Dust to Dust

Name: Keara

Age: 18

Class: Pyromancer/Archer

Gender: Female

Strengths: Keara has not only skills with fire and aim, but with a simple smile and a twist on words. Her power of persuasion is something she uses to her advantage often, as well as her skills with a bow and with pyromancy. She is highly creative with her use of magic and knows how to control the fire, yet still make it powerful. She is also adept with knives and stealth, knowing many tricks to use an opponents weight against them.

Weaknesses: Although her skills are great, her weaknesses are much to bear. She falls easily into the hands of greed when the opportunity arises, and does not do well against lighter opponents. Also, she has a fear of water, for she does not wish for her flames to be dosed, so, during the snowy months of winter, she avoids going outside as much as possible, and avoids any outdoor battles as much as she can.

Appearance: Keara is rather short, only five three, yet lean and slender, with muscular arms and abs. She has long, fiery red hair that flows to her waist in springs of curls and coal black eyes. Her skin is smooth and flawless, not a scar or blemish in sight, and tanned from bathing in the heat so often.

Personality: Very arrogant and cruel, Keara is not a warm-hearted granny welcoming people with homemade chocolate chip cookies. She threatens people sweetly, sugaring her words, and keeps her promises, good or bad. Clever and not dimwitted, she knows how to twist words and give them an opposite meaning, yet also knows when it is wise to keep her mouth shut.

History: Growing up in a family of healer's, she was an outcast with her abilities to manipulate fire. People feared her and her pyromancy, and none know where she gained the ability, due to the fact that her family's base was white and earth magic. When nine years old, her parents and siblings abandoned her to live alone on the streets. It was a year of pain, a year of hunger, and a year of thirst for Keara as she struggled to survive. Her flame was dying, and as was she, until a magician of dark magic saved her from her misery. Using healing magic never heard of by Keara, he tended to her wounds, physical and mental, and taught her the beauty and art of pyromancy. She learned to admire her gift, instead of cringing away from it. She learned to destroy, and to give life. For, without fire, there would be no life.

After five years of practice with this mage, Keara left to take her own path, living near volcanoes and hot springs, savoring her ability like a rare bit of gold. Occasionally, when coming across another's path or a village, she would do small jobs, earning money here and there, using it to purchase fine foods such as warm bread or rare meats. This life continued for a pleasant year, a year of being a nomad, of traveling to and fro, helping some, hurting others. And, during that year of bliss, she met her love.

They married, her sixteen, him eighteen, found a cottage in the woods, and lived happily for a short while. There were smiles and laughter, nights of drinking and kisses. He worked as a blacksmith. She did her normal small jobs throughout a village nearby. Yet, like all things, happiness must come to an end, whether it be a few months or a few millennium. In this case, they had been married for three months, good on money, good on food. There were no troubles, except for the occasional mispayment. But, rumors began, and word spread through the village of a witch. A witch with gifts of the flame, looking to demolish the world.

These rumors were false, but the villagers did not believe so. They eyed young Keara with suspicion in their eyes, whispering words behind closed doors. Then came the attack. It was swift, fast, and bloody. The cottage was up in flames, Keara and her love running, running fast, feet tripping over roots. Cries echoed behind them and then there was a soft thwack, then a cry of pain. Next to her lay her lover, arrow sticking out of his chest, eyes wide with shock. And then his life faded away as he perished, leaving behind her broken heart.

She felt pain and tears, and only pain and tears. Then she felt anger, then hate. Rage flashed in her eyes as she stood, facing the villagers, burning their flimsy arrows and spears, taking slow, steady steps forward, her face hard and cold as a slab of stone. For a moment, all was silent. Then, with a simple incantation of a spell, everything roared up in flames. Orange, yellow, and red flickered off of Keara's cheeks as she turned on her heel and walked away, ignoring the pained cries of the villagers. Everything burned. For as fire can bring life, it can also destroy.
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Name - Dadrian Decale

Age - 27

Class - Dadrian was raised in a small class of paladins, born believing the dragons of the First age were their gods. This group of people came from the very first slaves of the Dragons, the devoted and kept. So devoted, after the dragons were either extincted or hiding, the people grieved; For the dragons who had gone into hiding didn't take these men and women, in fear of being deceived. As all the children of his people, Dadrian followed blindly with his masters, learning the basics and advanced battle technique of his people. Though narrow-minded and maybe, very stupid, his people were great at strategizing and defeating. He learned to kill with honor. But soon, as his age and knowledge grew, he broke off with these believers moved into a class of nomad rouges. He realized their ignorance through the many books he read of the past, thankful for the authors who didn't give the strict opinion of his people.

Gender - Male

Strengths - Dadrian has a knack for leading and weaponry from his old coven, but also learned many tricks from his nomadic people such as the arts of stealth and 'street smarts'.

Weaknesses - When pushed, his knowledge is replaced by ignorance and anger. It's not very easy to anger him unless insulted.

