper


D.O.B: June 18, 4008

Appearance:View attachment 13654

What 'Neko' Are You?: dog

Personality: Kenchi is very shy and quiet until he gets to know you. He's very protective of his older sister though and will stand up to anyone that says anything bad about her.

Extra: He has an older sister that's human.
Full Name: Goto Crone

Nicknames: G.C ,G

Age: 18

D.O.B: *Date of Birth* March16

Appearance:View attachment 13656

What 'Neko' Are You?: Human/fox

Personality: He very loud and always is protective over his sister. He is always seen with her and seems to have taken on a father complex toward her. LIke his sister he is blunt but he enjoys being sarcastic and making you bilieve that he's really caring.

Extra: *Optional* He has a younger sister named Kanin Crone

Full Name: Kanin Crone

Nicknames: K.C, K

Age: 17

D.O.B: *Date of Birth* March 16

Appearance:View attachment 13655

What 'Neko' Are You?: Human/fox

Personality: Kanin is a silent but not shy neko. Always staying by her side, she tends to grow dependent but left alone she can be independent as well. She can be sarcastic but very blunt to others.

Extra: *Optional* She has an older brother
Full Name: Delilah Rose

Nicknames: Deli, Lilah, Rosie

Age: 12

D.O.B: *Date of Birth*: March 4th


View attachment 13871

What 'Neko' Are You?: Cat

Personality: Delilah is a shy and quiet girl who usually doesn't talk to anyone except her sister, Jayde


Name: Jayde Rose

Nicknames: Jay

Age: 16

D.O.B *Date of Birth*: January 1st


View attachment 13872

What 'Neko' Are You?: Crow

Personality: Jayde is a bright and strong older sister, and very fierce when it comes to anyone messing with her little sister.

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