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Futuristic E.R.R.A- cs

Hoch Leistung

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Role: Head of the Security Department

Sexuality: [//////////]

Height: 6’5”

Weight: 320 lbs.

Other Features: His body is entirely cybernetic.

Personality: An incredibly cold and calculative person, Leistung has always been one to analyze every situation he finds himself in, looking for the best course of action and applying it in the most perfect way. To his colleagues, he isn’t a true ally and only seems to help because they work at the same facility. But to the subjects, he is their worst nightmare. While he normally relies on the guards, on the special occasion they aren’t enough, he will see that security protocol is enforced no matter what, brutally if needed, after all, the safety of personnel is above all else. Although, he seems to be in rather good terms with Dr. Brackman, probably because of their nature and the fact that the doctor himself constructed his body.

Backstory: Leistung was born a genius and relied heavily on facts and logic, however, a series of problems occurred, which made him realize that by only thinking logically he was limiting the possibilities, he became able to both analyze each situation carefully, and judge the results with human reasoning in a matter of seconds, usually arriving at the perfect conclusion each time. After some time, he was scouted by the facility, in order to work as their head of security, which he accepted. Once inside, he allowed Dr. Brackman to replace his body parts with stronger and more combat-focused cybernetics, allowing him to personally fend off even those in block F.

Other: Since most of his head had been replaced with a mechanical one, the screen on his face can show a selected amount of information to those who ask him. Anything from the weather to some selected (or even fabricated) news. Of course, you’d have to make him agree first.
Name: Alfhari Fisker
Code Number: 207-03
Age: 18
How long have you been at the facility: Since she was 5.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual


View attachment 630474
Height: 5’3
Weight: 56kg
Complexion: Pale White
Features: Numerous scars along her arms and hands, as well as prominent scarring on her throat.

Power: The ability to control, create, and transform into fire. When transformed, most physical attacks become nullified, though she can still be stamped out or extinguished like any fire. In fire form, she can replenish, heal, and grow by burning things or by assimilating any fires in her vicinity. She is immune to heat and any toxic gases generated by combustion. Her body is always warm, radiating heat like a campfire, and she is mostly unaffected by the cold.
Control: High
Danger level: F
Experimental deforms: Chronic pain throughout her body which fluctuates between excruciating and tolerable. Causes difficulties in concentration. Her senses are somewhat dulled due to the constant pain.

Alfhari isn’t much of a talker, if she ever speaks at all, but is very expressive nonetheless. Gestures, pantomime, and meaningful looks are her signature. She has something of a caring (and joking) side for the other experiments. In particular, she likes to pat others on the head or give a thumbs up for encouragement. However, she’s highly docile around any personnel, even the expendables, knowing that acting out would only make things worse. Without question, she’ll fulfil any order given to her by the authorities. Even if she is averse to harming the other experiments, she won’t hesitate if ordered to do so. Her own wellbeing is still of utmost importance to her, and she’s too fearful to act otherwise.

Backstory: An orphan, picked up from an orphanage for experimentation. Her parents had reluctantly left her there when she was still a baby, unable to take care of her due to their financial situation. As a result, she grew up without any parental figures in her life, except for the researchers, whom she quickly learned to despise, and to fear.
Alfhari is a master of the silent judgemental stare and of conveying concern.
Accepted!! code 217-03 room mate: none
[class=bg] padding: 100px 0; width: 100%; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nxxh8as88lz0nrx/00.Lines.png'); background-color: #f6f6f6; font-size: initial; [/class] [class=wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: calc(100% - 25px); max-width: 1250px; min-width: 300px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; background-color: #ffffff; [/class] [class=left] position: relative; flex: 1 0 300px; max-width: 500px; height: 100vh; max-height: 650px; background: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/35pr8sjzcbyby5a/Alice01v2.jpg') no-repeat center; background-size: 500px 650px; [/class] [class=focuswrap] position: absolute; margin: 25px; width: calc(100% - 50px); max-width: 450px; height: calc(100vh - 50px); max-height: 600px; pointer-events: none; [/class] [class=leftfocus] float: left; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; width: 50px; height: calc(100vh - 50px); max-height: 600px; [/class] [class=rightfocus] float: right; display: flex; flex-direction: column; 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width: 100%; [/class] [div class=bg] [div class=wrap] [div class=left] [div class=focuswrap] [div class=leftfocus] [div class=focuscolumn]
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[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=resbase] [div class=titleresolution]appearance;[/div] [div class=subresolution]medic × lunacy[/div] [div class=iconscrollwrap] [div class=iconscroll] [div class=iconwrap] [div class=icon style="margin-left: 0;"]
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Height: 5'6" (168cm)
Weight: 119lbs (54kg)
Complexion: Pale
Features: n/a

