Dystopia: A Tale from the Wasteland (Twister and WantYourSoul)


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Twister threw his cigarette to the ground and pulled up his goggles and bandanna before walking out of the grocery store he had been living in for the past week. As he walked out he noticed a figure off in the distance, which was actually quite peculiar, because only Twister dared go near the old cities, not even the bandits were brave enough. He was very surprised in another sense as well, this was probably the first human he had seen in two years, not including the mutants. He was eager to find out who this person was, he started waving his arms and jumping around, "Please come inside, it's not safe out there... You're going to get yourself killed! I can help you, just trust me!" He yelled hoping that this person would not only hear him, but heed his advice as well.
Sylver starts at the sudden male voice and waves timidly back, her raven black hair whipping around her as she sprints towards the strange man, she then stops, still out of his line of vision, as she quickly draws her switchblade and slows her advance down to a crawl, her long, pale arms where trembling, was she going to have to actually kill soemone?

She asks herself as she asks shakily "A-Are you going to kill me? I-I'm armed!" Sylver's green eyes were wide with fear, she felt too hungry to move now. "I-I don't have anything on me..." Sylver's voice was becoming weaker, now as she lost her footing and staggered, she sniffled, fear and hunger making her weak.

Sylver swiped her hand along her forehead, taking a few almost drunken steps, before crashing onto the sandy ground, unconscious.

( Man, sorry, I have a migraine, so my writing isn't that creative, or really that long... )
Twister brushed his fingers through his scruffy, red hair nervously, then ran to the girl, "Hey, are you okay?... Hmm... Unconscious, I see" He pulled out his water-skin and holding up her head, poured a bit of water into her mouth hoping she would awake.

(sorry for the short post and the late response, my computer's acting up)
Sylver twitches slightly as she regains consciousness, she greedily gulps down the water until the entire container was empty, she then dared to open her large green eyes to see that a man was pressing the water to her lips, she quickly tried to pull away, but she was too weak "Wh-why would you help me?" Sylver asks, almost in awe at the mans kindness " you could have raided me and left me for dead?" Sylvers eyes tear up in happiness "Th-thank you..."
"Wasn't a problem in the least," Twister said humbly, "If survivors of the bombs can't help each-other, then they are better off dead, I AM TWISTER, AND I AM ALIVE, nice to meet you," He said helping the girl up, "Yu have no reason to fear here, I shoot nothing but mutants, and you obviously, are not, and your name is?"
"Sylver." Sylver smiles to herself "Well, actually, Sylvester. When my parents adopted me, they thought I was a boy." Sylver shrugs, more so to herself than anything "So, is Twister short for anything?" Sylver asks, twisting her long raven hair into a bun, then sticking it with a nine-inch pin

( *sobs* So.... So short, I apologize, I have school, and other rps TTATT )
"Well, my real name has gone along with all the other memories I've ever had, actually I remember how it happened, but that's it," Twister screwed the lid of his water-skin tight, "It was about two days before the bombs hit, I was getting mugged and got knocked out, I woke up just as the bombs were hitting, I ran int the fallout shelter along with one of the doctors, he's the one that dubbed me Twister, he said it sounded cool," he said shrugging, "Honestly, I'm glad I can't remember anything from my past, I can't remember all the death and destruction, and I'm glad, I can't remember my family, who are most likely dead, but even then I don't mind because, I can't remember, all I know is that I am alive, and as long as I am, I must help anyone that is alive, much like my helping you, oh I completely forgot, do you want anything to eat, the grocery store's full of food, here follow me," Twister stated walking back towards the condemned grocery store, "Trust me, I can't hurt you," He smiled, "I'm a pacifist."
Sylver smiles "Your lucky, you know. My boyfriend was with me, he..." Sylver trails off, her expression was one of utter mourning, "H-he was a great guy, always telling me how much he loved me, not complaining about m y cooking..." Sylver smiles to herself "He was really great, he would have told me to save my food, too." Sylver paused, her expression quickly going grim "He... Changed one night, I ended up having to..." Sylver trails off as she quickly wipes tears from her eyes.

