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Fantasy Dystopian


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Too Many Fandoms

I am my own worst enemy.

For the longest time, the world was threatened to be taken over by big business and finally it happened. The company UCTC, United Chemical Testing Corporation, used the guise of testing chemicals for short and long term effects to humans as a cover. Behind the scenes, the company was creating a drug that caused humans to rapidly mutate and also caused the taker to become extremely susceptible to “foreign ideas,” aka brain washing, for their own benefit. It took them years to finally find the right chemical mixture that mutated their human test subjects into something more powerful than just a human and also make them susceptible. Once they had it though, it didn’t take the company long to take over with their army. Of course, it didn’t help that while they had been in the testing phase, agents of the company had been securing support from politicians who would get a share of their profit and power.

The pill had several downsides that the company had not tested long enough for though. For one, the pill affected every person individually. Some mutated over a very short period of time while others took longer to mutate. Sometimes the drug changed them physically and other times it changed them mentally. The most common form of the mutation was physically and that was what UCTC generally took as ‘successful’ subjects. The subjects that changed mentally were kept for studying. Patients who became extremely smart were turned into human computers. Patients who gained some psychic ability commonly became the head honcho’s aids or pets, to keep them closer and more under control. Patients who showed no sign of change though were released after complete brainwashing and memory replacement.

The second and most frustrating complication to the company though, was that for successful brainwashing and subordination to occur, the subject had to take the pill time and time again. As time went on the pill was taken less frequently and the brainwashing would stick. Thankfully, the pill only mutated the subject the first and second time the pill was taken so multiple uses wouldn’t greatly damage the body or brain for the company’s use. Before they had known that though, several very strong willed subjects managed to break out of the brainwashing and make a run for it.

That was all before UCTC took over. Even with the escapees rallying troops to stop the corporation’s domination and the people’s outcry and revolution UCTC took over. Rebellions were crushed and most, if not all, the escapees were caught or hunted down by other, well trained, mutants. The common people were submitted to totally tyranny while poverty flourished all across the country. UCTC didn’t manage to take over the world, but one continent was enough for them. For now. Most other continents and countries closed their borders completely and totally to UCTC’s new world. The few countries that continued business skyrocketed the per capital GDP, and also their countries worth.

UCTC overlooked one vital thing; the subjects that had been tested upon and had had no obvious signs of change. It took them a long time to figure out that some of the subjects had been hiding the fact they had changed. Others, their DNA had been altered yet hadn’t changed them. Children with abilities started to pop up all over the board. One child had been found to have living bones made of steel. Another had the ability to breathe fire. Becoming more frequent was that that child didn’t just have one, some of them had two different abilities. Their powers ranged all over the board. What made things worse for UCTC was that they were immune to the pill’s ability to mutate them further and they couldn’t be controlled with the normal brainwashing drug.

The children who were found to have these special traits were taken by the company. Some were even turned over by fearful parents who had heard of the company killing anyone who stood in their way. OF course, they hadn’t known that they were once test subjects or what was going to happen to their child.

Lil' info:

Taking place in America.

You are one of the children with abilities, you may be a child, teen, or adult.

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Drama allowed

I know this is a literate section, but no one-liners or script, semi-para works fine.

Since most live in poverty, there were strikes happening when everyone was on a spiral downward, causing great destruction to many cites, towns, and homes.

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