Will add this...sometime. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, orci at lobortis tempor, ex risus semper lorem, vel molestie ipsum est quis odio. Maecenas ac ornare lectus, vel porta mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi vehicula efficitur urna, non auctor mauris eleifend a. Suspendisse vulputate ullamcorper tristique. Morbi scelerisque erat a consequat hendrerit. Fusce eleifend, tortor vitae venenatis euismod, ligula ligula vehicula lacus, a lobortis eros arcu ac diam. Duis sagittis, velit viverra posuere lobortis, ante ante semper nulla, ut laoreet odio mauris sit amet est. Sed eget libero a dolor elementum interdum nec vestibulum elit. Cras convallis, lectus a vestibulum commodo, nisl neque fringilla augue, non sodales mi nulla eu erat. Nullam tempor quis mauris quis euismod. Sed a orci est. Sed eget vulputate magna, sed condimentum mauris. Phasellus pharetra molestie convallis. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=right] [div class=tabcont] [div class=tabcont2] [div class=tabshift] [div class=tabcolor style="background: #8a8192;"]basics[/div] [div class=tabtext] basics [/div] [/div] [div class=tabshift] [div class=tabcolor style="background: #2f40b2;"]history[/div] [div class=tabtext] history [/div] [/div] [div class=tabshift] [div class=tabcolor style="background: #30303c;"]extra[/div] [div class=tabtext] extra [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=contentwrap] [div class="Content ContentBasics"] [div class=basicimagewrap] [div class=focuswrap2] [div class=leftfocus2] [div class=focuscolumn2]
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[div class=header] alice schaefer;
[div class=subheader] Count your seven pains until you fall asleep… [/div] [/div] [div class=basicswrap] [div class=basicsL] [div class=tag] xbasicsx [/div] [div class=undertag] name : alice schaefer [/div] [div class=undertag] age: se-cr-et~♪ [/div] [div class=undertag] gender : female [/div] [div class=undertag] role : head of general health dept. [/div] [div class=undertag] supervisor of : none [/div] [div class=undertag] sexuality : (∗´꒳`) [/div] [/div] [div class=basicsR] [div class=box] [div class=header] persona[div class=breakword][/div]lity; [/div] [div class=subheader] I screamed as my heart withered, facing retribution [/div] [div class=boxtext] To some, she is a polite and benevolent older sister-like figure. To others, she is a hypocrite whose insanity makes her blind to her own lies. As for what’s closest to her true self, Alice Schaefer is a self-proclaimed genius with a messiah complex and sadomasochistic tendencies.

The warm and relaxed smile constantly on Alice’s face deludes most—including herself—that she’s truly a kind soul amongst the cruel staff stalking through the halls of E.R.R.A. As she only sees the inherent good in people and gives due care to others regardless of circumstances or status, some even consider her to be an angel. However, her “kindness” all results from a self-suggestion that she must help others achieve happiness. Regardless of whether they wish for her aid or not. Even when they do, the “care” that she gives to them at their absolute lowest may not be what they seek, for she is merely an egotistical human whose mind has been hideously broken apart by her ideals.