" Well, can I take you up on your food offer?" Sylver asks, quickly changing the tender subject of her boyfriend.
Twister grinned, "Wouldn't bother me in the least, I've got plenty in there, help yourself," He said, He noticed she was sad so he didn't want to dwell on any depressing subjects, so he tried to cheer her up, "Well, mi grocery store es su grocery store," he said laughing a little, "Sorry, that was cheesy, I know," His laughs subsiding as he lit a cigarette, "Want one?" he asked holding a matchbox and a pack of cigarettes towards her, "Helps me relieve stress sometimes."
Sylver smiles slightly at Twister "No thanks, trying to live longer here." With an impish grin, Sylver leans over to Twister and plucks the cigarette out of her lips and smothers it with her black running sneakers. " How about, Instead of smoking that dirty cigarette, we make something to eat. "Sylver smiles, all shyness gone as she grabs Twister's wrist and drags him towards the isles, still full of food
"What would you like? Most of the canned goods are still salvageable, these Twinkies..." He said holding up a box, laughing, "So, may I ask what you were doing near the cities? This place is crawling with mutants and such," He asked curiously, "And, are you feeling better, or do you need more water," He asked again, hoping she was alright.
Sylver giggled at Twisters Twinkies comment "I was staying in a huge complex with my boyfriend, every second day we would salvage the third floor restaurant, but, one day, a mutant was roaming the doorway, Jackie didn't live, I didn't know he was bitten until he changed at night, I was only outside for a week or so."

Sylver trailed off, but quickly tried to be happy again by saying, " At least I was sick that day, so i didn't see him be attacked."

Sylver then stands up, she was very tall and was almost catlike in how she stood, "I don't think any water could hurt." She says with an over-exaggerated wink
"Over here, we've got water jugs, water bottles, big water jugs, half-gallon water jugs, big water bottles, miniature water bottles, all you can drink, and it's on the house, drink it to your heart's desire," Twister said sarcastically, "You haven't yet answered my question though, why come so close to the cities? You do know that there are people rebuilding, right? It's happening everywhere," Twister was still suspicious, for he had never met anyone sane enough to come to the god forsaken cities of the past, except for the mutants, and himself of course.
Sylver shrugs, " I just stayed out her for a while, my boyfriend kept me safe." Sylver had been examining a box of strawberry pocky before she opens it and hesitantly nibbles on the strawberry coated stick, she was obviously avoiding the question of why she was outside.
"Well, let's forget about it for right now, it's getting late and there's much to do tomorrow," He said in deep thought, "Yes, tomorrow, yes, hmm... the mutants, yes, you now of them?" He said obviously trifled and ruffling through a pile of stuff, "Yes, you must, here, take this," He held out an old gun, "You may need it, trust me the mutants have been getting crazier and crazier," He was acting very odd, but then again he was, in fact, in very deep thought, he was thinking of everything and anything that came to his mind, he wasn't crazy, just very observant, "Yes, that's the best idea... yes," He mumbled to himself.
Sylver held the gun to her chest as she stared at the strange man, wondering what he was thinking about.

Dismissing what she was thinking, Sylver pulled a ratty old blanket from her slightly torn and threadbare messenger bag and wrapped it around her shoulders, muttering to herself "Holy crap, its cold out..."
Twister, honestly, couldn't sleep, he was too deep in his thoughts to even think of sleeping, and so he just sat there and thought, "What is it that this girl isn't telling me?" He whispered to himself as he lit his last cigarette, "Well, these were fun while they lasted, hope I can find some tomorrow," He was disappointed in himself, he knew the effects that smoking had on a human's body, "Well, I have to tell you my friend, you are one healthy man, because you know the key to a healthy lifestyle... The magical words that you live by, you only live once, so live life to its fullest," He often talked to himself as if he were a completely different person when he was in deep thought, sometimes he even imagined he was seeing a different person all together, and he sat there and thought about that as he puffed on that final cigarette, "Can't wait for tomorrow," Ge whispered putting out his cigarette and retiring to bed, or floor for this matter.
Sylver had woken up around three in the morning and went to explore the store, taking inventory of what was left, it calmed her enough to know that there was enough food to last at least quite a while longer, she began thinking about the last two years, relaying everything that had happened, she was struggling to keep up with the lies she had said over the past few hours.