But there's also one thing not many know. With his knowledge of these Dragons and their powers, he would have nightmares as a child. Nightmares of these dragons, swooping down and confronting Dadrian of his lack of faith. The debate always ended with flames and the death of his people, with him to suffer in reason for his lack of devotion. Dadrian has a fear of blazing fires.

Personality - Despite his backgrounds, Dadrian is a sweet, carefree man. He doesn't hold grudges, but remembers character for the future. Yet, in the flip of a switch, he can grow a thick skin in seconds. As a man of history, he's learned to do so in times of emotional stress and failure. He's too well-rounded to outsiders, but to the ones who know him, know of his stresses and faults, his interests and outlooks. He's "... open, but not too open." as he says.

History - With only a mother to bring him up, and an uncle to toughen his brow, you'd think less of his mental state. Although, it was his decision to leave his family. It was his decision to move on with people not everybody would do. His intellect has shaved his life more than once. Though his new group of people don't find him a leader, his opinion is of highest importance to their leaders. Only recently had he broken off from even them, having differences to separate them. He wished to help survivors of the many wars the group passed by, but the nomads refused under the ideas they might only find trouble. Now he walks alone alone the scar of burned and defeated remains of the lands, hoping to find life.
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION], your character has many flaws. Firstly, you have too many strengths and not enough weaknesses. With the ability to do as many things as your character can do, you would have many weaknesses to burden you. I would strongly recommend that you remove a strength and either add or amplify a weakness, please.

Also; "Light," "Healing," and "Earth" magic do not exist. The only magic that exists in this world is Pyromancy and Necromancy. In addition, Necromancy doesn't heal anyone. As I have explained before, necromancy can only implement and manipulate darkness. Nothing more.

Note that it takes decades to master one of the two magic forms, and no one person can learn both. If necromancy is dark, pyromancy is light. They're neutral opposites. It would take a very long time to master one, much more than five years. And even with a complete mastery of the art form, spontaneously creating a miasma of flame is impossible. A simple presentation of flame can only be presented from the hands and from the body into an area in front of you. The only way to learn how to possess enough power to create a tremendous burst of flame in any quantity in any direction and force requires centuries of mastery along with the powerful gift of the dragon. The only one who can use such power is Kalyon. No one else.

(Please note that you literally combined the power of Kalyon, Yuna, and Garen into one character. Garen alone is infinitely more powerful than anyone, and has the power to destroy large armies. Understand that the point of the game is to have one, maybe two abilities and many more prominent weaknesses. This game is about loss of hope and weakness.)

[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION], I actually really do enjoy your character. His backstory is rather short, but creativer and interesting. It flows really well with the history implemented in the game. If you could, I would like you to add another weakness to your character though. It doesn't have to be too big, but at least something for you to role-play off of. Be it an irrational fear or a scarring memory from one of the five or players. Otherwise, everything looks good.
Thank you very much! I was thinking about a fear, truthfully. I just didn't want to push before you gave the OK for his former clan. I'll work on it right now!

As I fix him up, where shall he start off?
(Hurrmm I assume this will be somewhat better. I think I did a little better with my history. I am used to making a long story short. If there is more I still need to do, let me know and I'll get to it asap.)

Name - Licht Fluer Noire

Age - 28

Class - Doomcryer

Gender - Female

Strengths - Specializes in dark magic. She is able to see and smell in pure darkness.

Weaknesses - Retaining a childish frame, she is not physically strong or sturdy. She is terrified of Anastasia.

Appearance -

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Personality - Licht is whimsical and child-like. She does have some sadistic tendencies.

History -

Licht was the daughter of two hunters. Despite her slender frame, she was pretty fast and so she was able to catch fast game when she offered to help her parents with the hunting when she turned five. Her parents one day passed a man in a black robe walking by. He asked Licht's family for shelter from the bitter cold. All he had was a necklace with a black jewel. Licht's father took the necklace and gave the necklace to Licht as a present, and they let the poor man stay with them. Five years later, a necromancer accompanied by a snake paid them a visit. With no hesitation, the necromancer enveloped the entire house in darkness. Once the darkness, his mother was stabbed five times in the chest, and her father was bitten to death and being swallowed by the necromancer's snake. As for Licht, the necromancer spared he since while he found her hiding under a bed, but the beggar killed the necromancer by using one of the snake's fang. The snake tried to make a meal out of the beggar, but the beggar grabbed Licht's father's sword. He then grabbed the snake, placed it upon his chest, and drove the sword into the snake's head and his heart. For three weeks, Licht remained at the empty home grieving her parents' loss and the loss of the stalwart beggar.