In her own twisted way, she claims to care deeply for each and every person sent her way, whether they be scientist or experiment. However, her so-called “love” is as heavy as her heart is twisted. She wholeheartedly believes that pain and suffering are gifts which prove that the person is alive and comforts her patients as such. Misfortune, as well, is seen as a trial that one must endure on their own. Therefore, though she finds people precious, those who cry before her are embraced with a warm yet cold hand. And with a smile full of her kind cruelty, she’ll whisper, “If a person cares enough to hurt you, doesn’t that mean that your pain is proof of their love?”

However many times others proclaim that such a thing is not love, she merely dismisses them as being unable to understand. After all, she is blind to the hypocrisy in her own statements. If she, as a person who believes to hurt means to love, has never lifted her hand against another, has she ever loved anyone in the first place? [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="Content ContentHistory"] [div class=box] [div class=header] history; [/div] [div class=subheader] I couldn’t put it into words, so I now seek salvation [/div] [div class=boxtext] Her childhood was filled with “I’m sorry” and “because I love you.” She never knew her father’s face. Her mother had told her that it was because he didn’t know how to love them. To Alice, that was fine. As long as her mother loved her, everything was fine. Her mother was her world, and she was her mother’s most precious person. She loved her mother’s warm embrace, the delicious food she would make, and the stories she would tell. Most of all, she loved her mother’s smiles and the praise she would give whenever she did something good.

However, she hated when her mother punished her whenever she upset her mother. She also hated the pain. It hurt. Her cheek, her throat, and her entire body—everything hurt. It hurt so badly that she couldn’t hold back her screams and tears, but her heart would hurt the most in the end, for every time her mother would tell her the words “I’m sorry” and “It’s because I love you.” Her mother would always wrap her in her embrace in the end, patting her gently on the head and saying that it okay if she didn’t understand, because she was still just a child. It was fine because she would understand once she was old enough.

But the day she understood was the day that everything—both the warmth and the pain—came to an end. That day, her mother was taken away. No, her mother left her behind.

“Did mother...leave me? Was it because my love for her wasn’t great enough to accept the pain?”

She cried and cried and cried some more. She was fine with the shouting. She was fine with the pain. She had already resolved herself to accept everything, so why wouldn’t her mother return? Her aunt and uncle would always tell her that she wasn’t safe with her mother, but why wouldn’t she be safe? Was her mother alright with everyone slandering her?

“It’s all my fault. It’s because I wasn’t strong enough that everyone thinks mother is a bad person.”

Her mother was already lost and gone, all because her love and resolve was lacking. Now, the least she could do was to prevent others from making the same mistake and also prove her aunt and uncle wrong. She had to show them that her mother had raised her well. Therefore she studied until her teachers praised her brilliance. She worked hard to graduate at the top of her class and enter a prestigious university. However, she was at a loss the moment she received her medical degree.

The answer came in the form of E.R.R.A., a project which would allow her to watch over the children there just as her mother had watched over her. She was honored. To be able to guide the children who were the cornerstones of their future, what more could she ask for? If it was here, she would certainly be able to receive redemption for her past mistakes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="Content ContentExtra"] [div class=extraimagewrap] [div class=focuswrap3] [div class=leftfocus3] [div class=focuscolumn3]
[/div] [div class=focuscolumn3]
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[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=extraimage] [/div] [div class=triviawrap] [div class=tag] xthemex [/div] [div class=undertag style="text-align: justify;"] 清廉なるHeretics / The Honest Heretics by 毛蟹. [/div] [/div] [div class=triviawrap] [div class=tag] xagex [/div] [div class=undertag style="text-align: justify;"] When people ask, Alice claims she’s anywhere from the age of 16 to 85. Her exact age is unknown, but it is currently documented as ▇, but it’s rude to ask a lady her age, right? [/div] [/div] [div class=triviawrap] [div class=tag] xnamex [/div] [div class=undertag style="text-align: justify;"] The name Alice is derived from Adalheidis which contains adal meaning “noble” and heid meaning “type.” Schaefer comes from the German word “schäfer" which means “shepherd.” [/div] [/div] [div class=triviawrap] [div class=tag] xmadnessx [/div] [div class=undertag style="text-align: justify;"] Alice’s ideologies have been so deeply ingrained that there is no room for doubts of any type. It is to the point where she doesn't get angry when people deny her beliefs, only sad that they are unable to see the “truth” and determined to “help” them. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
— code by nano
Accepedt!! fill in personality whenever haha, feel free to post