With yet another dismissive sigh, Sylver rewraps the plaid blanket around her petite self and falls asleep within a matter of minutes.
Twister woke up to find a mutant staring him strait in the face, Oh god, oh dear me, it's okay, as long as I stand perfectly still, wait no that's a T-Rex, but he hasn't hurt me yet, He thought to himself, and then it hit him, this mutant must be blind, it was quite obvious now, "Hey, wake up, you've got the gun, and uh I've got a little problem on my hands," He whispered as he shook Sylver, "I can't hurt a thing, remember? I'm a pacifist," He shook her harder and harder to try and wake her.
Sylver grumbles in protest as she wakes, up, when she sees the mutant, almost a look of sadistic excitement shadows her face, she makes a noise, like one to atract a dog, and as soon as the grotesque mutant with sickly blue skin covered in bubbling sises she draws the gun and places it agianst the sickly things forehead as she counts back from ten, each time she says a number, the mutant calms. Once Sylver reaches zero, she pulls the trigger and with a silence-shattering noise, Sylver was grinning with a sadistic delight as its blood splatters against her face and chest.
"Shoot it! Shoot it!" Twister yelled his faced soaked in the filthy beasts blood. "Oh, you got him, thank god," Twister said calming down now from his fit, "We should really get cleaned up though, this blood is toxic, don't lick your lips, or inhale," He told her, grabbing a large jug of water, and pouring it on her, then doing the same to himself, "That should do, how do you feel?"
" Fine." Sylver had already lost her eerie moment and was jumping around the corner of an aisle "I'm taking these clothes off." She says after having cleaned the sickly blue-green blood from her face and inky hair and grabbing her blanket off the ground and carefully examining the soft material for blood stains.
Twister pulled a rag from his pocket and wiped the remaining sludge from him, "I'm going out for a minute!" He yelled to Sylver from the the side of the store, "There's a clothing shop about two stores down, I'll grab you some, be careful, there may be more mutants on their way, but you've got that gun," He said thinking once again as he started out the door, "Oh, yes, since I'm going out, is there anything you need? there's a few stores still in tact that have some salvageable things," He asked, waiting for a reply.
Sylver pokes her head from around a dusty shelving unit, " Yeah, actually, do you think you could grab some pesticide?" Sylver smiles, " The mutants hate the stuff." She disappears back around the shelf and tries making a makeshift shower by tipping a bottle of water sideways on a high shelf and making a sort of flooring out of a large display of shamwows

( I'm a summing showers don't work, or that there is electricity ^^ )
"One step ahead of you," he said pulling some out, "Well I'll be going now, scream if you need anything" He walked out of the store, an old rusty machete in his hand, he didn't like killing, but he would if he had to, honestly, he wasn't a pacifist, but he wasn't aggressive either, though, he did lean more towards the pacifistic side. As he walked into the clothing store, he noticed an odd scent in the air, it didn't smell repulsing, so it couldn't have been a mutant, but it didn't smell pleasant, to him it smelt like beans and egg yolks mixed together in a bottle of aged whiskey, he knew something was amiss, he had walked into this store before and never smelt such a scent. Then, suddenly, he heard a gunshot, and felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, "Sylver, if you can hear me, come he-!" His cry for help was cut short as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and everything went black, as he fell to the ground unconscious.

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