Then one day, a little rabbit hopped into her hands. She began to smile until a figure appeared in front of her that made her skin crawl. It was none other than the dreaded necromancer Anastasia. She began running for dear life, but Anastasia grabbed her hand before she could escape. Anastasia promised Licht upfront that her death was not her goal. She decided to stay with her for a while and teach Licht dark magic in exchange for aiding her plunge the world into darkness. Learning under a madman was no simpler than learning under a sane man. Anastasia would at times try to hunt Licht down, filling Licht with utter dread every day. Anastasia would also torture her both physically and psychologically. Despite Anastasia having her fun with Licht, Licht did not become insane. However, she did develop an unusual craving for blood having tasting her own daily after Anastasia was done playing with her. She now lives as Anastasia's pawn, living simply to send the world into everlasting darkness.
Yeah, yesterday I was outside for 3 hours in 30 degree weather waiting on some guy I didn't even know to perform at this cafe. Needless to say I was not happy lol Anger made me warm though, so I was comfortable for a while. xD
[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION], muuuuch better. I would enjoy it if you had a reoccurring weakness, such as a form of pain or insanity, or something else that would often be in your head. A fear of a common object or concept? Hallucinations? Mood swings? Toy with your character, and try to come up with something. I'm sure that you will find something that would work well. Also, can you come up with a motive or reason why she would want to join the party? I would appreciate it if there was a way that your character could tie in with the group easily.

Also, [MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION], I think that your character would work best if he entered through a certain means. I will pm you with how you will be introduced to the group.


Post in ze thread! The story must continue!

Also, [MENTION=3348]Liztopher[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3672]Ixidor92[/MENTION], I like where your team-up/connection could go. Keep rolling with that.
I think Licht having hallucinations are an interesting weakness, but since I didn't let Licht go insane like Anastasia since I felt it would be going a little too far. Mad people do get REAL powerful if you leave them be long enough. I am open to ideas about the second thing.
[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION], Of course, that is a matter of opinion. Insane individuals are not always "powerful" or "berserk." Look into some history on insanity, and you will easily see how the mind can corrupt and destroy a person's being. This is the point that I'm trying to present. However, if you don't want your character to be insane, that's fine. There are other weaknesses that involve being physically attached to a person (which you have already implemented) and the fear of an object or an event. For example, my character is afraid that someone might see his face. He also wants to feel loved by another. Two traits which do not involve insanity that cripple him dearly.

Think on it, and tell me if you come up with anything.
Yes, though their healing power is not absolute. Though you can ease the pain of a burn or stop the bleeding of an open wound, you cannot physically heal a wound completely. Scarring will happen, and the wound will need time to heal on its own.

Also, you will notice that I decided to close the role-play. A lot of people have joined over the pass few days, so I want to hold down the flow for a bit.

People that are currently in the role-play -





People that will soon have their characters accepted, and/or are currently working on their characters -


@The BetterKuja



If you are not one of these people, you cannot reply to this thread.

If you are not among the first four, you have yet to gain sufficient permission to post in the actual role-play.

If I missed your name or if you wish to join the role-play, please private message me.

Thank you.


Class: Herbalist


Strengths: Keara is an excellent healer, with knowledgeof most herbs and medicines and how they can either destroy orrepair. This also helps her easily survive in the forest, although isis still a struggle. She is also fiercely loyal to thoseshe cares about and will put herself in harm's way in order toprotect them.

Weaknesses: With her skills in healing, herskills in any form of fighting are next to none. Having an injuredleg, she is not swift and light, but rather clumsy and loud. Her armsare flimsy, meant for carrying herbs, not a shield and a sword. Also,she is easily frightened and tends to flee at the sight of battle.The smallest of injuries can bring her down, and she has next to nostamina.

Appearance: Keara is small and thin, with pale skin, green eyes, and ratty brown hair. ((won't let me post a picture -.-))

Personality:A lighthearted and carefree girl, Keara is naive in a way, yet stillunderstands that the world is in shambles. She is loyal to friendsand family, and kind to everyone except her enemies.

History:Keara grew up rather poor in a small village with a large family.Some days there would be food, others thee would be none. Herbrothers and sister found skills in fighting and such, while shestuck to her books and learned about herbs and medicine. Nothing wasperfect, but Keara was satisfied with the life she lived.

Yetwhen her village was raided by some unknown creatures, when she wasfifteen years old, her family was attacked, and, while she ran tohide, one of those creatures grabbed hold of her leg, twisting it andbreaking it, permanently damaging it. If her brother had not of comeup to distract the creature, she would of not survived.

Barelyescaping with her life, Keara fled into the woods, carrying nothingbut a satchel hastily tossed over her shoulder, filled with herbs,and a small dagger hidden at her side, used for hunting, not forfighting. Ever since then, she has struggled to survive, living offof berries and other fruits that she can find, if she is able to findthem.

((sorrythe history sucks >.< I was blank on how to write this.))
[MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION], I'm sorry. I knew I forgot someone!

[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION], awesome character. I think that it would work well if you introduced your character in the forest, so that she meets with Ixidor92 (Fang) and Liztopher (Etheridge). Feel free to read over their current posts, and decide how you will tie into their current story.
[MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] My replays my be slow for the next 48 hours okay. ^.^ Please forgive me. My power went out and my WIFI is not working so Im having to reply when I get the chance.

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