Name: Sally May
Code Number: 212-00
Age: 6 years old
How long have you been at the facility: 5 years
Gender: Female
Height: 4'1
Weight: 45
Complexion: Albino
Physical/Mental: Physical and mental (minor; telepathic communication with her familiar; can see through its eyes)
Power: Control of water states and has a feline familiar ("Princess") which shifts in appearance of the three states.
+ Alter the states of water and levitation of it.
+ Can summon a familiar, often taking the form of her mood. Can be composed of ice, water or mist.
+ Scientists are trying to get her to use her powers on the living. She is terrified of this.
+ Experiments can be conducted to try and get her to change her own form similar to her familiar. May be dangerous for her. Has already resulted in changes of features.

Danger level: 1-2 (?) depending on mood. Controls a vital compound, however she does not wish to hurt others.
Control: Learning in progress. Power can get out of control if she gets upset or stressed
Experimental deforms: Lacks fingerprints and moles. Milky white eyes indicating she is mostly blind.
Roommate: N/A

+ Curious yet reserved/quiet
+ Intelligent but innocent
+ Enjoys humming to fill the silence
+ Only trusts her familiar
+ Easily stressed

The few memories of the outside world are long lost to Sally, a young girl orphaned at the age of one. A tragic accident took the lives away from a life she could have had. While at the moment it was considered a miracle that this child survived the crash, it was unknown the true horrors that awaited with hungry arms. Such as the many children before her, Sally was abandoned, lost to the numbers, and in return given one. This is her only source of identity now. It has been five long years since she came into the "shelter" of this experimental lab. Past experimentation have been mostly successful thus far, however Sally's hesitant nature and anxious outbursts have lead to some difficulties in progressing.
Last edited:

View attachment 631200

Name: Kallie Jay
Code Number:
Age: 6 years old
How long have you been at the facility: 5 years
Gender: Female
Height: 4'1
Weight: 45
Complexion: Albino
Physical/Mental: Physical and mental (minor; telepathic communication with her familiar; can see through its eyes)
Power: Control of water states and has a feline familiar ("Cindy") which shifts in appearance of the three states.
+ Alter the states of water and levitation of it.
+ Can summon a familiar, often taking the form of her mood. Can be composed of ice, water or mist.
+ Scientists are trying to get her to use her powers on the living. She is terrified of this.
+ Experiments can be conducted to try and get her to change her own form similar to her familiar. May be dangerous for her. Has already resulted in changes of features.

Danger level: 1-2 (?) depending on mood. Controls a vital compound, however she does not wish to hurt others.
Control: Learning in progress. Power can get out of control if she gets upset or stressed
Experimental deforms: Lacks fingerprints and moles. Milky white eyes indicating she is mostly blind.
Roommate: N/A

+ Curious yet reserved/quiet
+ Intelligent but innocent
+ Enjoys humming to fill the silence
+ Only trusts her familiar
+ Easily stressed

The few memories of the outside world are long lost to Sally, a young girl orphaned at the age of one. A tragic accident took the lives away from a life she could have had. While at the moment it was considered a miracle that this child survived the crash, it was unknown the true horrors that awaited with hungry arms. Such as the many children before her, Sally was abandoned, lost to the numbers, and in return given one. This is her only source of identity now. It has been five long years since she came into the "shelter" of this experimental lab. Past experimentation have been mostly successful thus far, however Sally's hesitant nature and anxious outbursts have lead to some difficulties in progressing.

