Dystopia: A Tale from the Wasteland (Twister and WantYourSoul)

Sylver had heard a noise and she didn't bother to stop the water flowing from the water bottle above her head, she grabs the gun and runs as fast as she could to the door she last heard Twister. Drawing her gun, she taps her knuckles lightly against the frame of the door, " I'm armed with intent to kill." She says as she walks in front of the door.( Sorry, wrote this on my iPod )
Twister awoke to with a massive headache, as he opened his eyes he noticed the frame of a girl in the doorway, "S-Sylver? Is that you? It-It's safe, I think they're gone, c-come help, I can't feel my arm and I can't see too well," he said sitting up, he felt the back of his head with his uninjured arm, it was bleeding, not too bad, but he needed medical attention, he grabbed his rag that he kept on him wiping his face, when he pulled the rag away, he noticed his sight got better, he looked down at the rag which now had blood stains on it, looking over at Sylver, he said, "Sylver, it was bandits, they had to have taken something," He felt around, "No, they couldn't have, they took it, Sylver, we have to go get it back, will you help me?" He asked, a sense of panic around him.
Sylver was gently parting Twisters hair to find the split in the skin, " It's not too bad, but would you stop that." Sylver slaps away his hand and she begins to spray a but of peroxide on the wound, ignoring any protests on his part and then turned around to face him, " I could care less about bandits now." She says while checking his pulse. " Off with the shirt. I need to check the wound, don't worry, I spent a few years in medical school to know what I'm doing." Sylver smiles as she slowly bends and unbends Twister's arm.
"Okay, listen... Ahhh... Be gentle... Listen, what the bandits took from me, isn't of importance to just me... It's of importance to you and every other survivor in this now dreaded place, it's something that can bring us all together, it's a cure, a cure to the mutations, the mutations that we all have, you might not have noticed, but the radiation mutated all of us, some more than others, but still, we have to get it back, we have to find the bandits, do you understand?" he spoke with an eerie tone to his voice, "We need to get it back."
Sylver was gently pressing down on the red skin around Twister's bullet wound when she stopped, holding that same small bottle of spray-on peroxide over his wound when she stopped, " A... Cure?" Sylver asks, putting down the bottle and looking him straight in his eyes with her own hazel ones, " Are you sure? I don't understand how we are all muttated. Shouldn't we have noticed?" Sylver tilts her head, obviously confused.
"We all seem the same, yes, but we have mutated, it's just harder to notice for people who aren't fully mutated, I know how to use the cure, but if or when we get it back, we have to find someone smart enough to duplicate it," He informed her, "If the bandits use it, we won't be able to get it to the people who deserve it, those bandits are in fact mutated, worse than us, but they don't deserve it, for obvious reasons, still, we can't let them use it," He thought for a second, "Yes, I saw their insignia, skull and cross-bones, poorly drawn, but I could make it out, I know exactly where their camp is, there's no time to rest, regardless of what you say about my current condition, I will still go, regardless if you will go or not, I'm still going, if we can catch up to the bandits who robbed me, w can get the cure back for sure if they make it to the camp, they'll most likely use it right away, I would give my life to get that cure back, I'd sacrifice my own life to save over a million others, so tell me, are you in or out?"
Sylver was listening intently to Twister, her hand had strayed to the disinfectant bottle at her side and she said after a second, "So, the black X on my stomach is a mutation Not a tattoo I got when I was drunk?" Sylver absentmindedly plucks at her dark green shirt then seems to realsie what he had said, because her head whipped up and she stared at Twister intently, " Of course I'm in, dammit." Sylver says and quickly stands up, " I can dress the wound now, or I can head out." As if knowing the man behind her would protest, she puts her hand up. Effectively silencing him, " Your hurt, I'm smaller than you, you're bigger. I'm smaller and faster, I'll get in and out without them realizing it." Sylver smiles in a determined manner and leans down to pull Twister up by his good arm/
Twister looked at her intently, "Fine, but you have to promise to be careful, well it's getting late so they must have set up camp somewhere close, which makes it easier to find them, we can track the smoke from their fire," He said to her as he stood up, "We should change out of these clothes and into some of these," He grabbed a shirt and pair of pants and walked out of the clothing store so he could change, "After we change, we have to head out right away," He called into the store.
Sylver smiled warmly and stood up, "|Always am." She was almost a head shorter than Twister, she noticed as he walked out of the shop to change.

With a slight tremor to what she was about to do, Sylver walked to the back of the room and slipped on the first things that fit her.

Sylver rested on the door frame in her new grey yoga pants and baggy blue sweater, with her head resting in the wall, Sylver begins to try devising a plan on how to get the 'cure' without too much death if possible. The only way she thought was death. "God, what's wrong with me? Death, death, death. The military really messed with my mind..." Sylver mutters, smacking herself in the forehead.

( ... Did this really take so long to write..? So sorry ;_; )
Twister came back in a pair of slightly tattered jeans and a plain black t-shirt, "You ready to go?" He asked Sylver, as he spotted her in the doorway "We have to go now, it's going to be hard to track the smoke, but it's still possible... Yes... very possible, come along, we have no time to spare," Twister ordered, impatiently.
Snapping out of her reverie, Sylver grins and slips out of the building. the night was still and muggy as Sylver quickly scaled a gnarled oak beside the second hand shop to try and get a better idea of location, "They're downtown. That's about all I can get, so while I'm gone, keep that arm of yours still." With a small grin, Sylver drops fromthe tree and holds her hand out to shake, " Wish me good luck?"
Twister reaches out and shakes her hand, "Good luck, break a- never mind," He said, hoping not to jinx anything, "Promise you'll be careful, for everyone's sake, especially yours."
Sylver grins, "Thanks. But I'm a lucky little girl." With a goofy salute, Sylver sashays down the road, with a swinging metal pole one her hip.

Once Sylver was in near proximity with the bandits, she could hear a rowdy chorus of shouts and off-key song lines, With a grin, Sylver realizes that they are nearly all drunk and won't pay mind to her as she slips in and grabs the vial. She jumps into the space between two rather large bodies who were snoring loudly and quickly finds the largest tent in the group.
Twister sat in the grocery store awaiting Sylver's arrival, all the while, hearing sounds out in the city streets beyond, "Perfect, now I have to deal with the mutants," He whispered to himself, gripping the hilt of his machete.

(sorry for the short and late response, I've had a lot on my hands lately)
( No problem, nobody's perfect ^^

Anyways, do you see how late I am? )

Sylver watched the men carefully before making at a full-out run to the main tent and barelling through the main flaps of the tent.

She was breathing heavily as she groped around in the sudden darkness of the tent. Trying to find her bearings, Sylver had accidentally crawled over a sleeping form. As she moved her knee to make another shuffling step forwards when her knee came in contact with someone's head, which immediately sat up and rammed her in the stomach.

Sylver fell over, gasping as the man made confused noises and Sylver scrambled to get off him and as she tried standing up she heard a low, " I know someone's in here with me. But the question is, what are you trying to do?" As Sylver tried backing out of the tent and into the slightly less-but still terribly dangerous- outside, a hand clamped around her ankle. Sending Sylver tumbling down and letting a shriek escape her throat.

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