accepted! good to have her back lool code number: 212-00
I changed her name back to Sally May, is that ok? It can still be a restart of her anyway xD - If not, I can keep her name changed, I just don't have the heart to change it haha
I wouldn't think that a small name change will be that big of an issue xD
[div class=fyuriwrapper]
[div class=left][div class=charaimg]
[div class=header] Identification [/div][div class=text]Code Number: 128-00
[/div][div class=header] Stats[/div][div class=text]







[/div][div class=header] Ability: Null[/div][div class=text]

Offensive Capabilities

Defensive Capabilities



Threat Level

Negative Repercussions

[/DIV][div class=header] Quirks[/div][div class=text]
Likes: Sweets, Reading, Fantasies

Dislikes: Loud noises, Tests, Broccoli

Loves: People's abilities, Unique personalities, People

Fears: Scientists, Needles, Water

Quirks: Mute

[/div][div class=header]Theme Music[/div] [/div]
[div class=header2]Anima
[div class=text]Birth / Truename: Anima Regalia

Age: 14

Facility Length: Birth

Gender: Female

Height: 152cm (5 ft)

Weight: 95 lbs.

Body Built: Slim/Thin

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Raven Black

Roommate: Sally May
[/div][div class=header2] Psychological[/div][div class=text]
Having been risen in the lab, the subject is obedient when instructed, though hesitant when preparing for testing. Yet to speak, Subject seems to treat workers (guards and scientists) with no disdain, rather seeming to enjoy contact with another human. She has been introduced to the other subjects very scarcely due to ability, though subject seems to enjoy those few times. Subject enjoys sweets (like candies and confections) as rewards and seems to act more easily with the perspective of a reward.

[/div][div class=header2]Ability[/div][div class=text]
Physical ( ) Mental (✓)
Power: Nullification
Control: Very little; On touch, other subjects may lose control of selected power rather than a full stop.
Danger Level: A. Subject is, however, kept near D-F Cells to assist in any subjects out of control or containment
Experimental Deforms: The subject is mute however, it is unknown whether the mutism was is caused by the ability or mere genetics.
Description: Subject is capable of weakening or, in rare cases, ceasing some mental or physical-based abilities of other subjects. Limitations include no physical alterations (such as android augmentations) and those with higher control. Subject experiences incredulous pain when subjecting others to her ability.

[/div][div class=header2] Background[/div][div class=text]

Subject was born within the lab as an experiment.

[/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
[class=fyuriwrapper] max-width:950px; margin:auto; color:#000; font-family:'Raleway', Verdana; [/class] [class=left] background:#A0BADD; max-width: 350px; margin-right: 10px; [/class] [class=charaimg] text-align:center; font-size: 0; [/class] [class=header] width:100%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to right,rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); font-family:'Megrim', Verdana; font-weight:800; font-size:30px; color:#fff; text-align:center; padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=header2] width:100%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to right,rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); font-family:'Megrim', Verdana; font-weight:800; font-size:30px; color:#fff; padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=text] padding:10px; box-sizing:border-box; text-align:justify; background:#A0BADD; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:950px; margin:auto; opacity:0.5; font-size:10px; [/class]


  • Enuma.jpg
    7.5 KB · Views: 0
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[div class=fyuriwrapper]
[div class=left][div class=charaimg]
[div class=header] Identification [/div][div class=text]Code Number:
[/div][div class=header] Stats[/div][div class=text]







[/div][div class=header] Ability: Null[/div][div class=text]

Offensive Capabilities

Defensive Capabilities



Threat Level

Negative Repercussions

[/DIV][div class=header] Quirks[/div][div class=text]
Likes: Sweets, Reading, Fantasies

Dislikes: Loud noises, Tests, Broccoli

Loves: People's abilities, Unique personalities, People

Fears: Scientists, Needles, Water

Quirks: Mute

[/div][div class=header]Theme Music[/div] [/div]
[div class=header2]Anima
[div class=text]Birth / Truename: Anima Regalia

Age: 13

Facility Length: Birth

Gender: Female

Height: 152cm (5 ft)

Weight: 95 lbs.

Body Built: Slim/Thin

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Raven Black

Extra: None
[/div][div class=header2] Psychological[/div][div class=text]
Having been risen in the lab, the subject is obedient when instructed, though hesitant when preparing for testing. Yet to speak, Subject seems to treat workers (guards and scientists) with no disdain, rather seeming to enjoy contact with another human. She has been introduced to the other subjects very scarcely due to ability, though subject seems to enjoy those few times. Subject enjoys sweets (like candies and confections) as rewards and seems to act more easily with the perspective of a reward.

[/div][div class=header2]Ability[/div][div class=text]
Physical ( ) Mental (✓)
Power: Nullification
Control: Very little; On touch, other subjects may lose control of selected power rather than a full stop.
Danger Level: A. Subject is, however, kept near D-F Cells to assist in any subjects out of control or containment
Experimental Deforms: The subject is mute however, it is unknown whether the mutism was is caused by the ability or mere genetics.
Description: Subject is capable of weakening or, in rare cases, ceasing some mental or physical-based abilities of other subjects. Limitations include no physical alterations (such as android augmentations) and those with high control. Subject experiences incredulous pain when subjecting others to her ability.

[/div][div class=header2] Background[/div][div class=text]

Subject was born within the lab as an experiment.

[/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
[class=fyuriwrapper] max-width:950px; margin:auto; color:#000; font-family:'Raleway', Verdana; [/class] [class=left] background:#A0BADD; max-width: 350px; margin-right: 10px; [/class] [class=charaimg] text-align:center; font-size: 0; [/class] [class=header] width:100%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to right,rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); font-family:'Megrim', Verdana; font-weight:800; font-size:30px; color:#fff; text-align:center; padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=header2] width:100%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to right,rgb(0, 39, 66) 0%, rgb(0, 1, 23) 100%); font-family:'Megrim', Verdana; font-weight:800; font-size:30px; color:#fff; padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=text] padding:10px; box-sizing:border-box; text-align:justify; background:#A0BADD; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:950px; margin:auto; opacity:0.5; font-size:10px; [/class]

bump her up a year in age then accepted!! code number: 128-00 room mate: sally may
  • Name: Ayaze Minixus
    Code Number: 157-05
    Age: 15
    How long have you been at the facility: Since the age of 4, so 11 years.
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Homosexual
I hope this ain't a problem! Will intend to join the Discord after this is accepted and such.
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  • Name: Ayaze Minixus
    Code Number: XXXXX (waiting...)
    Age: 15
    How long have you been at the facility: Since the age of 4, so 11 years.
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Homosexual
I hope this ain't a problem! Will intend to join the Discord after this is accepted and such.

accepted!! code number 157-05 :3
Jamie Kathryn
Code Number: (Will be assigned by myself, please leave blank until accepted then fill this in later!!)
How long have you been at the facility:
5 years
A little scar over her nose. She doesn’t know where she got it but she wears a bandaid over it
(this is what her back looks like just add another two arms between the other 4)
Jamie had 6 external robotic appendages on her back. Seamlessly integrated into her neural system via an implant on the back of her neck allowing her full control over the appendages making them feel as if they where true arms.
(This is what the “arms” look like)
I got this
Experimental deforms:
The neural interface has corrupted parts of her brain. Giving her moments of memory loss as well as an inability to speak

Jamie is a very shy and quiet girl. Easily startled by almost anything she does her best to keep to herself and avoid the spotlight at all times. She’s shy because she fears she will be bullied for what she was given by the facility and that she can’t speak any more. Despite her clearly weaponized robotic arms she is very passive. Refusing to even kill a fly
Jamie was an orphan on the streets of Rome before the facility picked her up. Promising her a better future she gladly took it over being homeless. If only she knew what was really going to happen. Sadly though due to the complications of her experiments she remembers nothing before the facility.
Roommate: (I will assign as needed, only for EXTREMELY low danger characters.)
Other: (Optional, things like a theme song or extra details)​

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